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    unit of language语言单位

  1. [countable] a single unit of language that means something and can be spoken or written单词;词;字
    • Do not write more than 200 words.写的东西不要超过 200 字。
    • Do you know the words to this song?你知道这首歌的歌词吗?
    • word for something What's the Spanish word for ‘table’?table 这个词西班牙语怎么说?
    • He was a true friend in all senses of the word.从任何意义上来说他都是位真正的朋友。
    • Tell me what happened in your own words.用你自己的话告诉我出了什么事。
    • I could hear every word they were saying.我可以听到他们说的每一个字。
    • without speaking/uttering a word一言不发
    • He couldn't find the words to thank her enough.他找不出适当的话语来充分表达对她的感激之情。
    • Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel).我无法用语言来表达我的感受。
    • There are no words to say how sorry we are.我们十分后悔,实在无以言喻。
    • I can't remember her exact words.我记不清她的原话了。
    • Angry is not the word for it—I was furious.用 “生气” 来形容并不够,我是怒不可遏。
    • I can never put my feelings into words.我永远无法用语言表达我的感受。
    see also buzzword, code word, four-letter word, household word, spoken word, swear word
    Synonyms wordword
    • term
    • phrase
    • expression
    • idiom
    These are all words for a unit of language used to express something.
    • word a single unit of language that means something and can be spoken or written:
      • Do not write more than 200 words.写的东西不要超过 200 字。
      • He uses a lot of long words.他使用了很多长词。
    • term (rather formal) a word or phrase used as the name of something, especially one connected with a particular type of language:指词语、术语、措辞:
      • technical/​legal/​scientific terms专门/法律/科学用语
      • ‘Old man’ is a slang term for ‘father’.old man 为俚语,指父亲。
    • phrase a group of words that have a particular meaning when used together:
      • Who coined the phrase ‘fake news’?谁创造了“假新闻”这个短语?
      In grammar, a phrase is a group of words without a finite verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence: ‘the green car’ and ‘on Friday morning’ are phrases.
    • expression a word or phrase:
      • He tends to use a lot of slang expressions that I’ve never heard before.他往往用许多我以前从未听说过的俚语。
    • idiom a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words:
      • ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.“让猫从袋子里跑出来”是惯用语,意思是无意中泄露秘密。
    • a word/​term for something
    • a new word/​term/​phrase/​expression
    • a technical/​colloquial word/​term/​phrase/​expression
    • a slang word/​term/​phrase
    • an idiomatic phrase/​expression
    • to use a(n) word/​term/​phrase/​expression/​idiom
    • to coin a(n) word/​term/​phrase/​expression
    • a(n) word/​term/​phrase/​expression/​idiom means something
    Extra Examples
    • ‘Necessary’ is one of the most commonly misspelt words in English.在英语中necessary 是最常拼错的单词之一。
    • ‘Technology’ comes from the Greek word ‘techne’.technology (技术)一词来自于希腊语词汇 techne。
    • ‘Window’ derives from a Norse word meaning ‘eye of the wind’.window (窗户)这个词来源于古斯堪的那维亚语 中“风眼”一词。
    • Bold words denote chapter headings.黑体词表示章节标题。
    • By emphasizing particular words you can change the meaning.重读特定的词就能改变意思。
    • Don't waffle in your essay just to get the right word count.写文章时不要为了凑字数而胡扯一通。
    • He chatters away at about 200 words per minute.他以大约每分钟 200 词的速度唠叨个不停。
    • He enunciated the word with extreme care.他非常仔细而清晰地读出该词。
    • She kept shouting the word ‘No!’她不停地喊着“不!
    • He types 80 words per minute.他每分钟打 80 个单词。
    • She uses big words to impress people.她用大话打动人。
    • He uses lots of long words.他爱用长词。
    • She whispered the word to me.她小声对我说了这个词。
    • He wrote down a few key words to help him remember what to say.他写下了一些关键词来帮他记住要说些什么。
    • His exact words were, ‘There's nothing we can do about it.’他确切的原话是:“我们对此无能为力。”
    • How is this word pronounced?这个词怎么读?
    • I couldn't find the right word to express the concept.我找不到恰当的词来表达这个概念。
    • I daren't even mention the word ‘money’ to him.我甚至不敢跟他提“钱”这个字。
    • I find even everyday words difficult to spell.我发现甚至日常用词也很难拼写。
    • I found several misspelled words and grammatical errors.我发现了几处拼写和语法错误。
    • I knew he'd been drinking because he was slurring his words.我知道他喝酒了,因为他说话含糊不清。
    • I misheard the word ‘sick’ as ‘thick’.我把sick 误听为thick 了。
    • I'm not sure what he said but the word sounded like ‘bull’.我不能确定他说的是什么,但那个词听起来像 bull (公牛)。
    • It's a slang word meaning ‘boy’ or ‘person’.这是个俚语词,意思是“男孩”或“人”。
    • People who overeat are not addicts in the true sense of the word.过量饮食者并非真正意义上的成瘾者。
    • Rearrange the letters to form a word.把这些字母重新组合成一个词。
    • She had memorized all the words to the song.她已经记住了那首歌的全部歌词。
    • He looked the word up in the dictionary.他在字典里查这个词。
    • She deleted ‘girl’ and substituted the word ‘woman’.她将 girl (女孩)这个词删去,换成了 woman (女人)。
    • She used loaded words like ‘bully’ when describing his actions.在描述他的行为时,她用的是一些像 bully (恃强凌弱)之类别有意味的词语。
    • He was so furious, he almost spat the words out: ‘You idiot!’他怒不可遏,差点吐出几个字:“你这个白痴!
    • Spanish has no word for ‘understatement’.西班牙语中没有与understatement(保守的陈述)相对应的词。
    • The audience mouthed the words to all the songs.观众不出声地哼着所有歌曲的歌词。
    • The book uses simple words and pictures to explain complex processes.该书使用简单的词语和图画来解释复杂的过程。
    • The children are asked to think of rhyming words.孩子们被要求想出一些押韵的词。
    • The look in her eyes filled in the unspoken words in her sentence.她的眼神填补了她话语中的未吐之言。
    • The word ‘synergy’ combines ‘synthesis’ and ‘energy’.“协同”这个词结合了“合成”和“能量”。
    • The same word can carry numerous meanings.同一个单词可以有多种意思。
    • The students had to retell the story in their own words.学生必须用自己的话复述这个故事。
    • The word ‘cruise’ conjures up images of a luxury.* cruise (巡游)这个词使人想起奢华的场景。
    • The word ‘e-commerce’ was coined to refer to business done over the internet.人们创造e-commerce 这个单词来指在互联网上做的生意。
    • The word has two meanings.这个词有两个意思。
    • The words at the end of the lines all rhyme.这些诗行末尾的单词都押韵。
    • These students have very poor word-recognition skills.这些学生的词汇识别技巧很差。
    • We didn't say a single word to each other all day.我们相互之间一整天没说一句话。
    • We never heard anyone say an unkind word about her.我们从未听过任何人说过她的坏话。
    • We recall the words of Martin Luther King, ‘Free at last’.我们回想起马丁・路德・金曾说过的话:“终于自由了。”
    • What's a word beginning with ‘c’ that means ‘a small wood’?什么单词以c 开头,其意思是“小树林”?
    • What's the French word for ‘snail’?snail (蜗牛)一词用法语怎么说?
    • Words can't express how happy I am.我的幸福难以言表。
    • You can't always find the right word when you're translating.翻译时不是总能找到恰当的词语。
    • You said we were about to make a big mistake, and never was a truer word spoken!你说我们将犯下大错,你说得真是千真万确!
    • a more polite word for the same thing表达同样意思的更礼貌的用语
    • a word that is often misused经常用错的词
    • words describing body parts描述身体部位的词语
    • The word ‘politics’ is derived from a Greek word meaning ‘city’.politics 一词源自希腊语,意思是 city。
    • I was angry when I read these words.看到这些话我很生气。
    • The joke depended on the two meanings of the word 'star'.这个笑话取决于“星星”这个词的两个意思。
    • The use of the word 'organic' is prohibited on products not covered by the Organic Foods Production Act.《有机食品生产法》未涵盖的产品禁止使用“有机”一词。
    Topics Languagea1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • two-letter
    • three-letter
    • etc.
    verb + word
    • have
    • use
    • mention
    word + verb
    • mean something
    • signify something
    • refer to something
    word + noun
    • game
    • puzzle
    • identification
    • in somebody’s words
    • word for
    • word in
    • in all senses of the word
    • in other words
    • in so many words
    See full entry
  2. something you say说的话

  3. [countable] a thing that you say; a remark or statement说的话;话语;言语
    • Have a word with Pat and see what she thinks.和帕特谈一谈,看她是怎么想的。
    • Could I have a quick word with you (= speak to you quickly)?我能跟你很快地说句话吗?
    • A word of warning: read the instructions very carefully.警示:仔细阅读说明。
    • words of love/encouragement爱的话语/鼓励
    • She left without a word (= without saying anything).她一句话也没说就走了。
    • I don't believe a word of his story (= I don't believe any of it).他说的这件事我一句都不相信。
    • a man of few words (= who doesn’t talk very much)少言寡语的男子
    • I'd like to say a few words about future plans.我想就今后的计划说几句。
    • Remember—not a word to (= don't tell) Peter about any of this.记住,对彼得可要只字不提这件事的任何情况。
    • He never breathed a word of this to me.这事他从来没向我透露过一点风声。
    • (British English) We've been married twenty years and there's never been a cross word between us (= we have never argued or been angry with each other).我们结婚二十年了,从来没有争吵过。
    Extra Examples
    • Thank you for those kind words.谢谢你说了这么多体贴的话。
    • He wanted to tell her how he felt about her, but the words stuck in his throat.他想告诉她自己对她的感觉,但是又难以启齿。
    • Her last words were for her children.她的遗言是留给她的孩子们的。
    • She had some harsh words to say about her colleagues.她说了一些有关同事的刻薄话。
    • Her parting words were ‘I'll be back’.她分手时说的话是“我会回来的”。
    • Her teacher's words echoed in her ears.老师的话在她耳朵里回响。
    • His words conjured up a strange picture in her mind.他的话在她脑海中浮现出一幅奇怪的画面。
    • Her words were drowned out by the roar of the engine.她的话被机器的轰鸣声淹没了。
    • He was nervous, and his words came out in a rush.他心里紧张,说话语无伦次。
    • He whispered a few words of prayer.他低声说了几句祷词。
    • I don't believe a word of what she said.她说的话我一句也不信。
    • I let my words hang in the air. Maggie was no fool: she must realize I meant it.我没有把话说完。玛吉不是傻瓜,她一定意识到了我是故意的。
    • I listened to his words of wisdom.我聆听了他那些智慧的话语。
    • I've had a few words with John, and he's quite happy for you to stay.我与约翰谈了谈,他对你能留下感到十分高兴。
    • The words lingered in his mind long after they were spoken.那些话说出后很久仍在他脑际萦绕。
    • Those were her very words.这些都是她的原话。
    • Don't breathe a word to anyone about what I've told you!不要对任何人透露我对你说的话!
    • And now a word from our sponsors…接下来要发言的是我们的赞助商⋯⋯
    • A word to the wise: just because it's a bargain doesn't mean you have to buy it.一点儿忠告:不能仅仅因为便宜你就买。
    • He tried to calm her with soothing words.他试图说些安慰的话让她平静下来。
    • Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words about who I am.在开始之前,我想先自我介绍一下。
    • Despite all their fine words, the council have never done anything to improve road safety.委员会说得好听,实际上从未采取任何措施改进公路安全。
    • Despite his brave words, I don't believe he can save the factory from closure.尽管他有一番豪言壮语,我却不相信他能使工厂免于倒闭。
    • Every word he utters is considered sacred.他所说的每个字都被看作是神圣的。
    • His words faded to silence as he saw she didn't believe him.看到她并不相信他,他的话音越来越低,最终沉默不语了。
    • Her words fell into the silence like stones.她的话像石头一样陷入了沉默。
    • He chose his words carefully when commenting on her work.在评论她的作品时他字斟句酌。
    • She whispered words of comfort in his ear.她在他耳边轻轻说了几句安慰的话。
    • He never says a harsh word about his experiences.对于自己的经历他从未抱怨过。
    • the immortal words of Neil Armstrong as he stepped onto the moon尼尔・阿姆斯特朗登上月球时所说的不朽名言
    • She felt angry at how the journalist had twisted her words.她对记者歪曲了她的原话感到气愤。
    • He had blurted the words out before he realized it.他意识到之前已经脱口而出了。
    • She could feel her temper boiling as his words sank in.她逐渐听明白了他的话,感到怒火中烧。
    • He ruined her self-confidence with a few well-chosen words.他仔细斟酌过后说的几句话使她失去了自信心。
    • Seconds after uttering the fateful words ‘this is easy!’ he crashed.刚说完“这很容易!”这句灾难性的话没几秒钟,他就撞车了。
    • Nobody's uttered a word to me about it.没有任何人向我提过这件事。
    • No polite words of gratitude came.没有听到任何感激的客气话。
    • In her speech she echoed the President's words.她在演讲中转引了总统说过的话。
    • a word of advice/​caution一句忠告/告诫
    • The government's promises on nurses' pay turned out to be weasel words.政府对护士工资问题的许诺到头来只不过是推诿之词。
    • Mark my words, this film will win an Oscar.记住我的话好了,这部电影会得奥斯卡奖的。
    • She instantly regretted her words.她立刻为自己说过的话感到后悔。
    • He has given us a warning, and we should heed his words.他给了我们一个警告,我们应该听从他的话。
    • She was charmed by his friendly smile and polite words.她被他友好的微笑和礼貌的话语迷住了。
    • I usually exchange a few words with him when I see him.我见到他时,通常会与他聊上几句。
    • I want to say a few words about Christina.我想谈谈克里斯蒂娜。
    • Those mocking words haunted me for years.那些嘲笑的话语多年来在我脑海中挥之不去。
    • They exchanged whispered words of love.他们喁喁细语,情话绵绵。
    • The manager had a quiet word with Alison, and she gave him no more problems.经理和艾莉森轻声说了几句话,她就再也不给他出难题了。
    • The advertising uses words and images to influence the public.广告使用文字和图像来影响公众。
    • He hasn't a good word to say for anybody.他对谁都没有一句好话。
    • They show charity in word and deed.他们言行一致,表示慈善。
    • She said the magic word, ‘Abracadabra!’.她说了一个神奇的词,“胡言乱语!
    • the truth behind his words他话背后的真相
    • Repeat the words after me.跟着我重复单词。
    • You simply haven't understood a word I've said.我说的话你一个字也没听懂。
    • She left without a word of thanks.她一句谢谢也没说就走了。
    • Her choice of words is significant.她的用词意义重大。
    • There are hardly words to describe how we all feel.很难用语言来描述我们所有人的感受。
    • I don't have a bad word to say about her.我对她没有恶语可说。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • quick
    • quiet
    verb + a word
    • have
    • word with
    • a word in somebody’s ear
    See full entry
  4. promise诺言

  5. [singular] a promise or guarantee that you will do something or that something will happen or is true诺言;许诺;保证
    • I give you my word that this won't happen again.我向你保证这种事不会再次发生。
    • I give you my word of honour (= my sincere promise)我向你庄严承诺…
    • We never doubted her word.我们从不怀疑她的许诺。
    • We only have his word for it that the cheque is in the post.他只是向我们保证支票在邮寄之中。
    • to keep your word (= do what you promised)遵守诺言
    • He promised to help and was as good as his word (= did what he promised).他答应帮忙,并且说话算数。
    • He's a man of his word (= he does what he promises).他是个守信用的人。
    • I trusted her not to go back on her word (= break her promise).我相信她不会食言。
    • I can't prove it—you'll have to take my word for it (= believe me).我无法证明此事,你就相信我好了。
    Extra Examples
    • You needn't worry about him not paying you back—he's a man of his word.你不必担心他不还你钱,他是个守信的人。
    • I give you my word of honour I will not forget what I owe you.我以名誉担保,我欠你的我都会铭记在心。
    • She was as good as her word.她言出必行。
    • She won't go to the police. You can take my word for it.她不会报警的,相信我说的话吧。
    • They claimed that the minister had gone back on her word.他们称部长没有兑现她的许诺。
    • We only have his word for it that he wasn't there that night.他只是向我们保证他那天晚上没在那里。
    • You can trust me. You know I always keep my word.你可以相信我。你知道我总是信守诺言。
    • You gave me your word of honour.你向我保证过你的荣誉。
    • We only have her word for it that she sent the payment.她只是向我们保证她支付了款项。
    • True to his word, he returned next day.果然不出所料,他第二天就回来了。
    • She gave him her solemn word that she would give up drugs.她郑重向他承诺要戒毒。
    • He gave me a promise, and I'm willing to trust his word.他给了我一个承诺,我愿意相信他的话。
    • Once he has made a promise, he never goes back on his word.他一旦承诺,就永不食言。
    • I'm sorry I doubted your word.对不起,我怀疑过你的诺言。
    • If it's your word against the police officer's, the jury are going to believe him.如果你的话与那名警察的话不一致,陪审团就会相信警察。
    • I haven't seen his work, but I'll take his word for it that it's finished.我还没看到他干的活儿,但是我相信他说的,工作已经完成了。
    • She gave me her word of honour that she wouldn't tell anyone.她向我保证不会告诉任何人。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • solemn
    verb + word
    • give somebody
    • be as good as
    • be true to
    • have somebody’s word for something
    • a man of his word
    • a woman of her word
    See full entry
  6. information/news信息;消息

  7. [singular] a piece of information or news信息;消息
    • There's been no word from them since before Christmas.自圣诞节前就一直没有他们的消息。
    • She sent word that she would be late.她捎信来说她要晚些来。
    • If word gets out about the affair, he will have to resign.要是这一绯闻传出去,他就得辞职。
    • Word has it that she's leaving.据说她要走了。
    • The word is they've split up.据说他们分手了。
    • He likes to spread the word about the importance of healthy eating.他喜欢宣传健康饮食的重要性。
    Extra Examples
    • Word that he had died spread fast.他已死去的消息快速传播开来。
    • We soon got word of his arrival.我们很快得知他到达的消息。
    • We didn't get word of her arrest until the next day.我们直到第二天才得到她被捕的消息。
    • The word on the street is there's going to be a takeover.有传言说将要发生收购。
    • Health workers spread the word about the benefits of immunization.医疗工作者宣传关于接种疫苗的好处。
    • He sent word to his family that his captors were treating him well.他给家人捎了个口信,说劫持者待他还好。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + word
    • bring
    • send
    • get
    word + verb
    • get out
    • leak
    • leak out
    • word about
    • word of
    • the word on the street is
    • what’s the word?
    See full entry
  8. Bible《圣经》

  9. the Word
    (also the Word of God)
    [singular] the Bible and its teachings《圣经》;福音Topics Religion and festivalsc2
  10. Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch woord and German Wort, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin verbum ‘word’.
actions speak louder than words
  1. (saying) what a person actually does means more than what they say they will do行动胜于语言
bandy words (with somebody)
  1. (old-fashioned) to argue with somebody or speak rudely to them(与…)争吵,发生口角Topics Opinion and argumentc2
be a dirty word
  1. to be a subject or an idea that people think is bad or morally wrong犯忌的字眼;犯忌的话题;忌讳的想法;淫秽字眼
    • Profit is not a dirty word around here.在这里,赢利不是一个犯忌的字眼。
    • Work is a dirty word to Frank.对弗兰克来说,工作是一个难听的字眼。
be lost for words
  1. to be so surprised, confused, etc. that you do not know what to say(非常惊讶、困惑等而)不知说什么才好Topics Feelingsc1
beyond words
  1. in a way that cannot be expressed in words一字不差地;(翻译时)逐字地
    • We were bored beyond words.我们无聊得无以言表。
by word of mouth
  1. because people tell each other and not because they read about it口头上;经口述
    • The news spread by word of mouth.这消息是口头传开的。
    • The restaurant does not advertise, but relies on word of mouth for custom.这家餐馆并没有做广告,而是依靠口碑来赢得顾客。
eat your words
  1. to admit that what you said was wrong收回前言;承认说错
    • When he told her she would fail, she swore she would make him eat his words.他说她会失败时,她发誓要让他收回他的话。
famous last words
  1. (saying) people sometimes say Famous last words! when they think somebody is being too confident about something that is going to happen吹牛,胡扯(表示某人盲目乐观)
    • ‘Everything's under control.’ ‘Famous last words!’“一切都在掌握之中。” “净吹牛!”
(right) from the word go
  1. (informal) from the very beginning从一开始
(not) get a word in (edgeways) (British English)
(also (not) get a word in (edgewise) North American English, British English)
  1. (not) to be able to say anything because somebody else is speaking too much(因别人说话太多)插(不上)嘴
    • When Mary starts talking, no one else can get a word in edgeways.玛丽讲起话来,别人谁也插不上嘴。
    Extra Examples
    • I wanted to tell you that she'd phoned, but you were talking so much I couldn't get a word in edgeways.我想告诉你她来过电话,但你说得太多,我无法插话。
    • I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't get a word in.我本想告诉你,可插不进话。
hang on somebody’s words/on somebody’s every word
  1. to listen with great attention to somebody you admire专心致志地听所崇拜的人讲话;洗耳恭听某人的话
    • The journalists hung on his every word as he spoke of his ordeal.记者仔细倾听他讲述的苦难经历。
have a word in somebody’s ear
  1. (British English) to speak to somebody privately about something和…说私话;与…密谈
    • Can I have a word in your ear about tomorrow's presentation?关于明天的演示我能和你说几句吗?
have/exchange words (with somebody) (about something)
  1. (especially British English) to have an argument with somebody(与某人)争论,争吵
    • We've had words.我们吵过架。
    • Words were exchanged.发生过争吵了。
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
in other words
  1. used to introduce an explanation of something换句话说;也就是说;换言之
    • They asked him to leave—in other words he was fired.他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。
    • They're letting me go—in other words, I've been sacked.他们让我走人。换句话说,我被解雇了。
    Language Bank i.e.i.e.Explaining what you mean解释意思
      • Some poems are mnemonics, i.e. they are designed to help you remember something.有些诗歌是记忆代码,即是说,其目的是帮助人们记起某事。
      • Some poems are mnemonics, that is to say, they are designed to help you remember something.有些诗歌是记忆代码,就是说,其目的是帮助人们记起某事。
      • Mnemonic poems, that is poems designed to help you remember something, are an excellent way to learn lists. 记事诗,即帮助人记起事情的诗歌,是记住一系列事物的极佳方式。
      • A limerick’s rhyme scheme is A–A–B–B–A. In other words, the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with one another, while the third and fourth lines have their own rhyme.五行打油诗的韵律是 A-A-B-B-A。就是说,第一行、第二行和第五行押一个韵,而第三行和第四行押另一个韵。
      • In this exercise the reader is encouraged to work out the meaning, or rather the range of meanings, of the poem.这个练习鼓励读者弄清这首诗的意思,更确切地说是弄清其几种含意。
      • This is a poem about death, or, more precisely, dying.这是一首关于死亡的诗,更确切地说是关于临终的诗。
      • He says his poems deal with ‘the big issues’, by which he means love, loss, grief and death.他说他的诗涉及一些 “重大问题”,这些问题是指爱、失去、痛苦和死亡。
(not) in so/as many words
  1. (not) in exactly the same words as somebody says were used(并非)一字不差地,原原本本地
    • ‘Did she say she was sorry?’ ‘Not in so many words.’“她道歉了没有?” “没有直截了当地说。”
    • He didn't approve of the plan and said so in as many words.他明确地说他不同意这计划。
    • They told me in so many words that I was no longer needed.他们直截了当地告诉我已经不再需要我了。
in a word
  1. (informal) used for giving a very short, usually negative, answer or comment简言之;一句话;总之
    • ‘Would you like to help us?’ ‘In a word, no.’“你愿意帮助我们吗?” “一句话,不愿意。”
in words of one syllable
  1. using very simple language用极其简单的言语
    • Could you say that again in words of one syllable?你能用很简单的言语把这再说一遍吗?
the last/final word (on something)
  1. the last comment or decision about something(对某事的)最后意见,最后决定
    • He always has to have the last word in any argument.在任何争论中总是得他最后说了算。
    • I’m willing to wait one more week, and that’s my final word on the subject.我愿意再等一周,这是我对这个问题的最后一句话。
    • The Chairman always has the last word on financial decisions.在作财务决策时,总是董事长最后说了算。
the last word (in something)
  1. the most recent, fashionable, advanced, etc. thing最新(或时髦、先进等)的事物
    • These apartments are the last word in luxury.这些公寓最为豪华。
mum’s the word!
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody to say nothing about something and keep it secret(提醒别人保守秘密)不要外传
not have a good word to say for somebody/something
  1. (informal) to never say anything good about somebody/something从不说…的好话
    • Nobody had a good word to say about him.没有一个人说过他好。
not mince (your) words
  1. to say something in a direct way even though it might offend other people毫不隐讳;直言不讳
    • They were severely criticized by the chairman, who was not a man to mince his words.他们受到主席的严厉批评,他不是一个直言不讳的人。
    • He doesn't mince his words when he talks about his ex-boss.谈起以前的老板时他毫无顾忌。
the operative word
  1. used to emphasize that a particular word or phrase is the most important one in a sentence关键词;最重要的词语
    • I was in love with her—‘was’ being the operative word.在 I was in love with her 这句话中,was 是关键词。
    • He seemed nice. But ‘seemed’ was the operative word.他好像还不错吧。不过“好像”二字是关键词。
a play on words
  1. the humorous use of a word or phrase that can have two different meanings双关语;语带双关 synonym pun
the printed word/page
  1. what is published in books, newspapers, etc.印在书报上的文字;书刊文字;印刷品
    • the power of the printed word书刊文字的力量
put in a (good) word for somebody
  1. to praise somebody to somebody else in order to help them get a job, etc.为某人说好话;替某人美言;推荐某人
    • If you run into the boss, put in a good word for me!如果你遇见老板,请为我美言几句!
put words into somebody’s mouth
  1. to suggest that somebody has said something when in fact they have not硬说某人说过某些话
    • He felt after the interview that the police officers had been trying to put words into his mouth.问过话,他感觉警察逼他说出他们要他说的话。
say/give the word
  1. to give an order; to make a request下命令;吩咐一下;提请求
    • Just say the word, and I'll go.只要发句话,我就走。
take somebody at their word
  1. to believe exactly what somebody says or promises完全相信…的话(或许诺);深信不疑
    • He said I could stay at his house any time, so I took him at his word.他说我在他家待多久都可以,我相信他的话。
take the words right out of somebody’s mouth
  1. to say what somebody else was going to say说出…想要讲的话
    • I was about to say we should cancel the trip, but she took the words right out of my mouth.我刚要说我们应该取消这次旅行,但她已抢先说了。
too funny, silly, ridiculous, etc. for words
  1. extremely funny, silly, ridiculous, etc.有趣(或愚蠢、荒唐等)得难以言表;极其有趣(或愚蠢、荒唐等)
a war of words
  1. a bitter argument over a period of time between two or more people or groups舌战;论战
    • the political war of words over tax有关税收问题的政治论战
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
weigh your words
  1. to choose your words carefully so that you say exactly what you mean推敲;斟酌字句
    • He spoke slowly, weighing his words.他慢慢地说,斟酌着他的话。
(upon) my word
  1. (old-fashioned) used to show that you are surprised about something(表示惊奇)哎呀,咦
word for word
  1. in exactly the same words or (when translated) words with exactly the same meaning一字不差地;(翻译时)逐字地
    • She repeated their conversation word for word to me.她一字不差地把他们的谈话对我复述了一遍。
    • a word-for-word translation逐字的翻译
    • He repeated word for word what the boy had said to him.他把男孩跟他说的话原原本本地复述了一遍。
somebody’s word is their bond
  1. somebody’s promise can be relied on completely一诺千金;言而有信
words to that effect
  1. used to show that you are giving the general meaning of what somebody has said rather than the exact words诸如此类的话;大致是这个意思的话
    • He told me to leave—or words to that effect.他叫我离开,或诸如此类的话。
the written word
  1. language expressed in writing rather than in speech书面语
    • the permanence of the written word书面语传之久远的特性


[often passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they word
he / she / it words
past simple worded
past participle worded
-ing form wording
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  1. to write or say something using particular words措辞;用词
    • be worded How was the letter worded (= what did it say exactly)?这封信到底写了些什么?
    Extra Examples
    • He issued a very strongly worded statement denying any involvement in the plot.他发表了一项措辞强烈的声明,否认参与这一阴谋。
    • It's the same sentiment, though worded rather differently.还是同样的观点,只是措辞稍有不同。
    • We need to word our question carefully.我们需要仔细地斟酌提问的措辞。
    • a poorly worded request that resulted in confusion因措辞不当而造成理解障碍的请求
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • carefully
    • cautiously
    • ambiguously
    See full entry
    Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch woord and German Wort, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin verbum ‘word’.


(North American English, informal)
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  1. used to show that you accept or agree with what somebody has just said(表示接受或同意别人刚说的话)就是,说得对
    Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch woord and German Wort, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin verbum ‘word’.
BNC: 196 COCA: 244


1unit of language語言單位ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORD | WORD + VERB | WORD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEtwo-letter, three-letter, etc.兩個字母、三個字母等的詞monosyllabic, polysyllabic單音節詞;多音節詞two-syllable, three-syllable, etc.雙音節詞、三音節詞等big, difficult, fancy, hard, long大詞;難詞;華麗的辭藻;長詞He uses big words to impress people.他用一些大詞來給人們留下印象。'Mendacity' is just a fancy word for 'lying'.mendacity 這個詞其實就是 lying (撒謊)的一個飾詞而已。polite禮貌用語a more polite word for the same thing表達同樣意思的更禮貌的用語unfamiliar不熟悉的詞simple簡單的詞語The book uses simple words and pictures to explain complex processes.該書使用簡單的詞語和圖畫來解釋複雜的過程。compound, portmanteau (especially BrE) 複合詞;縮合詞The portmanteau word 'synergy' combines 'synthesis' and 'energy'.synergy (協同作用)這個縮合詞是由 synthesis (合成)和 energy (能量)這兩個詞縮合而成的。native本族語詞borrowed, loan借詞;外來詞When a new fruit is first imported, its name is usually also imported as a loan word.引進一種新水果時,它的名字通常也會作為外來詞同時引進。foreign外來詞語Greek, Hebrew, Latin, etc.希臘語、希伯來語、拉丁語等詞彙'Technology' comes from the Greek word 'techne'.technology (技術)一詞來自於希臘語詞彙 techne。content, function實詞;虛詞rhyming押韻詞The children are asked to think of rhyming words.孩子們被要求想出一些押韻的詞。exact, precise, very確切的用詞;精確的話語;正是那個詞His exact words were, 'There's nothing we can do about it.'他確切的原話是:“我們對此無能為力。”Those were her very words.那正是她的原話。clear, plain清楚的話;通俗的用詞ambiguous有歧義的用詞loaded有深意的用詞She used loaded words like 'bully' when describing his actions.在描述他的行為時,她用的是一些像 bully (恃強凌弱)之類別有意味的詞語。abstract, concrete抽象/具體詞彙everyday日常詞彙I find even everyday words difficult to spell.我發現甚至日常用詞也很難拼寫。archaic, obsolete古體詞;過時的詞語key關鍵詞He wrote down a few key words to help him remember what to say.他寫下了一些關鍵詞來幫他記住要說些什麼。operative關鍵詞He seemed nice. But 'seemed' was the operative word.他好像還不錯吧。不過“好像”二字是關鍵詞。right, wrong正確的/錯誤的詞語You can't always find the right word when you're translating.翻譯時不是總能找到恰當的詞語。misspelled拼錯的詞I found several misspelled words and grammatical errors.我發現了幾處拼寫和語法錯誤。bad, curse, cuss (NAmE, informal) , dirty, four-letter, naughty, obscene, rude, taboo罵人的話;下流字眼;粗話;髒話;猥褻詞語;禁忌語
The play is full of four-letter words.這部戲裏滿是髒話。Work is a dirty word to Frank. (figurative) 對弗蘭克來說,工作是一個難聽的字眼。 (see also swear word) slang俚語詞It's a slang word meaning 'boy' or 'person'.這是個俚語詞,意思是“男孩”或“人”。household家喻戶曉的詞語His name has become a household word since he first appeared in the series.自從他在這部連續劇中首次出鏡之後,他的名字已變得家喻戶曉。code代號The police use code words for their major operations.警察在重大行動中使用代號。buzz (usually buzzword) , vogue流行語;時髦詞
E-marketing is the current buzzword.電子營銷是現在的時髦詞彙。magic咒語;神奇的用詞printed, spoken, written書面語;口語詞She combines visual images and the spoken word to great effect in her presentations.在介紹會上,她將視覺影像和語言結合起來,達到了非常好的效果。VERB + WORDhave有單詞Spanish has no word for 'understatement'.西班牙語中沒有與 understatement (保守的說法)相對應的詞。use運用詞彙He uses lots of long words.他愛用長詞。mention提及詞I daren't even mention the word 'money' to him.我甚至不敢跟他提“錢”這個字。form, make構詞;造詞Rearrange the letters to form a word.把這些字母重新組合成一個詞。pronounce發音How is this word pronounced?這個詞怎麼讀?mispronounce發錯單詞的音spell拼寫單詞misuse用錯詞a word that is often misused經常用錯的詞know, speak, understand懂詞語;講話;理解單詞I don't speak a word of Swedish.我一句瑞典語也不會講。look up查找單詞She looked the word up in the dictionary.她在詞典中查到這個單詞。find找到單詞I couldn't find the right word to express the concept.我找不到恰當的詞來表達這個概念。choose, pick選詞He chose his words carefully when commenting on her work.在評論她的作品時他字斟句酌。translate翻譯單詞coin, invent創造新詞The word 'e-commerce' was coined to refer to business done over the Internet.人們創造了 e-commerce (電子商務)這個單詞來指在因特網上做的生意。WORD + VERBmean sth, signify sth單詞意思是⋯/表示⋯refer to sth, relate to sth單詞指的是⋯/與⋯有關係convey sth, describe sth, express sth單詞表示⋯/描述⋯/表達⋯words describing body parts描述身體部位的詞語Words can't express how happy I am.我的幸福難以言表。conjure sth up, evoke sth詞語使人想起⋯/喚起⋯The word 'cruise' conjures up images of a luxury.* cruise (巡遊)這個詞使人想起奢華的場景。imply sth單詞的含義是⋯denote sth詞語表示⋯Bold words denote chapter headings.黑體詞表示章節標題。carry sth, have sth單詞帶有⋯The same word can carry numerous meanings.同一個單詞可以有多種意思。The word has two meanings.這個詞有兩個意思。be derived from sth, come from sth, derive from sth單詞派生自⋯;單詞來源於⋯'Window' derives from a Norse word meaning 'eye of the wind'.window (窗戶)這個詞來源於古斯堪的那維亞語 中“風眼”一詞。begin with sth, end in sth, end with sth單詞以⋯開始;單詞以⋯結尾a word beginning with 'c'以 c 開頭的單詞rhyme (with sth), sound like sth單詞(與⋯)押韻/聽起來像⋯The words at the end of the lines all rhyme.這些詩行末尾的單詞都押韻。I'm not sure what he said but the word sounded like 'bull'.我不能確定他說的是什麼,但那個詞聽起來像 bull (公牛)。fail sb某人想不出用什麼詞表達感情Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel).我無法用語言表達我的感受。WORD + NOUNgame, puzzle文字遊戲;填字遊戲identification, recognition詞彙識別These students have very poor word-recognition skills.這些學生的詞彙識別技巧很差。choice措辭association詞語聯想formation構詞法list單詞表PREPOSITIONin sb's words用某人的話說The students had to retell the story in their own words.學生必須用自己的話複述這個故事。word for意為⋯的單詞What's the French word for 'snail'?snail (蝸牛)一詞用法語怎麼說?word in⋯中的詞語one of the most common words in the English language英語中最常用的單詞之一PHRASESin all senses of the word從任何意義上說She was a true friend in all senses of the word.從任何意義上說她都是真正的朋友。in other words也就是說They're letting me go-in other words, I've been sacked.他們讓我走人。換句話說,我被解雇了。in so many words直截了當They told me in so many words (= directly) that I was no longer needed.他們直截了當地告訴我已經不再需要我了。in the true sense of the word在真正意義上People who overeat are not addicts in the true sense of the word.過量飲食者並非真正意義上的成癮者。in words of one syllable (= using very simple language) 用簡單的語言Could you say that again in words of one syllable?你能用簡單的語言再說一遍嗎?


2a word that you say or write話語;語言ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORD | WORD + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEangry, cross, hard, harsh氣憤的話;憤怒的言語;刺耳的話He never says a harsh word about his experiences.對於自己的經歷他從未抱怨過。hurtful, unkind傷人的字眼;不近人情的話friendly, good, kind, nice友善的話;好話He hasn't a good word to say for anybody.他對誰都沒有一句好話。final, last (no plural無複數) 最終決定The Chairman always has the last word (= the final decision) on financial decisions.在作財務決策時,總是董事長最後說了算。VERB + WORDput in, say, speak, utter替人說話;講話;吐露If you run into the boss, put in a good word for me!如果你遇見老闆,請為我美言幾句!Nobody's uttered a word to me about it.沒有任何人向我提過這件事。Every word he utters is considered sacred.他所說的每個字都被看作是神聖的。give, say講一下;吩咐一下Just say the word and I'll go.只要吩咐一聲我馬上就走。scream, shout, yell尖叫/高呼/呼喊詞語He kept shouting the word 'No!'他不停地高呼“不要”!repeat重複詞whisper悄悄說話He whispered the word to me.他低聲跟我說了句話。slur含糊不清地說話I knew he'd been drinking because he was slurring his words.我知道他喝酒了,因為他說話含糊不清。enunciate清晰地念詞He enunciated the word with extreme care.他非常仔細而清晰地讀出該詞。not breathe不透露消息Don't breathe a word to anyone about what I've told you!不要對任何人透露我對你說的話!type, write打字;寫字scrawl, scribble潦草地寫字inscribe刻字hear, read聽見詞語;讀詞語mishear, misread聽錯了詞;讀錯了詞I misheard the word 'sick' as 'thick'.我把單詞 sick (生病的)錯聽成了 thick (厚的)。cross out, delete, erase, rub out (BrE) 劃掉詞;刪去詞;擦掉詞insert, substitute插入詞;替換詞She deleted 'girl' and substituted the word 'woman'.她將 girl (女孩)這個詞刪去,換成了 woman (女人)。emphasize, stress重讀詞By emphasizing particular words you can change the meaning.重讀特定的詞就能改變意思。hang on仔細傾聽說話The journalists hung on his every word as he spoke of his ordeal.記者仔細傾聽他講述的苦難經歷。WORD + NOUNcount字數Don't waffle in your essay just to get the right word count.寫文章時不要為了湊字數而胡扯一通。PREPOSITIONin a word簡言之'Would you like to help us?' 'In a word (= briefly), no.'“你願意幫我們嗎?”“一句話,不幫。”without a word不置一詞She left without a word.她一聲不吭地離開了。word about關於⋯的話We never heard anyone say an unkind word about her.我們從未聽過任何人說過她的壞話。word from由⋯發言And now a word from our sponsors...接下來要發言的是我們的贊助商⋯⋯word of⋯的話語a word of advice / warning忠告;警告PHRASESget a word in, get a word in edgeways, get a word in edgewise (NAmE) 插話I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't get a word in.我本想告訴你,可插不進話。a man of few words, a woman of few words (= a person who speaks very little) 寡言的人sb never spoke a truer word, never was a truer word spoken某人從來沒有說過這麼正確的話;說的話再正確不過了You said we were about to make a big mistake, and never was a truer word spoken (= you were right)!你說我們將犯下大錯,你說得真是千真萬確!not a single word, not a word不說一句話Remember-not a word to (= don't tell) Peter about any of this.記住:這件事千萬別讓彼得知道。We didn't say a single word to each other all day.我們相互之間一整天沒說一句話。not believe a word一個字都不相信I don't believe a word of what she said.她說的話我一句也不信。word for word (= exactly) 一字不差地He repeated word for word what the boy had said to him.他把男孩跟他說的話原原本本地複述了一遍。(by) word of mouth口頭傳播The restaurant does not advertise, but relies on word of mouth.這家餐館並沒有做廣告,靠的是口碑。words per minute, words per second每分鐘⋯詞;每秒鐘⋯詞He chatters away at about 200 words per minute.他以大約每分鐘 200 詞的速度嘮叨個不停。He types 80 words per minute.他每分鐘打 80 個單詞。a word to the wise (= a piece of advice) 一點兒忠告A word to the wise: just because it's a bargain doesn't mean you have to buy it.一點兒忠告:不能僅僅因為便宜你就買。


3words what sb says; talk話語;言辭ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORDS | WORDS + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEa few很少的話I want to say a few words (= talk) about Christina.我想談談克里斯蒂娜。good, friendly, kind好話;友善的話Thank you for those kind words.謝謝你說了這麼多體貼的話。unkind不友好的話angry, bitter, blunt, choice (ironic) , cross, hard, harsh, strong氣憤的話;尖酸刻薄的話;生硬的話;出言不遜的話;髒話;強硬的話
hurtful傷人的話polite禮貌話She was charmed by his friendly smile and polite words.她被他友好的微笑和禮貌的話語迷住了。flattering, honeyed恭維話;甜言蜜語comforting, encouraging, soothing安慰的話;鼓勵的話;撫慰的話He tried to calm her with soothing words.他試圖說些安慰的話讓她平靜下來。discouraging令人氣餒的話empty, fine (ironic) , meaningless空話;漂亮話;無意義的話
Despite all their fine words, the council have never done anything to improve road safety.委員會說得好聽,實際上從未採取任何措施改進公路安全。weasel推諉詞The government's promises on nurses' pay turned out to be weasel words (= deliberately unclear).政府對護士工資問題的許諾到頭來只不過是推諉之詞。bold, brave豪言壯語Despite his brave words, I don't believe he can save the factory from closure.儘管他有一番豪言壯語,我卻不相信他能使工廠免於倒閉。wise明智的話well-chosen仔細斟酌的話語He ruined her self-confidence with a few well-chosen words.他仔細斟酌過後說的幾句話使她失去了自信心。cautionary提醒的話soft, whispered柔聲細語;悄悄話They exchanged whispered words of love.他們喁喁細語,情話綿綿。unspoken未吐之言The look in her eyes filled in the unspoken words in her sentence.她的眼神填補了她話語中的未吐之言。dying, last彌留之言;臨終的話Her last words were for her children.她的遺言是留給她的孩子們的。parting臨別的話Her parting words were 'I'll be back'.她分手時說的話是“我會回來的”。famous, immortal著名的話;不朽的話the immortal words of Neil Armstrong as he stepped onto the moon尼爾・阿姆斯特朗登上月球時所說的不朽名言fateful, prophetic影響重大的話;預言Seconds after uttering the fateful words 'This is easy!' he crashed.剛說完“這很容易!”這句災難性的話沒幾秒鐘,他就撞車了。VERB + WORDShave談話She had some harsh words to say about her colleagues.她說了一些有關同事的刻薄話。say, speak說話;講話Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words about who I am.在開始之前,我想先自我介紹一下。chant, intone, recite, sing反複喊/吟詠/背誦/吟唱話語repeat重複說過的話mouth不出聲地說話The audience mouthed the words to all the songs.觀眾不出聲地哼着所有歌曲的歌詞。whisper低聲說話He whispered a few words of prayer.他低聲說了幾句禱詞。blurt, blurt out脫口而出She had blurted the words out before she realized it.她不小心脫口說出了那些話。mumble, murmur, mutter咕噥地說;喃喃自語;輕聲低語spit, spit out罵罵咧咧地說話She was so furious, she almost spat the words out: 'You idiot!'她是如此憤怒,一句“你這個白痴!”幾乎就罵出了口。bandy, exchange, have口角;交談;爭辯I usually exchange a few words with him when I see him.我見到他時,通常會與他聊上幾句。Words were exchanged (= there was an argument).發生了一點兒爭執。memorize記住詞She had memorized all the words to the song.她已經記住了那首歌的全部歌詞。recall, remember回想起/記得說過的話We recall the words of Martin Luther King, 'Free at last'.我們回想起馬丁・路德・金曾說過的話:“終於自由了。”heed聽從勸告She has given us a warning, and we should heed her words.她警告過我們,我們應該聽她的話。quote引用原話distort, twist歪曲原話She felt angry at how the journalist had twisted her words.她對記者歪曲了她的原話感到氣憤。borrow, echo借用詞語;重複說過的話In her speech she echoed the President's words.她在演講中轉引了總統說過的話。regret後悔已說的話She instantly regretted her words.她立刻為自己說過的話感到後悔。eat, take back收回已說的話When he told her she would fail, she swore she would make him eat his words.他說她會失敗時,她發誓要讓他收回他的話。drown, drown out聲音蓋過說的話Her words were drowned out by the roar of the engine.她的話被機器的轟鳴聲淹沒了。not mince直言不諱He doesn't mince his words when he talks about his ex-boss.談起以前的老闆時他毫無顧忌。WORDS + VERBconjure sth up, evoke sth話語喚起⋯Her words conjured up a strange picture in her mind.她的話在她腦海中勾勒出一幅奇特的畫面。come, come out, emerge, leave sb's lips, leave sb's mouth話出口burst from sb, escape, fall, flow, pour out, slip out, spill out, tumble out話語脫口而出;話湧出口;話失口說出;語無倫次He was nervous, and his words came out in a rush.他心裏緊張,說話語無倫次。His words fell into the silence like stones.他的話打破了寂靜,如同石頭落地一般擲地有聲。stick in your throat難以啟齒He wanted to tell her how he felt about her, but the words stuck in his throat.他想告訴她自己對她的感覺,但是又難以啟齒。drift, float, hang in the air話沒有說完I let my words hang in the air. Maggie was no fool: she must realize I meant it.我沒有把話說完。瑪吉不是傻瓜,她一定意識到了我是故意的。haunt sb, linger話令某人經久難忘;話在腦際縈繞Those mocking words haunted me for years.那些嘲笑的話語多年來在我腦海中揮之不去。The words lingered in his mind long after they were spoken.那些話說出後很久仍在他腦際縈繞。echo, resonate, resound, reverberate, ring話語回響;話音縈繞Her teacher's words echoed in her ears.老師的話在她耳朵裏回響。fade, fade away, tail away, tail off, trail away, trail off話音逐漸消失;說話聲逐漸消失His words faded to silence as he saw she didn't believe him.看到她並不相信他,他的話音越來越低,最終沉默不語了。hit home, strike a chord, strike home, touch a chord言辭擊中要害;話引起共鳴hurt, sting話語傷人sink in話逐漸被充分理解She could feel her temper boiling as his words sank in.她逐漸聽明白了他的話,感到怒火中燒。PREPOSITIONwords of⋯的話語She whispered words of comfort in his ear.她在他耳邊輕輕說了幾句安慰的話。I listened to his words of wisdom.我聆聽了他那些智慧的話語。PHRASES(you) mark my words (= believe me) 記住我的話Mark my words, this film will win an Oscar.記住我的話好了,這部電影會得奧斯卡獎的。


4a word conversation談話ADJECTIVE | VERB + A WORD | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEquick很快的對話quiet低聲交流The manager had a quiet word with Alison, and she gave him no more problems.經理和艾莉森輕聲說了幾句話,她就再也不給他出難題了。VERB + A WORDhave談話I've had a few words with John, and he's quite happy for you to stay.我與約翰談了談,他對你能留下感到十分高興。I've had a word with John, and he's quite happy for you to stay.我與約翰談了談,他對你能留下感到十分高興。PREPOSITIONword with與⋯說幾句Can I have a quick word with you?我能與你稍微談一下嗎?PHRASESa word in sb's ear (BrE) 讓某人聽Can I have a word in your ear about tomorrow's presentation?關於明天的演示我能和你說幾句嗎?


5promise諾言ADJECTIVE | VERB + WORD | PHRASES ADJECTIVEsolemn鄭重的承諾She gave him her solemn word that she would give up drugs.她鄭重向他承諾要戒毒。VERB + WORDgive sb向某人承諾be as good as, be true to, keep按承諾行事;信守承諾He promised to help and was as good as his word.他答應幫忙,並且說話算數。True to her word, she returned next day.正如她所承諾的,她第二天就返回了。break, go back on違背諾言;出爾反爾Once he has made a promise, he never goes back on his word.他一旦承諾,就永不食言。believe, trust相信諾言She gave me a promise, and I'm willing to trust her word.她向我保證了,我也願意相信她的諾言。doubt懷疑諾言I'm sorry I doubted your word.對不起,我懷疑過你的諾言。PHRASEShave sb's word for sth (especially BrE) 得到某人對⋯的許諾We only have her word for it that she sent the payment.她只是向我們保證她支付了款項。a man of his word, a woman of her word守信用的人You needn't worry about him not paying you back-he's a man of his word.你不必擔心他不還你錢,他是個守信的人。take sb at their word相信某人的話He said I could stay at his house any time, so I took him at his word.他說我在他家待多久都可以,我相信他的話。take sb's word for sth相信某人的話I haven't seen his work, but I'll take his word for it that it's finished.我還沒看到他幹的活兒,但是我相信他說的,工作已經完成了。your word against sb's所說的話與某人的話不相符If it's your word against the police officer's, the jury are going to believe him.如果你的話與那名警察的話不一致,陪審團就會相信警察。sb's word is their bond某人的諾言很可靠word of honour/honor諾言He gave me his word of honour / honor that he wouldn't tell anyone.他承諾不會告訴任何人。


6information/news信息;消息VERB + WORD | WORD + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERB + WORDbring, send帶來消息;得到消息;傳話He sent word to his family that his captors were treating him well.他給家人捎了個口信,說劫持者待他還好。get, hear得到/聽到消息We didn't get word of her arrest until the next day.我們直到第二天才得到她被捕的消息。spread傳播消息WORD + VERBget out, leak, leak out消息傳出;消息泄露If word gets out about the affair, he will have to resign.如果這件風流韻事傳出去的話,他就得辭職。spread消息傳播Word that he had died spread fast.他已死去的消息快速傳播開來。be, have it有消息說;據說The word is they've split up.據說他們已經分手了。Word has it that she's leaving.據說她要離開了。PREPOSITIONword about有關⋯的消息Health workers spread the word about the benefits of immunization.醫療工作者宣傳關於接種疫苗的好處。word of⋯的消息We soon got word of his arrival.我們很快得知他到達的消息。PHRASESthe word on the street is (= people are saying) 有傳言說The word on the street is there's going to be a takeover.有傳言說將要發生收購。what's the word?(= what are people saying?) 有什麼消息?


ADVERBcarefully, cautiously仔細地措辭;謹慎地用詞We need to word our question carefully.我們需要仔細地斟酌提問的措辭。ambiguously, vaguely用詞模稜兩可;用詞含混broadly, loosely措辭含義寬泛/不嚴謹poorly措辭拙劣a poorly worded request that resulted in confusion因措辭不當而造成理解障礙的請求strongly措辭強烈He issued a very strongly worded statement denying any involvement in the plot.他發表了一項措辭強烈的聲明,否認參與這一陰謀。differently措辭不同It's the same sentiment, though worded rather differently.還是同樣的觀點,只是措辭稍有不同。
BNC: 196 COCA: 244
word noun
word (long words) news (spread the word) promise (I give you my word.)


word ♦︎ term ♦︎ phrase ♦︎ expression ♦︎ idiomThese are all words for a unit of language used to express sth. 这些词均表示语言表述单位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a word / term for stha / an new / ambiguous word / term / phrase / expressiona technical / colloquial word / term / phrase / expressiona slang word / term / phrasean idiomatic phrase / expressionto use a word / a term / a phrase / an expression / an idiomto coin a word / a term / a phrase / an expressiona word / a term / a phrase / an expression / an idiom means stha word / a term / a phrase / an expression comes / derives / is derived from sth word [countable] a single unit of language which means sth and can be spoken or written 单词;词;字Do not write more than 200 words.写的东西不要超过200字。He uses a lot of long words.他用许多长长的词。What's the Spanish word for 'table'?“桌子”在西班牙语中叫什么?I could hear every word they were saying.我能听到他们说的每一个字。I can't remember her exact words.我记不清她的原话了。Tell me what happened in your own words.用自己的话告诉我出了什么事。He was a true friend in all senses of the word.从任何意义上来说他都是位真正的朋友。 see also wording language 2 term [countable] (rather formal) a word or phrase used as the name of sth, especially one connected with a particular type of language 词语;术语technical / legal / scientific terms专业/法律/科学术语'Register' is the term commonly used to describe different levels of formality in language.“语域”是一个描述语言正式程度的常用术语。 see also term call verb 1 , terms language 2 phrase [countable] a group of words that have a particular meaning when used together 短语;词组;惯用法She was, in her own favourite phrase, 'a woman without a past'.用她自己喜欢的字眼说,她是个“没有不清白过去的女人”。In grammar, a phrase is a group of words without a finite verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence: 'the green car' and 'on Friday morning' are phrases. 从语法角度讲,phrase是不含限定动词的一组词,尤指构成句子成分的短语,the green car和on Friday morning均为短语。 expression [countable] a word or phrase 词语;措辞;表达方式He tends to use a lot of slang expressions that I've never heard before.他常常用很多我从未听过的俚语。 idiom [countable] a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words 习语;成语;惯用语'Let the cat out of the bag' is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.let the cat out of the bag是惯用语,意思是无意中泄露秘密。
BNC: 196 COCA: 244
Types of word or phrase: acrostic, adjacency pair, Americanism...
Parts of songs: chorus, lyric, refrain...
Discussions and debates: discussion, debate, argument...
Speeches and parts of speeches: speech, talk, address...
Advice: advice, guidance, recommendation...
Warning and warnings: warning, notice, caution...
Praise and admiration: praise, admiration, recognition...

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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