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  1. [uncountable] (disapproving) informal talk or stories about other people’s private lives, that may be unkind or not true流言蜚语;闲言碎语
    • Don't believe all the gossip you hear.别对那些道听途说都信以为真。
    • Tell me all the latest gossip!把最新的小道消息都讲给我听听吧!
    • The gossip was that he had lost a fortune on the stock exchange.有小道消息说他在股票交易中赔了一大笔钱。
    • He knows all the juicy gossip.他知道所有的八卦趣闻。
    • It was common gossip (= everyone said so) that they were having an affair.大家议论纷纷说他们之间关系暧昧。
    • She's a great one for idle gossip (= she enjoys spreading stories about other people that are probably not true).她很喜欢说别人闲话。
    Extra Examples
    • A piece of silly gossip was going round the school.有一则荒唐的流言在校园内流传。
    • I heard an interesting bit of gossip yesterday.我昨天听到一条有趣的传闻。
    • It's common gossip in the office that she's about to leave her husband.办公室里都流传着她要离开她丈夫。
    • Someone has been spreading malicious gossip about me.有人一直在恶意散布关于我的谣言。
    • You shouldn't listen to idle gossip.你不应听信无聊的传言。
    • a magazine full of gossip about famous people充斥著名人各种流言蜚语的杂志
    • office gossip办公室八卦
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • idle
    • juicy
    … of gossip
    • bit
    • piece
    • tidbit
    verb + gossip
    • spread
    • exchange
    • swap
    gossip + verb
    • circulate
    • go around
    • go round
    gossip + noun
    • column
    • columnist
    • gossip about
    See full entry
  2. [countable, usually singular] a conversation about other people and their private lives闲聊
    • I love a good gossip.我喜欢闲聊天。
    Synonyms discussiondiscussion
    • conversation
    • dialogue
    • talk
    • debate
    • consultation
    • chat
    • gossip
    These are all words for an occasion when people talk about something.
    • discussion a detailed conversation about something that is considered to be important:
      • Discussions are still taking place between the two leaders.两位领导人仍在进行讨论。
    • conversation a talk, usually a private or informal one, involving two people or a small group; the activity of talking in this way:
      • a telephone conversation电话交谈
    • dialogue conversations in a book, play or film:
      • The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue.这部小说描述多,对话少。
      A dialogue is also a formal discussion between two groups, especially when they are trying to solve a problem or end a dispute:dialogue 亦指两个团体间为解决问题或结束争端进行的正式对话、讨论、交换意见:
      • The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue.总统告诉等候的记者,刚才进行了一次富有建设性的对话。
    • talk a conversation or discussion, often one about a problem or something important for the people involved:
      • I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects.我和老板就我的事业前景进行了一次长谈。
    • debate a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. In a debate two or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue:
      • a debate on prison reform关于监狱制度改革的辩论
    • consultation a formal discussion between groups of people before a decision is made about something:
      • There have been extensive consultations between the two countries.两国之间进行了广泛磋商。
    • chat a friendly informal conversation; informal talking. 指友好的非正式交谈、聊天The countable use of chat is especially British English: I just called in for a chat about the kids.
    • gossip a conversation about other people and their private lives:
      • We had a good gossip about the boss.我们讲了好一会儿老板的闲话。
    • a discussion/​conversation/​dialogue/​talk/​debate/​consultation/​chat/​gossip about something
    • a discussion/​conversation/​dialogue/​debate/​consultation on something
    • in (close) discussion/​conversation/​dialogue/​debate/​consultation with somebody
    • to have a discussion/​conversation/​dialogue/​talk/​debate/​consultation/​chat/​gossip with somebody
    • to hold a discussion/​conversation/​debate/​consultation
    Extra Examples
    • She's having a gossip with Maria.她正在和玛丽亚闲聊。
    • We had a good gossip about the boss.我们讲了好一会儿老板的闲话。
    • I was having a gossip with Maggie when he arrived.他来的时候,我正在和玛吉闲聊。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • good
    verb + gossip
    • have
    • gossip about
    • gossip with
    See full entry
  3. [countable] (disapproving) a person who enjoys talking about other people’s private lives喜欢传播流言蜚语的人;爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人
    • Myra is a dear, but she's also a terrible gossip.迈拉是很可爱,但也是个讨厌的长舌妇。
    Synonyms speakerspeaker
    • communicator
    • gossip
    • talker
    These are all words for a person who talks or who is talking, especially in a particular way.
    • speaker a person who is or was speaking; a person who speaks a particular language:
      • I looked around to see who the speaker was.我四下环顾看说话的是谁。
      • a fluent Arabic speaker阿拉伯语讲得流利的人
    • communicator (rather formal) a person who is able to describe their ideas and feelings clearly to others:指交际者、交流者:
      • The ideal candidate will be an effective communicator.理想的候选人定要是善于沟通的人。
    • gossip (disapproving) a person who enjoys talking about other people’s private lives:指喜欢传播流言蜚语的人、爱说长道短(或说三道四)的人:
      • Myra is a dear, but she’s also a terrible gossip.迈拉是很可爱,但也是个讨厌的长舌妇。
    • talker a person who talks in a particular way or who talks a lot:
      • He’s a very persuasive talker.他是一个说话很有说服力的人。
      • She’s a (great) talker (= she talks a lot).她很健谈。
    speaker or talker?用 speaker 还是 talker?Talker is used when you are talking about how much somebody talks or how well they talk. It is not used for the person who is or was talking: I looked round to see who the talker was. You can say that somebody is a good/​persuasive speaker but that means that they are good at making speeches. If you mean that they speak well in conversation, use talker.Patterns
    • a good/​great speaker/​communicator/​talker
    • an effective/​excellent speaker/​communicator
  4. Word Originlate Old English godsibb, ‘godfather, godmother, baptismal sponsor’, literally ‘a person related to one in God’, from god ‘God’ + sibb ‘a relative’ (see sib). In Middle English the sense was ‘a close friend, a person with whom one gossips’, hence ‘a person who gossips’, later (early 19th cent.) ‘idle talk’ (from the verb, which dates from the early 17th cent.).


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they gossip
he / she / it gossips
past simple gossiped
past participle gossiped
-ing form gossiping
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  1. to talk about other people’s private lives, often in an unkind way传播流言蜚语;说三道四;说长道短
    • I can't stand here gossiping all day.我不能整天站在这儿闲聊啊。
    • gossip about somebody/something She's been gossiping about you.她一直在说你的闲话。
    Word Originlate Old English godsibb, ‘godfather, godmother, baptismal sponsor’, literally ‘a person related to one in God’, from god ‘God’ + sibb ‘a relative’ (see sib). In Middle English the sense was ‘a close friend, a person with whom one gossips’, hence ‘a person who gossips’, later (early 19th cent.) ‘idle talk’ (from the verb, which dates from the early 17th cent.).


1unkind talk about other people流言ADJECTIVE | ... OF GOSSIP | VERB + GOSSIP | GOSSIP + VERB | GOSSIP + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElatest最新的流言idle, juicy, malicious, salacious閒談;八卦的流言;惡毒的流言蜚語;豔聞celebrity關於名人的傳聞tabloid小報上的流言蜚語... OF GOSSIPbit, piece, tidbit, titbit (BrE) 一點閒言碎語;一條小道消息;一則傳聞I heard an interesting bit of gossip yesterday.我昨天聽到一條有趣的傳聞。VERB + GOSSIPspread傳播謠言Someone has been spreading malicious gossip about me.有人一直在惡意散佈關於我的謠言。exchange, swap相互散播傳言hear, listen to聽到傳言;聽小道消息You shouldn't listen to idle gossip.你不應聽信無聊的傳言。get得到小道消息know知道傳聞He knows all the juicy gossip.他知道所有的八卦趣聞。GOSSIP + VERBcirculate, go around, go round (especially BrE) 謠言傳播;謠言散佈A piece of silly gossip was going around the school.校園內流傳着一則荒唐的謠言。GOSSIP + NOUNcolumn, columnist漫談專欄;漫談專欄作家I saw it in the gossip column of the local newspaper.我在當地報紙上的漫談專欄看到過此事。PREPOSITIONgossip about關於⋯的小道消息a magazine full of gossip about famous people充斥著名人各種流言蜚語的雜誌


2conversation about other people關於他人的談話ADJECTIVE | VERB + GOSSIP | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgood好的傳言評價VERB + GOSSIPhave閒聊PREPOSITIONgossip about關於⋯的談話We had a good gossip about the boss.我們私下裏把老闆評頭論足了一番。gossip with與⋯聊天She's having a gossip with Maria. (BrE) 她正在和瑪麗亞閒聊。
gossip verb
gossip noun
discussion (have a gossip) report4 (the latest gossip) speaker1 (She's such a gossip!)

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