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IELTS BNC: 387 COCA: 431


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    in education教育

  1. [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of students who are taught together班;班级
    • in the/your class We were in the same class at school.我们在上学时同过班。
    • She is the youngest in her class.她在班里年龄最小。
    • He came top of the class.他在全班名列前茅。
    • The whole class was/were told to stay behind after school.全班被告知放学后留下。
    Extra Examples
    • He sat at the back of the class.他坐在教室后排。
    • She came top of the class in English.她是班上的英语尖子。
    • Which history class are you in?你上哪个历史课?
    • He finished top of the class.他在班上名列前茅。
    • Her sister is in my class.她的妹妹在我班上。
    • Class size is limited to 30 participants.班级人数限制为30人。
    • a class discussion on solar energy关于太阳能的课堂讨论
    • She teaches classes at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.她教本科和研究生的课程。
    Topics Educationa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • large
    • small
    verb + class
    • attend
    • go to
    • take
    class + verb
    • be easy
    • be hard
    • be available
    class + noun
    • member
    • teacher
    • size
    • in (a/​the) class
    • class in
    • the back of the class
    • the front of the class
    • be top of the class
    See full entry
  2. [countable, uncountable] an occasion when a group of students meets to be taught课;上课 synonym lesson
    • I have a history class at 9 o'clock.我 9 点钟有历史课。
    • I was late for (a) class.我上课迟到了。
    • See me after class.下课后来见我。
    • in class She works hard in class (= during the class).她在课堂上学习用功。
    Collocations EducationEducation教育Learning学习
    • acquire/​get/​lack (an) education/​training/(British English) (some) qualifications获得/缺少教育/培训/资格
    • receive/​provide somebody with training/​tuition得到/给某人提供培训/指导
    • develop/​design/​plan a curriculum/(especially British English) course/(North American English) program/​syllabus制订课程方案/教学大纲
    • give/​go to/​attend a class/​lesson/​lecture/​seminar讲课;上课;举办/参加/出席研讨会
    • hold/​run/​conduct a class/​seminar/​workshop办班;举办研讨会/讲习班
    • sign up for/​take a course/​classes/​lessons报名参加/修读课程
    • go to/​start preschool/​kindergarten/​nursery school上学前班/幼儿园/托儿所
    • be in the first, second, etc. (North American English) grade/(especially British English) year (at school)在读一年级、二年级等
    • study/​take/​drop history/​chemistry/​German, etc.修读/放弃修历史课/化学课/德语课等
    • (British English) leave/​finish/​drop out of/ (North American English) quit school
    • (North American English) graduate high school/​college
    Problems at school在学校遇到的问题
    • be the victim/​target of bullying成为被欺负的受害者/对象
    • (British English) play truant from/ (both British English, informal) bunk off/​skive off school (= not go to school when you should)
    • (both especially North American English) skip/​cut class/​school
    • (British English) cheat in/(North American English) cheat on an exam/​a test
    • get/​be given a detention (for doing something)(因做了某事)被罚放学后留校
    • be expelled from/​be suspended from school被学校开除/暂时停学
    Work and exams功课和考试
    • do your homework/(British English) revision/​a project on something做家庭作业;复习功课;对…做专题研究
    • work on/​write/​do/​submit an essay/​a dissertation/​a thesis/​an assignment/(North American English) a paper写/提交文章/学位论文/毕业论文/作业/论文
    • finish/​complete your dissertation/​thesis/​studies/​coursework完成学位论文/毕业论文/学业/课程作业
    • hand in/ (North American English) turn in your homework/​essay/​assignment/​paper提交家庭作业/文章/作业/论文
    • study/​prepare/ (British English) revise/ (North American English) review/ (North American English, informal) cram for a test/​an exam为应考而学习/准备/复习/临时死记硬背
    • take/ (both British English) do/​sit a test/​an exam参加考试
    • (especially British English) mark/ (especially North American English) grade homework/​a test
    • (British English) do well in/ (North American English) do well on/ (informal, especially North American English) ace a test/​an exam
    • pass/​fail/ (informal, especially North American English) flunk a test/​an exam/​a class/​a course/​a subject测验/考试/课程/学科及格/不及格
    • apply to/​get into/​go to/​start college/(British English) university申请/上/开始上大学
    • leave/​graduate from law school/​college/(British English) university (with a degree in computer science)离开/毕业于法学院;离开大学;大学毕业(取得计算机科学的学位)
    • study for/​take/ (British English) do/​complete a law degree/​a degree in physics攻读/读完法学学位/物理学位课程
    • (both North American English) major/​minor in biology/​philosophy主修/辅修生物学/哲学
    • earn/​receive/​be awarded/​get/​have/​hold a master’s degree/​a bachelor’s degree/​a PhD in economics获得/被授予/拿到/拥有经济学硕士学位/学士学位/博士学位
    Extra Examples
    • I have an English class at 11.我11点钟有英语课。
    • Who's taking the class today?今天谁上课?
    • He was late for class again.他上课又迟到了。
    • We'll start the exercise in class and you can finish it for homework.我们在课堂上做练习的开头,剩下的当家庭作业完成。
    • We have five science classes going on at one time but only two labs.我们同时有五门科学课,但只有两个实验室。
    • I skip class every now and then to spend time with my friends.我偶尔逃课,和朋友一起度过时光。
    • She cancels class on a regular basis.她定期取消课程。
    • The syllabus is discussed with students on the first day of class.教学大纲在第一天上课时与学生讨论。
    • I remember learning about the 1st World War in history class in school.我记得在学校的历史课上学过第一次世界大战。
    Topics Educationa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • large
    • small
    verb + class
    • attend
    • go to
    • take
    class + verb
    • be easy
    • be hard
    • be available
    class + noun
    • member
    • teacher
    • size
    • in (a/​the) class
    • class in
    • the back of the class
    • the front of the class
    • be top of the class
    See full entry
  3. [countable]
    (also classes [plural])
    a series of classes on a particular subject(某科目的)系列课程 synonym course
    • Are you still doing your French evening class?你还在夜校学习法语吗?
    • class in something I've been taking classes in pottery.我一直在上陶器制作技术课。
    Extra Examples
    • She's going to evening classes in Italian.她打算上意大利语夜课。
    • The college offers classes in many subjects.学院开设有多门学科的课程。
    • The institute holds evening classes throughout the year.学院常年开设夜课。
    • I'm taking a management class this semester.我这学期在上管理学课程。
    • I'm taking night classes in art appreciation.我在夜校上艺术欣赏课程。
    • The college runs specialist language classes.这所学院开设有专门语言的课程。
    • art/​dance/​yoga classes艺术/舞蹈/瑜伽班
    • He attended evening classes in sculpture.他参加了雕塑夜校。
    • I decided to take a first-aid class.我决定去上急救课。
    • The university offers classes through a distance-learning program.该大学通过远程学习项目提供课程。
    • Classes will be held each Tuesday for five weeks.每星期二上课,为期五周。
    • Classes start at the end of January.一月底开始上课。
    • I enrolled in a drawing class at the Boston Museum School.我在波士顿博物馆学校注册了一个绘画班。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • large
    • small
    verb + class
    • attend
    • go to
    • take
    class + verb
    • be easy
    • be hard
    • be available
    class + noun
    • member
    • teacher
    • size
    • in (a/​the) class
    • class in
    • the back of the class
    • the front of the class
    • be top of the class
    See full entry
  4. [countable + singular or plural verb] (especially North American English) a group of students who finish their studies at school, college or university in a particular year同届毕业生
    • the class of 20202008 届毕业生
    • the freshman/sophomore/junior/senior class大学或高中一年级/二年级/三年级/四年级
    Topics Educationb1
  5. in society社会

  6. [countable + singular or plural verb] one of the groups of people in a society that are thought of as being at the same social or economic level阶级;阶层
    • the working/middle/upper class工人/中产/上层阶级
    • The party tries to appeal to all classes of society.这个政党尽力吸引社会各阶层人士。
    • His ideas had an appeal among the wealthy, professional classes.他的想法获得富裕的专业阶层认同。
    see also middle class, upper class, working class
    Extra Examples
    • Membership of gardening clubs is drawn from all social classes.园艺俱乐部的成员来自社会各阶层。
    • It was an age in which all classes of society were expanding.这是一个社会各阶层都在扩大的时代。
    • The ruling class won't give up their position without a fight.统治阶级不会不战而降。
    • The government defends the interests of the capitalist class. 政府维护资产阶级的利益。
    • They believe that membership in the political class comes with the privilege of shaping the world to their liking.他们认为,政治阶层的成员资格带来了按照自己的喜好塑造世界的特权。
    • Composers tried to take advantage of the increased demand for public entertainment among the middle classes.作曲家试图利用中产阶级对公共娱乐日益增长的需求。
    • Nowadays, there are not so many clear distinctions between classes.如今,阶级之间没有那么多明显的区别。
    • middle class families中产阶级的家庭
    • He is a member of the privileged class.他是特权阶级的一员。
    • She belongs to a lower social class than him.她属于比他低的社会阶层。
    Topics People in societyb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • leisure
    • lower
    • lower-middle
    class + noun
    • structure
    • system
    • consciousness
    See full entry
  7. [uncountable] the way that people are divided into different social and economic groups社会等级
    • differences of class, race or gender社会等级、种族或性别差异
    • The old class system is not appropriate in a modern age.旧的等级制度不适用于现代。
    • a society in which class is more important than ability一个社会等级比能力更为重要的社会
    Extra Examples
    • A lot of British comedy is based on class differences.许多英国喜剧是以阶级差异为基础的。
    • She recognises class as an important concept.她认为阶级是一个重要的概念。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • leisure
    • lower
    • lower-middle
    class + noun
    • structure
    • system
    • consciousness
    See full entry
  8. in train/plane火车;飞机

  9. [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) each of several different levels of comfort that are available to travellers in a plane, etc.等级;舱位等级
    • He always travels business class.他总是坐公务舱旅行。
    • The first-class compartment is situated at the front of the train.头等车厢位于火车的前部。
    see also business class, cattle class, economy class syndrome, first class, second class, third class, tourist classTopics Transport by bus and trainb1, Transport by airb1
  10. group of people/animals人/动物群体

  11. [countable] a group of people, animals or things that have similar characteristics or qualities种类;类别;等级
    • It was good accommodation for a hotel of this class.就这种档次的旅馆来说,住宿条件算是不错了。
    • different classes of drugs不同种类的毒品
    • Dickens was in a different class from (= was much better than) most of his contemporaries.与大多数的同辈相比,狄更斯要出色得多。
    • As a jazz singer she's in a class of her own (= better than most others).作为爵士乐歌手,她比大多数同行都要出色。
    see also first-class, high-class, low-class, second-class, top-class, word class, world-class
    Extra Examples
    • It was pretty cheap for this class of hotel.对这个档次的旅馆来说,这个价格很便宜。
    • It is the most reliable model in its class.它是同类中最可靠的型号。
    • These writers form a distinct class in Russian literature.这些作家在俄罗斯文坛自成一派。
    • There are several distinct classes of drugs.有几种完全不同的毒品。
    • a rare class of neurological diseases一种罕见的神经系统疾病
    • a rare class of butterflies一类希有的蝴蝶
    • to be in possession of class A/​B/C drugs持有甲类/乙类/丙类药物
    • class B sharesb股
    • Within each class of grapes there is much variation.每一类葡萄都有很大的差异。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • large
    • small
    • distinct
    verb + class
    • constitute
    • form
    • class of
    • be in a class of your own
    • be in a different class
    See full entry
  12. [countable] one of the different groups in a competition阶级;阶层
    • He came first in his class at every event.他每次都是班上第一名。
  13. skill/style技巧;风格

  14. [uncountable] an attractive quality or a high level of skill that is impressive优雅;典雅;高超
    • She has class all right—she looks like a model.她的确风姿娴雅,看上去像模特儿一样。
    • There's a real touch of class about this team.这支队确实技艺超群。
    Extra Examples
    • He has real class.他有真正的阶级。
    • He's got real class.他很有品位。
    • The musical entertainment added a touch of class to the occasion.音乐节目给活动增添了一抹情调。
    • a player of great class一流的运动员
    • A real parquet floor will add a touch of class to the room.真正的拼花地板会使这个房间更显典雅。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • great
    • real
    verb + class
    • have
    • a touch of class
    See full entry
  15. of university degree大学学位

  16. [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) one of the levels of achievement in a British university degree exam(英国学位考试的)等级
    • a first-/second-/third-class degree一级优等/二级优等/第三等学位
    Topics Educationc2
  17. biology生物学

  18. [countable] a group into which animals, plants, etc. that have similar characteristics are divided, below a phylum(动植物等分类的)纲 compare family, genus, speciesTopics Animalsc1
  19. Word Originmid 16th cent. (in sense (1)): from Latin classis ‘a division of the Roman people, a grade, or a class of pupils’.
the chattering classes
  1. (British English, usually disapproving) the people in society who like to give their opinions on political or social issues喜欢(对政治或社会问题)发表意见的人
    • Constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes.宪法改革在喋喋不休的阶层中很受欢迎。
    • topics being discussed at the breakfast tables of the chattering classes聒噪阶层在早餐桌上讨论的话题
    Topics People in societyc2


[often passive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they class
he / she / it classes
past simple classed
past participle classed
-ing form classing
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  1. to think or decide that somebody/something is a particular type of person or thing把…看作(或分类、归类) synonym classify
    • be classed as something Immigrant workers were classed as aliens.移民来的工人被归入侨民类。
    • The house could hardly be classed as a desirable property!这房子很难被归类为合意的财产!
    • class somebody/something as something I wouldn't have classed you as a Shakespeare fan.我本不该把你归为莎士比亚迷。
    Extra Examples
    • One in five people in the country are classed as poor.这个国家五分之一的人被归类为穷人。
    • Are the players classed as amateur or professional?球员分为业余还是专业?
    • In the ancient world slaves were classed with women and children.在古代,奴隶被划分为妇女和儿童。
    • Prisoners classed as illiterate were given a basic education.为不识字的囚犯提供基础教育。
    Topics People in societyb2
    Word Originmid 16th cent. (in sense (1)): from Latin classis ‘a division of the Roman people, a grade, or a class of pupils’.


[only before noun] (informal)
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  1. very good很好的;优秀的;出色的
    • a class player/performer优秀的选手/表演者
    • She's a real class act.她真是魅力非凡。
    Word Originmid 16th cent. (in sense (1)): from Latin classis ‘a division of the Roman people, a grade, or a class of pupils’.
IELTS BNC: 387 COCA: 431


1lesson/group of students課;班ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLASS | CLASS + VERB | CLASS + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, large大班small小班advanced, beginners', beginning, elementary, intermediate, introductory, remedial高級班;初級班;基礎班;中級班;入門班;補習班master (usually masterclass) 大師班biology, history, etc.生物課、歷史課等acting, creative-writing, dance, dancing (BrE) , etc.表演班、創作班、舞蹈班等evening, night (especially NAmE) 夜課college, high-school, kindergarten, undergraduate (all NAmE) 大學/中學/幼兒園/本科班級entering, incoming (= the students starting a school or college in a particular year) (both NAmE) 新入校的班級VERB + CLASSattend, go to, take上課;去上課He's taking classes in pottery.他在上陶藝課。enrol/enroll in, sign up for報名參加⋯班;選修⋯課cut, miss, skip (NAmE) 曠課;缺課;逃課disrupt, interrupt擾亂課堂;打擾上課hold開辦課程The institute holds evening classes throughout the year.學院常年開設夜課。offer開設課程The college offers classes in many subjects.學院開設有多門學科的課程。conduct, give, lead, run, take, teach講課;授課;上課Who's taking the class today?今天誰上課?address向全班同學講話dismiss下課Class dismissed!下課!fail, flunk (both NAmE) 課程不及格pass (NAmE) 通過課程ace (NAmE, informal) 課程獲優等成績drop放棄課程cover包含課程observe, sit in on觀課;旁聽課程CLASS + VERBbe easy, be hard課程容易/難懂be available開設有課程graduate (NAmE) 班級畢業CLASS + NOUNmember, teacher班級成員;班主任size班級規模discussion班級討論work隨堂作業reunion班級的重聚schedule (NAmE) 課程表period (NAmE) 課時PREPOSITIONin (a/the) class在課堂上We'll start the exercise in class.我們要開始在課堂上做練習。Which history class are you in?你上哪個歷史課?class in⋯課She's going to evening classes in Italian.她打算上意大利語夜課。PHRASESthe back of the class, the front of the class班級後排/前排He sat at the back of the class.他坐在教室後排。be top of the class, come top of the class是班裏的尖子She came top of the class in English.她是班上的英語尖子。the class of...(= a group of students who finish their studies in a particular year) ⋯屆(學生)the class of 20082008 屆學生the entire class, the whole class全班


2social/economic group社會/經濟群體ADJECTIVE | CLASS + NOUN ADJECTIVEleisure (= rich people) , lower, lower-middle, middle, upper, upper-middle, working有閒階層;下層階級;中下層階級;中產階級;上層階級;上層中產階級;工人階級sections of the working class工人階級中的群體chattering, educated, elite, governing, political, privileged, professional, ruling, wealthy(好議論時政的)聒噪/受過教育的/精英/監管/政治/特權/專業/統治/富裕階層topics being discussed at the breakfast tables of the chattering classes聒噪階層在早餐桌上討論的話題capitalist, entrepreneurial, merchant資本家/企業家/商人階層labouring/laboring, peasant勞動/農民階級landed, landowning地主階級dominant支配階級social, socio-economic社會/社會經濟階層Membership of the club is drawn from all social classes.該俱樂部成員來自社會各個階層。CLASS + NOUNstructure, system階級結構/制度consciousness階級意識interests階級利益conflict, differences, divisions, struggle, war, warfare階級衝突/差異/分化/鬥爭/戰爭/戰事issue階級問題


3group of things類別ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLASS | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElarge, small大類;小類distinct截然不同的類別special特殊類別rare稀有種類age, weight年齡/重量級別VERB + CLASSconstitute, form構成/形成一類These writers form a distinct class in Russian literature.這些作家在俄羅斯文壇自成一派。PREPOSITIONclass of⋯的類別a rare class of neurological diseases一種罕見的神經系統疾病PHRASESbe in a class of your own, be in a different class (= to be much better than others) 獨一無二;出類拔萃


4high quality/style高質量;高品位ADJECTIVE | VERB + CLASS | PHRASES ADJECTIVEgreat, real很高的素質;超凡的品位a player of great class一流的運動員VERB + CLASShave有品位She has real class.她很有格調。PHRASESa touch of class一抹情調The musical entertainment added a touch of class to the occasion.音樂節目給活動增添了一抹情調。
IELTS BNC: 387 COCA: 431
class verb
class noun
class1 (Which classes are you taking?) class2 (work hard in class) class3 (the youngest in the class) class4 (all classes of society) category (different classes of drugs/hotel) style (a touch of class)


Which classes are you taking? 你在上什么课?work hard in class 在课堂上用功学习the youngest in the class 班上年龄最小的人all classes of society 社会各阶层class ♦︎ course ♦︎ programme ♦︎ curriculum ♦︎ syllabusThese are all words for a series of subjects or skills that are taught or studied for the purposes of education or training. 这些词均表示课程。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / the course / programme / curriculum / syllabus for sb / sthin a / the class / course / programme / curriculum / syllabuson a / the course / programme / curriculum / syllabusa narrow / wide / broad curriculum / syllabusa core programme / curriculum / syllabusa day / evening class / course / programmea / an English / history / mathematics, etc. class / course / programme / curriculum / syllabusto design / plan a class / course / programme / curriculum / syllabusto follow / teach / offer a / the course / programme / curriculum / syllabusto run / take / do / enrol on / sign up for a class / course / programmeto complete a class / course / programme / syllabusa / the class / course / programme / curriculum / syllabus covers sth class [countable] ( classes [plural]) a series of lessons on a particular subject or in a particular skill (某科目或某种技能的系列)课程I'm taking a management class this semester.我这学期在上管理学课程。The college runs specialist language classes.这所学院开设有专门语言的课程。 (BrE) Are you still doing your French evening class?你还在上夜校学习法语吗? (NAmE) I'm taking night classes in art appreciation.我在夜校上艺术欣赏课程。 course [countable] (BrE or formal, NAmE) a series of classes or lectures on a particular subject (某学科的系列)课程She's taking a course in Art and Design.她在上一门美术与设计的课程。I've signed up for an evening course on media techniques.我报名参加了晚间的媒体技术课程。 (BrE) Over 50 students have enrolled on the course.超过50名学生登记学习这门课程。In American English this meaning of course is only used in formal or official language. 在美式英语中,course的这一义项仅用于正式或官方语言Registration for courses begins tomorrow.课程明天开始注册。In everyday conversation, use class. 在日常谈话中用classWhat classes did you register for?你报了什么课程?In British English course can be used in both formal, written English and everyday spoken English. In British English a course is also a period of study at a college or university that leads to an exam or qualification; in American English this is called a program. 在英式英语中,course 在正式的书面语和口语中均可使用。在英式英语中,course 还指大学开设须考试通过或完成可取得资格的课程,这在美式英语中称为programIt's a four-year course.这是一个四年制的课程。She had taught on a range of undergraduate courses.她教授过许多本科课程。 programme (BrE) ( program, especially in NAmE) [countable] a course of study or training, especially at a college or university (尤指学院或大学的学习或培训)课程Take a look at our new history and language programs.看一下我们新的历史和语言的课程吧。We especially encourage those from minorities to apply for our degree programs.我们尤其鼓励那些来自少数族裔的人申请我们的学位课程。We urge as many people as possible to enrol on our management training programme.我们鼓励尽可能多的人报读我们的管理培训课程。In American English, program is the usual word for a course or period of time studying in a college or university; in this context it is short for degree program. A degree program is made up of a number of classes or courses. It is also becoming more common for British universities to talk about their undergraduate programmes. 在美式英语中,表示学位课程常用program一词,此处它是degree program的简称,由若干课程组成。undergraduate programme在英国大学中也越来越常用。 curriculum kəˈrɪkjələm (plural curricula kəˈrɪkjələ or curriculums) [countable, usually singular] the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college or university (学校的)全部课程,所有科目The school curriculum should be as broad as possible.学校的课程应当尽可能广泛。These subjects are not part of the core curriculum (= consisting of the most basic and important subjects).这些科目不是核心课程。 (BrE) They all have to study French because it's on the curriculum.依照课程要求,他们都必须学习法语。 (NAmE) Nutrition education is now in the curriculum.营养教育现已纳入课程内容。NOTE 辨析 On or in?Note that in British English it is usual to talk about students being on a course or programme or subjects being on the curriculum or syllabus; in American English students enrol in a program, and subjects are in the curriculum or syllabus. 在英式英语中,course、programme、curriculum或syllabus前面的介词用on;在美式英语中,program、curriculum 或syllabus前面的介词用in。 syllabus ˈsɪləbəs [countable, usually singular] (BrE) a list of the topics and books that students should study in a particular subject at school or college 教学大纲A group of experienced teachers were asked to design a new English syllabus.一组经验丰富的教师受命设计新的英语教学大纲。The courses do not follow any particular exam syllabus.这些课程不遵循任何具体的考试大纲。In American English a syllabus is a summary of the main points of course: a teacher might give a copy of the syllabus to the students on the first day of a class, so that they will know what they will be studying during the semester. 在美式英语中,syllabus指课程要点的汇总。老师可能会在上课第一天发给学生一份课程大纲,让学生了解该学期的学习内容。class2


Which classes are you taking? 你在上什么课?work hard in class 在课堂上用功学习the youngest in the class 班上年龄最小的人all classes of society 社会各阶层class ♦︎ session ♦︎ lesson ♦︎ seminar ♦︎ workshop ♦︎ tutorial ♦︎ periodThese are all words for a period of time that is spent learning sth. 这些词均表示用来学习的一段时间、一节课。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorial on sthin / during a class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorial / periodat a class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorialto go to / attend a class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorialto miss a class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorial / periodto have a class / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorialto give / conduct a class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorialto teach a class / session / lesson / seminarto hold / run a class / session / seminar / workshopa class / session / lesson / seminar / workshop / tutorial takes place class [countable, uncountable] an occasion when a group of students meet to be taught 课;上课I have an English class at 11.我11点钟有英语课。Please see me after class.请下课后来见我。She works hard in class (= during lessons).她上课很用功。 session [countable] a period of time that is spent doing a particular activity 一场;一节;一段时间a photo / recording / training session一段接受拍照的时间;一场录音;一堂训练课Your presentation will be part of the morning session.你将安排在上午的课里做简报。The programme is made up of 12 two-hour sessions.这门课总共12节,每节两小时。 lesson [countable] a period of time in which sb is taught sth 一节课;一课时New students get lessons in how to use the library.新生要上如何使用图书馆的课。piano / driving lessons钢琴课;驾驶课I've decided to take golf lessons.我决定上高尔夫球课。She made a living giving private lessons in English.她以做英语家教为生。 (especially BrE) What did we do last lesson?我们上节课学了什么内容?NOTE 辨析 Class or lesson?A class is always for a group of people being taught together; a lesson can be for a group of people or for just one person. * class总是一群人一起上课;lesson可以是为一群人或只为一个人授课。 seminar ˈsemɪnɑː(r) [countable] a class at a college or university when a group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic; a meeting of people for training or discussion (大学里的)专题讨论课;培训会;研讨会Teaching is by lectures and seminars.教学形式为讲座和研讨课。a seminar room / group上讨论课的教室;讨论小组The company organizes management seminars.这家公司筹办管理研讨会。 workshop ˈwɜːkʃɒp; NAmE ˈwɜːrkʃɑːp [countable] a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject, in which a group of people share ideas, knowledge or experience 研讨会;讲习班a drama / poetry workshop戏剧研讨班;诗歌讲习班There are two management development workshops per year.每年有两次管理技能提高研讨会。 tutorial tjuːˈtɔːriəl; NAmE tuːˈtɔːriəl [countable] a period of teaching in a college or university that involves discussion between an individual student or a very small group of students and a teacher (大学导师的)个别辅导,小组辅导课Students have to write an essay for each weekly tutorial.学生需要为每周的辅导课写短篇论文。 see also tutor teacher period [countable] any of the parts that a day is divided into at a school or college for study 节;学时;课We've got French next period.我们下节课上法语。I have two free / study periods (= for private study) on Tuesday afternoons.我每个星期二下午有两节自习课。class3


Which classes are you taking? 你在上什么课?work hard in class 在课堂上用功学习the youngest in the class 班上年龄最小的人all classes of society 社会各阶层class ♦︎ grade ♦︎ year ♦︎ stream ♦︎ track ♦︎ setThese are all words for groups in which students are taught together. 这些词均表示班级、年级、小组。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a class / grade / year / stream / set class [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of students who are taught together 班;班级We were in the same class at school.我们上学时同班。He finished top of the class (= got better results than all the others).他在班上名列前茅。The whole class was told to stay behind after school.全班被告知放学后留下。 (especially NAmE) the class of 2008 (= a group of students who finished their studies at school or college in 2008) 2008届毕业生 (NAmE) the freshman / sophomore / junior / senior class大学或高中一年级/二年级/三年级/四年级 grade [countable](in the US school system) one of the levels in a school with children of similar age (美国学制)年级He is in (the) second grade.他读二年级。 grader


[countable] The play is open to all seventh and eighth graders.所有七、八年级学生均可观看此剧。
year [countable] (especially BrE) (at a school or university) a level that you stay in for one year; a student at a particular level 年级;某年级的学生We didn't start Latin until year nine.我们直到九年级才开始学习拉丁语。The language students go abroad in their third year.学习语言的学生在第三年到国外去。The project is the work of a group of year-seven pupils.这个专题研究是一群七年级学生的努力成果。First and second years usually live in college.一二年级学生通常住在学院里。 stream [countable] (especially BrE) a group in which students of the same age and level of ability are placed in some schools (将同龄学生按能力编在一起的)班,组He was put into the top stream.他分在快班。 stream


[transitive, usually passive] (especially BrE) Pupils are streamed for English and Maths.学生上英语课和数学课时按能力分成小组。
track [countable] (NAmE) a group in which students of the same age and level or ability, or studying the same group of subjects, are placed in some schools and colleges (将学生按年龄、水平、能力或修读科目分编的)班,组Students pursue one of three tracks: professional writing, film / television / video or new media.学生竞相参加以下三个班中的其中一个:专业写作、影视与录像,以及新媒体。 track


[intransitive, transitive, usually passive] a comparison of schools that track and don't track in math数学课分班与不分班的学校的对比
set [countable] (BrE) a group of school students of the same age and similar ability in a particular subject who are taught together in that subject although they are normally taught in a different group (一同修学某一科目、但分属不同班级的)一批学生She is in the top set for French.她的法语成绩名列前茅。


Which classes are you taking? 你在上什么课?work hard in class 在课堂上用功学习the youngest in the class 班上年龄最小的人all classes of society 社会各阶层class ♦︎ level ♦︎ position ♦︎ rank ♦︎ status ♦︎ rating ♦︎ standing ♦︎ ranking ♦︎ gradeThese are all words for a group in society or within an organization that sb belongs to, based on how much importance or authority they have, or for a measure of how good or important sb/sth is compared with sb/sth else. 这些词均表示阶级、等级、地位。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb's class / level / position / rank / status / standing / ranking in / within stha / the high / higher level / position / rank / status / rating / standing / ranking / gradea / the low / lower class / level / position / rank / status / rating / standing / ranking / gradethe top level / rank / rating / ranking / gradethe upper class / level / rankthe middle class / level / rank / ranking / gradea / the senior level / position / rank / gradesb's social class / position / rank / status / standing / rankinga / sb's professional class / status / standingto improve your position / status / standing / rankingto have a ... rank / rating / status / standingto give (sb / sth) a status / rating / rankingto achieve a rank / status / ratingsb's class / position / rank / status / standing in societya / the class / level / ranks of society class [countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable] one of the groups of people in a society that are thought of as being at the same social or economic level; the way that people are divided into different social or economic groups 阶级;阶层;社会等级His ideas had an appeal among the wealthy, professional classes.他的想法获得富裕的专业阶层认同。Do you consider yourself to be middle class?你认为你属于中产阶级吗?A lot of British comedy is based on class differences.许多英国喜剧是以阶级差异为基础的。The old class system is not appropriate in a modern age.旧的等级制度不适用于现代。 see also the upper class elite , the middle class middle class noun , the working class general public level [countable] one of a number of positions in a scale of importance, for example in society or within an organization (社会、组织等内部的)层次,级别He promised reforms at all levels of government.他承诺对各级政府进行改革。She reached a very high level at a very young age.她在很年轻时就晋升到非常高的级别。The decision is being made at top level.最高层正在做决策。 position [countable, uncountable] the level of importance of a person or organization when compared with others 地位;等级We need to improve the position of women and girls in these societies.我们需要提高女性在这些社会中的地位。The company has a dominant position in the world market.那家公司在全球市场占据主导地位。Wealth and position are not important to her.财富与地位对她并不重要。 rank [countable, uncountable] a position, especially an important position, that sb has in a particular organization or society; the position that sb has in one of the armed forces or the police (尤指较高的)地位,级别;军阶;警衔She rose through the ranks to become managing director (= she started in a low position).她从底层做起,一步步当上了常务董事。She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.她不习惯和社会地位很高的人交往。He was promoted to the rank of major.他被提升至少校军衔。I gave them only my name, rank and serial number.我只给了他们我的名字、军衔和编号。 status ˈsteɪtəs, NAmE also ˈstætəs [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the social or professional position of sb/sth in relation to others, based on the amount of respect they get from other people 地位;身份;职位The only jobs on offer were of low status and badly paid.仅有的在征人的工作地位低下,薪水很低。How do people perceive the status of the full-time mother?人们对全职母亲的地位怎么看? rating [countable] a measurement of how good, important, popular, etc. sb/sth is, especially in relation to other people or things 等级,级别(质量、重要性、流行程度等的标准)It was a very good rating for an amateur performance.对业余演出来说,这是非常高的水平。The poll gave an approval rating of 39% for the president.民意调查表明公众对总统的支持率为39%。 see also rate rank verb , rate judge verb 1 standing [uncountable] the position or reputation of sb/sth within a group of people or in an organization 地位;级别;身份;名声The prime minister needs to improve his standing with the public.首相需要提高他在公众中的声望。Their standing as a profession has declined in recent years.他们的职业地位近年来一直在下降。 ranking [countable] the position of sb/sth on a scale that shows how good or important they are compared with other people or things, especially in sport (尤指体育运动中的)地位,排名,排位She has retained her No. 1 world ranking.她保住了自己世界第一的排名。The product has consistently been given a high ranking by consumer groups.消费群体对该产品的评分一直很高。 see also rank rank verb grade [countable] a rank or level that sb has within an organization, often related to how much they are paid for doing their job (官衔的)级别;职别She's still only on a secretarial grade.她的职别仍然是秘书。The higher grades within the organization usually get bigger pay rises.在组织内部,通常级别越高,薪水涨幅越大。
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