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IELTS BNC: 393 COCA: 648


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  1. [countable] a building where Christians go to attend services, pray, etc.(基督教的)教堂,礼拜堂
    • The procession moved into the church.人们排着队走进教堂。
    • England has some beautiful parish churches.英格兰有一些美丽的教区教堂。
    • a church tower/spire教堂塔楼/尖顶
    • church services教堂礼拜仪式
    see also community church
    Culture churches and cathedralschurches and cathedralsIn Britain churches are found in almost every town and village. Their tower or spire (= a tall pointed structure) can often be seen from far away. Churches are used for worship by the Church of England, Roman Catholics and other groups, while some Nonconformist Churches use chapels or halls. The church and church hall, a building used for meetings and Sunday School, used to be the centre of the community. Now, far fewer people attend church and this has resulted in some churches being closed or used for other purposes such as housing.Cathedrals may belong to either the Church of England or the Roman Catholic Church. Many cathedrals were built as part of a monastery, for example Durham was started in the 11th century by Benedictine monks. Some of these cathedrals are called minsters, for example York Minster, and they were originally centres for teaching Christianity. St Chad's in Birmingham dates from the middle of the 19th century and was the first Roman Catholic cathedral built in England since the Reformation. A cathedral is the headquarters of a bishop or archbishop. Canterbury Cathedral is the headquarters of the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is head of the Church of England.Many people visit churches and cathedrals to admire their architecture. In Britain churches are usually built of stone, with a tower or spire at the west end. Bells are placed high up in the tower and rung by long ropes before services. In villages the church is approached through a gate, sometimes a lychgate (= a gate with a roof over it), which leads into the churchyard where people are buried. The main entrance is usually on the south side. The church porch usually has a noticeboard and often a seat in it. Cathedrals are large churches, usually built in the shape of a long cross with a central tower. Older cathedrals are often in a quiet cathedral close.The earliest stone churches date from the Anglo-Saxon period (6th-11th centuries). Norman churches, from the 11th and 12th centuries, are massive structures. Rounded arches over doors and windows are a feature of Norman architecture. Examples of Norman cathedrals are those at Durham and Ely.The English Gothic style of the 13th-15th centuries often features pointed arches and increasingly complex designs. Windows were tall and narrow in the Early English period (13th century), and in the 14th century had tracery (= lace-like patterns) at the top. In the 15th century windows became much larger and filled with stained glass (= small pieces of coloured glass in a lead frame) showing pictures of saints. Ceilings with complicated fan vaults (= curved lines of stone spreading out from a point, with patterns between them) are supported by flying buttresses that lean at an angle from the wall and form an arch. Salisbury Cathedral is a typical Early English building. Exeter Cathedral dates mainly from the 14th century and Gloucester Cathedral has impressive fan vaults.Some later buildings, such as St Paul's Cathedral designed by Christopher Wren, are more like classical temples, with a central dome and spire added. Wren and James Gibbs, designer of St Martin-in-the-Fields, influenced architects in America: Christ Church in Philadelphia is a copy of St Martin. But the modern Coventry Cathedral, designed by Basil Spence in the 1950s, is a hall-like church with narrow stained-glass windows.In the US the earliest churches were one-room buildings made of wood that were used also as schools. Most communities now have several churches in varying styles. Some are made of stone in order to look like old English churches, some are small, plain buildings made of brick or wood, and others are modern buildings with glass walls. Storefront churches are found in shopping streets and look like shops.
    Extra Examples
    • She was actively involved in church groups.她积极参与教会团体活动。
    • The church is dedicated to St Paul.这座教堂是奉献给圣保罗的。
    • St Paul's Church圣保罗教堂
    • The church was consecrated in 1250.这座教堂于 1250 年祝圣。
    • There's an interesting organ in the church.教堂里有一架引人注目的管风琴。
    • a chamber concert at our local church在本区教堂举行的室内乐音乐会
    • a church youth group一个青年教会团体
    • They took photos of the bride and groom outside the church.他们在教堂外给新娘和新郎拍照。
    • The service will be held at the parish church on December 16.仪式将于12月16日在教区教堂举行。
    • church bells教堂的钟
    • She sings in the church choir.她在教堂唱诗班唱歌。
    • We are hiring the church hall for the party.我们正在为聚会租用教堂大厅。
    • The service is open to all church members.仪式对所有教会成员开放。
    • The church was built in the 15th century.这座教堂建于15世纪。
    Topics Religion and festivalsa2, Buildingsa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • local
    • parish
    • village
    verb + church
    • build
    • consecrate
    • found
    church + noun
    • building
    • bells
    • clock
    • at a/​the church
    • in a/​the church
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] a service or services in a church礼拜;礼拜仪式
    • How often do you go to church?你多久去教堂做一次礼拜?
    • at church (British English) They're at church (= attending a church service).他们在做礼拜。
    • in church (North American English) They're in church.他们在做礼拜。
    • (British and North American English) Lots of people still get married in church.许多人仍然在教堂结婚。
    • Church is at 9 o'clock.礼拜仪式 9 点钟开始。
    Collocations ReligionReligion宗教Being religious笃信宗教的
    • believe in God/​Christ/​Allah/​free will/​predestination/​heaven and hell/​an afterlife/​reincarnation信仰上帝/耶稣基督/真主/自由意志/宿命论/天堂与地狱/来生/转世说
    • be/​become a believer/​an atheist/​an agnostic/​a Christian/​Muslim/​Hindu/​Buddhist, etc.是/成为信徒/无神论者/不可知论者/基督徒/穆斯林/印度教教徒/佛教徒等
    • convert to/​practise a religion/​Buddhism/​Catholicism/​Christianity/​Islam/​Judaism, etc.
    • go to church/(North American English) temple (= the synagogue)去教堂/会堂做礼拜
    • go to the local church/​mosque/​synagogue/​gurdwara去当地的教堂/清真寺/犹太教会堂/谒师所做礼拜
    • belong to a church/​a religious community是教堂/宗教团体的成员
    • join/​enter the church/​a convent/​a monastery/​a religious sect/​the clergy/​the priesthood成为牧师/女修道士/僧侣/宗教人员/神职人员/司祭
    • praise/​worship/​obey/​serve/​glorify God赞美/敬拜/遵从/侍奉/颂扬上帝
    Celebrations and ritual庆典与仪式
    • attend/​hold/​conduct/​lead a service参加/举行/组织/主持礼拜仪式
    • perform a ceremony/​a rite/​a ritual/​a baptism/​the Hajj/​a mitzvah举行典礼/仪式/宗教仪式/洗礼/朝觐/受戒仪式
    • carry out/​perform a sacred/​burial/​funeral/​fertility/​purification rite举行宗教/安葬/葬礼/丰收/净化仪式
    • go on/​make a pilgrimage前往朝圣
    • celebrate Christmas/​Easter/​Eid/​Ramadan/​Hanukkah/​Passover/​Diwali庆祝圣诞节/复活节/开斋节/斋月/修殿节/逾越节/排灯节
    • observe/​break the Sabbath/​a fast/​Ramadan守/不守安息日/斋戒/斋月
    • deliver/​preach/​hear a sermon传道;讲道;听布道
    • lead/​address the congregation带领会众;对会众发表演讲
    • say/​recite a prayer/​blessing念诵/背诵经文;祝祷
    Religious texts and ideas宗教经文与思想
    • preach/​proclaim/​spread the word of God/​the Gospel/​the message of Islam传布/颂扬/传播上帝的话/《福音》/伊斯兰教义
    • study/​follow the dharma/​the teachings of Buddha研究/遵循达摩/佛教教义
    • read/​study/​understand/​interpret scripture/​the Bible/​the Koran/​the gospel/​the Torah阅读/研究/理解/阐释经文/《圣经》/《古兰经》/《福音》/托拉
    • be based on/​derive from divine revelation基于/来源于上帝的启示
    • commit/​consider something heresy/​sacrilege犯异端/渎圣罪;认为…是异端邪说/亵渎圣物
    Religious belief and experience宗教信仰与体验
    • seek/​find/​gain enlightenment/​wisdom寻求/找到/获得启迪/智慧
    • strengthen/​lose your faith增强/失去信德
    • keep/​practise/​practice/​abandon the faith忠于/践行/放弃信仰
    • save/​purify/​lose your soul拯救/净化/失去灵魂
    • obey/​follow/​keep/​break/​violate a commandment/​Islamic law/​Jewish law服从/遵循/恪守/违反/亵渎诫条/伊斯兰教法/犹太教法
    • be/​accept/​do God’s will是/接受/践行上帝的旨意
    • receive/​experience divine grace得到/感受神的恩宠
    • achieve/​attain enlightenment/​salvation/​nirvana获得启迪/拯救/涅槃
    • undergo a conversion/​rebirth/​reincarnation经历皈依/重生/转世化身
    • hear/​answer a prayer聆听/回应祷告
    • commit/​confess/​forgive a sin犯罪;忏悔;宽恕罪过
    • do/​perform penance进行补赎
    Grammar Point schoolschool学校
    • When a school is being referred to as an institution, you do not need to use the:school 指机构时,不需用定冠词 the:
      • When do the children finish school?孩子们什么时候毕业?
      When you are talking about a particular building, the is used:指校舍时要用定冠词 the:
      • I’ll meet you outside the school.我在学校外面等你。
      Prison, jail, court, and church work in the same way:prison、jail、court 和 church 的用法相同:
      • Her husband spent three years in prison.她丈夫坐了三年牢。
    Extra Examples
    • Do you go to church?你去教堂做礼拜吗?
    • Mrs Parsons wasn't at church this Sunday.帕森斯夫人这个星期天没有在教堂做礼拜。
    • We decided not to get married in church.我们决定不在教堂举行婚礼。
    • Church attendance is declining.教堂的上座率正在下降。
    • She attended church regularly.她定期去教堂。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + church
    • attend
    • go to
    church + noun
    • attendance
    • service
    • music
    • after church
    • before church
    • at church
    See full entry
  3. Church
    [countable] a particular group of Christians基督教教派
    • the Anglican Church圣公会
    • The Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception.天主教会教导说生命始于受孕。
    • the Free Churches自由教会
    • Linda joined the local Methodist church.琳达加入了当地的卫理公会。
    Extra Examples
    • Small evangelical churches provide their members with a strong sense of community and family.小型福音教会为其成员提供了强烈的社区和家庭意识。
    • the Church of England英国国教会,英国圣公会
    • the Protestant Church新教教会
    • Orthodox Christian churches东正教教堂
    see also denomination, episcopal, Free Church, High Church, Low Church, Lutheran, orthodox, Reformed Church, storefront church, Unification Church
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • evangelical
    verb + church
    • establish
    • found
    • lead
    church + verb
    • teach
    church + noun
    • authorities
    • elder
    • leader
    • a member of a church
    See full entry
  4. (the) Church
    [singular] the ministers of the Christian religion; the institution of the Christian religion基督教牧师;基督教机构
    • The Church has a duty to condemn violence.基督教会有义务谴责暴力。
    • the conflict between Church and State教会与政府的冲突
    • to go into the Church (= to become a Christian minister)成为基督教牧师
    Extra Examples
    • He left the Church after a loss of faith.失去信仰后,他脱离了基督教会。
    • He served the church for over sixty years.他在教会服务了 60 余年。
    • He went into the Church when he was 23.他 23 岁时成为基督教牧师。
    • The early Church believed miracles were proof of who Jesus was.早期基督教会认为神迹是耶稣身分的证明。
    • He loves all the high church traditions—incense and processions and vestments.他喜欢所有高教会的传统——香料、列队前行、祭衣等。
    • He entered the Church and became chaplain to the Duke of York.他进入教堂,成为约克公爵的牧师。
    • They called for the separation of church and state.他们呼吁政教分离。
    • She attacked the established church for its narrow views.她抨击已建立的教会的狭隘观点。
    • Church leaders instructed families to set aside time to learn the gospel.教会领袖指示家庭留出时间学习福音。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • evangelical
    verb + church
    • establish
    • found
    • lead
    church + verb
    • teach
    church + noun
    • authorities
    • elder
    • leader
    • a member of a church
    See full entry
  5. Word OriginOld English cir(i)ce, cyr(i)ce, related to Dutch kerk and German Kirche, based on medieval Greek kurikon, from Greek kuriakon (dōma) ‘Lord's (house)’, from kurios ‘master or lord’. Compare with kirk.
a broad church
  1. (British English) an organization that accepts a wide range of opinions广纳众议的机构 synonym big tent
    • The party aims to be a broad church with members from all sections of society.该党的目标是成为一个由社会各阶层成员组成的广泛的教会。
IELTS BNC: 393 COCA: 648


1building where Christians go to worship基督徒做禮拜的建築物ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHURCH | CHURCH + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElocal, parish, village (especially BrE) 當地/堂區/鄉村教堂VERB + CHURCHbuild建造教堂consecrate, found為教堂祝聖/奠基The church was consecrated in 1250.這座教堂於 1250 年祝聖。dedicate奉獻教堂The church is dedicated to St Paul.這座教堂是奉獻給聖保羅的。CHURCH + NOUNbuilding教堂建築bells, clock, steeple, tower教堂的鳴鐘/時鐘/尖塔/塔樓pew教堂長凳hall教堂大廳fête, wedding教堂義賣會/婚禮PREPOSITIONat a/the church在教堂a chamber concert at our local church在本區教堂舉行的室內樂音樂會in a/the church在教堂裏There's an interesting organ in the church.教堂裏有一架引人注目的管風琴。


2meeting for public worship in a church教堂禮拜VERB + CHURCH | CHURCH + NOUN | PREPOSITION VERB + CHURCHattend, go to參加/去做禮拜Do you go to church?你去教堂做禮拜嗎?CHURCH + NOUNattendance去教堂做禮拜(的人數)service教堂禮拜儀式music教堂音樂choir, congregation, organist教堂唱詩班/會眾/管風琴師group, school教會團體/學校a church youth group一個青年教會團體PREPOSITIONafter church, before church禮拜之後/之前Come to our place for lunch after church.禮拜之後到我們家吃午飯吧。at church在教堂做禮拜They're at church. (BrE) 他們在教堂做禮拜。in church在教堂;在教堂做禮拜We decided not to get married in church.我們決定不在教堂舉行婚禮。They're in church. (NAmE) 他們在教堂做禮拜。


3(often the Church) all Christians regarded as a group; particular group of Christians基督教會;基督教教派ADJECTIVE | VERB + CHURCH | CHURCH + VERB | CHURCH + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, low高派/低派教會He loves all the high church traditions-incense and processions and vestments.他喜歡高派教會的所有傳統 - 香、列隊行進、祭服等。evangelical, fundamentalist福音派/基要派教會established (= official) , mainline (= official) (NAmE) 國教會;主流教會Christian, etc.基督教會等Catholic, Methodist, Protestant, etc.天主教會、衞理公會、新教會等early早期基督教會The early Church believed miracles were proof of who Jesus was.早期基督教會認為神跡是耶穌身分的證明。VERB + CHURCHestablish, found建立/創立教會lead領導教會enter, go into就任基督教聖職;成為基督教牧師He went into the Church (= became a priest) when he was 23.他 23 歲時成為基督教牧師。join加入教會Linda joined the local Methodist church.琳達加入了當地的衞理公會。leave脫離教會He left the Church after a loss of faith.失去信仰後,他脫離了基督教會。serve在教會任職He served the church for over sixty years.他在教會服務了 60 餘年。CHURCH + VERBteach教會教導The Catholic church teaches that life begins at conception.天主教會教導說生命始於受孕。CHURCH + NOUNauthorities, elder教會當局/長老leader, member教會領袖/成員leadership, membership教會領袖地位/成員身分community, group教會群體/團體She was actively involved in church groups.她積極參與教會團體活動。hierarchy教階體制council教會委員會doctrine教會教義historian教會歷史學家fathers教父(指早期基督教權威神學家)PHRASESa member of a church教會的一員
IELTS BNC: 393 COCA: 648
church noun
church (go to church) religion (the Catholic Church)


church ♦︎ temple ♦︎ mosque ♦︎ shrine ♦︎ cathedral ♦︎ chapel ♦︎ synagogue ♦︎ abbey ♦︎ sanctuary ♦︎ place of worshipThese are all words for religious buildings. 这些词均表示宗教建筑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to go to church / temple / chapel / synagogue church [countable, uncountable] a building where Christians go to worship; a service or services in a church (基督教的)教堂;礼拜;礼拜仪式The procession moved into the church.队列进入教堂。a church tower教堂塔楼church services教堂礼拜How often do you go to church?你多久去教堂做一次礼拜? (BrE) They're at church (= attending a church service).他们在做礼拜。 (NAmE) They're in church.他们在做礼拜。Church is at 9 o'clock.礼拜仪式9点钟开始。 see also Church religion temple [countable] a building used for the worship of a god or gods, especially in religions other than Christianity (尤为非基督教的)庙宇,寺院,神殿,圣堂a Buddhist / Hindu / Sikh temple佛教/印度教/锡克教庙宇the Temple of Diana at Ephesus以弗所的狄安娜神庙 (NAmE) to go to temple (= to a service in a synagogue, where Jews worship) 去(犹太)会堂礼拜 mosque mɒsk; NAmE mɑːsk [countable] a building where Muslims go to worship 清真寺We were woken by the call to prayer from a nearby mosque.我们被附近清真寺召集礼拜的声音吵醒了。 shrine [countable] a place where people come to worship because it is connected with a holy person or event 圣地;圣祠;神庙;神龛a shrine to the Virgin Mary敬奉圣母马利亚的朝圣地to visit the shrine of Mecca前往圣地麦加朝拜 cathedral kəˈθiːdrəl [countable] the main church of a district, under the care of a bishop (= a priest of high rank) 主教座堂;教区总教堂St Paul's Cathedral圣保罗大教堂 (BrE) a cathedral city有主教座堂的城市 chapel ˈtʃæpl [countable] a small building or room used for Christian worship in a school, prison or large private house; a separate part of a church or cathedral with its own altar, used for some services and private prayer; a small church; a small building or room used for funeral services, especially at a cemetery or crematorium (学校、监狱、私人宅院等基督教徒礼拜用的)小教堂;(教堂内的)分堂;私人祈祷室;(尤指墓地或火葬场的)殡仪礼堂the school / college chapel学校/学院的小教堂Evening prayer will be held in the Lady Chapel.晚祷将在圣母堂进行。a tiny chapel in the mountains群山中的一座小教堂a chapel of rest安息小堂In British English chapel [countable, uncountable] is also the word used for a church in some Christian denominations, for example Nonconformists. 在英式英语中,chapel亦指基督教某些教派(如英国的非国教派教徒)做礼拜的教堂a Methodist / Mormon chapel卫理公会/摩门教教堂She always went to chapel on Sundays.她总是在星期天去教堂做礼拜。 synagogue ˈsɪnəgɒg; NAmE ˈsɪnəgɑːg [countable] a building where Jews go to worship 犹太会堂;犹太教堂They went to synagogue every Saturday.他们每个星期六去犹太教堂。 abbey [countable] a large church together with a group of buildings in which monks or nuns live or lived in the past 大隐修院;(曾为隐修院的)大教堂Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂a ruined abbey破败不堪的教堂 sanctuary ˈsæŋktʃuəri; NAmE ˈsæŋktʃueri [countable] a holy building or the part of it that is considered most holy 圣所;圣殿Women were excluded from entering the sanctuary where the priest stood at the altar.圣坛前祭司站立的圣所妇女不许进入。 ˌplace of ˈworship (plural places of worship) [countable] (rather formal) a building where people of a particular religion go to worship, such as a church, temple, mosque or synagogue 礼拜场所(如教堂、庙宇、清真寺或犹太教堂等)The statistics show the number of people who regularly attend a place of worship.统计数字显示定期去礼拜场所的人数。Place of worship is used especially in official contexts, when collecting information about the people who live in a country, city or area. * place of worship尤用于官方语境,如搜集某国、某市或某地区居民信息时会使用到。
IELTS BNC: 393 COCA: 648

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