- [uncountable]
the activities involved in protecting a country, building or person against attack, danger, etc. 保護措施;安全工作 national/homeland security (= the defence of a country) 國家/國土安全 airport security officers 機場安全官員 - security against something
The bars are to provide security against break-ins. 這些鐵條是爲了防止盜賊進入。 They carried out security checks at the airport. 他們在機場實行了安全檢查。 Passwords are a very important security measure. 密碼是非常重要的安全措施。 The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). 訪問是在戒備森嚴的情況下進行的。 the security forces/services (= the police, army, etc.) 安全部隊/機構 a high/maximum security prison (= for dangerous criminals) 高度/最高級戒備的監獄 a security alert/threat/situation 安全警報/威脅/形勢 a security adviser/expert 安全顧問/專家 The criminals were caught (= filmed) on a security video. 罪犯被安全錄像抓獲。 to tighten/improve/enhance security 加強/改善/提高安全性 The team abandoned its tour due to security concerns. 出於安全考慮,該隊放棄了這次旅行。 The two countries agreed to work together to strengthen border security. 兩國同意共同努力加強邊境安全。 We will protect our national security. 我們將保護我們的國家安全。
Extra ExamplesTopics Law and justiceb1For security reasons, passengers are requested not to leave any luggage unattended. 爲安全起見,請旅客們注意照看好自己所有的行李。 Screw windows to the frame for maximum security. 爲了最大限度地保證安全,把窗戶用螺絲上到窗框上。 The leaking of state secrets has compromised national security. 國家機密的洩露危及了國家安全。 He lost his security clearance because he failed a lie-detector test. 他未能通過測謊,因此沒有通過安全審查。 The demonstrations were brutally broken up by the security forces. 遊行示威遭到安保部隊的粗暴制止。 Soldiers stand at security checkpoints. 士兵守衛在安全檢查站。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- heightened
- strict
- tight
- …
- provide (somebody with)
- ensure
- guarantee
- …
- apparatus
- forces
- services
- …
- security against
- for security reasons
- a high level of security
- peace and security
- …
- [uncountable]
a place at an airport where you go after your passport has been checked so that officials can find out if you are carrying illegal drugs or weapons 機場安檢區 My bag was emptied and searched when I went through security. 通過安檢時我的包被清空搜查。 It took ages to clear security and reach the departure lounge. 花了好長時間才通過安檢到達候機室。 Airport security might decide you're unfit to fly. 機場安檢可能會判定你不適合飛行。
- [uncountable + singular or plural verb]
the department of a large company or organization that deals with the protection of its buildings, equipment and staff 保衛部門;保安部門 Security was/were called to the incident. 保安人員被叫到事發現場。
- [uncountable]
protection against something bad that might happen in the future 擔保;保證 financial security 財務擔保 Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. 穩定的工作是過去的事了。 Which type of investment offers the greatest security? 哪一種投資的安全性最高? This system provides basic security for employees. 該系統爲員工提供基本的安全保障。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- greater
- emotional
- psychological
- …
- have
- give (somebody)
- provide (somebody with)
- …
- blanket
- a false sense of security
- a feeling of security
- a sense of security
- …
- [uncountable]
the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry 安全;平安 the security of a loving family life 安享天倫之樂 She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). 她不自覺地陷入了一種虛假的安全感之中。
Extra ExamplesTopics Feelingsb2He gave her the emotional security she needed. 他給了她所需要的情感上的安全感。 They have the security of a good home. 他們擁有幸福家庭所帶來的安全感。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- greater
- emotional
- psychological
- …
- have
- give (somebody)
- provide (somebody with)
- …
- blanket
- a false sense of security
- a feeling of security
- a sense of security
- …
- [uncountable, countable]
a valuable item, such as a house, that you agree to give to somebody if you are unable to pay back the money that you have borrowed from them 抵押品 - as security for something
His home and business are being held as security for the loan. 他是以房子和店鋪爲抵押得到這筆貸款的。
She pledged her jewellery as security for a £50 000 loan. 她用自己的珠寶作爲抵押,貸款5 萬英鎊。 His father agreed to stand security for his son's house-purchase loan. 他父親同意爲兒子的購房貸款作擔保。 The bank will make a loan against the security of the lender's house. 銀行將會憑借款人的住房抵押提供貸款。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + security- put up (something as)
- use something as
- hold (something as)
- …
- against the security of
- as security
- security for
- …
- as security for something
- securities[plural] (
finance )金融 documents proving that somebody is the owner of shares, etc. in a particular company 證券 government securities 政府證券
Extra Examplesa securities lawyer with Tinson and Zelkins 天信公司的證券律師 the faltering securities market 衰落的證券市場 Wall Street securities firms 華爾街證券公司
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective- agency
- company
- corporate
- …
- issue
- buy
- purchase
- …
- company
- firm
- market
- …
see also old age security, social security
feeling happy/safe感覺愉快/安全
for a loan貸款
shares in company公司股份
Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French securite or Latin securitas, from securus ‘free from care’, from se- ‘without’ + cura ‘care’.