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BNC: 917 COCA: 676


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they fight
he / she / it fights
past simple fought
past participle fought
-ing form fighting
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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    in war/battle战争;战斗

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to take part in a war or battle against an enemy打仗;战斗;作战
    • soldiers trained to fight受过作战训练的士兵
    • He fought in Vietnam.他在越南打过仗。
    • fight against somebody My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.我的祖父曾经在西班牙与法西斯分子作战。
    • fight somebody/something to fight a war/battle打仗;作战
    • They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army.他们召集士兵对抗入侵的军队。
    • fight for something They fought for control of the island.他们为了该岛的控制权而战。
    • fight somebody/something for something Didn't we fight a war for freedom?我们不是为自由而战吗?
    • fight over something They were fighting over disputed land.他们在为有争议的土地而战斗。
    • fight somebody/something over something Future wars will be fought over water supplies.未来的战争将会围绕水资源展开。
    Collocations War and peaceWar and peace战争与和平Starting a war开战
    • declare/​make/​wage war (on somebody/​something)(向…)宣战/挑起战争/发动战争
    • go to war (against/​with somebody)(向…)开战
    • cause/​spark/​provoke/​foment/​quell unrest引起/平息骚乱
    • incite/​lead/​crush/​suppress a revolt/​rebellion煽动/领导/镇压起义/叛乱
    • launch/​mount/​carry out a surprise/​terrorist attack发起/实施突然/恐怖袭击
    • prevent/​halt/​represent an escalation of the conflict防止/阻止/表明冲突升级
    • be torn apart by/​be on the brink of civil war被内战搞得四分五裂;濒于内战
    • enter/​invade/​occupy somebody’s territory进入/侵略/占领某人的领土
    • lead/​launch/​resist/​repel an invasion领导/发起/抵制/击退武装入侵
    Military operations军事行动
    • adopt/​develop/​implement/​pursue a military strategy采用/发展/实施/执行军事战略
    • carry out/​execute/​perform military operations/​manoeuvres
    • send/​deploy/​station/​pull back/​withdraw troops派遣/部署/派驻/撤回部队
    • go on/​fly/​carry out a reconnaissance/​rescue mission进行/驾机执行/执行侦察/营救任务
    • train/​equip/​deploy army/​military/​combat units训练/装备/部署陆军/军事/作战分队
    • lead/​launch/​conduct a raid/​a surprise attack/​an (air/​airborne/​amphibious) assault (on somebody)领导/发起/实施(对某人的)突然袭击/(空中/空投部队/登陆)攻击
    • employ/​use guerrilla tactics采用游击战术
    • conduct/​wage biological/​guerrilla warfare进行/发动生物战/游击战
    • fight/​crush/​defeat the rebels/​the insurgency设法战胜/镇压/挫败叛乱者/叛乱
    • suffer/​inflict a crushing defeat遭受惨败;大获全胜
    • achieve/​win a decisive victory赢得决定性的胜利
    • halt/​stop the British/​German/​Russian advance阻止英国/德国/俄罗斯的前进
    • order/​force a retreat命令/强迫撤退
    • join/​serve in the army/​navy/​air force加入陆军/海军/空军;在陆军/海军/空军部队服役
    • be/​go/​remain/​serve on active duty在服现役
    • serve/​complete/​return from a tour of duty在服役;服役完毕;服役归来
    • be sent to the front (line)被派往前线
    • attack/​strike/​engage/​defeat/​kill/​destroy the enemy袭击/攻击敌人;与敌人交战;击败/杀死/消灭敌人
    • see/​report/​be engaged in heavy fighting目睹/报道/参与激战
    • call for/​be met with armed resistance要求/遭遇武装抵抗
    • come under heavy/​machine-gun/​mortar fire冒着激烈的/机关枪的/迫击炮的射击
    • fire a machine-gun/​mortar shells/​rockets (at somebody/​something)(对…)发射机关枪/迫击炮弹/火箭弹
    • shoot a rifle/​a pistol/​bullets/​missiles步枪/手枪射击;发射子弹/导弹
    • launch/​fire a cruise/​ballistic/​anti-tank missile发射巡航/弹道/反坦克导弹
    • use biological/​chemical/​nuclear weapons使用生物/化学/核武器
    • inflict/​suffer/​sustain heavy losses/​casualties遭受惨重损失/伤亡
    • be hit/​killed by enemy/​friendly/​artillery fire被敌军/友军/炮火击中/射死
    • become/​be held as a prisoner of war成为战俘;作为战俘被监禁
    Civilians in war战争中的平民
    • harm/​kill/​target/​protect innocent/​unarmed civilians伤害/杀死/瞄准/保护无辜的/手无寸铁的平民
    • cause/​avoid/​limit/​minimize civilian casualties/​collateral damage导致/避免/限制/最大限度减少平民伤亡/附带性破坏
    • impose/​enforce/​lift a curfew强制实行/解除宵禁
    • engage in/​be a victim of ethnic cleansing参与种族清洗;成为种族清洗的受害者
    • be sent to an internment/​a concentration camp被送到俘虏拘留营/集中营
    • accept/​house/​resettle refugees fleeing from war接受/收容/安置战争难民
    • fear/​threaten military/​violent reprisals害怕/扬言要军事/暴力报复
    • commit/​be accused of war crimes/​crimes against humanity/​genocide犯/被指控犯战争罪/反人类罪/种族灭绝罪
    Making peace和解
    • make/​bring/​win/​achieve/​maintain/​promote peace促使/带来/赢得/实现/保持/促进和平
    • call for/​negotiate/​broker/​declare a ceasefire/​a temporary truce要求/商谈/协商/宣布停战/暂时休战
    • sign a ceasefire agreement签署停战协议
    • call for/​bring/​put an end to hostilities要求发动/引发/结束战争
    • demand/​negotiate/​accept the surrender of somebody/​something强烈要求/商讨/接受…投降
    • establish/​send (in) a peacekeeping force建立/派遣维和部队
    • negotiate/​conclude/​ratify/​sign/​accept/​reject/​break/​violate a peace treaty商讨/达成/正式批准/签署/接受/拒绝/破坏/违反和平协定
    Extra Examples
    • We fought and won.我们战斗并赢得了胜利。
    • Millions fought and died.数百万人战斗死亡。
    • He did not believe that the enemy was ready to fight.他相信敌人还没有准备好进行战斗。
    • We believed we were fighting for freedom.我们相信我们在为自由而战。
    • These men fought for their country.这些人为他们的国家而战。
    • Many African American soldiers fought for the Union.许多非裔美国士兵为联邦而战。
    • He fought alongside his comrades.他和他的同志们并肩战斗。
    • I met someone who fought alongside my father in the war.我遇到了一个在战争中和我父亲并肩作战的人。
    • They fought bravely against the enemy.他们英勇抗击敌人。
    • The country fought several wars against its neighbours.该国同周边的邻国打过好几场仗。
    • The soldiers were trained to fight in the jungle.这些士兵受过在丛林中作战的训练。
    • Bolshevik troops fought Polish forces in what is today Western Ukraine and Belarus.布尔什维克军队在今天的乌克兰西部和白俄罗斯与波兰军队作战。
    • These soldiers fought under the imperial banner.这些士兵在帝国的旗帜下战斗。
    • Modern wars are fought with more sophisticated technology.现代战争是用更先进的技术进行的。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • bravely
    • gallantly
    • valiantly
    verb + fight
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • continue to
    • against
    • alongside
    • for
    • fight to the death
    See full entry
  2. struggle/hit搏斗;打击

  3. [intransitive, transitive] to struggle physically with somebody搏斗;打斗;打架
    • My little brothers are always fighting.我的小弟弟们总在打架。
    • He taught me how to fight with a sword.他教我如何用剑作战。
    • fight with somebody Riot police fought with demonstrators.防暴警察与示威者发生冲突。
    • He sometimes fights with other children in the playground.他有时在操场上和其他孩子打架。
    • fight somebody She fought her attacker, eventually forcing him to flee.她同攻击者搏斗,最终把他赶跑了。
    • fight over something Children will fight even over small things.小孩子甚至会为一些鸡毛蒜皮的事争吵。
    • dogs fighting over scraps of food争夺食物残渣的狗
    • fight somebody over something They were fighting each other over a toy.他们在为一个玩具而争吵。
    • fight (somebody) for something Paris offers to fight Menelaus for Helen's hand.巴黎提议为海伦之手与墨涅拉俄斯战斗。
    • fight against somebody/something She fought hard against his strong grip.她奋力挣扎要摆脱他的控制。
    Extra Examples
    • He was suspended from school for fighting.他因打架被停学。
    • How did you get the black eye? Have you been fighting?你的黑眼圈是怎么来的?你们吵架了吗?
    • I caught them fighting with sticks.我发现他们用棍子打架。
    • He fought another boy over a girl.他为了一个女孩和另一个男孩打架。
    • He fought against his attacker.他与袭击他的人战斗。
    • Thousands of rioting students fought with police.数千名闹事的学生与警察发生了冲突。
    • They practically fought (with) each other for the honour of carrying my bag.他们几乎为了拿我的包的荣誉而打架。
    • A boy said he wanted to fight me after school.一个男生说放学想打我。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • bitterly
    • hard
    • dirty
    verb + fight
    • be prepared to
    • against
    • with
    See full entry
  4. argue争辩

  5. [intransitive] to have an argument with somebody about something争辩
    • I remember lying in bed listening to my parents fighting.我记得躺在床上听我父母吵架。
    • fight about something It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about.这是一桩小事,不值得为之争辩。
    • fight over something Scholars have long fought over this point.学者们对这一点争论已久。
    • fight with somebody I'm always fighting with my sister.我总是和我妹妹吵架。
    • It's normal for couples to fight.情侣打架很正常。
    • The thing we fight about most is money.我们争论最多的是钱。
    • We've fought over many issues, but always respected one another.我们在许多问题上争吵过,但总是互相尊重。
    • Let's not fight over the details.我们不要为细节争吵。
    • He was well-liked by his peers, but often fought with his teachers.他很受同龄人的喜欢,但经常和老师打架。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
  6. oppose反对

  7. [transitive, intransitive] to try hard to stop, deal with or oppose something bad or something that you disagree with极力反对;与…作斗争
    • We will continue to fight for as long as it takes.只要需要,我们就会继续战斗。
    • She fought bravely, but died of the disease.她勇敢地战斗,但死于疾病。
    • fight something to fight terrorism/crime/corruption/poverty打击恐怖主义/犯罪/腐败/贫困
    • Vitamin C helps your body to fight disease.维生素C有助于你的身体对抗疾病。
    • Workers are fighting the decision to close the factory.工人在极力反对关闭工厂的决定。
    • The fire crews had problems fighting the blaze.消防队员扑灭那场大火困难重重。
    • She fought a long battle against cancer.她与癌症进行了长期的斗争。
    • fight against something They are committed to fighting against racism.他们誓与种族歧视斗争到底。
    • fight for somebody She spent her life fighting for the poor.她一生都在为穷人而战。
    • fight something with something We must fight hatred with love.我们必须用爱来对抗仇恨。
    • fight to do something She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children.她为了保护孩子,可以凶得像只老虎。
    Extra Examples
    • We are committed to fighting poverty.我们致力于消除贫困。
    • The government will introduce new measures to fight terrorism.政府将采取新措施打击恐怖主义。
    • a superhero who wants to fight crime and clean up the city一个想打击犯罪和清理城市的超级英雄
    • Fighting corruption is essential to restore public confidence.打击腐败对于恢复公众信心至关重要。
    • He vowed to fight against the decision.他发誓要反对这个决定。
    • He has used his fame to become a spokesman for alleviating world poverty and fighting AIDS.他利用自己的名气成为了缓解世界贫困和抗击艾滋病的代言人。
    • His body was too weak to fight the infection.他的身体太虚弱了,无法抵抗感染。
    • Why did you fight so hard against these changes?你为什么如此努力地反对这些变化?
    • I've always had to fight against prejudice.我一直不得不反对偏见。
    • They are fighting unwinnable wars against corporate giants.他们正在与企业巨头进行无法打赢的战争。
    • We're fighting for people who are discriminated against.我们为受歧视的人而战。
    • The organization fights on behalf of political prisoners across the world.该组织代表全世界的政治犯进行斗争。
    • This battle is being fought with spin and PR.这场战斗是用旋转和公关打的。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • like a tiger
    • tooth and nail
    verb + fight
    • be determined to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • against
    • for
    See full entry
  8. try to get/do something争取

  9. [intransitive, transitive] to try very hard to get something or to achieve something努力争取;为…而斗争
    • We fought for years before we got the recognition we deserved.我们奋斗了多年才得到应有的认可。
    • fight for something Women fought for the right to vote.妇女为选举权而斗争。
    • He's still fighting for compensation after the accident.他还在力争事故后的赔偿。
    • fight to do something Doctors fought for more than six hours to save his life.医生抢救了六个多小时来拯救他的生命。
    • She fought hard to get this film made.她努力争取拍成这部电影。
    • fight your way… She gradually fought her way to the top of the company.她努力奋斗,逐渐登上公司的高位。
    Synonyms campaigncampaign
    • battle
    • struggle
    • drive
    • war
    • fight
    These are all words for an effort made to achieve or prevent something.
    • campaign a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim:
      • the campaign for parliamentary reform要求议会改革的运动
      • an advertising campaign 广告宣传活动
    • battle a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control:
      • She finally won the legal battle for compensation.她终于赢得了这场要求赔偿的法律斗争。
      • the endless battle between man and nature人与大自然永无休止的斗争
    • struggle a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control:
      • the struggle for independence为独立的斗争
      • the struggle between good and evil正邪之争
    battle or struggle?用 battle 还是 struggle?A struggle is always about things that seem absolutely necessary, such as life and death or freedom. A battle can also be about things that are not absolutely necessary, just desirable, or about the pleasure of winning: the battle/​struggle between good and evila legal struggle for compensationa struggle of wills/​wits.
    • drive an organized effort by a group of people to achieve something:
      • the drive for greater efficiency为提高效率而作出的努力
      • a drive to reduce energy consumption为减少能源消耗而发起的运动
    campaign or drive?用 campaign 还是 drive?A campaign is usually aimed at getting other people to do something; a drive may be an attempt by people to get themselves to do something: From today, we’re going on an economy drive (= we must spend less). A campaign may be larger, more formal and more organized than a drive.
    • war [sing.] an effort over a long period of time to get rid of or stop something bad:
      • the war against crime反犯罪活动的斗争
    • fight [sing.] the work of trying to stop or prevent something bad or achieve something good; an act of competing, especially in a sport:
      • Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.工人在阻止强制性裁员的斗争中取得了胜利。
    war or fight?用 war 还是 fight?A war is about stopping things, like drugs and crime, that everyone agrees are bad. A fight can be about achieving justice for yourself.Patterns
    • a campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​war/​fight against something
    • a campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​fight for something
    • a one-man/​one-woman/​personal campaign/​battle/​struggle/​war
    • a bitter campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​war/​fight
    • to launch/​embark on a campaign/​battle/​drive
    • to lead/​continue the campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​fight
    • to win/​lose a battle/​struggle/​war/​fight
    Extra Examples
    • The company is fighting for survival at the moment.公司目前正在为生存而战。
    • We will never give up fighting for justice.我们永远不会放弃为正义而战。
    • He fought tirelessly for the abolition of slavery.他不懈地为废除奴隶制而斗争。
    • Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.为争取地方垄断权发生了激烈的争斗。
    • We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds.我们需要一个愿意争取应得资金的好经理。
    • We are fighting for equal rights.我们正为争取平等权利而斗争。
    • Campaigners fought to save the hospital from closure.参与运动的人努力争取不让医院关闭。
    • She fought desperately to suppress her laughter.她拼命忍住笑。
    • He fought hard to overcome his disability.他努力克服自身的残疾。
    • They say they are fighting to preserve their way of life.他们说他们正在为保护自己的生活方式而斗争。
    • She fought to keep her composure.她努力保持镇静。
    • We fought our way across London in heavy traffic.我们在拥挤的交通中奋力穿过伦敦。
    • This small company fought its way to global success.这家小公司为全球成功而奋斗。
    Topics Successb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • like a tiger
    • tooth and nail
    verb + fight
    • be determined to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • against
    • for
    See full entry
  10. in contest竞赛

  11. [transitive, intransitive] to take part in a contest against somebody参加(竞赛);竞争
    • fight somebody/something (for something) to fight an election/a campaign参加竞选/争取权益的运动
    • fight for something She's fighting for a place in the national team.她正努力争取加入国家队。
    • There are twelve parties fighting the election.有十二个党派参加竞选。
    • The second half was fiercely fought, but neither side managed to score.下半场比赛非常激烈,但双方都没有得分。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • bitterly
    • hard
    • successfully
    verb + fight
    • be determined to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • for
    • fiercely fought
    See full entry
  12. in boxing拳击

  13. [intransitive, transitive] to take part in a boxing match参加拳击比赛
    • Doctors fear he may never fight again.医生认为他可能再也不能重返拳坛了。
    Extra Examples
    • fight somebody/​something He has fought 37 bouts with 24 knockouts.他已经打了37场比赛,24次被击倒。
    Topics Sports: other sportsa2
  14. law法律

  15. [transitive, intransitive] to try to get what you want in court(为…)和某人打官司
    • fight (somebody) for something He fought his wife for custody of the children.他和妻子打官司争取孩子的监护权。
    • fight something I'm determined to fight the case.我决意要打这场官司。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • hard
    • like a tiger
    • tooth and nail
    verb + fight
    • be determined to
    • be prepared to
    • be ready to
    • against
    • for
    See full entry
  16. Word OriginOld English feohtan (verb), feoht(e), gefeoht (noun), of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vechten, gevecht and German fechten, Gefecht.
fight your/somebody’s corner
  1. (British English) to defend your/somebody’s position against other people维护地位、立场等
fight fire with fire
  1. to use similar methods in a fight or an argument to those your opponent is using以眼还眼,以牙还牙Topics Opinion and argumentc2
fight for (your) life
  1. to make a great effort to stay alive, especially when you are badly injured or seriously ill(尤指严重伤病时)与死亡作斗争
    • A young cyclist is fighting for his life after the accident.一位年轻的自行车手出事故后奋力求生。
    Topics Illnessc1
fight your own battles
  1. to be able to win an argument or get what you want without anyone’s help独力战胜;独自奋斗成功
    • I wouldn't get involved—he's old enough to fight his own battles.我不想参与。他已经长大,能独自应付了。
    • My parents believed in leaving me to fight my own battles.我父母认为应该让我自己去打拚。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
fight shy of something/of doing something
  1. to be unwilling to accept something or do something, and to try to avoid it不愿接受(或做)某事;回避;躲避
    • Successive governments have fought shy of such measures.一届接一届政府均不愿采取这些措施。
fight to the death/finish
  1. to fight until one of the two people or groups is dead, or until one person or group defeats the other打到有一方倒下;一决雌雄
    • The soldiers were prepared to fight to the death if they had to.士兵们做好了在不得已的情况下战斗到死的准备。
fight tooth and nail
  1. to fight in a very determined way for what you want坚决斗争;全力以赴地斗争
    • The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development.居民为制止新的建房开发计划正在全力以赴进行斗争。
    • She fought tooth and nail to keep custody of the children.她竭尽全力保住孩子的监护权。
live to fight another day
  1. (saying) used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue(虽已失败或经历很糟但仍要)改日再战,卷土重来
(fight) a losing battle
  1. (to try to do) something that you will probably never succeed in doing打一场无望取胜的仗;虽必败无疑犹作奋斗
    • I’m fighting a losing battle against the mess in this house!我正在和这房子里的混乱做一场必败之战!
    • She wanted him to take some responsibility for his actions, but she knew it was a losing battle.她想让他为自己的行为承担一些责任,但她知道这是一场必败之战。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2


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  1. [countable] a struggle against somebody/something using physical force搏斗;打斗;打架
    • a street/gang fight 街头/帮派打斗
    • fight with somebody/something He got into a fight with a man in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个男人斗殴。
    • (figurative) I had a fight with the ticket machine, which was being temperamental.我和售票机吵了一架,因为售票机不稳定。
    • fight between A and B A fight broke out between rival groups of fans.比赛双方球迷打了起来。
    Synonyms fightfight
    • clash
    • brawl
    • struggle
    • scuffle
    These are all words for a situation in which people try to defeat each other using physical force.
    • fight a situation in which two or more people try to defeat each other using physical force:
      • He got into a fight with a man in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个男人斗殴。
    • clash (journalism) a short fight between two groups of people:(新闻用语)指两群人之间短暂的打斗、打架、冲突:
      • Clashes broke out between police and demonstrators.警方与示威者发生了冲突。
    • brawl a noisy and violent fight involving a group of people, usually in a public place:
      • a drunken brawl in a bar在酒吧里酒后闹事
    • struggle a fight between two people or groups of people, especially when one of them is trying to escape, or to get something from the other:
      • There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene.在谋杀现场没有打斗痕迹。
    • scuffle a short and not very violent fight or struggle:
      • He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer.他和一名摄影记者发生了肢体冲撞。
    • a fight/​clash/​brawl/​struggle/​scuffle over something
    • in a fight/​brawl/​struggle/​scuffle
    • a violent fight/​clash/​struggle
    • to be in/​get into/​be involved in a fight/​clash/​brawl/​scuffle
    • a fight/​clash/​brawl/​scuffle breaks out
    Extra Examples
    • Andy was drunk and spoiling for a fight.安迪喝醉了,寻衅打架。
    • Don't get into any more fights!别再打架了!
    • He killed a man in a fight.他在打斗中打死了一个人。
    • He tried to pick a fight with me.他试图向我挑衅。
    • He was killed during a series of running fights outside a disco.他在一家迪斯科舞厅外的一连串斗殴中被杀。
    • I don't know who started the fight.我不知道谁先动的手。
    • In a straight fight the army usually won.在面对面的硬拼中,陆军通常会赢。
    • In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.单打独斗, 十字军战士通常会赢;在小规模战斗中,撒拉逊人经常能以少胜多。
    • It was a fair fight and Stephen won.这是一场公平的打斗,斯蒂芬赢了。
    • Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight.争论突然演变成实实在在的打斗。
    • The fight was broken up by a teacher.斗殴被老师制止了。
    • There's nothing he likes so much as a good fight.没有什么比精彩的搏斗更让他喜欢的了。
    • They got involved in a fight with some older boys.他们卷入了一场跟一些大男孩的斗殴。
    • They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people.他们无意中卷入了一场20 人左右的混战。
    • They nearly had a fight over who should move first.在决定谁应该先挪开的问题上,他们差点儿打了起来。
    • The referee stopped the fight in the third round.裁判在第三轮停止了比赛。
    • Did you two have a fight?你们俩吵架了吗?
    • a fist fight拳击比赛
    • fights between hostile clans敌对家族之间的打斗
    • fights between police and football fans警察和足球球迷之间的打斗
    Topics Sports: other sportsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • fierce
    • brutal
    verb + fight
    • pick
    • start
    • be asking for
    fight + verb
    • take place
    • break out
    • erupt
    fight + noun
    • scene
    • sequence
    • club
    • in a/​the fight
    • fight about
    • fight over
    See full entry
  2. sport体育运动

  3. an occasion when people fight as a sport, especially in boxing(尤指体育运动)比赛,竞赛
    • They got tickets to watch the world title fight.他们弄到了观看世界拳王争霸赛的票。
    • He is unbeaten in 34 fights.他连续34场搏击比赛保持不败。
  4. argument争论

  5. [countable] (especially North American English) an argument about something争论;争吵
    • Paul and I had this terrible fight last night.保罗和我昨晚大吵了一架。
    • fight with somebody Did you have a fight with him?你和他争辩了?
    • He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old company.他仍在同他原来的公司进行激烈的斗争。
    • fight (with somebody) over something We had a fight over money.我们为钱吵了一架。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • huge
    • terrible
    verb + fight
    • have
    • cause
    • get into
    See full entry
  6. trying to get/do something争取

  7. [singular] the work of trying to destroy, prevent or achieve something斗争
    • fight against something the fight against crime/terrorism打击犯罪/恐怖主义
    • He lost his fight against cancer earlier this year.今年早些时候,他与癌症的斗争失败了。
    • fight for something a fight for justice/survival为正义/生存而战
    • She just gave up her fight for life.她就这样放弃了挣扎求生。
    • fight to do something Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.工人赢得了阻止强制裁员的斗争。
    • The workers are determined to put up a fight (= to fight hard) to save their jobs.工人们决心为保住工作而斗争。
    • Union leaders know that they have a real fight on their hands (= will have to fight very hard).工会领导人知道他们要面对一场真正的战斗。
    Extra Examples
    • Doctors have now joined in the fight to make this treatment available to all.现在,医生已经加入到争取使所有人都能使用这种疗法的斗争中。
    • Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs?我们要输掉这场打击毒品的斗争吗?
    • She died at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer.与癌症顽强抗争一番之后,她在 43 岁时去世了。
    • Now he is facing his toughest fight yet—back to fitness after a series of injuries.现在他要面临最困难的斗争——接连几次受伤之后再恢复状态。
    • She said they would continue their fight to find a cure for AIDS.她说他们会为找到治愈艾滋病的方法而继续奋斗。
    • their fight for a fair deal他们争取平等交易的斗争
    • the company's desperate fight for survival in a cut-throat market该公司为了在残酷的市场竞争中生存所作的拼死一搏
    • lawyers leading the fight for compensation for the injured workers领导为受伤工人争取赔偿斗争的律师
    • The fight for justice goes on.为争取正义而进行的斗争会一直进行下去。
    • The fight for supremacy in the sport is on.争夺这项体育赛事霸主的竞争开始了。
    • The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out.搞这场斗争是要废除这种野蛮习俗。
    • The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime.政府誓要加大打击犯罪的力度。
    • a long fight to beat inflation为抑制通货膨胀进行的长期斗争
    • a new weapon in the fight against car crime对付汽车犯罪的新武器
    • his fight with cancer他与癌症的斗争
    • The government has released new figures in the fight against crime.政府公布了打击犯罪的新数字。
    • She vowed to take her fight to the High Court.她发誓要告到高等法院。
    • I'm not giving up without a fight!我不会不战而降的!
    Topics Successb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brave
    • good
    • strong
    verb + fight
    • put up
    • lead
    • spearhead
    fight + verb
    • be on
    • continue
    • go on
    • without a fight
    • fight against
    • fight with
    • a fight for life
    • a fight for survival
    • have a fight on your hands
    See full entry
  8. competition竞赛

  9. [singular] a competition or an act of competing, especially in a sport(尤指体育运动)比赛,竞赛
    • The team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten.这个队打得不错,但最后还是输了。
    • She now has a fight on her hands (= will have to play very well) to make it through to the next round.现在她得表现突出才能进入下一轮比赛。
    • fight between A and B This will be a straight fight between the two parties.这将是这两个政党之间一对一的竞争。
    Synonyms campaigncampaign
    • battle
    • struggle
    • drive
    • war
    • fight
    These are all words for an effort made to achieve or prevent something.
    • campaign a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim:
      • the campaign for parliamentary reform要求议会改革的运动
      • an advertising campaign 广告宣传活动
    • battle a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control:
      • She finally won the legal battle for compensation.她终于赢得了这场要求赔偿的法律斗争。
      • the endless battle between man and nature人与大自然永无休止的斗争
    • struggle a competition or argument between people or groups of people trying to win power or control:
      • the struggle for independence为独立的斗争
      • the struggle between good and evil正邪之争
    battle or struggle?用 battle 还是 struggle?A struggle is always about things that seem absolutely necessary, such as life and death or freedom. A battle can also be about things that are not absolutely necessary, just desirable, or about the pleasure of winning: the battle/​struggle between good and evila legal struggle for compensationa struggle of wills/​wits.
    • drive an organized effort by a group of people to achieve something:
      • the drive for greater efficiency为提高效率而作出的努力
      • a drive to reduce energy consumption为减少能源消耗而发起的运动
    campaign or drive?用 campaign 还是 drive?A campaign is usually aimed at getting other people to do something; a drive may be an attempt by people to get themselves to do something: From today, we’re going on an economy drive (= we must spend less). A campaign may be larger, more formal and more organized than a drive.
    • war [sing.] an effort over a long period of time to get rid of or stop something bad:
      • the war against crime反犯罪活动的斗争
    • fight [sing.] the work of trying to stop or prevent something bad or achieve something good; an act of competing, especially in a sport:
      • Workers won their fight to stop compulsory redundancies.工人在阻止强制性裁员的斗争中取得了胜利。
    war or fight?用 war 还是 fight?A war is about stopping things, like drugs and crime, that everyone agrees are bad. A fight can be about achieving justice for yourself.Patterns
    • a campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​war/​fight against something
    • a campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​fight for something
    • a one-man/​one-woman/​personal campaign/​battle/​struggle/​war
    • a bitter campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​war/​fight
    • to launch/​embark on a campaign/​battle/​drive
    • to lead/​continue the campaign/​battle/​struggle/​drive/​fight
    • to win/​lose a battle/​struggle/​war/​fight
    Extra Examples
    • This will be a straight fight between Labour and the Conservatives: the other parties are nowhere.这将是工党和保守党之间一对一的竞争:其余的政党都不见踪影。
    • No doubt Ferguson wants his team to make a fight of it.毫无疑问,弗格森希望队员能奋力打好比赛。
    • By 1807 politics had become a fight to the death between the two factions.到 1807 年政治变成了两个派别之间的殊死斗争。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brave
    • good
    • great
    verb + fight
    • put up
    fight + verb
    • be on
    • fight between
    • fight for
    • a fight to the death
    • a fight to the finish
    • have a fight on your hands
    See full entry
  10. battle/war战斗;战争

  11. [countable] fight (for something) a battle, especially for a particular place or position战斗(尤指为夺取某一地方或位置)
    • In the fight for Lemburg, the Austrians were defeated.在争夺伦贝格的战斗中,奥地利人战败了。
  12. desire to fight斗志

  13. [uncountable] the desire or ability to keep fighting for something斗志;战斗力
    • In spite of many defeats, they still had plenty of fight left in them.他们尽管多次失败,但仍然斗志昂扬。
    • Losing their leader took all the fight out of them.他们失去了首领以后便丧失了斗志。
  14. Word OriginOld English feohtan (verb), feoht(e), gefeoht (noun), of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vechten, gevecht and German fechten, Gefecht.
be spoiling for a fight
  1. to want to fight with somebody very much按捺不住想打架
a fight to the finish
  1. a sports competition, election, etc. between sides that are so equal in ability that they continue fighting very hard until the end(体育比赛、选举等的)直到最后才能决出胜负的斗争
    • Six teams are bitter rivals in what will be a fight to the finish.六个队是死对头,这场比赛将进行到底。
    • If the polls are wrong and it's a fight to the finish, the result may not be known until all the votes have been counted.如果民调结果有误,又是一场直到最后一刻才见分晓的角逐,那么只有等到统计完所有选票才会知道结果。
have a dog in the fight
(North American English also have a dog in the race/hunt)
  1. (informal) to be involved in a situation so that you will gain or lose according to the result战斗性的言论
    • I really don't have a dog in this fight, so I can just enjoy the game.这场比赛我真的没有狗,所以我可以享受比赛。
    • The employees have a dog in the hunt, so their views should be listened to.员工们有一只狗在打猎,所以他们的意见应该被听取。
pick a fight/quarrel (with somebody)
  1. to deliberately start a fight or an argument with somebody找茬儿;找麻烦;挑衅
    • He had drunk too much and was ready to pick a fight with anyone who crossed his path.他喝得太多了,准备和任何与他相遇的人打一架。
    • She tried to pick a quarrel with me.她试图找我吵架。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
BNC: 917 COCA: 676


1struggle using physical force打鬥ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT | FIGHT + VERB | FIGHT + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbig大打出手fierce激戰brutal, nasty, vicious野蠻的/惡意的/惡毒的打鬥real真打實鬥Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight.爭論突然演變成實實在在的打鬥。good精彩的搏鬥There's nothing he likes so much as a good fight.沒有什麼比精彩的搏鬥更讓他喜歡的了。clean, fair規矩的/公平的打鬥It was a fair fight and Stephen won.這是一場公平的打鬥,斯蒂芬贏了。close勢均力敵的打鬥running追擊戰He was killed during a series of running fights outside a disco.他在一家迪斯科舞廳外的一連串鬥毆中被殺。stand-up, straight面對面的硬拚;一對一的兩人競選In a straight fight the army usually won.在面對面的硬拼中,陸軍通常會贏。bar, pub, street(發生在)酒吧的/酒館的/街頭的打鬥gang幫派打鬥fist, knife, sword揮拳鬥毆;持刀打鬥;持劍打鬥food, pillow, snowball, water食物戰;枕頭戰;雪仗;水仗championship, title冠軍爭奪賽the world title fight between Tyson and Lewis泰森和劉易斯之間的世界拳王爭霸賽professional職業比賽heavyweight, etc.重量級的比賽等bull (usually bullfight) , cock, dog鬥牛;鬥雞;鬥狗
boss (in computer games計算機遊戲) 與大頭目戰鬥的遊戲VERB + FIGHTpick, start挑釁;引起打鬥He tried to pick a fight with me.他試圖向我挑釁。I don't know who started the fight.我不知道誰先動的手。be asking for, be looking for, be spoiling for, want尋釁滋事;想打架;按捺不住想打架Andy was drunk and spoiling for a fight.安迪喝醉了,尋釁打架。be in, get into, get involved in, have捲入打鬥;參與打鬥Don't get into any more fights!別再打架了!break up, stop結束/停止打鬥The fight was broken up by a teacher.鬥毆被老師制止了。win贏得打鬥lose輸掉打鬥see, watch觀看打鬥FIGHT + VERBtake place打鬥比賽進行The dog fights took place every Sunday morning.每個星期天早晨都有鬥狗。break out, erupt, start鬥毆爆發;打鬥開始ensue打鬥隨之發生A fight ensued which left one man dead.隨後發生了鬥毆,並致使一人死亡。FIGHT + NOUNscene, sequence鬥毆現場;打鬥比賽的順序club (especially NAmE) 打鬥比賽俱樂部fan迷戀打鬥比賽的人PREPOSITIONin a/the fight在打鬥中He killed a man in a fight.他在打鬥中打死了一個人。fight about, fight over因⋯而爭鬥They nearly had a fight over who should move first.在決定誰應該先挪開的問題上,他們差點兒打了起來。fight between⋯之間的爭鬥fights between hostile clans敵對家族之間的打鬥fight with跟⋯的爭鬥They got involved in a fight with some older boys.他們捲入了一場跟一些大男孩的鬥毆。


2trying to get/do sth爭取ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT | FIGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrave, good, strong勇敢的鬥爭;奮勇抗爭;頑強的鬥爭She died at the age of 43 after a brave fight against cancer.與癌症頑強抗爭一番之後,她在 43 歲時去世了。hard, long, real, tough, uphill (NAmE) 艱苦的/長期的/真正的/艱難的/艱巨的鬥爭a long fight to beat inflation為抑制通貨膨脹進行的長期鬥爭bitter, desperate激烈的/孤注一擲的鬥爭legal法律鬥爭custody (especially NAmE) 監護權的爭奪VERB + FIGHTput up進行鬥爭Coal workers are determined to put up a fight to save their jobs.煤炭工人為了保住他們的工作,決心進行鬥爭。lead, spearhead (especially BrE) 領導/帶領鬥爭lawyers leading the fight for compensation for the injured workers領導為受傷工人爭取賠償鬥爭的律師join, join in加入戰鬥Doctors have now joined in the fight to make this treatment available to all.現在,醫生已經加入到爭取使所有人都能使用這種療法的鬥爭中。face面臨鬥爭Now he is facing his toughest fight yet-back to fitness after a series of injuries.現在他還要面臨最困難的鬥爭 - 在接連幾次受傷之後恢復健康。be engaged in進行鬥爭He is still engaged in a bitter fight with his old company.他仍在同他原來的公司進行激烈的鬥爭。carry on, continue, keep up進行鬥爭;繼續奮鬥;堅持鬥爭She said they would continue their fight to find a cure for AIDS.她說他們會為找到治瘉艾滋病的方法而繼續奮鬥。step up加大打擊力度The government has vowed to step up the fight against crime.政府誓要加大打擊犯罪的力度。take進行鬥爭She vowed to take her fight to the High Court.她發誓要告到高等法院。win打勝仗lose打敗仗Are we losing the fight against illegal drugs?我們要輸掉這場打擊毒品的鬥爭嗎?give up放棄鬥爭She just gave up her fight for life.她就這樣放棄了掙扎求生。FIGHT + VERBbe on鬥爭興起The fight is on to have this brutal practice stamped out.搞這場鬥爭是要廢除這種野蠻習俗。continue, go on鬥爭繼續下去The fight for justice goes on.為爭取正義而進行的鬥爭會一直進行下去。PREPOSITIONwithout a fight不經過戰鬥I'm not giving up without a fight!我不會不戰而降的!fight against, fight with (NAmE) 針對⋯/跟⋯的鬥爭a new weapon in the fight against car crime對付汽車犯罪的新武器his fight with cancer他與癌症的鬥爭fight for爭取⋯的鬥爭their fight for a fair deal他們爭取平等交易的鬥爭PHRASESa fight for life, a fight for survival為了生存而奮鬥the company's desperate fight for survival in a cut-throat market該公司為了在殘酷的市場競爭中生存所作的拼死一搏have a fight on your hands要進行一場戰鬥Union leaders know that they have a real fight on their hands.工會領導人知道他們要面對一場真正的戰鬥。


3competition競爭ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT | FIGHT + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrave, good, great, strong, tremendous勇敢的競爭;激烈的競爭;強有力的競爭straight一對一的競爭VERB + FIGHTput up在競爭中有⋯表現The team put up a good fight (= they played well) but were finally beaten.這個隊在比賽中表現很好,但最終還是輸了。FIGHT + VERBbe on競爭在進行中PREPOSITIONfight between⋯之間的競爭This will be a straight fight between the two parties.這將是這兩個政黨之間一對一的競爭。fight for為⋯的競爭The fight for supremacy in the sport is on.爭奪這項體育賽事霸主的競爭開始了。PHRASESa fight to the death (figurative) 你死我活的爭鬥By 1807 politics had become a fight to the death between the two factions.到 1807 年政治變成了兩個派別之間的殊死鬥爭。a fight to the finish直到最後才決出勝負的鬥爭If the polls are wrong and it's a fight to the finish, the result may not be known until all the votes have been counted.如果民調結果有誤,又是一場直到最後一刻才見分曉的角逐,那麼只有等到統計完所有選票才會知道結果。have a fight on your hands努力做好She now has a fight on her hands (= will have to play very well) to make it through to the next round.她現在得打好這場比賽才能進入下一輪。make a fight of it奮勇拚搏No doubt Ferguson wants his team to make a fight of it.毫無疑問,弗格森希望隊員能奮力打好比賽。


4 (especially NAmE) argument爭吵ADJECTIVE | VERB + FIGHT ADJECTIVEbig, huge, terrible大吵;激烈的爭吵;可怕的爭吵petty, stupid為雞毛蒜皮的事發生的/愚蠢的爭吵little小吵VERB + FIGHThave發生爭吵cause引發爭吵get into, pick, provoke, start捲入/挑起/引起/開始爭吵


1in a war/battle戰鬥ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbravely, gallantly, valiantly勇敢/英勇/頑強作戰bitterly, fiercely, hard艱苦/勇猛/艱難作戰effectively有效作戰back, off還擊;擊退VERB + FIGHTbe prepared to, be ready to準備作戰He did not believe that the enemy was ready to fight.他相信敵人還沒有準備好進行戰鬥。continue to繼續作戰PREPOSITIONagainst抗擊They fought bravely against the enemy.他們英勇抗擊敵人。alongside並肩戰鬥He fought alongside his comrades.他和他的同志們並肩戰鬥。for為⋯而戰They fought for control of the island.他們為了該島的控制權而戰。over因⋯而戰They were fighting over disputed land.他們在為有爭議的土地而戰鬥。with用⋯戰鬥He taught me how to fight with a sword.他教我如何用劍作戰。PHRASESfight to the death戰鬥到死The soldiers were prepared to fight to the death if they had to.士兵們做好了在不得已的情況下戰鬥到死的準備。


2struggle against/hit sb擊打ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION ADVERBbitterly, hard奮力搏鬥dirty卑鄙地戰鬥back, off還擊;擊退He was stabbed as he tried to fight the robbers off.他在試圖擊退劫匪時被捅了一刀。VERB + FIGHTbe prepared to準備打鬥PREPOSITIONagainst抗爭⋯She fought hard against his strong grip.她奮力掙扎要擺脫他的控制。with與⋯搏鬥Riot police fought with militants demonstrating in support of the uprising.防暴警察與示威支持造反的好戰分子對抗。


3in a contest競爭ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbitterly, hard激烈地競爭successfully競爭成功VERB + FIGHTbe determined to, be prepared to, be ready to決心競爭;準備競爭;樂意力爭We need a good manager who is prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds.我們需要一個願意爭取應得資金的好經理。continue to繼續爭取PREPOSITIONfor為⋯競爭Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for.為爭取地方壟斷權發生了激烈的爭鬥。PHRASESfiercely fought激烈地爭鬥The second half was fiercely fought, but neither side managed to score.下半場比賽非常激烈,但雙方都沒有得分。


4try to stop/achieve sth設法阻止;爭取ADVERB | VERB + FIGHT | PREPOSITION ADVERBhard, like a tiger, tooth and nail (= in a very determined way) 拚命抗爭;竭盡全力爭取He fought hard to overcome his disability. 他努力克服自身的殘疾。She'll fight like a tiger to protect her children.她會像老虎一樣兇猛地保護自己的孩子。The residents are fighting tooth and nail to stop the new development.居民為阻止新的開發項目正奮力抗爭。doggedly, stubbornly, tenaciously不屈不撓地鬥爭;頑強鬥爭;堅決鬥爭desperately拚命奮鬥successfully鬥爭成功back反擊It is time to fight back against street crime.是打擊街頭犯罪的時候了。VERB + FIGHTbe determined to, be prepared to, be ready to, vow to決心抗爭;願意抗爭;發誓抗爭continue to繼續抗爭help (to)有助於抗爭PREPOSITIONagainst與⋯作鬥爭They are committed to fighting against racism.他們誓與種族歧視鬥爭到底。for為⋯而鬥爭We are fighting for equal rights.我們正為爭取平等權利而鬥爭。


5argue爭論ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbitterly激烈爭論constantly持續不斷地爭論PREPOSITIONabout為⋯爭吵It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about.這是小事,不值得為此爭吵。over為⋯爭論Children will fight even over small things.小孩子甚至會為一些雞毛蒜皮的事爭吵。with與⋯爭吵He's always fighting with his brother.他老是和弟弟吵架。PHRASESfight like cat and dog, fight like cats and dogs (NAmE) 吵得很兇
BNC: 917 COCA: 676
fight verb
fight1 (He fought in the war.) fight2 (My little brothers are always fighting.) argue (It's not worth fighting about.) campaign (Campaigners fought to save the hospital from closure.) compete (fight an election) oppose (fight poverty)
fight noun
fight (get into a fight) argument1 (a fight over money) campaign (the fight against crime) game1 (a world title fight)


fight ♦︎ clash ♦︎ brawl ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ scuffle ♦︎ tussleThese are all words for a situation in which people try to defeat each other using physical force. 这些词均表示搏斗、打斗、打架。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tussle with sba fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tussle between peoplea fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tussle over sthin a fight / clash / brawl / struggle / scuffle / tusslea violent fight / clash / struggleto be in / get into / be involved in a fight / clash / brawl / scuffle / tussleto have a fight / brawl / scuffleto break up a fight / brawla fight / clash / brawl / scuffle breaks out fight [countable] a situation in which two or more people try to defeat each other using physical force 搏斗;打斗;打架He got into a fight with a man in the bar.他在酒吧里和一个男人打了一架。A fight broke out between rival groups of fans.双方的支持者打了起来。They got tickets to watch the world title fight (= fighting as a sport).他们弄到了观看世界拳王争霸赛的票。 clash [countable] (journalism 新闻) a short fight between two groups of people (两群人之间短暂的)打斗,打架,冲突Eight people were wounded in a clash with border guards.在与边防警卫的冲突中有八人受伤。 brawl [countable] a noisy and violent fight involving a group of people, usually in a public place (通常指一群人在公共场合的)喧闹,斗殴,闹事a street / pub / tavern / nightclub / bar-room brawl街头/酒吧/酒馆/夜总会/酒吧间的斗殴 struggle [countable] a fight between two people or groups of people, especially when one of them is trying to escape, or to get sth from the other 搏斗;扭打;(尤指)挣扎脱身,抢夺There were no signs of a struggle at the murder scene.在凶案现场没有搏斗痕迹。 scuffle [countable] a short and not very violent fight or struggle (短暂而不太激烈的)肢体摩擦,冲突He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer.他和一名摄影记者发生了肢体冲撞。 tussle [countable] a short struggle, fight or argument, especially in order to get sth (尤指为争夺物品的短暂的)扭打,争斗,争执He was injured during a tussle for the ball.他在争球时受了伤。fight1


He fought in the war. 他打过仗。My little brothers are always fighting. 我的小弟弟们总在打架。fight ♦︎ wage ♦︎ engage ♦︎ skirmish ♦︎ take up armsThese words all mean to take part in a war or battle against an enemy. 这些词均表示打仗、战斗、作战。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fight / engage / skirmish with sb / sthto fight / take up arms against sb / sthto fight / wage (a) war / battle / campaignto fight / engage / take up arms against the enemy fight (fought, fought) [intransitive, transitive] to take part in a war or battle against an enemy 打仗;战斗;作战The soldiers were trained to fight in the jungle.这些士兵受过在丛林中作战的训练。The country fought several wars against its neighbours.该国同周边的邻国打过好几场仗。They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army.他们集结士兵对抗侵略军。 see also fighting war wage [transitive] to begin and continue a war, battle or campaign 展开,发动,继续(战争、战斗或战役)The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 1995.反叛者自1995年以来一直进行游击战。He alleged that a press campaign was being waged against him.他声称有人在对他发起新闻攻势。 engage ɪnˈgeɪdʒ [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to begin fighting a battle with sb 与(某人)交战;与(某人)开战He ordered his men to engage (with) the enemy.他命令他的士兵与敌人开战。 skirmish ˈskɜːmɪʃ; NAmE ˈskɜːrmɪʃ [intransitive] to take part in a short fight between small groups of soldiers, especially one that is not planned 发生小规模战斗(尤指遭遇战)The patrol skirmished with the enemy for several hours.巡逻队与敌人打了数小时的遭遇战。 see also skirmish war take up ˈarms


(took, taken) (rather formal) to prepare to fight a war 拿起武器;准备战斗He encouraged his supporters to take up arms against the state.他鼓动他的支持者武装起来对抗政府。


He fought in the war. 他打过仗。My little brothers are always fighting. 我的小弟弟们总在打架。fight ♦︎ struggle ♦︎ wrestle ♦︎ clash ♦︎ brawl ♦︎ grapple ♦︎ box ♦︎ scuffleThese are all words that can be used when two or more people use physical force against each other. 这些词均表示打斗、搏斗、打架。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fight / struggle / wrestle / clash / brawl / grapple / scuffle with sbto fight / struggle / box against sbto fight / struggle fiercely / furiouslyto struggle / clash violently fight (fought, fought) [intransitive, transitive] to use physical force to try to defeat another person; to take part in a boxing match 打斗;搏斗;打架;参加(拳击比赛)My little brothers are always fighting.我的小弟弟们总在打架。She fought her attacker, eventually forcing him to flee.她同攻击者搏斗,最终把他赶跑了。Doctors fear he may never fight again following his injury in last night's match.医生担心他在昨晚的比赛中受伤后可能再也无法重返拳坛了。 struggle [intransitive] to fight sb or try to get away from them 搏斗;扭打;挣扎脱身Ben and Jack struggled together on the grass.本和杰克在草地上扭打起来。I struggled and screamed for help.我挣扎着,高声呼救。How did she manage to struggle free?她是如何设法逃脱的? wrestle ˈresl [intransitive, transitive] to fight sb by holding them and trying to throw or force them to the ground, sometimes as a sport 摔跤;把⋯摔倒在地As a boy he had boxed and wrestled.他小时候练过拳击和摔跤。Armed guards wrestled with the intruder.武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。Shoppers wrestled the raider to the ground.购物的人把抢劫者摔倒在地上。 clash [intransitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to come together and fight or compete in a contest 打斗;冲突;比赛The two teams clash in tomorrow's final.这两个队将在明天的决赛中对决。Demonstrators clashed violently with police.示威者与警方发生了激烈的冲突。 brawl brɔːl [intransitive] to take part in a noisy and violent fight, usually in a public place (通常在公共场合)打斗,闹事They were arrested for brawling in the street.他们因在街头打斗而遭到拘捕。 grapple [intransitive, transitive] to take a firm hold of sb/sth and struggle with them 扭打;搏斗Passers-by grappled with the man after the attack.袭击之后,路人便与这名男子扭打起来。They managed to grapple him to the ground.他们终于把他摔倒在地。 box [intransitive, transitive] to fight sb in the sport of boxing, wearing very large thick gloves (拳击运动中)击打(某人)He boxed for Ireland in the Olympics.他在奥运会上代表爱尔兰出战拳击比赛。The newcomer boxed the champion for the full twelve rounds.这名新手同冠军拳手的比赛打满了十二个回合。 scuffle [intransitive](of two or more people) to fight or struggle with each other for a short time, in a way that is not very serious (两人或多人之间短暂而不太激烈地)发生肢体摩擦,冲突She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel.在离开下榻的旅馆时,她和几名摄影记者发生了小冲突。
BNC: 917 COCA: 676
To use a gun: aim, at gunpoint, cock...
To fight physically: fight, wrestle, clash...
To disagree with someone or something: disagree, oppose, reject...
To prevent something from happening: prevent, stop, avoid...
To compete, or to try to win: compete, vie, contend...
Physical fights: fight, battle, combat...
Wars, battles and military manoeuvres: drawdown, overwatch, war...
Arguments: argument, disagreement, conflict...
General words for competitions: arms race, competition, contest...
An attempt to do something: attempt, effort, struggle...
Determination and ambition: determination, ambition, will...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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