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(plural shelves
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  1. a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc., fixed to the wall or forming part of a cupboard, bookcase, etc., for things to be placed on(固定在牆上的或櫥櫃、書架等的)架子,擱板
    • I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom.我幫他在卧室裏裝了幾個擱架。
    • on a shelf The book I wanted was on the top shelf.我想要的那本書在書架的最上層。
    • supermarket shelves超市貨架
    • (North American English) store shelves商店貨架
    • The product should hit store shelves by August.該産品將於8月上市。
    • library shelves圖書館書架
    • empty shelves空擱板
    • the powerful retailers who control what products get shelf space控制什麽産品的強大零售商獲得貨架空間
    Collocations Decorating and home improvementDecorating and home improvement裝飾和改善房屋Houses房屋
    • refurbish/​renovate/ (British English) do up a building/​a house整修/翻新/修繕樓房/房屋
    • convert a building/​house/​room into homes/​offices/(especially North American English) apartments/(British English) flats把樓房/房子/房間/改建成住房/辦公室/公寓
    • extend/​enlarge a house/​building/​room/​kitchen擴建/擴大房屋/樓房/房間/廚房
    • build (British English) an extension (to the back/​rear of a house)/(North American English) an addition (on/​to something)/(British English) a conservatory(在房子後面)擴建;(在某處)增建;建造暖房
    • knock down/​demolish a house/​home/​building/​wall推倒/拆除房子/住房/樓房/牆壁
    • knock out/​through the wall separating two rooms將兩個房間的隔牆打通
    • furnish/​paint/ (especially British English) decorate a home/​a house/​an apartment/​a flat/​a room布置/油漆/裝飾住房/房子/公寓/房間
    • be decorated in bright colours/​in a traditional style/​with flowers/​with paintings
    • paint/​plaster the walls/​ceiling給牆壁/天花板上刷油漆/抹灰
    • hang/​put up/​strip off/​remove the wallpaper貼/去除牆紙
    • install/​replace/​remove the bathroom fixtures/(British English) fittings安裝/更換/拆除浴室的固定裝置/附加設備
    • build/​put up shelves搭架子
    • lay wooden flooring/​timber decking/​floor tiles/​a carpet/​a patio鋪設木地板/平台木板/地磚/地毯/露台
    • put up/​hang/​take down a picture/​painting/​poster/​curtain挂上/取下圖畫/繪畫/海報/簾子
    DIY/​home improvement自己動手;房屋改造
    • do (British English) DIY/​carpentry/​the plumbing/​the wiring自己動手做;做木匠活;鋪設管道;鋪設線路
    • make home improvements改造房屋
    • add/​install central heating/​underfloor heating/​insulation添加/安裝中央供暖系統/地暖系統/隔熱材料
    • fit/​install double-glazing/​a smoke alarm安裝雙層玻璃/煙霧報警器
    • insulate your house/​your home/​the walls/​the pipes/​the tanks/(especially British English) the loft在房子/住房/牆壁/管道/熱水箱/閣樓裏加隔熱裝置
    • fix/​repair a roof/​a leak/​a pipe/​the plumbing/​a leaking (especially British English) tap/(North American English usually) faucet維修房頂/裂縫/管子/管道系統/漏水的水龍頭
    • block/​clog (up)/unblock/​unclog a pipe/​sink堵住/疏通管道/洗滌池
    • make/​drill/​fill a hole開/鑽/填一個洞
    • hammer (in)/pull out/​remove a nail錘進/拔出釘子
    • tighten/​untighten/​loosen/​remove a screw擰緊/擰鬆/擰開螺絲釘
    • saw/​cut/​treat/​stain/​varnish/​paint wood鋸/切割/加工木料;給木料上色/上清漆/上油漆
    Collocations ShoppingShopping購物
    • go/​go out/​be out shopping去/外出/在外購物
    • go to (especially British English) the shops/(especially North American English) a store/(especially North American English) the mall去商店/商場
    • do (British English) the shopping/(especially North American English) the grocery shopping/​a bit of window-shopping購物;購買食品雜貨;逛街浏覽一下商店櫥窗
    • (North American English, informal) hit/​hang out at the mall去逛商場;在商場閒逛
    • try on clothes/​shoes試穿衣服/鞋
    • indulge in some retail therapy沉迷於購物療法(瘋狂購物以撫慰心靈)
    • go on a spending spree痛痛快快地花一通錢
    • cut/​cut back on/​reduce your spending減少花銷
    • be/​get caught shoplifting在商店行竊被當場逮住
    • donate something to/​take something to/​find something in (British English) a charity shop/(North American English) a thrift store把某物捐贈給/拿到慈善商店;在慈善商店發現某物
    • buy/​sell/​find something at (British English) a car boot sale/(British English) a jumble sale/​a garage sale/(North American English) a yard sale在後備箱舊貨市場/舊雜物義賣/車庫裏進行的舊物銷售/庭院拍賣會購買/出售/找到某物
    • find/​get/​pick up a bargain找到/買到便宜貨
    At the shop/​store在商店
    • load/​push/​wheel (British English) a trolley/(North American English) a cart往手推車裏裝東西;推手推車
    • stand in/​wait in (British English) the checkout queue/(North American English) the checkout line排隊付款
    • (North American English) stand in line/ (British English) queue at the checkout在付款處排隊
    • bag (especially North American English) (your) groceries把食品雜貨裝進袋子
    • pack (away) (especially British English) your shopping將所購之物打包
    • stack/​stock/​restock the shelves at a store (with something)(把某物)放上/補齊放上商店的貨架
    • be (found) on/​appear on supermarket/​shop shelves
    • be in/​have in/​be out of/​run out of stock有貨;脫銷
    • deal with/​help/​serve customers應付/幫助/服務顧客
    • run a special promotion搞特别促銷活動
    • be on special offer正在搞特價優惠
    Buying goods買商品
    • make/​complete a purchase采購
    • buy/​purchase something online/​by mail order網購;郵購
    • make/​place/​take an order for something訂購某物
    • buy/​order something in bulk/​in advance大批/提前購買/訂購某物
    • accept/​take credit cards接受信用卡
    • pay (in) cash/​by (credit/​debit) card/(British English) with a gift voucher/(North American English) with a gift certificate用現金/(信用/借記)卡/禮券支付
    • enter your PIN number輸入你的個人識别密碼
    • ask for/​get/​obtain a receipt索要/拿到收據
    • return/​exchange an item/​a product退還/更換商品/産品
    • be entitled to/​ask for/​demand a refund有資格要求/要求退款
    • compare prices對比價格
    • offer (somebody)/give (somebody)/get/​receive a 30% discount給(某人)/得到 30% 的折扣
    see also top-shelf
    Extra Examples
    • He's got a job stocking shelves in a supermarket.他找了份爲超市備貨的工作。
    • Her diaries just sat on the shelf for years.她的日記在架子上擱了多年。
    • Hundreds of books lined the shelves.數百本書排列在書架上。
    • I knocked it off the shelf by accident.我不小心把它從架子上碰了下來。
    • I put the box back on the shelf.我把盒子放回到擱板上。
    • I've cleared a shelf in the bedroom for you.我在卧室給你騰空了一個擱板。
    • She scanned the shelves of the library for new books.她在圖書館書架上尋找新書。
    • Shelves lined the walls behind the long counter.架子排列在長櫃枱後的牆邊。
    • Souvenirs filled the shelves.架上擺滿了紀念品。
    • The DVD is flying off the shelves (= selling very quickly).這張數字影碟很暢銷。
    • The shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.架子上擺滿了形狀各異、大小不一的娃娃。
    • The supermarket immediately removed the product from its shelves.超市立即把這種産品撤下了貨架。
    Topics Houses and homesb1, Shoppingb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • high
    • low
    • deep
    verb + shelf
    • have
    • build
    • put up
    shelf + verb
    • be full of something
    • contain something
    • hold something
    shelf + noun
    • space
    • life
    • off a/​the shelf
    • on a/​the shelf
    • shelf of
    • be filled with shelves
    • be lined with shelves
    • a place on your shelves
    See full entry
  2. (geology地質學) a thing like a shelf in shape, especially a piece of rock sticking out from a cliff or from the edge of a mass of land under the sea(懸崖上或海底)突出的岩石;陸架;陸棚
  3. see also continental shelf, ice shelf, shelve
    Word OriginMiddle English: from Middle Low German schelf; related to Old English scylfe ‘partition’, scylf ‘crag’.
off the shelf
  1. that can be bought immediately and does not have to be specially designed or ordered現成有售的;不用定制的
    • I bought this package off the shelf.我買的這一盒是現貨。
    • Some courses can be bought off the shelf as self-contained study packages.有些課程可以作爲獨立的學習包購買。
    compare off the peg see also off-the-shelf
on the shelf (informal)
  1. not wanted by anyone; not used(無用而)閒置的;擱置的
  2. (old-fashioned) (especially of women尤指女人) considered to be too old to get married年齡大得嫁不出去的
take something off the market/shelves
  1. to stop something from being sold停止銷售
    • The slimming pills were taken off the market.市場上已停止銷售這種減肥藥片。
    • Thousands of egg products were taken off the shelves following the health scare.在健康恐慌之後,成千上萬的蛋制品被下架。


ADJECTIVE | VERB + SHELF | SHELF + VERB | SHELF + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigh, low高架子;低架子deep進深大的架子bottom, middle, top底層/中層/頂層架子He took a book down from the top shelf.他從架子最上層拿下了一本書。bare, empty空架子open開放式架子dusty佈滿灰塵的架子glass, metal, wooden玻璃擱板;金屬架子;木架子book (usually bookshelf) , CD, DVD, video書架;光碟架;數字影碟架;錄像帶架bathroom, kitchen, library, shop, store, supermarket浴室擱架;廚房擱板;圖書館書架;商店貨架;超市貨架The supermarket shelves were bare.超市貨架空空如也。closet (especially NAmE) 壁櫥擱板VERB + SHELFhave有擱板The cabinet has three shelves.貯藏櫃有 3 層擱板。build, put up搭起擱板She soon learned how to put up her own shelves.她很快就學會了自己搭架子。arrange sth on, display sth on, put sth (back) on, replace sth on, return sth to, stack sth on把⋯擺到擱板上;在架子上展示⋯;把⋯放(回)到架子上;把⋯堆放在擱板上I put the box back on the shelf.我把盒子放回到擱板上。restock, stack, stock (NAmE) 補充貨架;在貨架上擺貨He has a job stacking / stocking shelves.他的工作是擺貨上架。fill, line, pack擺滿架子;排列在架子上;碼到架子上The shelves were packed with dolls of every shape and size.架子上擺滿了形狀各異、大小不一的娃娃。Hundreds of books lined the shelves.數百本書排列在書架上。clear清理架子I've cleared a shelf in the bedroom for you.我在卧室給你騰空了一個擱板。get sth (down) from, get sth (down) off, pick sth from, pick sth off, remove sth from, take sth (down) from, take sth (down) off把⋯從擱板上取下;把⋯從架子上撤下They immediately removed the product from their shelves.他們立即將這種產品下架。fit on, fit onto, go on, remain on, sit on擺到貨架上;上架;留在貨架上Souvenirs filled the shelves.架上擺滿了紀念品。Her diaries just sat on the shelf for years (= nobody looked at them).她的日記在架子上擱了多年。browse, scan, scour, search在架子上掃視;在架子上搜尋;在貨架上尋找She scanned the shelves of the library for new books.她在圖書館書架上尋找新書。reach把手伸向架子I can't reach the top shelf.我夠不着頂層的擱板。reach for伸手夠架子She reached for the shelf next to the bed.她伸手去夠牀邊的架子。SHELF + VERBbe full of sth, contain sth, hold sth架上全是⋯;架上放着⋯line架子排列Shelves lined the walls behind the long counter.架子排列在長櫃枱後的牆邊。SHELF + NOUNspace擱架上的空間life保存期The medicine has a shelf life of six months.這種藥的保存期是 6 個月。PREPOSITIONoff a/the shelf從架子上掉下I knocked it off the shelf by accident.我不小心把它從架子上碰了下來。on a/the shelf在架子上the books on the shelves架上的書shelf of一架子的⋯a shelf of books on economics一架子的經濟學書籍PHRASESbe filled with shelves, be lined with shelves滿是/排列着架子The walls of her study were lined with shelves.她的書房四壁都是書架。a place on your shelves架上的一個位置The book deserves a place on everyone's shelves.這本書值得每個人讀一讀。hit the shelves (figurative) 上架Their new CD hits the shelves in May.他們的新唱盤 5 月份上架出售。fly off the shelves (both figurative) 暢銷The DVD is flying off the shelves.這張數字影碟很暢銷。

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