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IELTS BNC: 2084 COCA: 1705


(comparative angrier, superlative angriest)
You can also use more angry and most angry.
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  1. having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about an unfair situation發怒的;憤怒的;生氣的
    • Her behaviour really made me angry.她的行爲確實令我惱火。
    • I started to get really angry and upset. 我開始變得非常生氣和不安。
    • The players were attacked by an angry mob.玩家遭到一群憤怒的暴徒的攻擊。
    • The comments provoked an angry response from union leaders.這些評論激起了工會領導人的憤怒。
    • Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.廣場上聚滿了成千上萬的憤怒示威者。
    • angry with/at somebody Please don't be angry with me. It wasn't my fault.請别沖着我發脾氣,不是我的錯。
    • angry with/at somebody about/for something I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.我很生自己的氣,竟犯了這樣愚蠢的錯誤。
    • She felt angry with herself. 她對自己感到憤怒。
    • angry at/about/over something I was so angry at the way I had been treated.我對自己受到的待遇非常生氣。
    • The passengers grew angry about the delay.延誤使乘客氣憤起來。
    • He felt angry at the injustice of the situation.他對這種不公的現象感到憤憤不平。
    • The people are very angry over the decision. 人們對這個決定非常生氣。
    Synonyms angryangry
    • mad
    • indignant
    • cross
    • irate
    These words all describe people feeling and/​or showing anger.
    • angry feeling or showing anger:
      • Please don’t be angry with me.請别生我的氣。
      • Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.廣場上聚滿了成千上萬的憤怒示威者。
    • mad [not before noun] (informal, especially North American English) angry:
      • He got mad and walked out.他大動肝火,憤然離去。
      • She’s mad at me for being late.我遲到了,她非常生氣。
      Mad is the usual word for ‘angry’ in informal American English. In British English, the phrase ‘go mad’ means ‘become very angry’: Dad’ll go mad when he sees what you’ve done. ‘Go mad’ can also mean ‘go crazy’ or ‘get very excited’.
    • indignant feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you or somebody else has been treated unfairly:
      • She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.她對自己受到的待遇大爲光火。
    • cross (especially British English, rather informal) rather angry or annoyed:
      • I was quite cross with him for being late.我因他遲到而十分生氣。
      This word is often used by or to children.
    • irate very angry:
      • irate customers憤怒的顧客
      • an irate letter言辭激憤的信
      Irate is not usually followed by a preposition: She was irate with me/​about it.
    • angry/​mad/​indignant/​cross about/​at something
    • angry/​cross with somebody (for doing something)
    • angry/​mad/​indignant/​cross that
    • to get angry/​mad/​cross
    • to make somebody angry/​mad/​cross
    Extra Examples
    • That man makes me angry every time I see him.一看到那個男人就讓我生氣。
    • She couldn't stay angry with him for long.她沒辦法長時間生他的氣。
    • The members of the group are frustrated and angry at their lack of power.該團體的成員爲自己沒什麽權力而感到沮喪和憤怒。
    • She had every right to be angry about the damage to the house.房子遭受損壞,她完全有權利生氣。
    • Local people are very angry about the plans to close another hospital.當地群衆對又關閉一家醫院的計劃感到很憤怒。
    • They are understandably angry that some workers will be fired.有些工人將被解僱,他們對此事的氣憤是可以理解的。
    Topics Feelingsa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • appear
    • be
    • feel
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • about
    • at
    • with
    • have every reason to be angry
    • have every right to be angry
    • have a right to be angry
    See full entry
  2. (of a wound傷口) red and painful, usually because of an infection紅腫的;感染的;發炎的
  3. (literary) (of the sea or the sky海或天空) dark and stormy狂風暴雨的;波濤洶湧的;天昏地暗的
    • the angry sea with its terrible waves憤怒的大海及其可怕的波浪
IELTS BNC: 2084 COCA: 1705


VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSappear, be, feel, look, seem, sound顯得憤怒;生氣;感到生氣;看上去生氣;好像生氣;聽起來生氣become, get, grow, turn (especially NAmE) 生氣起來;發起火來remain, stay一直生氣She couldn't stay angry with him for long.她沒辦法長時間生他的氣。get sb, make sb讓某人生氣;使某人生氣That man makes me angry every time I see him.一看到那個男人就讓我生氣。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常生氣bitterly, furiously, incredibly, terribly極為惱火;暴怒;非常生氣a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/略有些生氣increasingly越來越生氣suddenly突然發火clearly, visibly顯然很生氣;看得出很生氣understandably可理解地生氣They are understandably angry that some workers will be fired.有些工人將被解僱,他們對此事的氣憤是可以理解的。PREPOSITIONabout因⋯而生氣Local people are very angry about the plans to close another hospital.當地群眾對又關閉一家醫院的計劃感到很憤怒。at因⋯而憤怒The members of the group are frustrated and angry at their lack of power.該團體的成員為自己沒什麼權力而感到沮喪和憤怒。with生⋯的氣I got terribly angry with him.我對他非常惱火。PHRASEShave every reason to be angry, have every right to be angry, have a right to be angry完全有理由生氣;完全有權利生氣;有權利生氣She had every right to be angry about the damage to the house.房子遭受損壞,她完全有權利生氣。have no reason to be angry, have no right to be angry沒有理由/沒有權利生氣
IELTS BNC: 2084 COCA: 1705
angry adj.
angry (I was angry about the delay.) get angry lose your temper idiom


 See also the entries for annoyed and furious 另見annoyed條和furious條angry ♦︎ mad ♦︎ indignant ♦︎ cross ♦︎ irate ♦︎ (taboo) pissed offThese words all describe people feeling and/or showing anger. 這些詞均表示生氣的、發怒的。SYNONYM SCALE 詞義標尺 下圖顯示這些詞所表達生氣的程度
pissed off
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配angry / mad / indignant / cross / pissed off about / at sthangry / indignant over sthangry / cross / pissed off with sb for sthto be angry / mad / indignant / cross / pissed off that...to get angry / mad / cross / pissed offto make sb angry / mad / cross angry feeling or showing anger 生氣的;發怒的Please don't be angry with me.請不要生我的氣。I was very angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake.我很氣自己竟然犯了這樣愚蠢的錯誤。Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.廣場上聚滿了數千名憤怒的示威者。an angry voice / letter / response憤怒的聲音;言辭憤怒的信;憤怒的回應 angrily


Some senators reacted angrily to the President's remarks.一些參議員對總統的言論感到憤怒,反應強烈。He swore angrily.他破口大罵。
mad [not before noun] (especially NAmE, informal) angry 生氣;憤怒He got mad and walked out.他大動肝火,憤然離去。She's mad at me for being late.我遲到了,她很生氣。That noise is driving me mad.那噪音真讓我受不了。 Mad is the usual word for 'angry' in informal American English. When used in British English, especially in the phrase go mad, it can mean 'very angry'. 在非正式美式英語中,mad是表示憤怒或生氣(angry)的常用詞。在英式英語中,尤其在短語go mad中,mad表示非常生氣Dad'll go mad when he sees what you've done.老爸要是知道了你幹的好事,一定得氣瘋了。'Go mad' can also mean 'go crazy' or 'get very excited'. * go mad也指發瘋或亢奮。 see also mad mad , maddening annoying indignant ɪnˈdɪgnənt feeling or showing anger and surprise because you think that you or sb else has been treated unfairly (因不公正對待)憤怒的,憤慨的an indignant look / letter憤懑的神情;憤激的信She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.她對自己受到的待遇大爲光火。 indignantly


'I'm certainly not asking him!' she retorted indignantly.“我當然不是在問他!”她憤然反駁說。
cross (especially BrE, rather informal) quite angry or annoyed 十分生氣的;惱怒的If you don't do as you're told I shall get very cross.如果你不按照我說的去做,我會很生氣。Cross is often used by or to children. * cross常爲兒童用語或與小孩交談時使用。 crossly


'Well what did you expect?' she said crossly.“那你想怎麽着?”她生氣地說。
NOTE 辨析 Angry or cross?A cross man is always cross because it is part of his character. An angry man may be always angry or may just be angry on a particular occasion. * cross作定語修飾人時,指此人性格易怒。angry作定語修飾人時,可指此人經常生氣,也可指在某時生氣。
irate aɪˈreɪt very angry 極其憤怒的;暴怒的irate customers / callers憤怒的顧客/打電話的人an irate letter / phone call言辭激憤的信;怒氣沖沖的電話 Irate is not usually followed by a preposition. * irate通常不後接介詞 She was irate with me/about it. ˌpissed ˈoff (NAmE also pissed) (taboo, slang) angry, bored or unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long (尤指對一長時間持續的狀況)生氣的,厭煩的I'm pissed off with the way they've treated me.我討厭他們那樣對待我。a very pissed off taxi driver怒氣沖沖的出租車司機
IELTS BNC: 2084 COCA: 1705
Feeling angry or annoyed: angry, annoyed, upset...
Physically painful and describing pain: achy, acute, agonising...

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