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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 1698 COCA: 1292


(comparative wilder, superlative wildest)
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  1. living or growing in natural conditions; not kept in a house or on a farm自然生长的;野的;野生的
    • wild animals/birds/flowers野生动物/鸟/花
    • wild salmon野生鲑鱼
    • wild mushrooms/rice野生蘑菇/大米
    • The plants grow wild along the banks of rivers.沿河两岸生长着野生植物。
    • Their aim is to document wild populations of fast-disappearing species.他们的目的是记录快速消失物种的野生种群。
    • a wild boar野猪。
    Topics Animalsa2, Plants and treesa2
    Extra Examples
    • The dogs live wild on the streets.这些狗是野狗。
    • The flowers grow wild in the mountains.这些花在山野里生长。
    • a wild rabbit野生兔
    • wild strawberries野草莓
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • grow
    • live
    • truly
    See full entry
  2. scenery/land风景;土地

  3. in its natural state; not changed by people天然的;荒凉的;荒芜的
    • the destruction of forests and other wild lands森林和其他荒地的破坏
    • wild moorland荒凉的高沼地
    • The island is a wild and lonely place.这个岛是一个荒凉而孤独的地方。
    • This is truly wild and unspoilt countryside.这是真正天然、未遭破坏的乡村。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • grow
    • live
    • truly
    See full entry
  4. out of control失去控制

  5. having no discipline or control缺乏管教的;无法无天的;放荡的
    • The boy is wild and completely out of control.这男孩缺乏管教,简直是无法无天。
    • He had a wild look in his eyes.他的眼神很不安分。
    • a woman with wild hair一头乱发的女人
    • wild mood swings疯狂的情绪波动
    Extra Examples
    • There is a wild side to him.他有放荡不羁的一面。
    • Her hair was rather wild.她头发乱糟糟的。
    • The band has a reputation for wild behaviour.这个乐队以行为放荡著称。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • go
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • with
    • let your imagination run wild
    See full entry
  6. feelings感情

  7. full of very strong feeling感情炽烈的
    • The crowd went wild.群情激昂。
    • It makes me wild (= very angry) to see such waste.看到这种浪费现象让我非常生气。
    • Everything about her drove him wild (= made him like her very much).她身上的一切都让他疯狂。
    • wild laughter/celebrations狂笑/庆祝
    • The couple were dancing with wild abandon.这对夫妇尽情地跳舞。
    Extra Examples
    • When the band appeared, the crowd went wild.乐队出现的时候,人群疯狂起来。
    • The crowd was wild with excitement.人群欣喜若狂。
    • It's the story of a wild and romantic love affair.这是一个狂野而浪漫的爱情故事。
    • Nothing could dull the sense of wild excitement that gripped them.他们兴奋得发狂,什么也不能让他们平静下来。
    • His speech was greeted by wild applause.他的讲话赢得了热烈的掌声。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • go
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    • with
    • let your imagination run wild
    See full entry
  8. not sensible不合情理

  9. not carefully planned; not sensible or accurate盲目的;瞎抓的
    • He made a wild guess at the answer.他胡乱猜了个答案。
    • wild accusations无端的指责
  10. exciting激动

  11. (informal) very good, pleasant or exciting 很棒的;高兴的;令人激动的
    • We had a wild time in New York.我们在纽约玩得痛快极了。
  12. enthusiastic热情

  13. wild about somebody/something (informal) very enthusiastic about somebody/something热衷于…;狂热
    • She's totally wild about him.她对他简直是着了迷。
    • She was absolutely wild about him.她对他非常着迷。
    • I'm not wild about the idea.我对这个想法不太感兴趣。
  14. weather/sea天气;海洋

  15. affected by storms and strong winds狂暴的;暴风雨的 synonym stormy
    • a wild night暴风雨之夜
    • The sea was wild.大海波涛汹涌。
  16. Word OriginOld English wilde, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German wild.
beyond somebody’s wildest dreams
  1. far more, better, etc. than you could ever have imagined or hoped for做梦都没想到;远远出乎所料;大大超出希望
not/never in somebody’s wildest dreams
  1. used to say that something has happened in a way that somebody did not expect at all(表示完全出乎意料)做梦都没有,从来没有想到
    • Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd meet him again.我连做梦都没想到会再见他。
run wild
  1. to grow or develop freely without any control变得荒芜;自由生长;任其发展
    • The ivy has run wild.常春藤长疯了。
    • Let your imagination run wild and be creative.让你的想象力自由驰骋发挥创意吧。
    • I just let my imagination run wild and come up with as many ideas as I can.我只是信马由缰地去想象,让脑海里冒出尽可能多的想法。
  2. if children or animals run wild, they behave as they like because nobody is controlling them恣意妄为;变得狂野
    • Those boys have been allowed to run wild.那些男孩子无人管教肆无忌惮。
    • They annoy the neighbours because they let their children run wild.他们惹邻居讨厌,因为他们由着孩子撒野。
sow (your) wild oats
  1. (of young men青年男子) to go through a period of wild behaviour while young, especially having a lot of romantic or sexual relationships过放荡不羁的生活
    • He wants to leave home, sow his wild oats and learn about life.他想离开家,播种他的野燕麦,了解生活。
wild horses would not drag somebody somewhere, make somebody do something, etc.
  1. used to say that nothing would persuade somebody to go somewhere or do something they do not want to do任何事情都不能阻止(或促使某人做某事);八匹马拉不了某人回头


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  1. the wild
    [singular] a natural environment that is not controlled by people自然环境;野生状态
    • The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild.这只鸟养得太温驯了,现在很难在野生环境中生存。
    • The animals were released back into the wild when they had recovered.这些动物在康复后被放归野生环境。
    Extra Examples
    • There are very few of these birds left in the wild.野生的这种鸟很少了。
    • When they have reared sufficient numbers in zoos, they will begin to return them to the wild.当它们在动物园里饲养了足够的数量后,它们就会开始把它们放回野外。
  2. the wilds
    [plural] areas of a country far from towns or cities, where few people live偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区
    • wandering through the wilds of Alaska漫游阿拉斯加的荒野
    • (humorous) They live on a farm somewhere out in the wilds.他们住在边远地区的一个农场里。
    Extra Examples
    • The cottage was right out in the wilds, miles from anywhere.小屋就在野外,离任何地方都有几英里。
    • These girls came from the wilds of the rural west.这些女孩来自西部农村的荒野。
    • They lived in the wilds of central Wales.他们住在威尔士中部的荒野中。
  3. Word OriginOld English wilde, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German wild.
BNC: 1698 COCA: 1292


1animals/plants動物;植物VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, grow, live野生;自然生長The flowers grow wild in the mountains.這些花在山野裏生長。The dogs live wild on the streets.這些狗是野狗。ADVERBtruly真正天然This is truly wild and unspoilt countryside.這是真正天然、未遭破壞的鄉村。


2out of control失控VERBS | ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES VERBSbe, look不安分;看上去難以約束He looked wild and dangerous.他看上去很不安分,十分危險。go, run興奮起來;恣意妄為When the band appeared, the crowd went wild.樂隊出現的時候,人群瘋狂起來。They let their children run wild.他們由着孩子不加約束。drive sb, make sb使某人瘋狂;令某人盛怒It makes me wild (= very angry) to see such waste.看見如此浪費的行為我生氣極了。ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常凌亂Her hair was rather wild.她頭髮亂糟糟的。absolutely絕對狂熱a little, slightly, etc.有點兒/略有些失控PREPOSITIONwith由於⋯而瘋狂The crowd was wild with excitement.人群欣喜若狂。PHRASESlet your imagination run wild讓想像自由馳騁I just let my imagination run wild and come up with as many ideas as I can.我只是信馬由繮地去想像,讓腦海裏冒出盡可能多的想法。
BNC: 1698 COCA: 1292
wild adj.
wild1 (wild behaviour) wild2 (wild with excitement)


wild behaviour 放荡不羁的行为wild with excitement 兴奋得发狂wild ♦︎ disruptive ♦︎ unruly ♦︎ disorderly ♦︎ rowdyThese words all describe people, behaviour or feelings that show a lack of control or are difficult to control. 这些词均表示缺乏管教的、难以控制的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配wild / disruptive / unruly / disorderly / rowdy behaviouran unruly / a disorderly / a rowdy crowd wild behaving in a way that lacks discipline or control and is sometimes violent 缺乏管教的;无法无天的There is a wild side to him.他有放荡不羁的一面。He had a wild look in his eyes.他眼神狂野。Those girls have been allowed to run wild (= behave as they like because nobody is controlling them).那些女孩儿因无人管教,肆意妄为。 disruptive dɪsˈrʌptɪv causing problems, noise, etc. so that sth is prevented from continuing or working in the normal way 引起混乱的;扰乱性的She was a disruptive influence on the rest of the class.她搅扰了班上的其他学生。Working such long hours can be extremely disruptive to home life.工作这么长时间会严重扰乱家庭生活。 see also disrupt disrupt , disruption disruption unruly ʌnˈruːli (rather formal) very difficult to control 难以控制的;难以驾驭的The police were attacked by an unruly mob.警察受到无法无天的暴民的袭击。He struggled hard to control his unruly emotions.他极力控制着自己那难以驾驭的情感。 disorderly [usually before noun] (formal) behaving in a noisy or violent way in a public place (在公共场所)闹事的,目无法纪的He has been charged with disorderly conduct.他被指控妨害治安。They were arrested for being drunk and disorderly.他们因酒后滋事被捕。OPP orderly efficient see also disorder trouble 1 rowdy ˈraʊdi (of a group of people) making a lot of noise and likely to cause trouble (一群人)吵闹的,捣乱的Some lads were getting a bit rowdy.几个小伙子变得不太安分。The meeting had been quite rowdy.这个会一直开得闹哄哄的。wild2


wild behaviour 放荡不羁的行为wild with excitement 兴奋得发狂wild ♦︎ frantic ♦︎ furious ♦︎ mad ♦︎ frenziedThese words all describe sth which involves a lot of energy, activity or strong feeling, but in a way that is not organized or controlled. 这些词均表示疯狂的、激烈的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a wild / frantic / furious / mad rusha wild / frantic / frenzied efforta frantic / furious / frenzied attempt / pacefrantic / frenzied activityto go wild / madwild / mad with excitement wild involving very strong feeling in a way that is not controlled 感情炽烈的;疯狂的Nothing could dull the sense of wild excitement that gripped them.他们兴奋得发狂,什么也不能让他们平静下来。His speech was greeted by wild applause.他的讲话赢得了热烈的掌声。The crowd went wild.人群情绪激昂起来。 wildly


She looked wildly around for an escape.她环顾四周,拼命寻找逃路。His heart was beating wildly.他的心狂跳着。
frantic done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not organized 紧张忙乱的;手忙脚乱的They began a frantic search for the missing child.他们开始手忙脚乱地寻找走丢的孩子。Things are frantic in the office right now.现在办公室里忙作一团。 frantically


We worked frantically to finish on time.为了能按时完成,我们拼命地工作。
furious ˈfjʊəriəs; NAmE ˈfjʊriəsdone with great energy, speed or anger 激烈的;高速的;盛怒的A furious argument broke out.发生了激烈的争论。Play was fast and furious in the opening minutes of the game.在开始的几分钟内比赛打得紧张激烈。 furiously


They worked furiously all weekend, trying to get it finished on time.他们整个周末都在拼命工作,想方设法按时完成。
mad (rather informal) done without thought or control; wild and excited 不理智的;疯狂的;激动的Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time.他们一阵狂奔,总算准时到了会场。 (especially BrE) The team won and the fans went mad.这个队赢了,球迷欣喜若狂。In American English it would be more usual to say the fans went wild. 在美式英语中,较常说the fans went wild。 madly


(only used after a verb 只用于动词后) She was rushing around madly trying to put out the fire.她疯了似的跑来跑去,试图把火扑灭。
frenzied ˈfrenzid [usually before noun] involving a lot of activity and/or strong feeling in a way that is not controlled and often violent or frightening 疯狂的;狂暴的He was the subject of a frenzied attack.他受到了疯狂的攻击。
BNC: 1698 COCA: 1292
Words used to describe animals: amphibious, androgynous, anthropoid...
Words used to describe plants and plant parts: algal, androgynous, aquatic...
Words used to describe windy weather: windy, stormy, breezy...
Feeling or expressing strong emotions: emotional, passionate, ardent...
Making you feel excited: exciting, alive, fast...
Enthusiastic: enthusiastic, keen, eager...
Inexact and inaccurate: incorrect, inexact, wrong...
In an uncontrolled way: wildly, wild, madly...

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