gently; with very little force or effort 轻柔地;轻微地;轻轻地 to a small degree; not much 少许;不多 It began to snow lightly. 开始下小雪了。 She tended to sleep lightly nowadays (= it was easy to disturb her). 她如今睡觉容易惊醒。 I try to eat lightly (= not to eat heavy or greasy food). 我尽量饮食清淡。
in a way that sounds as though you are not particularly worried or interested synonym nonchalantly漫不经心地;满不在乎地 without being seriously considered 不慎重地;草率地;轻率地
get off/be let off lightly
- (informal)
to be punished or treated in a way that is less severe than you deserve or may have expected 只受轻罚;获从轻发落 He got off lightly with a small fine. 他只被罚一点钱,逃过了重罚。 The children were let off lightly. 孩子们被轻易放过了。