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IELTS BNC: 338 COCA: 475


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  1. [countable, uncountable] the amount of money that you have to pay for something價格;價錢;物價
    • Boat for sale, price £8 000小船,售價 2 000 英鎊
    • house/oil/share prices房價/油價/股價
    • rising/falling prices攀升/下跌的價格
    • to increase/lower/reduce prices提高/降低/降低價格
    • We will have to raise ticket prices.我們將不得不提高票價。
    • The company has announced that it is cutting prices.該公司已宣布降價。
    • In the past year, house prices have fallen.在過去的一年裏,房價下跌了。
    • The price of crude oil has risen over the last few months.過去幾個月來,原油價格上漲了。
    • price for something to charge a high/reasonable/low price for something索要很高/適中/很低的價格
    • to pay/charge a price for something爲某物付錢/收費
    • He managed to get a good price for the car.他終於把汽車賣了個好價錢。
    • Retail prices for food at the supermarket rose just under two per cent in the first quarter.今年第一季度,這家超市的食品零售價格上漲了不到2%。
    • Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)?請問做這件工作要多少錢?
    • Children over five must pay (the) full price for the ticket.五歲以上的兒童須買全票。
    • I'm only buying it if it's the right price (= a price that I think is reasonable).只有價錢合理我才會買這東西。
    • How much are these? They don't have a price on them.這些東西賣多少錢?它們都沒有標價。
    • in price Most new technology comes down in price with time.随着時間的推移,大多數新技術的價格都會下降。
    • a rise/an increase/a fall/a drop in price價格的上漲/上漲/下跌/下跌
    • at a price They sell quality art supplies at discount prices.他們以折扣價出售高質量的藝術用品。
    • for a price I don't think you'll be able to sell it for that price.我認爲你不能以那個價格賣掉它。
    • price rises/increases/hikes/cuts漲價/漲價/漲價/降價
    Synonyms priceprice
    • cost
    • value
    • expense
    • worth
    These words all refer to the amount of money that you have to pay for something.
    • price the amount of money that you have to pay for an item or service:
      • house prices房價
      • How much are these? They don’t have a price on them.這些東西賣多少錢?它們都沒有標價。
      • I can’t afford it at that price.那個價格我付不起。
    • cost the amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do something:
      • A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000.新的計算機系統已安裝,費用爲 8 萬英鎊。
    • value how much something is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged:
      • The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000.獲勝者將得到價值爲 1 000 英鎊的獎品。
      Especially in British English, value can also mean how much something is worth compared with its price: This restaurant is excellent value (= is worth the money it costs).
    price, cost or value?用 price、cost 還是 value?The price is what somebody asks you to pay for an item or service: to ask/​charge a high priceto ask/​charge a high cost/​value . Obtaining or achieving something may have a cost; the value of something is how much other people would be willing to pay for it: house pricesthe cost of moving houseThe house now has a market value of one million pounds.
    • expense the money that you spend on something; something that makes you spend money:
      • The garden was transformed at great expense.花園改建花了一大筆費用。
      • Running a car is a big expense.養一輛車開銷很大。
    • worth the financial value of somebody/​something:
      • He has a personal net worth of $10 million.他有價值 1 000 萬美元的個人淨資産。
      Worth is more often used to mean the practical or moral value of something.
    • the high price/​cost/​value
    • the real/​true price/​cost/​value/​worth
    • to put/​set a price/​value on something
    • to increase/​reduce the price/​cost/​value/​expense
    • to raise/​double/​lower the price/​cost/​value
    • to cut the price/​cost
    see also asking price, closing price, cost price, cut-price, half-price, hammer price, market price, list price, purchase price, selling price, sticker price
    Extra Examples
    • House prices went up by 5 per cent last year.去年的房價上漲了5%。
    • I can't afford it at that price.這樣的價格我付不起。
    • I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices.有一些供應商給我開出最優惠價格。
    • The painting could break the record for the highest price paid for a work by the artist.這幅畫可能會打破藝術家作品的最高價格紀錄。
    • There has been a massive increase in prices charged by bus companies.公共汽車公司的收費大幅上漲。
    • If prices slump further, the farmers will starve.如果價格再狂跌下去,農場主就要沒飯吃了。
    • It's always worth comparing prices before you buy.買之前貨比三家總是值得的。
    • Oil is set in go up in price.石油價格將會上漲。
    • Prices go from $30 for the standard model to $150 for the de luxe version.價格從標準型號的 30 美元到豪華版的 150 美元不等。
    • Prices soared during the war.戰爭期間物價飛漲。
    • Property in the area is now fetching ridiculously high prices.現在這個地區房子的價格高得離譜。
    • The average price per gallon was $2.09.均價爲每加侖 2.09 美元。
    • The campaign urged retailers to drop their prices.該運動呼籲零售商降價。
    • The car has a base price of $28 640.這輛車的底價爲 28,640 美元。
    • The deal would boost gas prices.這筆交易將提高天然氣價格。
    • The price of fuel is prohibitive.燃料的價格高得令人望而卻步。
    • The suggested retail price of the DVD is $19.99.該數字影碟的建議零售價爲 19.99 美元。
    • These computers range in price from £1 300 to £2 000.這些計算機的價格從 1,300 英鎊到 2,000 英鎊不等。
    • They charge exorbitant prices for their goods.他們給自己的商品開出了天價。
    • They sell cars at fixed prices, with no haggling.他們以固定價格出售汽車,概不講價。
    • We need to adjust our prices to reflect our actual costs.我們需要調整價格以反映我們的實際成本。
    • We sell quality tools at the right price.我們出售的工具價格公道,質量優良。
    • The price includes dinner, bed and breakfast.這個價錢包括早餐、晚餐和住宿。
    • It took eight clicks to find the price list.花了八次點擊才找到價目表。
    Topics Businessa1, Shoppinga1, Moneya1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • exorbitant
    • high
    • inflated
    verb + price
    • command
    • fetch
    • go for
    price + verb
    • climb
    • double
    • go up
    price + noun
    • level
    • range
    • hike
    • at a/​the price
    • in price
    • a drop in price
    • a fall in price
    • a reduction in price
    See full entry
  2. [singular] the unpleasant things that you must do or experience in order to achieve something or as a result of achieving something代價
    • Criticism is part of the price of leadership.挨批評是當領導要付出的部分代價。
    • price for something Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age.孤寂是老年獨自生活要付出的高昂代價。
    • Giving up his job was a small price to pay for his children's happiness.放棄工作是他爲子女幸福所付出的小小代價。
    • The team paid a heavy price for its lack of preparation.這支隊伍由於準備不足而付出了沉重的代價。
    • price for doing something Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous.出名所付出的代價是不管你走到哪裏,都會被人認出來。
    • at a… price His success came at a high price.他的成功付出了高昂的代價。
  3. [countable] (in horse racing賽馬) the numbers that tell you how much money you will receive if the horse that you bet on wins the race投注賠率 synonym odds
    • Six to one is a good price for that horse.那匹馬有六比一的賠率很不錯。
    see also starting priceTopics Sports: other sportsc2
  4. Word OriginMiddle English: the noun from Old French pris, from Latin pretium ‘value, reward’; the verb, a variant (by assimilation to the noun) of earlier prise ‘estimate the value of’ (see prize). Compare with praise.
at any price
  1. whatever the cost or the difficulties may be不惜任何代價;無論如何
    • We want peace at any price.爲了爭取和平,我們不惜任何代價。
at a price
  1. costing a lot of money以高價;花大錢
    • You can buy strawberries all year round, but at a price.草莓一年到頭都買得到,不過很貴。
    • Food is available, at a price.食物可以買到,不過出價要高。
  2. involving something unpleasant付代價
    • He'll help you—at a price!他會幫助你的,但要付出代價!
beyond price
  1. (formal or literary) extremely valuable or important無價的;極寶貴的;極重要的
cheap at the price
(also cheap at twice the price)
(also British English, humorous cheap at half the price)
  1. so good or useful that the cost does not seem too much價錢雖高但還合算
    • To buy all the recommended equipment is expensive, but as an investment for the future it is cheap at the price.購買所有推薦的設備是昂貴的,但作爲對未來的投資,它的價格是便宜的。
everyone has their price
  1. (saying) you can persuade anyone to do something by giving them more money or something that they want重賞之下,必有勇夫;人皆有價;有錢能使鬼推磨
not at any price
  1. used to say that no amount of money would persuade you to do or to sell something無論如何也不;給多少錢也不
    • I wouldn't work for her again—not at any price!我再也不替她做事了,給多少錢也不做!
pay the/a penalty/price (for something/for doing something)
  1. to suffer because of bad luck, a mistake or something you have done因…受害/付代價
    • He looked terrible this morning. I think he's paying the penalty for all those late nights.他今天上午臉色很不好,我想這是他一直熬夜造成的。
    • They're now paying the price for past mistakes.他們現在正爲過去的錯誤付出代價。
    • She thinks that any inconvenience is a price worth paying for living in such a beautiful place.她認爲任何不便都是住在這麽漂亮的地方值得付出的代價。
    Extra Examples
    • He's now paying the penalty for his misspent youth.現在他要爲虛度青春付出代價。
    • If Mac had killed Caroline, then he was going to make him pay the price.如果馬克殺了卡羅琳的話,他會讓馬克付出代價的。
a price on somebody’s head
  1. an amount of money that is offered for capturing or killing somebody緝拿(或殺害)某人的懸賞金
    • Ever since he killed the gang’s leader, there has been a price on his head.自從他殺了那個團夥的頭目,他的頭上就有了代價。
put a price on something
  1. to say how much money something valuable is worth(爲貴重物)定價,作價
    • They haven't yet put a price on the business.他們還沒有給這筆生意開價。
    • You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty.那樣的忠心是無法用金錢衡量的。
    • You can't put a price on happiness.你不能以金錢來衡量幸福。
what price…? (British English, informal)
  1. used to say that you think that something you have achieved may not be worth all the problems and difficulties it causes(認爲得不償失)…不值得,…有什麽用?
    • What price fame and fortune?名利的代價何其大。
  2. used to say that something seems unlikely(認爲可能性不大)…可能嗎,…不可能吧
    • What price England winning the World Cup?英格蘭隊奪得世界杯冠軍,這可能嗎?


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they price
he / she / it prices
past simple priced
past participle priced
-ing form pricing
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  1. [transitive, usually passive, intransitive] to fix the price of something at a particular level給…定價;爲…作價
    • be priced + adv./prep. The main courses are all reasonably priced.主菜都價格合理。
    • These goods are priced too high.這些貨品定價過高。
    • Their printers are competitively priced.他們的打印機價格有競爭力。
    • be priced at something The tickets are priced at $100 each.每張票定價 100 美元。
    • price + adv./prep. A dominant firm will price aggressively in markets where it faces new competitors.在市場上佔主導地位的公司面臨新的競爭者時會采取進取性市場定價。
    Extra Examples
    • It has a much longer battery life than other comparatively priced laptops.與價位差不多的其他筆記本電腦相比,這款的電池壽命更長。
    • The kits are priced from £8.50 to £20.這些成套用具的定價從 8.5 英鎊到 20 英鎊不等。
    • Tickets for the concert are priced between £15 and £35.音樂會的票價定在 15 英鎊到 35 英鎊之間。
    • This is considered a luxury item and is priced accordingly.這被認爲是一件奢侈品,並按照這個標準定價。
    • a wide range of competitively priced office furniture各種各樣價格富競爭力的辦公家具
    Topics Businessb2, Moneyb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • exorbitantly
    • highly
    • outrageously
    • at
    • between
    • from
    • be priced high
    • be priced low
    See full entry
  2. price something (up) to write or stick tickets on goods to show how much they cost(在商品上)標價,貼價格標簽Topics Businessb2
  3. price something to compare the prices of different types of the same thing比較…的價格
    • We priced various models before buying this one.我們比較了多種型號的價格以後才買了這一款。
  4. Word OriginMiddle English: the noun from Old French pris, from Latin pretium ‘value, reward’; the verb, a variant (by assimilation to the noun) of earlier prise ‘estimate the value of’ (see prize). Compare with praise.
price yourself/something out of the market
  1. to charge such a high price for your goods, services, etc. that nobody wants to buy them因索價過高而無人問津
    • Some leading UK firms are pricing themselves out of the market.英國的一些大公司因要價過高而無人問津。
IELTS BNC: 338 COCA: 475


ADJECTIVE | VERB + PRICE | PRICE + VERB | PRICE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEexorbitant, high, inflated, prohibitive, steep過高的價格;高價;飛漲的價格;使人望而生畏的價格;難以接受的價格They charge exorbitant prices for their goods.他們給自己的商品開出了天價。The price of fuel is prohibitive.燃料的價格高得令人望而卻步。rising, soaring上漲的/飛漲的價格falling下降的價格cheap, low便宜的/低廉的價格bargain, budget, discounted, knock-down, reduced, rock-bottom特價;廉價;打折價;抄底價designer clothes at bargain prices減價的設計師品牌服裝affordable, attractive, competitive, decent, fair, reasonable, right負擔得起的/有吸引力的/有競爭力的/體面的/公道的/合理的/合適的價格We sell quality tools at the right price.我們出售的工具價格公道,質量優良。good好價錢I managed to get a good price for my old car.我設法把舊車賣了個好價錢。average平均價格asking, purchase開價;買價What's the asking price for this house?這座房子開價多少?You need to pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price of the property.你需要支付房產買價一成的訂金。recommended, suggested (especially NAmE) 推薦/建議價格The suggested retail price of the DVD is $19.99.該數字影碟的建議零售價為 19.99 美元。retail, sale, sales, selling零售價;銷售價格wholesale批發價格cost (especially BrE) 成本價They are selling off summer shoes at cost price.他們正以成本價甩賣夏季鞋。base (especially NAmE) 底價The car has a base price of $28 640.這輛車的底價為 28,640 美元。full, half全價;半價Children travel half price until age ten.10 歲以下兒童乘車船半價。fixed固定價格They sell cars at fixed prices, with no haggling.他們以固定價格出售汽車,概不講價。market市場價This website tells you the market price of all makes of second-hand car.這個網站為你提供所有牌子二手車的市價。admission, ticket入場費;票價admission prices at the museum博物館的票價consumer消費價格bond, commodity, gold, share, stock (especially NAmE) 債券/商品/黃金/股票價格food食品價格house, housing, land, property, real estate (especially NAmE) 房子/住房/土地/不動產/房地產價格electricity, energy, fuel, gas, gasoline, oil, petrol (BrE) 電力價格;能源價格;燃料價格;燃氣價格;汽油價格;石油價格VERB + PRICEcommand, fetch, go for要價;賣⋯的價錢Property in the area is now fetching ridiculously high prices.現在這個地區房子的價格高得離譜。give sb, quote sb為某人報價I got a number of suppliers to quote me their best prices.有一些供應商給我開出最優惠價格。agree, agree on, negotiate同意/商定/協商價格Banding together allows growers to negotiate a better price for their crop.種植者們聯合起來能在談判中為自己的農產品爭取到較好的價格。charge, fix, set要價;定價compare比較價格It's always worth comparing prices before you buy.買之前貨比三家總是值得的。boost, double, increase, push up, raise漲價;擡高價格The deal would boost gas prices.這筆交易將提高天然氣價格。bring down, cut, drop, lower, mark down, push down, reduce, slash降價;削價;減低價格;壓低價格;大幅削價The campaign urged retailers to drop their prices.該運動呼籲零售商降價。adjust調整價格We need to adjust our prices to reflect our actual costs.我們需要調整價格以反映我們的實際成本。go up in, increase in, rise in價格上升Oil is going up in price.石油價格正在上漲。come down in價格下降range in, vary in價格範圍為;價格不等These computers range in price from £1 300 to £2 000.這些計算機的價格從 1,300 英鎊到 2,000 英鎊不等。undercut削價以競爭PRICE + VERBclimb, double, go up, increase, jump, rise, shoot up, skyrocket, soar, spike (especially NAmE) 價格攀升/翻番/上漲/增加/飆升/上升/猛漲/急劇上升/飛漲/突然上漲House prices went up by 5% last year.去年的房價上漲了 5%。Prices soared during the war.戰爭期間物價飛漲。collapse, drop, fall, go down, plummet, plunge, slump, tumble價格崩潰/下跌/降低/走低/狂跌/跳水/猛跌/暴跌If prices slump further, the farmers will starve.如果價格再狂跌下去,農場主就要沒飯吃了。fluctuate, swing價格波動/擺動go from... to..., range from... to..., start at, vary價格從⋯到⋯;價格介乎⋯與⋯之間;起價是⋯;價格不同Prices go from $30 for the standard model to $150 for the de luxe version.價格從標準型號的 30 美元到豪華版的 150 美元不等。PRICE + NOUNlevel, range價格水平/範圍hike (informal) , increase, rise, spike價格上漲;價格飆升cut, drop削價;價格下降change, fluctuation, movement, volatility價格變動/起伏/動向/波動stability價格穩定war價格戰tag價格標籤I got a shock when I looked at the price tag.看到價格標籤,我大吃一驚。list價格表index價格指數the share price index股票價格指數PREPOSITIONat a/the price以高價;以⋯價格Food is available, at a price (= at a high price).食物可以買到,不過出價要高。I can't afford it at that price.那個價格我買不起。in price在價格上Cigarettes have remained stable in price for some time.香煙的價格已經穩定一段時間了。PHRASESa drop in price, a fall in price, a reduction in price價格的降低an increase in price, a rise in price價格的上升pay a heavy price (for sth), pay a high price (for sth), pay the price (for sth)(為⋯)付出沉重的代價;(為⋯)付出代價The team paid a heavy price for its lack of preparation.這支隊伍由於準備不足而付出了沉重的代價。place a price on sth, put a price on sth給⋯定價You can't put a price on happiness.你不能以金錢來衡量幸福。the price of freedom, success, etc.(= the unpleasant things you must suffer to have freedom, success, etc.) 自由、成功等的代價price per gallon, pound, etc.每加侖、每磅等的價格The average price per gallon was $2.09.均價為每加侖 2.09 美元。a small price to pay (for sth)(為⋯)付出的小小代價The cost of a policy premium is a small price to pay for peace of mind.若能換個心安,花錢買個保險算不了什麼。 note at per cent (for more verbs)


be priced ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBexorbitantly, highly, outrageously定價過高/很高/非常不合理aggressively, cheaply定價咄咄逼人/便宜affordably, attractively, competitively, economically, fairly, moderately, modestly, realistically, reasonably, sensibly定價不高/誘人/有競爭力/合算/公道/適中/合適/切實可行/合理/明智a wide range of competitively priced office furniture各種各樣價格富競爭力的辦公傢具comparatively, similarly定價具可比性/相似性It has a much longer battery life than other comparatively priced laptops.與價位差不多的其他筆記本電腦相比,這款的電池壽命更長。accordingly按照相應情形定價This is considered a luxury item and is priced accordingly.這被認為是一件奢侈品,並按照這個標準定價。PREPOSITIONat價格定在⋯The car is priced at $60 000.這輛車的價位是 6 萬美元。between價格定在⋯之間Tickets for the concert are priced between £15 and £35.音樂會的票價定在 15 英鎊到 35 英鎊之間。from, to定價從⋯起;定價到⋯止The kits are priced from £8.50 to £20.這些成套用具的定價從 8.5 英鎊到 20 英鎊不等。PHRASESbe priced high, be priced low定價高;定價低The house was priced much too high.這所房子的要價太高了。
IELTS BNC: 338 COCA: 475
price noun
price (the price of oil) put a price on sth price verb


 See also the entry for rate 2 另見rate條第2義price ♦︎ cost ♦︎ value ♦︎ expense ♦︎ worthThese are all words for the amount of money that you have to pay for sth. 這些詞均表示價格、費用。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the high price / cost / valuethe considerable / enormous cost / value / expensethe real / true price / cost / value / worththe market / net price / cost / value / worthto put / set a price / value on sthto increase / reduce the price / cost / value / expenseto raise / double / lower the price / cost / valueto cut the price / cost price [countable, uncountable] the amount of money that you have to pay for an item or service 價格;價錢;物價house / retail / oil / share prices房價;零售價;油價;股價The price includes dinner, bed and breakfast.這個價錢包括早餐、晚餐和住宿。He was charging a very high price for it.他要價很高。How much are these? They don't have a price on them.這些東西賣多少錢?上面沒有標價。I can't afford it at that price.那個價格我可買不起。It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years.過去這幾年,電腦價格大大降低,簡直令人驚訝。to pay half / full price for sth付半價;付全價 cost (cost, cost) [countable, uncountable] the amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do sth 費用;花費;價錢A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000.一個新的計算機系統已安裝完畢,費用爲8萬英鎊。Allow $25 per day to cover the cost of meals.餐費按每天25元算。Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases.消費者將不得不承擔因工資提高而增加的全部成本。The total cost to you (= the amount you have to pay) is £3 000.你總共要支付3 000英鎊。The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost (= it was too expensive).由於費用原因,這項計劃被迫放棄。sharp rises in the cost of living (= the amount of money that people need to pay for food, clothing and somewhere to live) 生活費用的飙升 see also cost cost verb value [uncountable, countable] how much sth is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged (商品的)價值The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000.獲勝者將得到價值1 000英鎊的獎品。Sports cars tend to hold their value well.跑車往往很能保值。Tickets were changing hands at three times their face value (= the value shown on the front).這些票正以三倍於面值的價格轉手。London property values are rising fast.倫敦的房産正快速升值。 see also valuable valuable 1 NOTE 辨析 Price, cost or value?The price is what sb asks you to pay for an item or service. * price指商品或服務的價格to ask / charge a high price索要高價to ask/charge a high cost/value Obtaining or achieving sth may have a cost; the value of sth is how much other people would be willing to pay for it. * cost指得到某物或達到某目的所需的費用,value指他人願意爲某東西付的價錢house prices房價the cost of moving house搬家的費用The house now has a market value of twice what we paid for it.這座房子目前的市場價是我們當初買房時的兩倍。 expense [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the money that you spend on sth; sth that makes you spend money 費用;開銷The garden was transformed at great expense.花園改建花了一大筆錢。We were taken out for a meal at the company's expense (= the company paid).公司出錢請我們外出用餐。He's arranged everything: no expense spared (= he spent as much money as could possibly be needed).他不惜代價把一切安排好。They went to all the expense of redecorating the house and then they moved.他們花了很多錢重新裝飾這房子,可後來又搬走了。Their visit put us to a lot of expense.他們的來訪使我們破費不小。Running a car is a big expense.養一輛車開銷很大。 see also expenses costs , expensive expensive worth wɜːθ; NAmE wɜːrθ [uncountable] the financial value of sb/sth 價值He has a personal net worth of $10 million.他有1 000萬元的個人淨資産。Worth, as a noun, is more often used to mean the practical or moral value of sth. * worth作名詞時更常表示實際作用或道德意義。 see also worth value 1 worth


Our house is worth about $300 000.我們的房子大約值30萬元。How much is this painting worth?這幅畫值多少錢?to be worth a bomb / packet / fortune (= a lot of money) 值一大筆錢It isn't worth much.這不值多少錢。


Shares in the company are now almost worthless.公司的股票現在幾乎毫無價值。OPP valuable valuable 1


price ♦︎ value ♦︎ assess ♦︎ cost ♦︎ put a price on sthThese words mean to fix the price of sth at a particular level or to make a judgement about the price, value or cost of sth. 這些詞均表示定價、估價。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be priced / valued / assessed / costed at $5 00to be priced / valued / assessed / costed between £15 and £35 price [transitive, usually passive, intransitive] to fix the price of sth at a particular level (給⋯)定價;(爲⋯)作價These goods are priced too high.這些貨品定價過高。Some leading UK firms are pricing themselves out of the market (= charging such high prices for their goods or services that nobody wants to buy them).英國的一些大公司因要價過高而無人問津。 (business 商業) A dominant firm will price aggressively in markets where it faces new competitors.在市場上佔主導地位的公司面臨新的競爭者時會采取進取性市場定價。 value [transitive, usually passive] to make a judgement about how much money sth is worth 給⋯估價;給⋯定價The property has been valued at over $2 million.此處房産估價爲200萬元以上。 (BrE) I took my violin into the shop to get it valued.我把小提琴拿到那個商店去估價。In American English use assess here. 在美式英語中,這裏用assess。 see also valuation valuation , valuable valuable 1 assess əˈses [transitive] to estimate or calculate the total amount, value or cost of sth 估算,估定,核算(總額、價值或費用)They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.他們已經核定了賠償金額。Damage to the building was assessed at £40 000.該建築物的損失估定爲4萬英鎊。 cost (costed, costed) [transitive, usually passive] to estimate or calculate how much money will be needed for sth or what price should be charged for sth 估算(或計算)⋯的費用;爲⋯估價The project has been costed at $8.1 million.此項工程的成本估算爲810萬元。All telephone calls are logged, costed and charged to your account.所有通話都會在你的賬戶中留有記錄,並計算和收取費用。 see also costing valuation put a ˈprice on sth


(putting, put, put)to say how much money sth valuable is worth (爲貴重物品)定價,作價They haven't yet put a price on the business.他們還沒有給這筆生意開價。You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty.那樣的忠心是無法用金錢衡量的。
IELTS BNC: 338 COCA: 475
Prices and costs: price, cost, charge...
Disadvantages: disadvantage, handicap, limitation...

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