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IELTS BNC: 765 COCA: 615


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  1. [uncountable] the strength, effort and enthusiasm required for physical or mental activity, work, etc.精力;活力;干劲
    • It's a waste of time and energy.那是浪费时间和精力。
    • She's always full of energy.她总是充满活力。
    • I don't seem to have any energy these days.这些日子我总觉得无精打采。
    • nervous energy (= energy produced by feeling nervous)精神紧张而产生的精力
    • For five years, she devoted considerable energy to photography.五年来,她把相当大的精力投入到摄影上。
    • He expends great energy trying to help them.他花费巨大的精力试图帮助他们。
    Extra Examples
    • Football gives them an outlet for their energy.踢足球能让他们释放精力。
    • He never seems to lack energy.他看起来总是精力旺盛。
    • I admire her boundless energy.我佩服她那无穷的干劲。
    • I don't have the time or energy to argue with you.我没有时间,也没有精力跟你争吵。
    • It was late and my energy was beginning to flag.很晚了,我开始精力不济。
    • It's a waste of energy cutting this grass—nobody's going to see it.割这些草纯粹是浪费精力 - 根本没有人会注意。
    • My energy levels are still low.我依然精力不足。
    • Prisoners are encouraged to channel their energy into exercise.鼓励囚犯把精力转到锻炼中去。
    • She always works with energy and enthusiasm.她工作起来一直充满精力和热情。
    • She eventually summoned up the energy to cook dinner.她终于打起精神去做饭了。
    • Sugar provides an energy boost.糖分能够提高精力。
    • The children are always full of energy.孩子们总是精力充沛。
    • The hills sapped his energy and he got off his bike for frequent rests.骑车上山消耗体力,他不时下车休息一下。
    • The kids were running around crazily, working off their surplus energy.孩子们到处疯跑消耗过剩的精力。
    • The volunteers' energy was dissipated by the enormous amounts of paperwork involved in the project.志愿者的精力耗在了与项目相关的大量文书工作上了。
    • There is a lack of creative energy in the industry.这个行业缺乏创造力。
    • We don't want to waste our energy trying to persuade people who are just not interested.我们不想浪费精力去试图说服根本毫无兴趣的人。
    • We must invest our time and energy in the development of our craft.要提高我们的技艺,必须投入时间和精力。
    • We're trying to deal with young offenders by channelling their energy into sport rather than crime.我们正设法引导少年犯把精力用到体育运动而不是犯罪活动中去。
    • With a sudden burst of energy, he ran to the top of the hill.他突然涌起一股劲,冲上山顶。
    • You can judge how healthy you are by the amount of energy you have.可以通过精力的充沛程度来判断健康状况。
    • You could feel the energy coming back to you from the audience.你可以感受到活力从观众回到自己身上来。
    • She brings passion and energy to the part.她给这个角色带来了激情和能量。
    • Lang has an inner glow that radiates positive energy.郎有一种散发正能量的内在光芒。
    • She releases pent up energy on the dance floor.她在舞池里释放被压抑的能量。
    Topics Health and Fitnessa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • boundless
    • endless
    • inexhaustible
    … of energy
    • amount
    • level
    • great deal
    verb + energy
    • be bursting with
    • be full of
    • have
    energy + verb
    • flag
    • dissipate
    • drain away
    energy + noun
    • level
    • reserves
    • bar
    • energy and enthusiasm
    • an outlet for your energy
    • time or energy
    See full entry
  2. energies
    [plural] the physical and mental effort that you use to do something精力;力量
    • She put all her energies into her work.她把全部精力都投入到工作中去了。
    • He focused his energies on preparing the lectures.他集中精力准备讲座。
    • Provide a means of channelling your child's creative energies.找个方法来引导您的孩子发挥创造力。
    • I will put all my energies into improving the situation.我会拿出所有的精力来改善状况。
  3. [uncountable] a source of power, such as fuel, used for driving machines, providing heat, etc.能源
    • solar/wind/renewable energy太阳能/风能/可再生能源
    • to save/conserve energy节约能源
    • to generate/produce energy产生能量
    • The £500 million programme is centred around energy efficiency and renewable power sources.这个5亿英镑的项目围绕能源效率和可再生能源展开。
    • the country's total energy consumption该国的总能耗
    • an energy crisis (= for example when fuel is not freely available)能源危机
    • energy conservation能源的节约
    see also alternative energy, atomic energy, nuclear energy
    Collocations The environmentThe environment环境Environmental damage环境破坏
    • cause/​contribute to climate change/​global warming引起气候变化/全球变暖
    • produce pollution/​CO2/greenhouse (gas) emissions产生污染/二氧化碳/温室气体排放
    • damage/​destroy the environment/​a marine ecosystem/​the ozone layer/​coral reefs破坏环境/海洋生态系统/臭氧层/珊瑚礁
    • degrade ecosystems/​habitats/​the environment使生态系统/栖息地/环境退化
    • harm the environment/​wildlife/​marine life危害环境/野生动物/海洋生物
    • threaten natural habitats/​coastal ecosystems/​a species with extinction构成对自然栖息地/沿海生态系统/物种灭绝的威胁
    • deplete natural resources/​the ozone layer大量损耗自然资源/臭氧层
    • pollute rivers and lakes/​waterways/​the air/​the atmosphere/​the environment/​oceans污染河流湖泊/航道/空气/大气层/环境/海洋
    • contaminate groundwater/​the soil/​food/​crops污染地下水/土壤/食物/庄稼
    • log forests/​rainforests/​trees采伐森林/热带雨林/树木
    Protecting the environment保护环境
    • address/​combat/​tackle the threat/​effects/​impact of climate change设法解决/防止/应对气候变化带来的威胁/影响/冲击
    • fight/​take action on/​reduce/​stop global warming对抗/采取行动应对/减缓/阻止全球变暖
    • limit/​curb/​control air/​water/​atmospheric/​environmental pollution控制空气/水/大气/环境污染
    • cut/​reduce pollution/​greenhouse gas emissions减少污染/温室气体排放
    • offset carbon/​CO2 emissions抵消碳/二氧化碳的排放
    • reduce (the size of) your carbon footprint减少碳足迹(量)
    • achieve/​promote sustainable development实现/促进可持续发展
    • preserve/​conserve biodiversity/​natural resources保持生物多样性;保护自然资源
    • protect endangered species/​a coastal ecosystem保护濒危物种/沿海生态系统
    • prevent/​stop soil erosion/​overfishing/​massive deforestation/​damage to ecosystems防止/阻止水土流失/过度捕捞/大面积森林砍伐/对生态系统的破坏
    • raise awareness of environmental issues增强环境意识
    • save the planet/​the rainforests/​an endangered species拯救地球/热带雨林/濒危物种
    Energy and resources能源和资源
    • conserve/​save/​consume/​waste energy保护/节约/消耗/浪费能源
    • manage/​exploit/​be rich in natural resources管理/开发/有丰富的自然资源
    • dump/​dispose of hazardous/​toxic/​nuclear waste倾倒/处理有害/有毒/核废料
    • dispose of/​throw away litter/(especially British English) rubbish/(especially North American English) garbage/(North American English) trash/​sewage处理/扔掉垃圾/废物;排放污水
    • use/​be made from recycled/​recyclable/​biodegradable material使用回收/可回收/可生物降解材料;由回收/可回收/可生物降解材料制成
    • recycle bottles/​packaging/​paper/​plastic/​waste回收瓶子/包装材料/纸/塑料/废品
    • promote/​encourage recycling/​sustainable development/​the use of renewable energy促进/鼓励回收利用/可持续发展/使用可再生能源
    • develop/​invest in/​promote renewable energy研发/投资/推动可再生能源
    • reduce your dependence/​reliance on fossil fuels减少对化石燃料的依赖
    • get/​obtain/​generate/​produce electricity from wind, solar and wave power/​renewable sources利用风、太阳能、潮汐/可再生能源发电
    • build/​develop a (50-megawatt/​offshore) wind farm修建一座(50 兆瓦/海上)风力发电站
    • install/​be fitted with/​be powered by solar panels安装太阳能板;由太阳能板提供动力
    Extra Examples
    • the use of photovoltaic panels to generate energy使用光电板产生能量
    • total energy requirements for the coming year来年的能源总需求
    • the change from fossil fuels to renewable energy由矿物燃料到可再生能源的转变
    • state control of the energy industries国家对能源工业的控制
    • equipment that offers long-term energy savings能持久节能的设备
    • energy-saving features that can reduce energy bills by 50%可使能源成本下降50% 的节能措施
    • attempts to harness solar energy尝试利用太阳能
    • a government-sponsored renewable energy project政府资助的可再生能源项目
    • The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation's energy supplies.这家核电站生产的能量占全国能源供应总量的两成。
    • The new power station produces vast amounts of energy.新电站发电量巨大。
    • The demand for energy and fuel is expected to increase dramatically.能源和燃料的需求预计将会急速增长。
    • The country could face an energy crisis if demand continues to rise.如果能源需求继续增加,这个国家可能会面临能源危机。
    • The cost of solar power needs to fall before it makes an impact on the energy market.太阳能要降低成本才能对现有的能源市场有所影响。
    • No battery could store enough energy to turn over a car's engine.任何电池都无法贮存足以启动汽车引擎的能量。
    • Reusing existing buildings is less wasteful in terms of energy and resources than new construction.就能源和资源而言,再利用现有建筑比新建建筑更少浪费。
    • low water and energy usage低用水和能源消耗
    • green methods of harnessing free, clean energy利用免费清洁能源的绿色方法
    • low energy light bulbs低能灯泡
    • Locally produced food would reduce energy costs.本地生产的食品将降低能源成本。
    Topics The environmenta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • alternative
    • clean
    • green
    … of energy
    • amount
    verb + energy
    • generate
    • produce
    • harness
    energy + noun
    • production
    • consumption
    • use
    • a demand for energy
    • a form of energy
    • a source of energy
    See full entry
  4. [uncountable] (physics物理) the ability of matter or radiation to work because of its mass, movement, electric charge, etc.能;能量
    • potential/kinetic/electrical energy势能/动能/电能
    see also potential energyTopics Physics and chemistryc1
  5. Word Originmid 16th cent. (denoting force or vigour of expression): from French énergie, or via late Latin from Greek energeia, from en- ‘in, within’ + ergon ‘work’.
a ball of energy/fire
  1. (informal) a person who is full of energy and enthusiasm充满活力和热情的人;生龙活虎的人;朝气蓬勃的人
IELTS BNC: 765 COCA: 615


1ability to be active/work hard活力;精力ADJECTIVE | ... OF ENERGY | VERB + ENERGY | ENERGY + VERB | ENERGY + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEboundless, endless, inexhaustible, limitless, unflagging, unlimited無窮的精力;經久不衰的能量I admire her boundless energy.她那使不完的精力令我羨慕。pure, raw, sheer純正的/原始/純粹的能量excess, surplus多餘的/過剩的精力nervous, restless精神緊張/焦躁不安而產生的精力manic狂熱的活力youthful青春活力creative創造力There is a lack of creative energy in the industry.這個行業缺乏創造力。emotional, mental, physical, sexual情感活力;心理活力;體能;性能力pent-up被壓抑的能量negative, positive負能量;正能量... OF ENERGYamount, level精力的多少;精力的充沛程度You can judge how healthy you are by the amount of energy you have.可以通過精力的充沛程度來判斷健康狀況。great deal大量的精力Bringing up twins requires a great deal of energy.養育雙胞胎要花大量的精力。burst精力的一陣爆發With a sudden burst of energy, he ran to the top of the hill.他突然湧起一股勁,衝上山頂。VERB + ENERGYbe bursting with, be full of, have充滿活力;有活力The children are always full of energy.孩子們總是精力充沛。I don't seem to have any energy these days.這些日子我總覺得無精打采。exude, radiate散發/輻射能量feel感受到活力You could feel the energy coming back to you from the audience.你可以感受到活力從觀眾回到自己身上來。lack缺乏活力He never seems to lack energy.他看起來總是精力旺盛。put投入精力She put all her energy into her work.她把所有的精力都投入到工作中。I will put all my energies into improving the situation. (especially BrE) 我會拿出所有的精力來改善狀況。expend (formal) , spend, use花費精力
channel, concentrate, devote, direct, focus, turn傾注能量;集中能量;把精力投入到⋯;轉移精力Prisoners are encouraged to channel their energy into exercise.鼓勵囚犯把精力轉到鍛煉中去。add, bring, give增加能量;帶來活力;提供能量boost提升能量conserve, save保存精力;積蓄精力work off消耗精力The kids were running around, working off their surplus energy.孩子們到處亂跑,消耗着過剩的精力。waste浪費精力We don't want to waste our energy trying to persuade people who are just not interested.我們不想浪費精力去試圖說服根本毫無興趣的人。drain, sap消耗精力The hills sapped his energy and he got off his bike for frequent rests.騎車上山消耗體力,他不時下車休息一下。muster, muster up, summon, summon up提起勁頭;聚集力量;振作精神She eventually summoned up the energy to cook dinner.她終於打起精神去做飯了。invest付出精力We must invest our time and energy in the development of our craft.要提高我們的技藝,必須投入時間和精力。ENERGY + VERBflag精力消退It was late and my energy was beginning to flag.很晚了,我開始精力不濟。dissipate, drain away能量消散;精力耗盡ENERGY + NOUNlevel, reserves能量水平/儲備My energy levels are still low.我依然精力不足。bar, drink能量棒;能量飲料boost能量提升Sugar provides an energy boost.糖分能夠提高精力。PHRASESenergy and enthusiasm精力和熱情She always works with energy and enthusiasm.她工作起來一直充滿精力和熱情。an outlet for your energy精力釋放的途徑Football gives them an outlet for their energy.踢足球能讓他們釋放精力。time or energy時間或精力I don't have the time or energy to argue with you.我沒有時間,也沒有精力跟你爭吵。a waste of energy浪費精力It's a waste of energy cutting this grass-nobody's going to see it.割這些草純粹是浪費精力 - 根本沒有人會注意。


2source of power能源ADJECTIVE | ... OF ENERGY | VERB + ENERGY | ENERGY + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEalternative, clean, green, renewable可替代/清潔/綠色/可再生能源the change from fossil fuels to renewable energy由礦物燃料到可再生能源的轉變atomic, nuclear, solar, wave, wind原子能;核能;太陽能;波浪能;風能cheap廉價能源... OF ENERGYamount能量的多少The new power station produces vast amounts of energy.新電站發電量巨大。VERB + ENERGYgenerate, produce產生/生產能量harness利用能量attempts to harness solar energy嘗試利用太陽能release釋放能量provide, supply供應能量consume, use消耗能量;使用能量store貯存能量No battery could store enough energy to turn over a car's engine.任何電池都無法貯存足以啟動汽車引擎的能量。conserve, save節能waste浪費能量need, require需要能量ENERGY + NOUNproduction能量生產consumption, use能量消耗;能量使用demand, needs, requirements能源需求total energy requirements for the coming year來年的能源總需求supply能源供給The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation's energy supplies.這家核電站生產的能量佔全國能源供應總量的兩成。resources, sources能源reserves, stores能源貯備/貯存conservation能源保護savings節能equipment that offers long-term energy savings能持久節能的設備efficiency能效bill, costs, prices能源開支/成本/價格crisis, problem, shortage能源危機/問題/短缺The country could face an energy crisis if demand continues to rise.如果能源需求繼續增加,這個國家可能會面臨能源危機。company, industry, sector能源公司/工業/部門state control of the energy industries國家對能源工業的控制market能源市場The cost of solar power needs to fall before it makes an impact on the energy market.太陽能要降低成本才能對現有的能源市場有所影響。plan, policy, programme/program, project, strategy能源規劃/政策/計劃/項目/策略a government-sponsored renewable energy project政府資助的可再生能源項目management能源管理independence (especially NAmE) 能源獨立PHRASESa demand for energy能源需求The demand for energy is expected to increase dramatically.能源需求預計會急速增長。a form of energy能源形式a source of energy能源
IELTS BNC: 765 COCA: 615
energy noun
energy1 (nuclear/solar energy) energy2 (full of energy) effort (your creative energies)


nuclear/solar energy 核能;太阳能She's always full of energy. 她总是充满活力。energy ♦︎ powerThese are both words for the fuel, strength of the sun or wind, etc. that is used to drive machines, make electricity, provide heat, etc. 这两个词均表示能源。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配electrical / nuclear / atomic / solar / wind / tidal energy / powerto generate / produce / provide / supply / use / harness energy / poweran energy / a power supplya source of energy / power energy [uncountable] a source of power such as fuel, used for driving machines, providing heat, etc. 能源the change from fossil fuel to renewable energy从化石燃料到可再生能源的转变The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation's energy.核电厂为该国提供五分之一的能源。It is important to conserve energy.节能十分重要。Energy-saving features can reduce energy bills by 50%.这些节能特性能降低能耗支出50%。The country could face an energy crisis (= when fuel is not freely available) if demand continues to rise.如果需求持续上升,这个国家可能会面临能源危机。In physics energy is the ability of matter or radiation to work because of its mass, movement, electric charge, etc. 物理学中,energy指物质或辐射因其质量、运动或所带电荷而具有的做功的能力kinetic / potential energy动能;势能 power [uncountable] energy that can be collected and used to operate a machine, to make electricity, etc.; the public supply of electricity 能量;动力;电力供应Wind power was used to drive the machinery.用了风能来驱动机器。This wheel provides the power to the cutting machine.这个轮子为剪切机提供动力。To go higher the pilot increases the engine power.为了能飞得更高,飞行员加大了发动机的动力。They've switched off the power.他们关掉了电源。There seems to have been a power failure.好像停电了。NOTE 辨析 Energy or power? Energy is the source of power: the fuel, the light and heat from the sun or a nuclear reaction, the strength of the wind, water or waves. Power is energy that has been collected and used to produce electricity, operate machinery, etc. In practice you can often use either word. * energy指能源,诸如燃油、太阳或核变产生的光和热,以及风、水或潮汐的能量。power指蓄集起来用于发电、驱动机器等的能量。实际上,两个词常可通用electrical / nuclear / atomic / solar / wind / tidal energy / power电能;核能;原子能;太阳能;风能;潮汐能to generate / produce / provide / supply / use / harness energy / power发电;产生能量;提供能量;供电;使用能量;利用能量However, although you can say generate/produce energy, energy is often seen as sth that cannot be created (and in a scientific sense this is true): you can store, conserve or save energy, or you can waste it. Power is less frequently seen in this way: you generate/produce power and then use it to drive sth, but it is less usual to talk about storing or saving it. The energy supply is all the energy that has not yet been used up; the power supply is the continuous flow of power to where it is being used. 不过,尽管“发电”可以说成generate/produce energy,energy常被认为是不能人为制造产生的,而且从科学意义上讲确实如此。与energy搭配的动词有store、conserve、save和waste。power较少这样用,常与之搭配的动词有generate和produce。use power to drive sth指使用能量驱动某物。power通常不与表示贮存或节约意义的词连用。energy supply指至今还没有耗尽的所有能源,power supply指能量的持续供应The world's energy supply is heading for crisis.世界正濒临能源供给危机。The world's power supply is heading for crisis. interruptions in the power supply电力供应的中断interruptions in the energy supply energy2


nuclear/solar energy 核能;太阳能She's always full of energy. 她总是充满活力。energy ♦︎ life ♦︎ vigour ♦︎ vitality ♦︎ fire ♦︎ dynamism ♦︎ spark ♦︎ gusto ♦︎ zestThese are all words for the ability or quality of putting effort and enthusiasm into sth. 这些词均表示精力、活力、干劲。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to do sth with energy / vigour / vitality / dynamism / gusto / zestgreat energy / vigour / vitality / gusto / zesttremendous energy / vigour / vitality / dynamism / gustonew energy / life / vigour / vitality / zestsb's old energy / fire / sparkrenewed / youthful energy / vigour / vitality / zestto have energy / vigour / vitality / dynamism / spark / zestto lack energy / vigour / vitality / dynamism / sparkto lose energy / vigour / vitality / fire / spark / zestto add energy / life / zest (to sth)to be full of energy / life / vigour / vitality / fire / dynamism / zest energy [uncountable](in a person) the ability to put effort and enthusiasm into sth you do (人的)精力,活力,干劲I admire her boundless energy.我佩服她那无穷的干劲。It's a waste of time and energy.那是浪费时间和精力。Bringing up twins requires a great deal of energy.把双胞胎带大需要很多的精力。 see also strength force noun life [uncountable](in a person, place or situation) the quality of being active, lively and exciting (人、地方或场合的)活力,生命力,生气We need to inject some new life into this project.我们得给这个项目注入些新的活力。The city only comes to life at night.这个城市要到夜晚才充满生机。 see also lively lively vigour (BrE) (NAmE vigor) ˈvɪgə(r) [uncountable](in a person) energy, force and determination (人的)精力,力量,热情He worked with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.他将重燃起来的活力和热情投入到工作中。She attacked both political parties with equal vigour.她对两个政党攻击得同样激烈。 vitality vaɪˈtæləti [uncountable](in a person, place or work of art) energy and enthusiasm (人、地方或艺术品的)生命力,活力,热情She is bursting with vitality and new ideas.她朝气蓬勃,满脑子新点子。The music has a wonderful freshness and vitality.这首乐曲给人以绝妙的新鲜感和活力。The project will provide jobs and help to restore economic vitality to the region.这个计划将提供就业机会,促进该地区恢复经济活力。 fire [uncountable](in a person) very strong emotion, especially anger or enthusiasm that drives you to do sth (人的)激情,愤怒,热情The fire seemed to die in him when his wife died.妻子去世后,他的热情似乎熄灭了。Something of the old fire had returned to their rivalry.他们的竞争又重新激起了旧恨。 dynamism ˈdaɪnəmɪzəm [uncountable](in a person, project or idea) energy and enthusiasm to make new things happen or to make things succeed (人、项目或想法的)精力,活力,劲头The freshness and dynamism of her approach was welcomed by all her students.她的方法新颖活泼,受到学生的一致欢迎。The campaign lacked dynamism.这场运动缺乏活力。 spark [uncountable, singular](in a person) a special quality of energy, intelligence or enthusiasm that makes sb very imaginative or amusing (人的)生气,才华,热情As a writer he seemed to lack creative spark.作为作家,他似乎缺少创作激情。She had a certain spark-that something extra that made her a star.她有才华和热情,这些别人不具备的特质使她成了明星。 gusto ˈgʌstəʊ; NAmE ˈgʌstoʊ [uncountable](in a person) enthusiasm and energy in doing sth, especially sth you enjoy (人的)热情,兴致,精力They sang with gusto.他们兴致勃勃地唱歌。She attacked the huge slice of chocolate cake with great gusto.她兴奋难抑,迫不及待地扑向那一大块巧克力蛋糕大吃起来。 zest [uncountable, singular](in a person) enjoyment and enthusiasm (人的)热情,狂热Last month's victory has given him renewed zest for the game.上个月的那场胜利让他重燃起对这项运动的狂热。He had a great zest for life.他对生活有着极大的热情。
IELTS BNC: 765 COCA: 615
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