burn out
phrasal verbburn out | burn itself out
(of a fire )火 to stop burning because there is nothing more to burn 烧尽;熄灭 The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived. 救火车到达之前火就熄灭了。
burn out | burn something out
burn out | burn yourself/somebody out
to become extremely tired or sick by working too hard over a period of time; to make somebody do this 耗尽体力;积劳成疾;累垮 If he doesn't stop working so hard, he'll burn himself out. 他要是继续这样拼命工作,就会把自己累垮。 By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport. 她到 25 岁时就已体力耗尽,退出了体坛。
burn something out
- [usually passive]
to destroy something completely by fire so that only the outer frame remains 把…烧成空架子 The hotel was completely burnt out. 旅馆被烧得只剩一片废墟。 The car was found abandoned in a wood, completely burnt out. 那辆轿车被发现抛弃在树林里,彻底烧毁了。