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BNC: 487 COCA: 465


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    sound from mouth口中发出的声音

  1. [countable, uncountable] the sound or sounds produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing嗓音;说话声;歌唱声
    • I could hear voices in the next room.我能听到隔壁说话的声音。
    • He recognized Sarah's voice.他听出了萨拉的声音。
    • in a… voice to speak in a deep/soft/loud voice用低沉/柔和/洪亮的声音说话
    • ‘I promise,’ she said in a small voice (= a quiet, shy voice).“我保证。” 她小声说。
    • in somebody's voice There was a note of concern in his voice.他的声音中带着一丝担忧。
    • He never raised his voice (= spoke loudly in an angry way) to the children.他从未对孩子们大声说话。
    • to lower your voice (= to speak more quietly)放低声音
    • Keep your voice down (= speak quietly).说话轻一些。
    • Don't take that tone of voice with me!别用那种腔调和我说话。
    • The men turned around at the sound of my voice.听到我的声音,那些人转过身来。
    • Her voice shook with emotion.她激动得声音颤抖。
    • ‘There you are,’ said a voice behind me.“你来啦。” 我身后一个声音说道。
    • When did his voice break (= become deep like a man's)?他的嗓音什么时候变粗的?
    • Her voice sounded familiar.她的声音听起来很熟悉。
    • He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak).他患了流感,嗓子哑了。
    • She has a good singing voice.她有一副很好的歌喉。
    • She was in good voice (= singing well) at the concert tonight.她在今晚的音乐会上唱得不错。
    Extra Examples
    • ‘Do you have to speak to me in that tone of voice?’ she asked sadly.她伤心地问:“你非得用那种腔调跟我说话不可吗?”
    • ‘Get out!’ she shouted in a shrill voice.“出去!”她厉声叫道。
    • ‘So he won't come…’ her voice trailed off in disappointment.“那他不会来了⋯”失望中她的声音渐渐低了下去。
    • ‘Who is it?’ a female voice called out.“谁?”一个女人的声音高喊道。
    • He managed to keep his voice steady despite his feelings of panic.尽管心里慌乱,可他仍然能保持声音平稳。
    • He swallowed nervously as he tried to find his voice.他紧张地抽着气,竭力想说话。
    • Her voice echoed through the silent house.她的声音在寂静的房间里回响。
    • Her voice shook with fear.她吓得声音发抖。
    • Her voice was filled with emotion.她的声音富有感情。
    • His deep voice cut through the silence.他低沉的声音打破了静寂。
    • His voice broke when he was 14.他 14 岁时嗓子变声了。
    • His voice broke with emotion.他激动得说话都变调了。
    • His voice rose in angry protest.他怒气冲冲地大声抗议。
    • His voice suddenly thickened with emotion.他突然激动得话都说不清了。
    • I could tell from his slurred voice that he'd been drinking.他说话嘟囔不清,我听得出他喝酒了。
    • Please keep your voice down so as not to wake the children.请小声点儿,别吵醒孩子。
    • Please lower your voice!请小声点儿!
    • She dropped her voice to a whisper.她把声音降低至耳语的程度。
    • She has a beautiful singing voice.她有一副唱歌的好嗓子。
    • She put on a silly voice as she imitated her boss.她故意装出傻里傻气的声音模仿老板说话。
    • She was dimly aware of voices shouting.她隐约听到有人在喊叫。
    • She was in good voice (= singing well) at the concert tonight.她在今晚的音乐会上唱得不错。
    • She's a teacher who never has to raise her voice to discipline the children.她是那种无需提高嗓门就能管束学生的老师。
    • She's lost her voice and won't be able to sing tonight.她嗓子哑了,今晚不能唱歌。
    • The flat, unemotional voice droned on.那个没有起伏、没有感情的声音在不停地唠叨。
    • The home fans were in good voice before the match.比赛开始之前主场的球迷大声喧哗。
    • The main character was crazy, hearing voices in his head.主人公疯了,他听到自己脑子里有好几个声音在说话。
    • There was fury in his voice as he answered her.他回答她时声音里含着怒气。
    • They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar.他们能听到拥挤的酒吧里传出嘈杂的人声。
    • Try to project your voice so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.尽量放开嗓门,让坐在后排的人能听到。
    • to speak in a husky voice用沙哑的声音说话
    Topics Musica2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • beautiful
    • fine
    • good
    verb + voice
    • hear
    • raise
    • drop
    voice + verb
    • go up
    • rise
    • die away
    voice + noun
    • coach
    • teacher
    • lessons
    • in a/​your voice
    • at the top of your voice
    • a babble of voices
    • a hum of voices
    See full entry
  2. -voiced嗓音…

  3. (in adjectives构成形容词) having a voice of the type mentioned有…嗓音的;嗓音…的
    • low-voiced嗓门低的
    • squeaky-voiced嗓音尖细的
  4. opinion看法

  5. [singular] voice (in something) the right to express your opinion and influence decisions发言权;发表意见的权利;影响
    • Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process.雇员在决策的过程中应该有发言权。
    • Refugees have been unable to find a voice in politics.难民一直没能享有政治发言权。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
  6. [countable] a particular attitude, opinion or feeling that is expressed; a feeling or an opinion that you become aware of inside yourself呼声;意见;态度;心声
    • He pledged that his party would listen to the voice of the people.他保证他的政党愿意倾听人民的呼声。
    • Very few dissenting voices were heard on the right of the party.在党的右翼听不到什么不同的政见。
    • the voice of reason/sanity/conscience理性的/理智的/良心的声音
    • ‘Coward!’ a tiny inner voice insisted.“胆小鬼!” 内心一个小声音坚持说。
    Extra Examples
    • An inner voice told him that what he had done was wrong.心里的声音告诉他,他做错了。
    • Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.报纸上鲜有登载不同的意见。
    • Many senior politicians have lent their voices to the campaign.许多资深从政者发言声援这场运动。
    • Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.参议院中强烈要求总统下台的呼声很坚决。
    • a lone voice of dissent反对者孤独的呼声
    • to listen to the voice of conscience聆听良心的声音
    • a writer with a highly distinctive voice一位见解极为独特的作家
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • critical
    • dissenting
    • lone
    verb + voice
    • find
    • add
    • lend
    • voice of
    • make your voice heard
    • speak with one voice
    See full entry
  7. an organization that expresses the opinion of a particular section of society发言权;发表意见的权利;影响
    • The Royal Society is the voice of the British science establishment.皇家学会是英国科学界的声音。
  8. grammar语法

  9. [singular] the active/passive voice the form of a verb that shows whether the subject of a sentence performs the action (the active voice) or is affected by it (the passive voice)主动/被动语态
    • Can you turn this sentence into the passive voice?你能把这句话变成被动语态吗?
    Topics Languageb2
  10. phonetics语音学

  11. [uncountable] sound produced by movement of the vocal cords used in the pronunciation of vowels and some consonants浊音(声带振动发出的元音和某些辅音) see also voiced, voicelessTopics Languagec1
  12. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French vois, from Latin vox, voc-.
at the top of your voice
  1. as loudly as possible高声地;放声地;扯着喉咙地
    • She was screaming at the top of her voice.她在声嘶力竭地尖叫。
    • I was shouting at the top of my voice but she couldn't hear me.我喊的声音已经是最大了,可她还是听不见。
find your voice/tongue
  1. to be able to speak or express your opinion能说出自己的看法;能表达自己的意见Topics Opinion and argumentc2
give voice to something
  1. to express your feelings, worries, etc.表露心声;表白心迹
    • Many workers at the meeting gave voice to their fears about job security.许多工人在会上表达了他们对工作安全的担忧。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
like, etc. the sound of your own voice
  1. (disapproving) to like talking a lot or too much, usually without wanting to listen to other people爱啰嗦;喜欢说个没完
    • She’s much too fond of the sound of her own voice.我在赛跑中得了三等奖。
make your voice heard
  1. to express your feelings, opinions, etc. in a way that makes people notice and consider them(为引起他人注意)发表意见,表达感情
    • The programme gives ordinary viewers a chance to make their voices heard.这个节目给普通观众一个表达自己意见的机会。
    • a society in which individuals are able to make their voices heard一个人人都能够发表意见的社会
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
a/the still small voice
  1. (literary) the voice of God or your conscience, that tells you to do what is morally right上帝的教示;良心的呼唤
with one voice
  1. as a group; with everyone agreeing异口同声;众口一词
    • The various opposition parties speak with one voice on this issue.在这个问题上各反对党派众口一词。
    • The teachers speak with one voice when they demand an end to the cuts.教师一致要求停止削减开支。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they voice
he / she / it voices
past simple voiced
past participle voiced
-ing form voicing
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    give opinion发表意见

  1. voice something to tell people your feelings or opinions about something表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见)
    • to voice complaints/criticisms/doubts/objections, etc.表示不满、批评、怀疑、异议等
    • A number of parents have voiced concern about their children's safety.一些家长对他们子女的安全表示了担心。
    Extra Examples
    • She loudly voiced her admiration.她大声表达了她的钦佩。
    • publicly voicing their criticisms of the government公开表达他们对政府的批评
    Topics Opinion and argumentc1
  2. phonetics语音学

  3. voice something to produce a sound with a movement of your vocal cords as well as your breath发浊音;发嗓音 compare unvoiced, voicelessTopics Languagec1
  4. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French vois, from Latin vox, voc-.
BNC: 487 COCA: 465


1sounds you make when speaking or singing聲音ADJECTIVE | VERB + VOICE | VOICE + VERB | VOICE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbeautiful, fine, good, lovely, pleasant, sweet動聽的嗓音;優美的嗓音;甜美的嗓音She has a beautiful singing voice.她有一副甜美的歌喉。big, booming, loud, ringing, sonorous, stentorian (formal) , strong大嗓門;低沉雄渾的嗓音;響亮的嗓音;清脆的嗓音;渾厚的嗓音;洪亮的嗓音;鏗鏘有力的嗓音
light, little, small, thin, tiny, weak輕聲;細細的說話聲;微弱的說話聲low, soft低聲;柔聲faint, inaudible, quiet微弱的聲音;聽不見的聲音;輕聲audible聽得見的聲音deep, gravelly, gruff, hoarse, husky, rough低沉的說話聲;沙啞的嗓音;嘶啞的嗓音;刺耳的聲音falsetto, high, high-pitched, shrill, squeaky假聲;尖嗓子;尖厲的嗓音clear清晰的嗓音muffled, muted沉悶的/微弱的說話聲harsh, penetrating, scratchy, sharp難聽的嗓音;尖銳刺耳的嗓音nasal鼻音濃重的說話聲cracked, rasping, raspy, slurred粗嘎的嗓音;刺耳的嗓音;含糊不清的嗓音I could tell from his slurred voice that he'd been drinking.他說話嘟囔不清,我聽得出他喝酒了。mellifluous, rich, silky, smooth, velvet, velvety甜美的聲音;渾厚的聲音;輕盈悅耳的聲音;圓潤的嗓音;柔和的嗓音sing-song音調高低起伏的說話聲gentle, soothing溫和的/親切的聲音cheerful, cheery歡快的聲音friendly, warm友好的/溫暖的聲音emotionless, matter-of-fact, unemotional不動感情的聲音flat, monotone平淡的/單調的聲音calm, cool平靜的/冷靜的聲音firm, steady堅決的/堅定的語氣shaky顫抖的聲音urgent急迫的說話聲authoritative, commanding權威的/威嚴的聲音distinctive, unmistakable獨特的/明確無誤的聲音familiar熟悉的聲音raised提高了的嗓門hushed壓低了的嗓門cold, icy冷淡的/冷冰冰的聲音angry, annoyed生氣的/惱火的聲音strained, tired焦慮的/疲憊的聲音plaintive, sad哀怨的/悲傷的聲音serious, stern嚴肅的/嚴厲的聲音funny, silly滑稽的/傻氣的聲音baby稚嫩的聲音annoying惱人的聲音whiny嘀咕聲mocking, sarcastic, teasing嘲弄的/挖苦的/嘲笑的聲音excited激動的聲音concerned, worried關切的/憂慮的聲音distant遠處傳來的聲音disembodied不見其人的說話聲inner內心的聲音An inner voice told him that what he had done was wrong.心裏的聲音告訴他,他做錯了。singing, speaking歌聲;說話聲alto, baritone, bass, contralto, soprano, tenor, treble中音;男中音;男低音;女低音;女高音;男高音;高音female, male女聲;男聲feminine, masculine陰柔的/陽剛的聲音VERB + VOICEhear聽到說話聲I could hear voices in the next room.我能聽到隔壁房間的說話聲。raise提高嗓門She's a teacher who never has to raise her voice to discipline the children.她是那種無需提高嗓門就能管束學生的老師。drop, lower放低聲音;壓低嗓門She dropped her voice to a whisper.她把聲音降低至耳語的程度。Please lower your voice!請小聲點兒!project亮開嗓門Try to project your voice so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.盡量放開嗓門,讓坐在後排的人能聽到。control控制聲音lose失音She's lost her voice and won't be able to sing tonight.她嗓子啞了,今晚不能唱歌。strain喊壞嗓子find恢復說話能力He swallowed nervously as he tried to find his voice.他緊張地抽着氣,竭力想說話。imitate, put on模仿/裝出⋯的聲音She put on a silly voice as she imitated her boss.她故意裝出傻裏傻氣的聲音模仿老闆說話。disguise掩飾⋯的聲音know, recognize瞭解/辨認出⋯的聲音silence使某人沉默VOICE + VERBgo up, rise嗓門提高His voice rose in angry protest.他怒氣沖沖地大聲抗議。die away, drift away, drift off, drop, fade, tail off, trail away, trail off說話聲漸漸消失;聲音降低;聲音漸漸消逝;聲音逐漸減弱直至消失'So he won't come...' her voice trailed off in disappointment.“那他不會來了⋯”失望中她的聲音漸漸低了下去。be filled with sth, be full of sth聲音充滿⋯Her voice was filled with emotion.她的聲音富有感情。be laced with sth, be tinged with sth聲音中帶有⋯/略帶⋯sound angry, excited, sad, etc.聲音聽起來很氣憤/激動/悲傷等deepen, harden, soften, thicken聲音變得深沉/嚴厲/柔和/嘶啞不清His voice suddenly thickened with emotion.他突然激動得話都說不清了。echo聲音回響Her voice echoed through the silent house.她的聲音在寂靜的房間裏回響。whisper低聲耳語'Be quiet!' a voice whispered in his ear.“別出聲!”一個聲音在他耳邊悄悄地說。hiss, purr發噓聲;發呼嚕聲call, call out, cry, cry out高喊;大聲叫喊'Who is it?' a female voice called out.“誰?”一個女人的聲音高喊道。scream, shout, yell尖叫;大喊;叫喊She was dimly aware of voices shouting.她隱約聽到有人在喊叫。bellow, boom, boom out吼叫;聲音低沉有力地說resonate, reverberate, ring聲音迴盪/回響/響徹come from sth聲音來自⋯cut through sth, pierce sth聲音穿透⋯His deep voice cut through the silence.他低沉的聲音打破了靜寂。break, catch, catch in your throat, crack嗓子變聲;聲音哽塞;說不出話來;嗓音變得沙啞His voice broke with emotion.他激動得說話都變調了。His voice broke (= became a man's voice) when he was 14.他 14 歲時嗓子變聲了。ask聲音發問answer, reply聲音回答sing聲音歌唱;發出嗡嗡聲falter, quaver, quiver, shake, tremble, waver聲音結巴;聲音顫抖Her voice shook with fear.她嚇得聲音發抖。drone, drone on聲音嘮嘮叨叨The flat, unemotional voice droned on.那個沒有起伏、沒有感情的聲音在不停地嘮叨。be devoid of sth聲音中缺乏⋯be drowned out by sth聲音被⋯淹沒carry聲音傳到⋯VOICE + NOUNcoach, teacher聲樂教練/教師lessons聲樂課recognition語音識別the computer's voice recognition capability計算機的語音識別能力mail (usually voicemail) , mailbox, message, traffic語音郵件/信箱/信息/流量
synthesizer語音合成器acting (= providing voices for animated film characters) (動畫片的)配音actor (= who provides voices for animated film characters) (動畫片的)配音演員command語音命令box (usually voicebox) PREPOSITIONin a/your voice以⋯聲音'Get out!' she shouted in a shrill voice.“出去!”她厲聲叫道。There was fury in his voice as he answered her.他回答她時聲音裏含着怒氣。PHRASESat the top of your voice以最大的聲音I was shouting at the top of my voice but she couldn't hear me.我喊的聲音已經是最大了,可她還是聽不見。a babble of voices, a hum of voices, a murmur of voices亂哄哄的人聲;嗡嗡聲;低聲細語They could hear a loud babble of voices coming from the crowded bar.他們能聽到擁擠的酒吧裏傳出嘈雜的人聲。in good voice (BrE) 大聲喧譁;唱得很好She was in good voice (= singing well) at the concert tonight.今晚的音樂會上她唱得很好。The home fans were in good voice (= making a loud noise) before the match. (BrE) 比賽開始之前主場的球迷大聲喧譁。keep your voice down壓低嗓音Please keep your voice down so as not to wake the children.請小聲點兒,別吵醒孩子。keep your voice level, keep your voice steady保持聲音平穩He managed to keep his voice steady despite his feelings of panic.儘管心裏慌亂,可他仍然能保持聲音平穩。voices in your head, voices inside your head腦海中的聲音The main character was crazy, hearing voices in his head.主人公瘋了,他聽到自己腦子裏有好幾個聲音在說話。tone of voice腔調'Do you have to speak to me in that tone of voice?' she asked sadly.她傷心地問:“你非得用那種腔調跟我說話不可嗎?”


2expression of ideas/opinions看法;意見ADJECTIVE | VERB + VOICE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcritical, dissenting批評意見;不同的看法Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.報紙上鮮有登載不同的意見。lone孤獨的呼聲a lone voice of dissent反對者孤獨的呼聲powerful強烈的呼聲Powerful voices in the Senate are determined to bring down the president.參議院中強烈要求總統下台的呼聲很堅決。distinctive與眾不同的態度a writer with a highly distinctive voice一位見解極為獨特的作家VERB + VOICEfind能夠表達自己的意見;得到發言權Refugees have been unable to find a voice in politics.難民一直沒能享有政治發言權。add, lend幫腔;發言聲援Many senior politicians have lent their voices to the campaign.許多資深從政者發言聲援這場運動。give表達呼聲The magazine gave voice to hundreds of oppressed factory workers.這家雜誌表達了數百名受壓迫的工廠工人的呼聲。listen to傾聽呼聲PREPOSITIONvoice of⋯的聲音to listen to the voice of conscience聆聽良心的聲音PHRASESmake your voice heard讓人知道自己的意見a society in which individuals are able to make their voices heard一個人人都能夠發表意見的社會speak with one voice意見一致The teachers speak with one voice when they demand an end to the cuts.教師一致要求停止削減開支。
BNC: 487 COCA: 465
voice verb
voice noun
voice (speak in a loud voice) raise your voice shout verb


voice ♦︎ accent ♦︎ tone ♦︎ pronunciation ♦︎ speech ♦︎ intonationThese are all words for the way in which people say words or the sounds produced when they speak. 这些词均表示嗓音、发音、读音、说话声。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to speak in a / an... voice / accent / toneto speak with a / an ... accent / intonationto have (a / an) excellent / good / poor accent / pronunciation / intonation(a) clear voice / pronunciation / speech(a / an) English / foreign accent / pronunciation / intonationa rising / falling tone / intonation voice [countable, uncountable] the sound or sounds produced through the mouth by a person speaking or singing 嗓音;说话声;歌唱声I could hear voices in the next room.我能听见隔壁说话的声音。He recognized Sarah's voice.他听出了萨拉的声音。to speak in a deep / soft / loud / husky voice低沉/轻柔/大声/沙哑地说to raise / lower your voice (= to speak louder / more quietly) 提高/压低嗓门Keep your voice down (= speak quietly).说话轻一些。Her voice shook with emotion.她激动得声音颤抖。'There you are,' said a voice behind me.“你来啦。”我身后有个声音说道。He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak).他患了流感,嗓子都哑了。She has a good singing voice.她有一副很好的歌喉。 accent ˈæksent [countable, uncountable] a way of pronouncing the words of a language that can show which country, area or social class a person comes from 口音;腔调;土音He's got a strong / broad Scottish accent (= one that is very noticeable).他说话带有浓重的苏格兰口音。She puts on a posh accent when she answers the phone.她接电话时装出一副上等人的腔调。His French is excellent, without a trace of accent (= without a trace of a foreign accent).他的法语说得很棒,丝毫没有外国口音。 tone [countable] the quality of sb's voice, especially expressing a particular emotion (尤指表达某种感情的)语气,口气,腔调,口吻His tone was faintly mocking.他的口吻略带一丝嘲弄。She answered him in a brisk, businesslike tone.她以一副公务口吻干脆利落地回答了他的问话。Don't speak to me in that tone of voice (= in that unpleasant or critical way).别用那种语气跟我说话。Don't you take that tone with me.别这样拿腔拿调地跟我说话。 pronunciation [uncountable, countable] the way in which a language or a particular word or sound is pronounced; the way in which a particular person pronounces the words of a language (语言或词语的)发音,读音;(某人的)发音a guide to English pronunciation英语发音指南There is more than one pronunciation of 'garage'.garage的读音不止一种。She doesn't like having her pronunciation corrected.她不喜欢别人纠正她的发音。 speech [uncountable] the way in which a particular person speaks, especially how clearly they speak 说话方式(尤指说话的清晰度)Her speech was slurred-she was clearly drunk.她说话含混不清,显然是喝醉了。Clear speech with crisp consonant sounds is very important.说话清楚、辅音干脆是很重要的。 intonation [uncountable, countable] (phonetics 语音学) the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, especially as this affects the meaning of what is being said 语调She's studying intonation patterns in children's speech.她在研究儿童说话时的语调类型。In English, some questions have a rising intonation.英语中有些疑问句使用升调。
BNC: 487 COCA: 465
Tone or quality of voice: break, cadence, croak...
Musical ability: voice, read, pitch...
Singers: alto, baritone, bass...
A right to know, have or do something: access, entry, entrance...
Opinions and attitudes: opinion, attitude, view...
Speakers and people who give speeches: speaker, lecturer, presenter...
Verb forms and tenses: aspect, auxiliary verb, conjugation...
To give your opinion: express, comment, speak out...
To show or express emotions: show, display, manifest...

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