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go down

phrasal verb
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go down
  1. if the price of something, the temperature, etc. goes down, it becomes lower(物价等)下跌;(温度等)下降 synonym fall
    • The price of oil is going down.油价正在下跌。
    • Oil is going down in price.油价正在下跌。
    opposite go up (1)Topics Moneya2
  2. to fall to the ground倒下;落下;倒在地上
    • She tripped and went down with a bump.她绊了一下,重重地倒在地上。
  3. if a ship, etc. goes down, it disappears below the water(船等)下沉,沉没 synonym sink
  4. when the sun or moon goes down, it disappears below the horizon(日、月)落到地平线下,落下 synonym setTopics Spacec1
  5. if food or drink will/will not go down, it is easy/difficult to swallow(食物、饮料)被吞下,被咽下,被喝下
    • A glass of wine would go down very nicely (= I would very much like one).喝一杯葡萄酒就太痛快了。
  6. (informal) to get worse in quality(质量)下降
    • The neighbourhood has gone down a lot recently.近来这一带地方已远不如从前了。
  7. (computing计算机) to stop working temporarily暂停作业;暂停运行
    • The system is going down in ten minutes.这个系统十分钟后要暂停运行。
  8. (North American English, informal) to happen发生
    • You really don't know what's going down?你真的不知道发生了什么事?
  9. (British English, informal) to be sent to prison发生
    • She went down for ten years.她堕落了十年。
go down (from…)
  1. (British English, formal) to leave a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge, at the end of a term or after finishing your studies(大学学期结束或毕业时)离校(尤指牛津或剑桥)
    • She went down (from Cambridge) in 2018.她于2018年从剑桥大学毕业。
    opposite go up (to…)
go down (in something)
  1. to be written in something; to be recorded or remembered in something被写下;被记下;载入
    • It all goes down (= she writes it all) in her notebook.那些东西全记在她的笔记本上。
    • He will go down in history as a great statesman.他将作为伟大的政治家名垂青史。
go down (on somebody)
  1. (slang) to perform oral sex on somebody (= to use the mouth to give somebody sexual pleasure)(为某人)进行口交
go down (to somebody)
  1. to be defeated by somebody, especially in a game or competition(尤指游戏或比赛中)被击败
    • Italy went down to Brazil by three goals to one.意大利队以一比三输给了巴西队。
go down (to…) (from…)
  1. to go from one place to another, especially further south or from a city or large town to a smaller place(从一处)到(另一处)(尤指南下或从城市、大城镇到小地方)
    • They've gone down to Brighton for a couple of days.他们已南下到布赖顿去待几天。
    opposite go up (to…) (from…)
go down (with somebody)
(also go over (with somebody) especially in North American English)
  1. to be received in a particular way by somebody受到(某人的…)对待;被接受
    • The suggestion didn't go down very well with her boss.她的老板对这个建议不太感兴趣。
    • The novel went down well with the public.这部小说获得公众欢迎。

See also: go down

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