- (plural sties)(also pigsty, North American English also pigpen)
a small building or area where pigs are kept Topics Farmingc2猪圈: 饲养猪的小型建筑物或区域 - (plural sties)(also pigsty, North American English also pigpen)[singular] (informal)
a very dirty or untidy place 肮脏的地方;猪窝般邋遢的地方 - (also stye)(plural sties, styes)
an infection of the eyelid (= the skin above or below the eye) which makes it red and painful 麦粒肿;睑腺炎
Word Originsense 1 Old English stī- (in stīfearh ‘sty pig’), probably identical with stig ‘hall’ (see steward), of Germanic origin.sense 2 early 17th cent.: from dialect styany, from styan (from Old English stīgend ‘riser’) + eye.