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/ˈɪntrəst/, /ˈɪntrest/
/ˈɪntrəst/, /ˈɪntrest/
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    wanting to know more求知

  1. [uncountable, singular] the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn more about somebody/something兴趣;关注
    • Her research has generated interest around the world.她的研究引起了全世界的兴趣。
    • The case has attracted the interest of the public and media.此案引起了公众和媒体的兴趣。
    • interest in something Do your parents take an interest in your friends?你的父母有兴趣了解你的朋友吗?
    • By that time I had lost (all) interest in the idea.那时我已经对此想法(完全)失去兴趣了。
    • Many people have contacted me expressing interest in the idea.很多人联系我表示对这个想法感兴趣。
    • A small number of investors have shown an interest.少数投资者表示出了兴趣。
    • He showed a keen interest in music from his childhood.他从小就对音乐表现出浓厚的兴趣。
    • They shared a common interest in horses.他们对马有共同的兴趣。
    • interest in doing something I have no interest in seeing the movie.我对看电影没有兴趣。
    • with interest I watched with interest.我兴致勃勃地看着。
    • out of interest Just out of interest, how much did it cost?我只是好奇问问,这个花了多少钱?
    • As a matter of interest (= I'd like to know), what time did the party finish?我想知道,晚会是什么时间结束的?
    • A sticker on a bag caught my interest.袋子上的贴纸引起了我的兴趣。
    compare disinterest
    Extra Examples
    • A childhood trip to Europe sparked his lifelong interest in history.儿时的一次欧洲之旅点燃了他对历史持续终生的兴趣。
    • Despite intensive publicity, Channel 4 failed to maintain interest in its expensive new show.4 频道尽管就投资巨大的新节目大张旗鼓,却未能维持住观众的兴趣。
    • He showed a polite interest in her story.他出于礼貌对她的故事表现出兴趣。
    • He's never shown the slightest interest in football.他从未对足球表现出丝毫的兴趣。
    • I'll watch the programme with added interest now I know you're in it.既然知道你参加了这个节目的演出,我就更有兴趣看了。
    • I'm asking purely out of interest.我提出这个问题纯粹是出于兴趣。
    • My cousin expressed an interest in seeing where I work.我表弟表示有兴趣看看我工作的地方。
    • She always had a great interest in the supernatural.她一直对超自然现象怀有极大的兴趣。
    • She feigned interest in a magazine article to avoid meeting the man's stare.她假装对杂志上的一篇文章感兴趣,以避开那位男士盯视的目光。
    • She took an active interest in their welfare.她对他们的幸福极为关心。
    • The children's interest began to flag after half an hour of the lesson.课上了半小时以后,孩子们的兴趣开始减退。
    • The event attracted a lot of media interest.该事件得到了媒体的密切关注。
    • The film kept my interest throughout.影片从头至尾一直令我兴趣盎然。
    • The government failed to drum up any public interest in the referendum.政府没能让公众对全民公决产生丝毫兴趣。
    • The police were starting to take a close interest in the company's activities.警方开始密切关注该公司的活动。
    • They listened with interest.他们听得津津有味。
    • While in prison he developed an interest in art.他坐牢时对艺术产生了兴趣。
    • Why the sudden interest?为什么突然有了兴趣?
    • growing interest from younger members年轻成员日益增长的兴趣
    • to stimulate interest among teachers激发教师们的兴趣
    • Does she take an interest in your research?她对你的研究感兴趣吗?
    • He showed no more than a passing interest in the sport.他对这项运动只表现出一时的兴趣。
    • I told him about it but he showed no interest.我跟他说了那件事,但是他不感兴趣。
    • Several people expressed an interest in learning the game.有几个人表示有兴趣学这种游戏。
    Topics Feelingsa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • avid
    • close
    • considerable
    verb + interest
    • have
    • evince
    • express
    interest + verb
    • grow
    • flag
    • wane
    • for interest
    • out of interest
    • with interest
    See full entry
  2. attraction吸引力

  3. [uncountable] the quality that something has when it attracts somebody’s attention or makes them want to know more about it引人关注的性质;吸引力;趣味
    • There are many places of interest near the city.这座城市附近有许多有意思的地方。
    • These plants will add interest to your garden in winter.这些植物在冬季会给你的花园增添胜景。
    • be of interest These documents are of great historical interest.这些文件具有重要的历史价值。
    • The area is a site of special scientific interest.该地区是一个具有特殊科学价值的地方。
    • This is a story of national interest.这是一个关乎国家利益的故事。
    • be of interest to somebody The subject is of no interest to me at all.我对此课题一点也不感兴趣。
    • interest for somebody This museum holds particular interest for geologists.地质学家对这个博物馆特别感兴趣。
    see also human interest, love interest
    Extra Examples
    • His books have a special interest for me.他的著作对我有一种特殊的吸引力。
    • We met to discuss matters of common interest.我们聚在一起讨论事关共同利益的问题。
    • a building of great architectural interest极富建筑美感的建筑物
    • issues of compelling strategic interest具有诱人战略利益的问题
    • This information was of no immediate interest to me.这条消息没能立即引起我的兴趣。
    • Their conversation held no interest for me.他们的谈话丝毫引不起我的兴趣。
    • The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of colour.这幅画吸引人的地方在于独特的用色。
    • The CD-ROM gives the book added interest.只读光盘增加了人们对该书的兴趣。
    • Since the championship has already been decided, this game is of purely academic interest.既然冠军归属已经确定,这场比赛就只有形式上的意义了。
    • His books are of no interest to me at all.他的书对我毫无吸引力。
    • Her comments are of particular interest to me.她的评论让我特别感兴趣。
    • There are many places of interest around Oxford.牛津附近有许多名胜。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • particular
    • special
    verb + interest
    • be of
    • hold no
    • add
    interest + verb
    • lie in
    • of interest
    See full entry
  4. hobby业余爱好

  5. [countable] an activity or a subject that you enjoy and that you spend time doing or studying业余爱好
    • Her main interests are music and tennis.她的主要爱好是音乐和网球。
    • He was a man of wide interests outside his work.他是个有广泛业余爱好的人。
    • My main research interest is herbal medicine.我的主要研究兴趣是草药。
    • In the end, she left the company to pursue other interests.最后,她离开了公司去追求其他的利益。
    Synonyms interestinterest
    • hobby
    • game
    • pastime
    These are all words for activities that you do for pleasure in your spare time.
    • interest an activity or a subject that you do or study for pleasure in your spare time:
      • Her main interests are music and gardening.她的主要爱好是音乐和园艺。
    • hobby an activity that you do for pleasure in your spare time:
      • His hobbies include swimming and cooking.他爱好游泳和烹饪。
    • game a children’s activity when they play with toys, pretend to be somebody else, etc.; an activity that you do to have fun:
      • a game of cops and robbers警察抓强盗的游戏
      • He was playing games with the dog.他在逗狗玩。
    • pastime an activity that people do for pleasure in their spare time:
      • Eating out is the national pastime in France.在法国,下馆子是全国性的消遣活动。
    interest, hobby or pastime?用 interest、hobby 还是 pastime?A hobby is often more active than an interest: His main hobby is football (= he plays football).His main interest is football (= he watches and reads about football, and may or may not play it). Pastime is used when talking about people in general; when you are talking about yourself or an individual person it is more usual to use interest or hobby: Eating out is the national interest/​hobby in France.Do you have any pastimes? Patterns
    • a popular interest/​hobby/​pastime
    • to have/​share interests/​hobbies
    • to take up/​pursue a(n) interest/​hobby
    compare hobby
    Extra Examples
    • He has many hobbies and outside interests.他有许多闲暇嗜好和业余爱好。
    • He wanted time to pursue his many and varied musical interests.他希望有时间从事自己丰富多彩的音乐爱好。
    Topics Hobbiesa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • diverse
    • varied
    • wide
    verb + interest
    • have
    • share
    • pursue
    See full entry
  6. money

  7. [uncountable] (finance金融) the extra money that you pay back when you borrow money or that you receive when you invest money利息
    • interest on something to pay interest on a loan付贷款利息
    • with interest The money was repaid with interest.这笔钱是带息偿还的。
    • interest charges/payments利息;利息的支付
    • Interest rates have risen by 1%.利率上升了 1%。
    • high rates of interest高利率
    see also compound interest, simple interest
    Extra Examples
    • They're paying 16% interest on the loan.他们这笔贷款的利息是16%。
    • The Gold Account pays monthly interest of 5.5%.金账户月息5.5%。
    • Find a bank that has very low interest charges on overdrafts.找一家透支利息收费很低的银行。
    • a mortgage with a fixed rate of interest固定利率的按揭
    Topics Moneyb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • annual
    • monthly
    • etc.
    verb + interest
    • earn
    • receive
    • pay
    interest + verb
    • accrue
    • bear
    interest + noun
    • rate
    • payment
    • charge
    • interest on
    • a rate of interest
    See full entry
  8. advantage利益

  9. [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a good result or an advantage for somebody/something好处;利益
    • The union is working to protect the interests of its members.工会正在努力保护其成员的利益。
    • to promote/defend somebody's interests促进/捍卫某人的利益
    • Tough talk doesn't always serve your interests.强硬的谈话并不总是符合你的利益。
    • I was voted in to represent the interests of my constituents.我被推选代表我的选民的利益。
    • You can't blame them for looking after their own interests.他们追求自己的利益无可厚非。
    • in somebody's interest(s) She was acting entirely in her own interests.她所做的完全是为了自己的利益。
    • These reforms were in the best interests of local government.这些改革对地方政府最有利。
    • It is in the public interest that these facts are made known.公开这些真相是为了公众的利益。
    • against somebody's interests The policy is clearly working against the interests of consumers.这项政策显然违背了消费者的利益。
    • It is crucial to our national interest to keep stability in the region.保持该地区的稳定对我们的国家利益至关重要。
    see also self-interest, vested interest
    Extra Examples
    • Continuing such a policy is short-sighted and not in the interest of consumers.继续执行这样的政策是目光短浅,而且不符合顾客们的利益。
    • It's not in your best interests to let your boss know you're looking for a new job.让老板知道你想另谋高就对你不利。
    • He claimed to be acting in the public interest.他声称自己的行为是为了公众的利益。
    • I feel it is in everyone's best interest if I step aside now.我觉得我现在退下来符合每个人的最大利益。
    • He was obviously acting purely out of selfish interest.显然他这么做纯粹是出于一己私利。
    • The lawyer refused to act against his client's interests.律师拒绝做出有损委托人利益的行为。
    • The union refused to support proposals that it saw as contrary to the interests of its members.工会对于那些会违背会员利益的提议拒不支持。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • best interest
    • best interests
    • own
    verb + interest
    • defend
    • guard
    • look after
    interest + verb
    • lie in something
    • be at stake
    interest + noun
    • group
    • against somebody’s/​something’s interest
    • contrary to somebody’s/​something’s interest
    • in somebody’s/​something’s interest
    • a conflict of interest
    • a conflict of interests
    • have somebody’s interests at heart
    See full entry
  10. share in business企业股份

  11. [countable, usually plural] interest (in something) a share in a business or company and its profits(企业或公司的)股份;权益;股权
    • She has business interests in France.她在法国拥有企业权益。
    • American interests in Europe (= money invested in European countries)在欧洲的美国权益
    see also controlling interest
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • powerful
    • controlling
    • majority
    verb + interest
    • have
    • sell
    • interest in
    See full entry
  12. connection关系

  13. [countable, uncountable] a connection with something that affects your attitude to it, especially because you may benefit from it in some way利害关系;利益关系
    • I should, at this point, declare my interest.到了这个时候,我应该申明我的利益关系。
    • interest in (doing) something Organizations have an interest in ensuring that employee motivation is high.各机构皆知获利之道在于确保员工士气高昂。
    • Lawyers have a direct financial interest in the outcome of the debate.辩论的结果直接关系着律师们的经济利益。
    compare disinterest see also vested interest
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • best interest
    • best interests
    • own
    verb + interest
    • defend
    • guard
    • look after
    interest + verb
    • lie in something
    • be at stake
    interest + noun
    • group
    • against somebody’s/​something’s interest
    • contrary to somebody’s/​something’s interest
    • in somebody’s/​something’s interest
    • a conflict of interest
    • a conflict of interests
    • have somebody’s interests at heart
    See full entry
  14. group of people团体

  15. [countable, usually plural] a group of people who are in the same business or who share the same aims that they want to protect同行;同业;利害与共者;利益团体
    • powerful farming interests强大的农民团体
    • relationships between local government and business interests地方政府和企业团体之间的关系
  16. Word Originlate Middle English (originally as interess): from Anglo-Norman French interesse, from Latin interesse ‘differ, be important’, from inter- ‘between’ + esse ‘be’. The -t was added partly by association with Old French interest ‘damage, loss’, apparently from Latin interest ‘it is important’. The original sense was ‘the possession of a share in or a right to something’; hence sense (6). Sense (1) and the verb arose in the 18th cent. Sense (4) was influenced by medieval Latin interesse ‘compensation for a debtor's defaulting’.
conflict of interest(s)
  1. a situation in which somebody has two jobs, aims, roles, etc. and cannot treat both of them equally and fairly at the same time利益(或利害)冲突
    • There was a conflict of interest between his business dealings and his political activities.他的商务交往与政治活动之间出现利益冲突。
    • One member of the planning committee had a conflict of interest as he lived near the proposed road.规划委员会的一位成员就住在计划建设的公路旁,因此有利益上的冲突。
    • There is often a conflict of interests between farmers and conservationists.农民和环保主义者之间经常存在利益冲突。
do something (back) with interest
  1. to do the same thing to somebody as they have done to you, but with more force, enthusiasm, etc.加倍回报(或回击等)
have somebody’s interests at heart
  1. to want somebody to be happy and successful even though your actions may not show this关心…的幸福成功;暗暗地替…着想
    • Although he was sometimes too strict with his children, he had their best interests at heart.尽管他有时对孩子们过于严厉,但他是为他们着想。
    Topics Successc2
in the interest(s) of something
  1. in order to help or achieve something为了;为帮助(或取得)
    • New work practices were introduced in the interests of efficiency.为了提高效率引进了新的工作方法。


/ˈɪntrəst/, /ˈɪntrest/
/ˈɪntrəst/, /ˈɪntrest/
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they interest
/ˈɪntrəst/, /ˈɪntrest/
/ˈɪntrəst/, /ˈɪntrest/
he / she / it interests
/ˈɪntrəsts/, /ˈɪntrests/
/ˈɪntrəsts/, /ˈɪntrests/
past simple interested
/ˈɪntrəstɪd/, /ˈɪntrestɪd/
/ˈɪntrəstɪd/, /ˈɪntrestɪd/
past participle interested
/ˈɪntrəstɪd/, /ˈɪntrestɪd/
/ˈɪntrəstɪd/, /ˈɪntrestɪd/
-ing form interesting
/ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/, /ˈɪntrestɪŋ/
/ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/, /ˈɪntrestɪŋ/
Phrasal Verbs
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  1. to attract your attention and make you feel interested; to make yourself give your attention to something使感兴趣;使关注
    • interest somebody Politics doesn't interest me.我对政治不感兴趣。
    • The museum has something to interest everyone, young and old.这个博物馆有让每个人都感兴趣的东西,无论老少。
    • interest somebody/yourself in something She has always interested herself in charity work.她始终关注慈善工作。
    • it interests somebody to do something It may interest you to know that Andy didn't accept the job.或许你有兴趣知道,安迪没有接受这份工作。
    Extra Examples
    • It is this aspect of the work that really interests me.真正令我感兴趣的是工作的这个方面。
    • She tried to interest the director in her plan.她努力使导演对她的方案产生兴趣。
    • She has always interested herself in helping younger musicians.她始终留意提携年轻音乐家。
    • The topic interests me very much.这个话题让我很感兴趣。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • greatly
    • particularly
    • really
    verb + interest
    • try to
    See full entry
    Word Originlate Middle English (originally as interess): from Anglo-Norman French interesse, from Latin interesse ‘differ, be important’, from inter- ‘between’ + esse ‘be’. The -t was added partly by association with Old French interest ‘damage, loss’, apparently from Latin interest ‘it is important’. The original sense was ‘the possession of a share in or a right to something’; hence sense (6). Sense (1) and the verb arose in the 18th cent. Sense (4) was influenced by medieval Latin interesse ‘compensation for a debtor's defaulting’.


1desire to learn/hear more about sb/sth興趣ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTEREST | INTEREST + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEavid, close, considerable, consuming, deep, great, intense, keen, lively, passionate, real, strong強烈的興趣;密切的關注;相當大的興趣;極大的興趣;濃厚的興趣;興致勃勃The police were starting to take a close interest in the company's activities.警方開始密切關注該公司的活動。She always had a great interest in the supernatural.她一直對超自然現象懷有極大的興趣。particular, special特別的關注;特殊的興趣growing, increased, increasing日益增長的興趣;越來越大的興趣slightest一丁點兒的興趣He's never shown the slightest interest in football.他從未對足球表現出絲毫的興趣。little極少的興趣general, widespread一般的興趣;廣泛的關注current目前的興趣worldwide全世界的關注shared相同的興趣serious認真的關注genuine真正的興趣abiding, lifelong, long-standing持久的/終生的/歷久不衰的興趣passing短暫的興趣sudden突發的興趣Why the sudden interest?為什麼突然有了興趣?renewed重新恢復的興趣added額外的興趣The CD-ROM gives the book added interest.只讀光盤增加了人們對該書的興趣。active積極的關注polite出於禮貌表現出的興趣He showed a polite interest in her story.他出於禮貌對她的故事表現出興趣。personal個人的興趣professional職業興趣media媒體的關注The event attracted a lot of media interest.該事件得到了媒體的密切關注。sexual性方面的興趣VERB + INTERESThave有興趣evince, express, show, take表現出興趣;表示關注My cousin expressed an interest in seeing where I work.我表弟表示有興趣看看我工作的地方。feign佯裝感興趣She feigned interest in a magazine article to avoid meeting the man's stare.她假裝對雜誌上的一篇文章感興趣,以避開那位男士盯視的目光。lose失去興趣arouse, attract, awaken, catch, create, draw, drum up, excite, generate, kindle, pique, spark, stimulate, stir up激發興趣;吸引關注;引起關注;使產生興趣;燃起興趣A sticker on a bag caught my interest.袋子上的貼紙引起了我的興趣。The government failed to drum up any public interest in the referendum.政府沒能讓公眾對全民公決產生絲毫興趣。A childhood trip to Europe sparked his lifelong interest in history.兒時的一次歐洲之旅點燃了他對歷史持續終生的興趣。develop產生興趣While in prison he developed an interest in art.他坐牢時對藝術產生了興趣。increase增加興趣keep, maintain, sustain保持興趣盎然;維持興趣The film kept my interest throughout.影片從頭至尾一直令我興趣盎然。The channel has failed to maintain interest in its expensive new show.這個頻道沒能維持住公眾對其成本高昂的新節目的興趣。revive使重燃興趣INTEREST + VERBgrow興趣增長flag, wane興趣減退/衰退The children's interest began to flag after half an hour of the lesson.課上了半小時以後,孩子們的興趣開始減退。PREPOSITIONfor interest, out of interest由於/出於興趣I'm asking purely out of interest.我提出這個問題純粹是出於興趣。with interest有興趣地They listened with interest.他們聽得津津有味。interest among⋯中的興趣to stimulate interest among teachers激發教師們的興趣interest from來自⋯的關注growing interest from younger members年輕成員日益增長的興趣interest in對⋯的興趣She took an active interest in their welfare.她對他們的幸福極為關心。


2quality that attracts attention引人關注的性質ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTEREST | INTEREST + VERB | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEgreat巨大的吸引力particular, special特別的吸引力Her comments are of particular interest to me.她的評論讓我特別感興趣。little沒多少趣味immediate立即的吸引力This information was of no immediate interest to me.這條消息沒能立即引起我的興趣。broad, general, wide廣泛的吸引力architectural, artistic, historic, historical, scientific建築魅力;藝術魅力;歷史名勝;科學價值academic學術意義Since the championship has already been decided, this game is of purely academic interest.既然冠軍歸屬已經確定,這場比賽就只有形式上的意義了。human人情味a plot devoid of human interest缺乏人情味的情節love戀愛對象Angelina Jolie supplies the love interest in the movie.安吉麗娜・朱莉在影片中扮演主角愛戀的對象。VERB + INTERESTbe of有吸引力His books are of no interest to me at all.他的書對我毫無吸引力。hold no引不起興趣Their conversation held no interest for me.他們的談話絲毫引不起我的興趣。add增加趣味Bushes that flower in winter will add interest to your garden.冬季開花的灌木會為您的花園增添情趣。INTEREST + VERBlie in趣味在於The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of light.這幅畫吸引人之處在於其獨特的用光技巧。PREPOSITIONof interest有吸引力a building of great architectural interest極富建築美感的建築物


3sth you enjoy doing/learning about喜歡做的事;願意學的東西ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTEREST ADJECTIVEdiverse, varied, wide, wide-ranging豐富多彩的愛好;廣泛的愛好private個人嗜好shared共同的愛好outside業餘愛好He has many hobbies and outside interests.他有許多閒暇嗜好和業餘愛好。main, primary主要的興趣My main research interest is herbal medicine.我的主要研究興趣是草藥。artistic, musical, etc.藝術方面、音樂方面等的愛好research研究興趣VERB + INTERESThave有愛好share有共同的愛好pursue發展愛好He wanted time to pursue his many and varied musical interests.他希望有時間從事自己豐富多彩的音樂愛好。


4money earned from investments從投資中獲取的金錢ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTEREST | INTEREST + VERB | INTEREST + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEannual, monthly, etc.年息、月息等compound, simple複利;單利mortgage抵押利息VERB + INTERESTearn, receive賺取利息;獲利pay支付利息charge收取利息INTEREST + VERBaccrue, bear利息增長/產生INTEREST + NOUNrate利率payment利息的支付charge利息的收取PREPOSITIONinterest on⋯的利息to pay interest on a loan支付借款利息PHRASESa rate of interest利率a mortgage with a fixed rate of interest固定利率的按揭


5benefits that sth has for sb好處ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTEREST | INTEREST + VERB | INTEREST + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbest interest, best interests最大利益It's not in your best interests to let your boss know you're looking for a new job.讓老闆知道你想另謀高就對你不利。I feel it is in everyone's best interest if I step aside now.我覺得我現在退下來符合每個人的最大利益。own, selfish自己的利益;私利You can't blame them for looking after their own interests. (especially BrE) 他們追求自己的利益無可厚非。common, mutual, shared共同利益competing, conflicting, contradictory相互競爭的/相互衝突的/相互矛盾的利益long-term, short-term長遠/短期利益narrow狹隘的利益Protectionism often simply supports narrow vested interests.保護主義支持的常常就是狹隘的既得利益。direct直接利益Lawyers have a direct financial interest in the outcome of the debate.辯論的結果直接關係着律師們的經濟利益。paramount, vital至高無上的/重大的利益powerful巨大的利益legitimate合法利益vested既得利益special (especially NAmE) 特殊利益The views of special-interest groups are represented.特殊利益集團的觀點也有所代表。national, public國家/公眾利益class, sectarian, sectional階級/教派/群體利益foreign, outside外方/外部利益corporate, economic, financial, political, security, strategic, etc.集體、經濟、金融、政治、安全、戰略等利益issues of compelling strategic interest具有誘人戰略利益的問題VERB + INTERESTdefend, guard, look after, protect, safeguard捍衞利益;維護利益;保護利益act in, advance, champion, further, promote, serve根據利益行事;增進利益;擁護利益;擴大利益;為利益服務He claimed to be acting in the public interest.他聲稱自己的行為是為了公眾的利益。This policy serves the interests of the United States.這一政策為美國的利益服務。represent代表利益act against, jeopardize, threaten違背/損害/威脅利益INTEREST + VERBlie in sth利益在於⋯be at stake利益岌岌可危INTEREST + NOUNgroup利益集團Various interest groups have expressed their opposition to the policy.各利益集團紛紛表示反對這項政策。PREPOSITIONagainst sb's/sth's interest違背⋯的利益The lawyer refused to act against his client's interests.律師拒絕做出有損委託人利益的行為。contrary to sb's/sth's interest與⋯的利益相悖The union refused to support proposals that it saw as contrary to the interests of its members.工會對於那些會違背會員利益的提議拒不支持。in sb's/sth's interest, in sb's/sth's interests (especially BrE) 為了⋯的利益Continuing such a policy is short-sighted and not in the interest of consumers.繼續執行這樣的政策是目光短淺,而且不符合顧客們的利益。New work practices were introduced in the interests of efficiency.為了提高效率引進了新的工作方法。of interest具有利益的We met to discuss matters of common interest.我們聚在一起討論事關共同利益的問題。out of interest出於利益He was obviously acting purely out of selfish interest.顯然他這麼做純粹是出於一己私利。PHRASESa conflict of interest, a conflict of interests (especially BrE) 利益衝突One member of the planning committee had a conflict of interest as he lived near the proposed road.規劃委員會的一位成員就住在計劃建設的公路旁,因此有利益上的衝突。have sb's interests at heart暗暗替某人着想Although he was sometimes too strict with his children, he had their best interests at heart.儘管他有時對孩子們過於嚴厲,但他是為他們着想。


6legal right to share in profits權益ADJECTIVE | VERB + INTEREST | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEpowerful大股權controlling, majority控制性/多數股權minority少數股權joint共同擁有的股權banking, business, commercial, shipping銀行/企業/商業/航運業股權VERB + INTERESThave擁有股權He has controlling interests in several ventures.他握有好幾家企業的控股股權。sell出售股權PREPOSITIONinterest in在⋯中的股權


ADVERB | VERB + INTEREST ADVERBgreatly, particularly, really, very much使極感興趣;使特別感興趣It is this aspect of the work that really interests me.真正令我感興趣的是工作的這個方面。VERB + INTERESTtry to努力使感興趣She tried to interest the director in her plan.她努力使導演對她的方案產生興趣。
interest noun
interest1 (places of interest) interest2 (Her interests are music and gardening.) attention (lose interest in sth) involvement (declare your interest in sth) profit (pay interest on a loan)


 See also the entry for delight 另见delight条interest ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ attract ♦︎ fascinate ♦︎ intrigue ♦︎ absorb ♦︎ rivet ♦︎ gripThese words all mean to catch and keep your attention. 这些词均表示使感兴趣、使关注。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达使人感兴趣的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to attract / rivet / grip sb's attentiona question / subject interests / fascinates / intrigues sbto really interest sb / appeal to sb / attract / fascinate / intrigue sb interest [transitive] to catch and keep your attention 使感兴趣;使关注Politics just doesn't interest me.我对政治毫无兴趣。The musuem has something to interest everyone.这所博物馆有让每个人都感兴趣的东西。It may interest you to know that he didn't accept the offer.或许你有兴趣知道,他没有接受这份工作。She has always interested herself in (= given her attention to) helping younger musicians.她始终留意提携年轻音乐家。 appeal [intransitive] to be sth that you like 让人喜欢;有吸引力;有感染力The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。It's a book that appeals to people of all ages.这是一本老幼皆宜的书。 attract [transitive, usually passive](of a thing) to have qualities that you notice and like it; (of a person) to have qualities that make you like and admire them (事物)吸引,使喜爱;(人)引起⋯的好感(或爱慕)That was what first attracted me to the place.那就是最初吸引我来到此地的原因。I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad.我一直向往去国外工作。What first attracted me about her was her sense of humour.首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。 OPP repel shock verb see also tempt tempt fascinate ˈfæsɪneɪt [transitive, intransitive] to attract or interest sb very much, often because you feel that there is a lot you can learn or that sth is mysterious 深深吸引;迷住China has always fascinated me.中国一直令我心驰神往。The private lives of the rich and famous never fail to fascinate.富豪名流的私生活总让人津津乐道。 intrigue ɪnˈtriːg [transitive] to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth, usually because it seems unusual or mysterious 激起⋯的兴趣;引发⋯的好奇心There was something about him that intrigued her.他有种特质令她着迷。 absorb [transitive] to interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else 吸引⋯的全部注意力;使沉迷The work had absorbed him for several years.有好几年的时间他专心致力于那项工作。She was completely absorbed in the task.她全身心投入那项任务。 rivet ˈrɪvɪt [transitive, usually passive] to hold sb's interest or attention so completely that they cannot look away or think of anything else 使痴迷;彻底吸引I was absolutely riveted by her story.我完全被她的故事吸引住了。My eyes were riveted on the figure lying in the road.我眼睛紧盯着躺在路上的那个人。 grip (-pp-) [transitive] to interest or excite sb very much; to hold sb's attention completely 使极感兴趣;使非常激动;完全吸引住(某人)的注意The book grips you from the first page to the last.这本书从头至尾扣人心弦。The atmosphere of the World Cup gripped the nation.世界杯的气氛令举国兴奋。


places of interest 风景名胜Her interests are music and gardening. 她的爱好是音乐和园艺。interest ♦︎ attraction ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ glamour ♦︎ magic ♦︎ charm ♦︎ spell ♦︎ fascinationThese are all words for a feature or quality that makes sth seem attractive, interesting or exciting to people. 这些词均表示吸引力、魅力、魔力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an interest / an attraction / an appeal / a fascination for sb / stha special interest / attraction / appeal / magic / charm / fascinationgreat / considerable interest / attraction / appeal / charm / fascinationobvious / growing interest / attraction / appeal / fascinationa powerful attraction / appeal / spellsth loses its attraction / appeal / glamour / magic / charm / fascinationto have an interest / an attraction / an appeal / glamour / a magic / charm / a fascinationto hold an interest / an attraction / an appeal / a magic / a charm / a fascinationto exert an attraction / an appeal / a spell / a fascinationthe attraction / appeal / fascination (of sth) lies in sthto be part of the attraction / appeal / magic / charm / fascination interest [uncountable, singular] the quality that sth has when it attracts sb's attention or makes them want to know more about it 引人关注的性质;吸引力;趣味There are many places of interest around Oxford.牛津附近有许多名胜。The subject is of no interest to me at all.我对此课题一点也不感兴趣。These plants will add interest to your garden.这些植物会给你的花园增色。His books have a special interest for me.他的著作对我有一种特殊的吸引力。 attraction [uncountable, countable] a feature, quality or person that makes sth seem interesting and enjoyable, and worth having or doing 有吸引力的特征(或品质、人)I can't see the attraction of sitting on the beach all day.我看不出整天坐在海滩上有什么乐趣。And there's the added attraction of free champagne on all flights.此外在所有班机上还有免费香槟供应。She is the star attraction of the show.她是节目中耀眼的明星。 see also attractive popular appeal [uncountable, singular] a quality that makes sb/sth seem attractive or interesting to people 吸引力;感染力;魅力We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.我们正努力让更多的人喜欢古典音乐。Her stories have a universal appeal.她的小说深受大众喜爱。 see also appealing popular glamour ˈglæmə(r) [uncountable] the attractive and exciting quality that makes a person, job or place seem special, often because of wealth or status 吸引力,魅力,诱惑力(多因财富或地位所致)Hopeful young actors are drawn by the glamour of Hollywood.满怀希望的年轻演员为好莱坞的魅力所吸引。 see also glamorous fashionable magic [uncountable] a mysterious and wonderful quality or ability that sb/sth has that makes them/it seem very special 魔力;魅力;神奇The show is three hours of pure magic.这三小时的演出真是太神奇了。Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women.像所有真正富有魅力的人一样,他让男人和女人都着迷。 charm [uncountable, countable, usually plural] the quality that a place or thing has of being pleasing or attractive, especially in a way that is slightly old-fashioned; a pleasing or attractive feature (尤指略带古风的)魅力,魔力;迷人的特征The hotel is full of charm and character.这家旅馆风格独特,极具吸引力。The route certainly had its charms.这条路线自有其迷人之处。 see also charming beautiful 2 spell [singular] a quality that sb/sth has that makes them/it so attractive or interesting that they/it have a strong influence on you 魅力;魔力Since last century, the spell of the pyramids has drawn tourists to Egypt.自上世纪起,金字塔的魔力就把游客吸引到了埃及。I completely fell under her spell.我完全被她迷住了。 fascination ˌfæsɪˈneɪʃn [countable, usually singular] a very strong attraction that makes sth very interesting to people 魅力;极大的吸引力Water holds a fascination for most children.水对多数孩子有极大的吸引力。interest2


places of interest 风景名胜Her interests are music and gardening. 她的爱好是音乐和园艺。interest ♦︎ hobby ♦︎ game ♦︎ pastime ♦︎ entertainment ♦︎ amusementThese are all words for activities that you do for pleasure in your spare time. 这些词均表示闲暇活动、业余爱好。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a popular interest / hobby / pastime / entertainment / amusementto have / share interests / hobbiesto take up / pursue an interest / a hobby interest [countable] an activity or subject that you do or study for pleasure in your spare time 业余爱好Her main interests are music and gardening.她的主要爱好是音乐和园艺。He was a man of wide interests outside his work.他是个有广泛业余爱好的人。 see also passion taste noun 1 hobby [countable] an activity that you do for pleasure in your spare time 业余爱好Her hobbies include swimming and cooking.她爱好游泳和烹饪。I only play jazz as a hobby.我弹奏爵士乐只是业余爱好。 game [countable] a children's activity when they play with toys, pretend to be sb else, etc.; an activity that you do to have fun 儿童游戏;娱乐;消遣The children invented a new game.孩子们发明了一种新游戏。He was playing games with the dog.他在逗狗玩。 see also game game 2 pastime ˈpɑːstaɪm; NAmE ˈpæstaɪm [countable] an activity that people do for pleasure in their spare time 消遣;休闲活动Eating out is the national pastime in France.在法国,下馆子是普遍的消遣方式。NOTE 辨析 Interest, hobby or pastime?A hobby is often more active than an interest. 相对于interest,hobby涉及更为积极的参与His main hobby is football (= he plays football).他的主要业余爱好是踢足球。His main interest is football (= he watches and reads about football, and may or may not play it).他的主要业余爱好是足球。 Pastime is used when talking about people in general; when you are talking about yourself or an individual person it is more usual to use interest or hobby. * pastime泛指大众的消遣活动,指自己或个人的业余爱好较常用interest或hobbyEating out is the national interest/hobby in France. Do you have any pastimes? entertainment [countable] a film, show or other event used to entertain people 娱乐片;文娱节目;娱乐活动Local entertainments are listed in the newspaper.本地的娱乐活动刊登在报上。 amusement [countable, usually plural] a game or activity that provides entertainment and pleasure 娱乐活动;游戏;消遣活动traditional seaside amusements including boats, go-karts and a funfair乘船、越野卡丁车和露天游乐场等传统海滨娱乐活动
Feelings of interest: interest, motivation, involvement...
Features and qualities: feature, quality, factor...
Enjoyable things and experiences: activity, amusement, binge...
Advantages and benefits: advantage, benefit, good...
Business partners and partnership: amalgamate, amalgamation, Bros...

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