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[uncountable, countable, usually singular]Idioms
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  1. a sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly惊恐;恐慌
    • a moment of panic一时惊慌
    • They were in a state of panic.他们惊恐万状。
    • in panic Office workers fled in panic as the fire took hold.火势起来时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。
    • There's no point getting into a panic about the exams.对考试惊惶失措是没有用的。
    • a panic attack (= a condition in which you suddenly feel very anxious, causing your heart to beat faster, etc.)一阵心慌意乱
    • a panic decision (= one that is made when you are in a state of panic)慌乱中作出的决定
    • A look of panic crossed his face.他脸上掠过一丝惊慌。
    • The mere thought of flying fills me with panic.一想到飞行,我就感到恐慌。
    Synonyms fearfear
    • terror
    • panic
    • alarm
    • fright
    These are all words for the bad feeling you have when you are afraid.
    • fear the bad feeling that you have when you are in danger or when a particular thing frightens you:
      • (a) fear of flying害怕坐飞机
      • She showed no fear.她毫无惧色。
    • terror a feeling of extreme fear:
      • Her eyes were wild with terror.她的眼睛里充满了恐惧。
    • panic a sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from thinking clearly:
      • I had a sudden moment of panic.我突然一阵惊慌。
    • alarm fear or worry that somebody feels when something dangerous or unpleasant might happen:
      • The doctor said there was no cause for alarm.医生说不必惊慌。
    • fright a feeling of fear, usually sudden:
      • She cried out in fright.她吓得大声叫喊。
    fear or fright?用 fear 还是 fright?Fright is a reaction to something that has just happened or is happening now. Use fear, but not fright, to talk about things that always frighten you and things that may happen in the future: I have a fright of spiders.his fright of what might happen Patterns
    • a fear/​terror of something
    • in fear/​terror/​panic/​alarm/​fright
    • fear/​terror/​panic/​alarm that…
    • to be filled with fear/​terror/​panic/​alarm
    • a feeling of fear/​terror/​panic/​alarm
    Extra Examples
    • He felt panic rising within him.他感到心头涌起一阵恐慌。
    • He jumped out of the car in a panic.惊慌之中他从车里跳了出来。
    • Her mind went blank with panic.她慌得脑子里一片空白。
    • I felt a surge of panic when I realized my mistake.当我意识到自己的错误时,心里感到一阵恐慌。
    • She went into a blind panic when she couldn't find the exit.她无法找到出口,陷入了莫名的恐慌之中。
    • The thought of being in charge threw him into a mild panic.一想到要由自己来负责,他就有些恐慌。
    • Eli was clearly in panic mode.伊莱显然处于恐慌中。
    • She still has panic attacks two years after the accident.事故过去两年了,她仍然不时感到恐慌。
    • people suffering from depression and panic disorders患有抑郁症和恐慌症的人
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • blind
    • complete
    • mad
    … of panic
    • surge
    • wave
    verb + panic
    • feel
    • get into
    • go into
    panic + verb
    • break out
    • spread across, through, etc. something
    • sweep over, through, etc. something
    panic + noun
    • attack
    • disorder
    • reaction
    • in (a) panic
    • with panic
    • panic about
    • a feeling of panic
    • a sense of panic
    • in a state of panic
    See full entry
  2. a situation in which people are made to feel very anxious or frightened, causing them to act quickly and without thinking carefully人心惶惶的局面;惶恐不安
    • News of the losses caused (a) panic among investors.亏损的消息令投资者人心惶惶。
    • Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.现在精心规划,就可以避免事到临头手忙脚乱。
    • There's no panic (= we do not need to rush), we've got plenty of time.不用着急,我们有的是时间。
    • panic buying/selling (= the act of buying/selling things quickly and without thinking carefully because you are afraid that a particular situation will become worse)恐慌性抢购/抛售
    Extra Examples
    • In the ensuing panic, they lost each other.在随后的恐慌中,他们走散了。
    • The keys were lost during the panic over the fire alarm.钥匙在火警引起的恐慌中丢失了。
    • Panic buying turned the petrol shortage into a crisis.惊慌的抢购使汽油短缺变成了一场危机。
    • Panic swept through the crowd.恐慌席卷了人群。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • blind
    • complete
    • mad
    … of panic
    • surge
    • wave
    verb + panic
    • feel
    • get into
    • go into
    panic + verb
    • break out
    • spread across, through, etc. something
    • sweep over, through, etc. something
    panic + noun
    • attack
    • disorder
    • reaction
    • in (a) panic
    • with panic
    • panic about
    • a feeling of panic
    • a sense of panic
    • in a state of panic
    See full entry
  3. Word Originearly 17th cent.: from French panique, from modern Latin panicus, from Greek panikos, from the name of the god Pan in Greek mythology, noted for causing terror, to whom woodland noises were attributed.
panic stations
  1. (British English, informal) a situation in which people feel very anxious and there is a lot of confused activity, especially because there is a lot to do in a short period of time慌乱的状态;(尤指)忙乱的状况
    • It was panic stations when the deadline was brought forward by a week.最后期限提前了一周,真是人心惶惶。


[intransitive, transitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they panic
he / she / it panics
past simple panicked
past participle panicked
-ing form panicking
Phrasal Verbs
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  1. to suddenly feel frightened so that you cannot think clearly and you say or do something stupid, dangerous, etc.; to make somebody do this(使)惊慌,惊慌失措
    • I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.我看见发动机冒烟时,吓得手足无措。
    • panic somebody/something The gunfire panicked the horses.枪声惊吓到马匹。
    Extra Examples
    • He panics at the first sign of trouble.一有麻烦的迹象,他就惊慌失措。
    • We are beginning to panic about the wedding arrangements.我们开始对婚礼安排感到恐慌。
    • Don't panic! We need to try and stay calm.别惊慌!我们要尽量保持冷静。
    Topics Feelingsb2
    Word Originearly 17th cent.: from French panique, from modern Latin panicus, from Greek panikos, from the name of the god Pan in Greek mythology, noted for causing terror, to whom woodland noises were attributed.


ADJECTIVE | ... OF PANIC | VERB + PANIC | PANIC + VERB | PANIC + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEblind, complete, mad, pure, sheer, total, utter盲目的恐慌;狂亂的恐慌;極度的恐慌mild, minor, slight輕度的恐慌momentary片刻的恐慌growing, mounting, rising逐漸加劇恐慌mass, widespread大規模的/大範圍的恐慌public公眾的恐慌general普遍的恐慌sudden突然的恐慌last-minute最後一刻的恐慌There was a last-minute panic when nobody could find the tickets.到最後一刻時沒有人找得到票,大家一陣慌亂。financial, moral金融/道德恐慌a moral panic over rising crime rates犯罪率上升引起的道德恐慌... OF PANICsurge, wave一陣/一波恐慌I felt a surge of panic when I realized my mistake.當我意識到自己的錯誤時,心裏感到一陣恐慌。VERB + PANICfeel感到恐慌He felt panic rising within him.他感到心頭湧起一陣恐慌。get into, go into陷入恐慌She went into a blind panic when she couldn't find the exit.她無法找到出口,陷入了莫名的恐慌之中。cause, create, spread引起/製造/散佈恐慌fill sb with, throw sb into使某人充滿恐慌;使某人突然陷入恐慌The thought of being in charge threw him into a mild panic.一想到要由自己來負責,他就有些恐慌。PANIC + VERBbreak out, spread across, through, etc. sth, sweep over, through, etc. sth恐慌爆發;恐慌(在⋯中)散佈;恐慌席捲⋯Panic swept through the crowd.恐慌席捲了人群。fill sb/sth, grip sb, seize sb, set in某人驚慌失措grow, rise, well up恐慌滋長subside恐慌減退ensue恐慌接踵而來In the ensuing panic, they lost each other.在隨後的恐慌中,他們走散了。PANIC + NOUNattack恐慌的侵襲She still has panic attacks two years after the accident.事故過去兩年了,她仍然不時感到恐慌。disorder恐慌症people suffering from depression and panic disorders患有抑鬱症和恐慌症的人reaction, symptoms恐慌反應/症狀button緊急按鈕The shopkeeper pressed the panic button and the police arrived in minutes.店主按下了緊急按鈕,幾分鐘後警察趕到了。room緊急避險室The house includes a panic room which you can run to if intruders enter the house.這所房子有一間緊急避險室,有人闖入房間時可以躲進去。mode恐慌狀態Eli was clearly in panic mode.伊萊顯然處於恐慌中。buying (especially BrE) 瘋狂購買Panic buying turned the shortage into a crisis.恐慌性搶購使這種短缺變成了一場危機。PREPOSITIONin (a) panic在驚慌中He jumped out of the car in a panic.驚慌之中他從車裏跳了出來。People fled in panic.人們驚慌而逃。with panic驚慌地Her mind went blank with panic.她慌得腦子裏一片空白。panic about對⋯恐慌panic about food contamination食物污染的恐慌panic among⋯中的恐慌panic among the population居民中的恐慌panic over對⋯感到的恐慌The keys were lost during the panic over the fire alarm.鑰匙在火警引起的恐慌中丟失了。PHRASESa feeling of panic, a sense of panic驚慌感in a state of panic在恐慌之中a look of panic驚慌的表情A look of panic spread across the boy's face.那個男孩的臉上露出驚恐的神色。a moment of panic, a moment's panic (especially BrE) 一時的恐慌
panic noun


panic ♦︎ freak out ♦︎ lose your nerve ♦︎ take fright ♦︎ chicken outThese words all mean to feel frightened, usually so that you act in a stupid or dangerous way or so that you cannot do sth that you intended to do. 这些词均表示惊恐、惊慌失措。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to just panic / freak out / lose your nerve panic (-ck) [intransitive] to suddenly feel very frightened so that you cannot think clearly and you say or do sth stupid or dangerous 惊慌;惊慌失措I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.我看见发动机冒烟,吓得手足无措。Don't panic! We need to try and stay calm.别惊慌!我们要尽量保持冷静。 see also panic fear noun , panicky , panic-stricken hysterical ˌfreak ˈout

phrasal verb

(informal) to react very strongly to sth that makes you suddenly feel shocked, frightened or surprised 反应强烈;震惊;惊惧I could hear her downstairs, and I was freaking out, hiding under the bed.我听到她在楼下,害怕得要命,躲到了床底下。
ˌlose your ˈnerve


(lost, lost)to not do sth that you intended to do, because you are afraid (因害怕)退缩I tried to go parachuting once, but I lost my nerve at the last minute and didn't jump.我曾尝试跳伞,但在最后一刻鼓不起勇气,没有跳成。 OPP keep/hold your nerve
take ˈfright


(took, taken) (written) to suddenly become frightened by sth so that you want to escape or get out of a situation 受惊吓The birds took fright and flew away.鸟儿受惊飞走了。Investors took fright at the falling market.投资者看到股市下跌,纷纷出逃。
ˌchicken ˈout (informal, disapproving) to decide not to do sth because you are afraid (因害怕)放弃,临阵退缩She chickened out of telling him what really happened.她不敢告诉他真正发生了什么事。

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