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TOEFL BNC: 4379 COCA: 4331


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  1. [usually singular] the regular beat of the heart as it sends blood around the body, that can be felt in different places, especially on the inside part of the wrist; the number of times the heart beats in a minute脈搏;脈率
    • a strong/weak pulse強/弱脈搏
    • an abnormally high pulse rate異常高的脈率
    • The doctor took/felt my pulse.醫生給我量了脈搏/把了脈。
    • Fear sent her pulse racing (= made it beat very quickly).她嚇得脈搏急速跳動。
    Extra Examples
    • My at-rest pulse rate is usually about 80 beats per minute.我靜止時的脈搏率通常爲每分鐘 80 次左右。
    • She felt her pulse quicken as she recognized the voice.聽出是誰的聲音後,她感到自己的心跳加快了。
    • She reached in through the driver's broken window and checked for a pulse.她從駕駛座破碎的車窗伸手進去檢查司機的脈搏。
    • There was little to quicken the pulse in his dull routine.枯燥乏味的日常工作中幾乎沒有什麽能激起他的熱情。
    Topics Bodyc1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fast
    • racing
    • rapid
    verb + pulse
    • check
    • feel
    • take
    pulse + verb
    • beat
    • quicken
    • race
    pulse + noun
    • rate
    See full entry
  2. a strong regular beat in music強勁的音樂節拍 synonym rhythm
    • the throbbing pulse of the drums陣陣強勁的鼓點
  3. a single short increase in the amount of light, sound or electricity produced by a machine, etc.脈沖
    • pulse waves脈沖波
    • sound pulses聲脈沖
  4. pulses
    [plural] the seeds of some plants that are eaten as food, such as peas and lentils豆果果實;莢果;豆子
    • Pulses are a good source of protein.豆類是蛋白質的良好來源。
    Topics Foodc2, Farmingc2
  5. Word Originnoun senses 1 to 3 late Middle English: from Latin pulsus ‘beating’, from pellere ‘to drive, beat’. noun sense 4 Middle English: from Old French pols, from Latin puls ‘porridge of meal or pulse’; related to pollen.
have/keep your finger on the pulse (of something)
  1. to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation始終了解…的最新情況;掌握…的脈搏


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they pulse
he / she / it pulses
past simple pulsed
past participle pulsed
-ing form pulsing
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  1. [intransitive] to move, beat or flow with strong regular movements or sounds搏動;跳動;震動 synonym throb
    • A vein pulsed in his temple.他太陽穴上的靜脈在搏動。
    • the pulsing rhythm of the music這樂曲的強烈節奏
    Extra Examples
    • He felt the muscles in his jaw pulsing angrily.他感到下巴的肌肉憤怒地跳動着。
    • She was aware of the blood pulsing through her limbs.她意識到血液在四肢搏動。
  2. [intransitive] pulse (with something) to be full of a feeling such as excitement or energy洋溢着;充滿(激情等) synonym buzz
    • The auditorium pulsed with excitement.禮堂裏洋溢着熱烈的氣氛。
  3. Word Originverb late Middle English: from Latin pulsus ‘beating’, from pellere ‘to drive, beat’.
TOEFL BNC: 4379 COCA: 4331


ADJECTIVE | VERB + PULSE | PULSE + VERB | PULSE + NOUN ADJECTIVEfast, racing, rapid快速跳動的脈搏slow緩慢跳動的脈搏steady穩定的脈搏strong強脈搏faint, weak弱脈搏VERB + PULSEcheck, feel, take測脈搏;量脈搏Last time I took my pulse, it was a little fast.我上次量的脈搏有點兒快。check for, feel for檢查脈搏;摸脈搏She reached in through the driver's broken window and checked for a pulse.她從駕駛座破碎的車窗伸手進去檢查司機的脈搏。find感覺到脈搏have有脈搏The doctor felt to see if he had a pulse.醫生摸了摸看他是否有脈搏。quicken加快脈搏跳動There was little to quicken the pulse in his dull routine.枯燥乏味的日常工作中幾乎沒有什麼能激起他的熱情。PULSE + VERBbeat脈搏跳動quicken, race脈搏加快/急速跳動She felt her pulse quicken as she recognized the voice.聽出是誰的聲音後,她感到自己的心跳加快了。slow脈搏變慢PULSE + NOUNrate脈搏率My at-rest pulse rate is usually about 80 beats per minute.我靜止時的脈搏率通常為每分鐘 80 次左右。
TOEFL BNC: 4379 COCA: 4331
pulse verb
TOEFL BNC: 4379 COCA: 4331

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