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  1. [uncountable, countable] a popular style of clothes, hair, etc. at a particular time or place; the state of being popular(衣服、发式等的)流行款式,时兴式样
    • the latest fashion trends最新的时装潮流
    • the new season’s fashions新一季的流行款式
    • in fashion Jeans are always in fashion.牛仔裤一直很流行。
    • Long skirts have come into fashion again.长裙又时兴起来了。
    • Some styles never go out of fashion.有些款式永远不会过时。
    Collocations Clothes and fashionClothes and fashion服装与时尚Clothes衣服
    • be wearing a new outfit/​bright colours/​fancy dress/​fur/​uniform穿着一身新衣裳/鲜艳的服装/化装舞会服/毛皮衣服/制服
    • be (dressed) in black/​red/​jeans and a T-shirt/​your best suit/​leather/​silk/​rags (= very old torn clothes)穿着黑色衣服/红色衣服/牛仔裤和 T 恤/最好的西服/皮衣/丝绸衣服/破衣烂衫
    • be dressed for work/​school/​dinner/​a special occasion穿好衣服准备上班/上学/赴晚宴/出席特殊场合
    • be dressed as a man/​woman/​clown/​pirate打扮成男人/女人/小丑/海盗
    • wear/​dress in casual/​designer/​second-hand clothes穿休闲服/名牌服装/二手衣服
    • wear jewellery/​accessories/​a watch/​glasses/​contact lenses/​perfume
    • have a cowboy hat/​red dress/​blue suit on戴着牛仔帽;穿着红色连衣裙/蓝色西服
    • put on/​take off your clothes/​coat/​shoes/​helmet穿上/脱下衣服/外套/鞋子;戴上/取下头盔
    • pull on/​pull off your coat/​gloves/​socks穿上/脱下外套;戴上/脱下手套;穿上/脱下袜子
    • change into/​get changed into a pair of jeans/​your pyjamas
    • change/​enhance/​improve your appearance改变/提升/改善形象
    • create/​get/​have/​give something a new/​contemporary/​retro look塑造/获得/拥有/给某物以新的/现代的/复古的外貌
    • brush/​comb/​shampoo/​wash/​blow-dry your hair梳/用洗发剂洗/洗/吹头发
    • have/​get a haircut/​your hair cut/​a new hairstyle理发;换一个新发型
    • have/​get a piercing/​your nose pierced穿孔;穿鼻孔
    • have/​get a tattoo/​a tattoo done (on your arm)/a tattoo removed有纹身;在(胳膊上)刺花纹;去除纹身
    • have/​get a makeover/​cosmetic surgery做整容手术
    • use/​wear/​apply/​put on make-up/​cosmetics使用化妆品;化妆
    • follow/​keep up with (the) fashion/​the latest fashions追求时尚;赶时髦
    • spend/​waste money on designer clothes把钱花在/浪费在名牌服装上
    • be fashionably/​stylishly/​well dressed衣着时尚/新潮/考究
    • have good/​great/​terrible/​awful taste in clothes着装很有品味/品味很差
    • update/​revamp your wardrobe更新服装
    • be in/​come into/​go out of fashion流行;开始流行;不再流行
    • be (back/​very much) in vogue(又开始/非常)流行
    • create a style/​trend/​vogue for something为…创造了一种风格/趋势/潮流
    • organize/​put on a fashion show策划/举办时装秀
    • show/​unveil a designer’s spring/​summer collection展示/首次推出一位设计师的春/夏装系列
    • sashay/​strut down the catwalk/(North American English also) runway走 T 型台
    • be on/​do a photo/​fashion shoot做专业摄影/时装摄影
    Extra Examples
    • Black is always in fashion.黑色永远流行。
    • He set a fashion for large hats.他引领了戴大帽子的时尚。
    • I need your expert fashion advice.我需要你内行的时尚建议。
    • I've given up trying to keep up with the latest fashions.我已经不再追赶最新时尚。
    • I've started my own fashion line.我开了自己的时装公司。
    • She always wore the latest fashions.她总是穿着最时新的服装。
    • She had no fashion sense whatsoever.她对时尚一窍不通。
    • She loves fashion and make-up.她热爱时尚和化妆品。
    • She started her career as a fashion model.她以做时装模特开始了她的事业。
    • She was respected as a fashion icon.她被尊为时尚偶像。
    • She wore a powdered wig, as was the fashion of the day.她戴着当时流行的扑粉假发。
    • Somebody call the fashion police, please!哪位请叫一下“时尚警察”!
    • The new summer fashions have arrived.夏季的最新流行款式到货了。
    • The store sells everything from casual clothes to high fashion.从便装到最流行的服饰,这家店都有销售。
    • What were your worst fashion disasters?你穿衣打扮最糟糕的是哪几次?
    • When did flares first come into fashion?喇叭裤是什么时候开始流行的?
    • a magazine fashion spread通过杂志传播的时尚
    • a passion for French fashions and goods对法国时装与商品的热爱
    • classic fashions for your wardrobe装饰衣柜的古典服饰
    • photographers at fashion shoots时装摄影师
    • the fashion for long dresses穿长裙的时尚
    • the influence of Italian designer fashion on the clothes industry意大利名牌时装对时装业的影响
    • the latest fashion trend最新的时尚趋势
    • the popular fashions of the day当今的流行时尚
    • The stores are full of the spring fashions.各大商店里满是流行的春装。
    • Our products interpret the latest fashion and styles in an Australian way.我们的产品以澳大利亚的方式诠释最新的时尚和风格。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • contemporary
    • current
    • latest
    verb + fashion
    • be
    • be in
    • become
    fashion + verb
    • change
    fashion + noun
    • statement
    • trend
    • model
    • after the fashion of
    • fashion for
    • fashion in
    • changes in fashion
    • the fashion of the day
    • the height of fashion
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] the business of making or selling clothes in new and different styles时装业
    • They all want to work in fashion.他们都想从事时尚工作。
    • household names in the world of fashion and design时尚设计界家喻户晓的名字
    • a fashion magazine时装杂志
    • the fashion industry时装业
    Extra Examples
    • the fashion runways of Italy and France意大利和法国的时装走秀台
    • the world's top fashion experts世界顶级的时尚专家
    • one of the most successful fashion houses in Milan米兰最成功的时装店之一
    • fresh interest in the New York fashion scene纽约时装界的新鲜事物
    • Paris, the world's fashion capital世界时尚之都巴黎
    • Her summer collection took the fashion world by storm.她的夏装系列在时装界刮起了一股旋风。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • contemporary
    • current
    • latest
    verb + fashion
    • be
    • be in
    • become
    fashion + verb
    • change
    fashion + noun
    • statement
    • trend
    • model
    • after the fashion of
    • fashion for
    • fashion in
    • changes in fashion
    • the fashion of the day
    • the height of fashion
    See full entry
  3. [countable] a popular way of behaving, doing an activity, etc.(行为、活动等的)时尚,时兴
    • This theory, though recent, is more than a passing fashion.这个理论虽然最近才出现,但并不会昙花一现。
    • fashion in something Fashions in art and literature come and go.文艺的潮流总是昙花一现。
    • fashion for something He seemed to endorse the current fashion for neoliberal economics.他似乎支持当前新自由主义经济学的潮流。
    • fashion for doing something The fashion at the time was for teaching mainly the written language.那时教学时兴的主要是书面语。
    Extra Examples
    • changing fashions in education教育中不断变化的风尚
    • The palazzo represents the height of architectural fashion for the mid-17th century.这座宫殿代表了 17 世纪中叶建筑设计潮流的高峰。
    • The book traces how fashions have changed over the years.这本书追踪了这些年的时尚变化。
    • Pessimism has become the fashion.现在流行悲观主义。
    • Careful spending has gone out of fashion in our consumer society.在我们这个消费社会精打细算已经过时了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • true…
    • normal
    • standard
    verb + fashion
    • act in
    • behave in
    • proceed in
    • after a fashion
    • in a fashion
    See full entry
  4. see also Bristol fashion
    Word OriginMiddle English (in the sense ‘make, shape, appearance’, also ‘a particular make or style’): from Old French façon, from Latin factio(n-), from facere ‘do, make’.
after a fashion
  1. to some extent, but not very well还过得去;还算可以
    • I can play the piano, after a fashion.我会弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎。
    • ‘Do you speak French?’ ‘After a fashion.’“你会说法语吗?“赶时髦,”。
    • So they became friends, after a fashion.所以,在某种程度上他们成了朋友。
after the fashion of somebody/something
  1. (formal) in the style of somebody/something模仿…的式样;像…的风格
    • The new library is very much after the fashion of Nash.这座新图书馆很像纳什的风格。
    • She spoke in French after the fashion of the court.她模仿宫廷法语发表讲话。
in (a)… fashion
  1. (formal) in a particular way以…方式
    • How could they behave in such a fashion?他们的态度怎么会这样呢?
    • I strive to get my work done in a timely fashion.我努力按时完成工作。
    • The troops embarked in an orderly fashion.部队井然有序地登船。
    • Each chapter is structured in a similar fashion.每一章的结构都很相似。
    • She was proved right, in dramatic fashion, when the whole department resigned.整个部门的人都辞了职,戏剧性地证明她是对的。
    Extra Examples
    • Address me in a proper fashion.用一个恰当的方式称呼我。
    • Application for the course can be made in the normal fashion.申请修这门课程可以按正常方式进行。
    • Costs and revenues are assumed to behave in a linear fashion.人们推断成本与收益呈线性关系。
    • He asked questions in a direct fashion他问问题的方式很直接。
    • He delivered his speech in classic fashion.他用经典的方式发表了讲话。
    • He has a small vocabulary and is only able to express himself in a limited fashion.他的词汇贫乏,因此表达也有限。
    • He insisted the meeting be held, in true spy novel fashion, in the open air.他坚持要像真正的间谍小说中描写的那样在露天举行会议。
    • He presents it in an entertaining fashion.他风趣地提出了此事。
    • Karpov struck back in no uncertain fashion to win the seventh game.卡尔波夫坚决反击,一定要赢第七局比赛。
    • Light and sound are recorded in such different fashions.光和声就是按这样的不同方式记录下来的。
    • Please proceed in an orderly fashion to the promenade deck.请有序地走到散步甲板上去。
    • She laid out her argument in a convincing fashion.她令人信服地摆出了她的论点。
    • She was strolling in a leisurely fashion in the opposite direction.她正朝着相反的方向悠闲地漫步。
    • She writes in a serious fashion about the future对于未来,她采取很严肃的态度进行写作。
    • She has corrected that oversight in fine fashion.她很巧妙地纠正了那次疏忽。
    • The convention proceeded in the normal fashion.会议像往常一样进行。
    • The descent of the footpath starts in easy fashion.乡间小道缓缓向下延伸。
    • The story moves in circular fashion.这个故事的情节是循环发展的。
    • They act in a purposeful and deliberate fashion.他们既果断又谨慎地行动。
    • They celebrated their win in traditional fashion by spraying champagne everywhere.他们用四处喷溅香槟的传统方式庆祝胜利。
    • We had just gone out when, in typical fashion, the rain came down.跟往常一样,我们刚刚出门就下雨了。
    • We need to tackle this problem in a coordinated fashion.我们需要相互配合协调解决这一问题。
    • Why are they behaving in such a ridiculous fashion?他们为什么如此不可思议地行事?
    • batons ready in best police fashion警棍在手,一副“经典”的警察派头
    • slowly descending the stairs in a grand fashion威严地缓缓走下台阶
    • when people confront you in a negative fashion当人们以消极的方式和你对抗时
    • I remembered clearly the peculiar fashion in which it all happened.我清楚地记得这一切发生的奇特方式。
like it’s going out of fashion
  1. (informal) used to emphasize that somebody is doing something or using something a lot做得很多;大量使用;大肆花费
    • She's been spending money like it's going out of fashion.她花钱一直大手大脚。
    see also parrot-fashion


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they fashion
he / she / it fashions
past simple fashioned
past participle fashioned
-ing form fashioning
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  1. to make or shape something, especially with your hands(尤指用手工)制作,使成形,塑造
    • fashion A (from/out of B) She fashioned a pot from the clay.她用黏土制成一个罐。
    • fashion B (into A) She fashioned the clay into a pot.她用黏土制成一个罐。
    Word OriginMiddle English (in the sense ‘make, shape, appearance’, also ‘a particular make or style’): from Old French façon, from Latin factio(n-), from facere ‘do, make’.


1style of dressing, etc. popular at a particular time潮流ADJECTIVE | VERB + FASHION | FASHION + VERB | FASHION + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcontemporary, current, latest, modern, new當代的流行款式;當前的流行式樣;最新的流行款式;現代潮流;新的時尚changing, passing變化的時尚;短暫的潮流changing fashions in education教育中不斷變化的風尚This theory, though recent, is more than a passing fashion.這個理論雖然最近才出現,但並不會曇花一現。high最新式樣The store sells everything from casual clothes to high fashion.從便裝到最流行的服飾,這家店都有銷售。classic古典式樣classic fashions for your wardrobe裝飾衣櫃的古典服飾designer設計師品牌時裝the influence of Italian designer fashion on the industry意大利的設計師品牌時裝對時裝業的影響popular流行時尚the popular fashions of the day當今的流行時尚autumn, fall, spring, summer, winter秋季/春季/夏季/冬季流行款式The new summer fashions have arrived.夏季的最新流行款式到貨了。French, Italian法國/意大利時裝a passion for French fashions and goods對法國時裝與商品的熱愛female, male, street, youth女性/男性/街頭/年輕人的時尚architectural, cultural, intellectual, literary建築時尚;文化時尚;學術時髦;文學時尚VERB + FASHIONbe, be in流行She wore a wig, as was the fashion of the day.她帶着假髮,這在當時很流行。Black is always in fashion.黑色總是流行色。become, come into成為時尚Pessimism has become the fashion.現在流行悲觀主義。When did flares first come into fashion?喇叭褲是什麼時候開始流行的?fall out of, go out of過時;不再流行Careful spending has gone out of fashion in our consumer society.在我們這個消費社會精打細算已經過時了。be out of不流行come back into重新流行be back in重新流行set, start引領時尚He set a fashion for large hats.他引領了戴大帽子的時尚。follow, keep up with趕時髦;緊跟時尚I've given up trying to keep up with the latest fashions.我已經不再追趕最新時尚。wear穿時裝She always wore the latest fashions.她總是穿着最時新的服裝。love熱愛時尚She loves fashion and make-up.她熱愛時尚和化妝品。FASHION + VERBchange時尚變化The book traces how fashions have changed over the years.這本書追踪了這些年的時尚變化。FASHION + NOUNstatement時尚宣言Flares were a fashion statement of the seventies.喇叭褲是 70 年代的時尚宣言。trend時尚趨勢the latest fashion trend最新的時尚趨勢model時裝模特She started her career as a fashion model.她以做時裝模特開始了她的事業。show時裝表演shoot時裝攝影photographers at fashion shoots時裝攝影師magazine時尚雜誌plate, spread穿着時髦的人;時尚的傳播She looked like a fashion plate.她看起來像一張時裝樣片。a magazine fashion spread通過雜誌傳播的時尚scene時裝界fresh interest in the New York fashion scene紐約時裝界的新鮮事物capital時尚之都Paris, the world's fashion capital世界時尚之都巴黎runway (NAmE) 時裝走秀台the fashion runways of Italy and France意大利和法國的時裝走秀台business, industry, market, trade, world時裝生意;時裝業;時裝市場;時裝貿易;時裝界Her summer collection took the fashion world by storm.她的夏裝系列在時裝界颳起了一股旋風。brand, company, house, label, line時裝品牌;時裝公司;時裝店;時裝標籤;時裝產業one of the most successful fashion houses in Milan米蘭最成功的時裝店之一I've started my own fashion line.我開了自己的時裝公司。retailer, shop (BrE) , store時裝零售店;時裝店design, photography時裝設計/攝影designer, director, editor, photographer, stylist, writer時裝設計師;時裝總監;時裝編輯;時裝攝影師;時裝款式設計師;時尚作家consultant, expert, guru, maven (NAmE) 時尚顧問/專家/權威/行家the world's top fashion experts世界頂級的時尚專家icon時尚偶像She was respected as a fashion icon.她被尊為時尚偶像。sense時尚感She had no fashion sense whatsoever.她對時尚一竅不通。advice, tip時尚建議;時尚小貼士I need your expert fashion advice.我需要你內行的時尚建議。accessory, item時裝配飾;時裝單品victim盲目趕時髦的人this season's must-have accessories that no fashion victim will be seen without時尚一族不會錯過的當季必備飾物disaster時尚災難What were your worst fashion disasters?你穿衣打扮最糟糕的是哪幾次?police (humorous) (愛對他人的服飾評頭論足的)時尚警察Somebody call the fashion police, please!哪位請叫一下“時尚警察”!PREPOSITIONafter the fashion of模仿⋯She spoke in French after (= copying) the fashion of the court.她模仿宮廷法語發表講話。fashion for⋯的時尚the fashion for long dresses穿長裙的時尚fashion in⋯中的潮流Fashions in art come and go.藝術時尚風雲變幻。PHRASESchanges in fashion潮流變化the fashion of the day當今潮流the height of fashion時尚的頂點The palazzo represents the height of architectural fashion for the mid-17th century.這座宮殿代表了 17 世紀中葉建築設計潮流的高峰。the world of fashion時尚界household names in the world of fashion and design時尚設計界家喻戶曉的名字


2way you do sth做事方式ADJECTIVE | VERB + FASHION | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEtrue...真實的方式He insisted the meeting be held, in true spy novel fashion, in the open air.他堅持要像真正的間諜小說中描寫的那樣在露天舉行會議。normal, standard, usual正常的/標準的/慣常的方式Application for the course can be made in the normal fashion.申請修這門課程可以按正常方式進行。conventional, time-honoured/time-honored, traditional傳統方式;歷史悠久的方式They celebrated their win in traditional fashion by spraying champagne everywhere.他們用四處噴濺香檳的傳統方式慶祝勝利。proper恰當的方式Address me in a proper fashion.用一個恰當的方式稱呼我。characteristic, classic, typical特有的/經典的/典型的方式He delivered his speech in classic fashion.他用經典的方式發表了講話。We had just gone out when, in typical fashion, the rain came down.跟往常一樣,我們剛剛出門就下雨了。identical, same, similar一模一樣的/同樣的/相似的方式Each chapter is structured in a similar fashion.每一章的結構都很相似。different不同的方式Light and sound are recorded in such different fashions.光和聲就是按這樣的不同方式記錄下來的。limited有限的方式He has a small vocabulary and is only able to express himself in a limited fashion.他的詞彙貧乏,因此表達也有限。negative, positive消極的/積極的方式when people confront you in a negative fashion當人們以消極的方式和你對抗時no uncertain (especially BrE) 確定的方式Karpov struck back in no uncertain fashion to win the seventh game.卡爾波夫堅決反擊,一定要贏第七局比賽。meaningful有意義的方式best (often ironic) , exemplary, fine, impressive最佳的/示範性的/令人愉快的/給人印象深刻的方式'Like hell they are!' he replies in best John Wayne fashion.“他們絕對不可能!”他拿着約翰・韋恩的腔調回答說。She has corrected that oversight in fine fashion.她很巧妙地糾正了那次疏忽。appropriate合適的方式cavalier漫不經心的方式coherent, consistent, controlled, orderly, organized, regular, systematic有條理的/前後一致的/有節制的/有序的/有組織的/有規律的/系統的方式We need to tackle this problem in a coordinated fashion.我們需要相互配合協調解決這一問題。ad hoc, desultory, haphazard, piecemeal, random, roundabout臨時的/沒有條理的/缺乏計劃的/雜亂無章的/隨意的/迂迴的方式arbitrary任意的方式direct, honest, straightforward直接的/誠實的/坦率的方式He asked questions in a direct fashion他問問題的方式很直接。serious嚴肅認真的方式She writes in a serious fashion about the future.對於未來,她採取很嚴肅的態度進行寫作。deliberate深思熟慮的方式They act in a purposeful and deliberate fashion.他們既果斷又謹慎地行動。leisurely, relaxed悠閒的/放鬆的方式She was strolling in a leisurely fashion in the opposite direction.她正朝着相反的方向悠閒地漫步。logical, predictable合理的/可預測的方式convincing令人信服的方式She laid out her argument in a convincing fashion.她令人信服地擺出了她的論點。circular, linear循環/線性方式The story moves in circular fashion.這個故事的情節是循環發展的。Costs and revenues are assumed to behave in a linear fashion.人們推斷成本與收益呈線性關係。timely適時的方式I strive to get my work done in a timely fashion.我努力按時完成工作。dramatic, spectacular戲劇性的/引人注目的方式grand隆重的方式slowly descending the stairs in a grand fashion威嚴地緩緩走下台階bizarre, curious, odd, peculiar, strange異樣的/奇特的/古怪的/特別的/奇怪的方式mysterious神秘的方式friendly友好方式entertaining有趣的方式He presents it in an entertaining fashion.他風趣地提出了此事。businesslike高效務實的方式democratic民主的方式VERB + FASHIONact in, behave in以⋯方式行事proceed in以⋯方式繼續進行Please proceed in an orderly fashion to the promenade deck.請有序地走到散步甲板上去。The convention proceeded in the normal fashion.會議像往常一樣進行。PREPOSITIONafter a fashion在某種程度上So they became friends, after a fashion (= to some extent).所以,在某種程度上他們成了朋友。in a fashion以⋯方式Why are they behaving in such a ridiculous fashion?他們為什麼如此不可思議地行事?The troops embarked in an orderly fashion.部隊井然有序地登船。
fashion verb


 See also the entry for style 另见style条fashion ♦︎ style ♦︎ vogue ♦︎ fad ♦︎ trend ♦︎ look ♦︎ crazeThese are all words for particular things being very popular for a limited period of time. 这些词均表示流行、时髦、风尚。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a fashion / vogue / fad / trend / craze for stha fashion / style / trend in stha fashion / trend / craze among peoplein fashion / style / vogue / trenda new fashion / style / vogue / fad / trend / look / crazethe latest fashion / style / fad / trend / look / crazethe current fashion / vogue / fad / trenda passing fashion / fad / crazeto come (back) into / (be / go) out of fashion / vogueto set a fashion / style / trendto create a style / vogue / trend / lookto follow fashion / a style / a trend fashion [uncountable, countable] clothes, ways of wearing your hair, ways of behaving, activities, etc. that are popular at a particular time or place; the business of making or selling clothes in new and different styles (衣服、发型等的)流行款式,时兴式样;(行为、活动等的)时尚;时装业Long skirts have come into fashion again.长裙又时兴起来了。The stores are full of the spring fashions.各大商店里满是流行的春装。Fashions in art and literature come and go.文艺的潮流总是昙花一现。a fashion designer / magazine / show时装设计师/杂志/表演the fashion industry时装业the world of fashion时装界 style [countable, uncountable] a particular design of sth, especially clothes or hair; the quality of looking fashionable (尤指衣服或发型的)样式,款式;时新;时髦We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes.我们有各种款式和尺码的货品。Why not have your hair cut in a shorter style?你为什么不剪个短发呢?hot tips for style-conscious teenagers给追求时髦的青少年的最新流行情报Short skirts are back in style.短裙又流行起来了。 see also stylish elegant vogue vəʊg; NAmE voʊg [countable, usually singular] (rather formal, written) a fashion for sth 流行;时髦;风尚the vogue for child-centred education以孩子为中心的教育潮流Black is in vogue again this winter.今冬黑色又成了流行色。 fad [countable] (disapproving) something that people are interested in for only a short period of time 一时的风尚;短暂的狂热It's just a fad. It won't last.那只是一时的狂热,不会持久。Fads for vitamin supplements have been overtaken by a vogue for minerals and trace elements.补充维生素的狂热已被补充矿物质和微量元素的潮流取代。 trend [countable] a general direction in the way fashion changes 流行趋势;趋向;动态You seem to have set (= started) a new trend.看来你们是开了新风气。fashion trends in sunglasses太阳眼镜的流行趋势 (BrE, rather informal) Their new knitwear is very on trend (= in the latest fashion).他们的新针织衫是最时兴的。 see also trend trend look [singular] a particular type of appearance 式样;时尚;风格The punk look is in again.朋客式装扮又时兴起来了。She said she was aiming for a more sophisticated look.她说她想要打扮得更有深度一些。 craze [countable] an enthusiastic interest in sth that is shared by many people but that usually does not last very long; a thing that people have a craze for (通常为一时的)狂热,疯狂;风行一时的事物I don't understand this craze for collecting labels.这种收集标签的狂热我无法理解。Pet pigs are the latest craze.最近兴起养宠物猪。
The fashion industry: bespoke, catwalk, collection...
Popularity or popular things and places: popularity, boom, magnet...

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