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    moving pictures电影

  1. [countable] (especially British English)
    (North American English usually movie)
    a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, watched at a cinema or on a television or other device电影;影片
    • Let's stay in and watch a film.咱们待在家里看电影吧。
    • We're going out to see a film.我们要出去看电影。
    • There's a good film on tonight (= showing at the cinema or on TV).今晚有一部好电影上映。
    • a horror/documentary/feature film恐怖片;纪录片;故事片
    • an action/animated film动作/动画电影
    • a silent film (= one recorded without sound)无声电影
    • a film about something As a student he made a short film about his home town.学生时代,他制作了一部关于家乡的短片。
    • to shoot/direct/produce a film拍摄/导演/制作电影
    • The film was shot on location in France.这部影片的外景是在法国拍的。
    • The film has been downloaded some 21 million times since its release.这部电影自发行以来已经被下载了大约2100万次。
    • a film crew/critic/director/producer电影摄制组/评论家/导演/制作人
    • an international film festival国际电影节
    • a film version/adaptation of a novel by Henry James亨利·詹姆斯小说的电影版/改编本
    • His film credits (= the films he has made) as director include ‘Mood Music’ and ‘Lies’.他作为导演拍摄的电影有《心情音乐》和《谎言》。
    • He's a great composer of film music.他是一位伟大的电影音乐作曲家。
    see also feature film
    Collocations Cinema/​the moviesCinema/​the movies电影Watching观看
    • go to/​take somebody to (see) a film
    • go to/​sit in (British English) the cinema/(North American English) the (movie) theater去/在看电影
    • rent a film/​DVD
    • download/​stream a film
    • burn/​copy/​rip a DVD刻录/复制/转压一张 DVD 碟片
    • see/​watch a film/​DVD/​preview/​trailer
    • show/​screen a film
    • promote/​distribute/​review a film
    • (British English) be on at the cinema在电影院上映
    • be released on/​come out on/​be out on DVD发行 DVD
    • captivate/​delight/​grip/​thrill the audience使观众着迷/高兴/感兴趣/激动
    • do well/​badly at the box office票房好/不好
    • get a lot of/​live up to the hype受到大肆炒作;与天花乱坠的广告宣传相符
    • write/​co-write a film/​script/​screenplay
    • direct/​produce/​make/​shoot/​edit a film/​sequel
    • make a romantic comedy/​a thriller/​an action movie拍摄一部浪漫喜剧/惊悚片/动作片
    • do/​work on a sequel/​remake拍摄续集;重拍
    • film/​shoot the opening scene/​an action sequence/​footage (of something)拍摄(…的)开场戏/一套动作/连续镜头
    • compose/​create/​do/​write the soundtrack制作电影声带
    • cut/​edit (out) a scene/​sequence剪辑掉一个镜头/一组镜头
    • have/​get/​do an audition试演
    • get/​have/​play a leading/​starring/​supporting role得以饰演/饰演主角/配角
    • play a character/​James Bond/​the bad guy饰演一个人物/詹姆斯 · 邦德/反面角色
    • act in/​appear in/​star in a film/​remake
    • do/​perform/​attempt a stunt做/尝试特技表演
    • work in/​make it big in Hollywood在好莱坞工作/取得成功
    • forge/​carve/​make/​pursue a career in Hollywood在好莱坞闯出/追求一番事业
    Describing films描述电影
    • the camera pulls back/​pans over something/​zooms in (on something)
    • the camera focuses on something/​lingers on something
    • shoot somebody/​show somebody in extreme close-up用特写镜头拍摄/表现某人
    • use odd/​unusual camera angles采用奇特的/不同寻常的摄影机角度
    • be filmed/​shot on location/​in a studio在外景地/摄影棚拍摄
    • be set/​take place in London/​in the ’60s以伦敦/60 年代为背景
    • have a happy ending/​plot twist有美满的结局/出人意料的情节转折
    Extra Examples
    • She makes children's films.她制作儿童片。
    • He was an ad director before starting to make feature films.在开始制作故事片之前,他是一名广告导演。
    • Your typical Hollywood film has a happy ending.你那部典型的好莱坞电影有一个圆满的结局。
    • Her dream was to star in a Hollywood film.她的梦想是出演一部好莱坞电影。
    • What's your favourite film?你最喜欢哪部电影?
    • Do you like James Bond films?你喜欢詹姆斯·邦德的电影吗?
    • The latest film by Kathryn Bigelow is out soon.凯瑟琳·毕格罗的最新电影即将上映。
    • The film came out last week.这部电影上周开始上映。
    • Now you can stream films on your mobile device.现在,您可以在移动设备上播放电影。
    • It's an independent cinema screening mainly art films.这是一个主要放映艺术电影的独立电影院。
    • Her music is used throughout the film.她的音乐被用在整部电影中。
    • She thought the film far too violent to show to children.她觉得这部影片太暴力了,不适合儿童观看。
    • The film contains explicit scenes of violence.这部电影有明显的暴力镜头。
    • The film depicts immense courage amid the horrors of war.电影描述了身在战争恐怖中人们表现出的巨大勇气。
    • The film manages to capture the mood of the times.影片捕捉到了当时的时代氛围。
    • The film opens with a bird's-eye shot of London.电影以伦敦的鸟瞰场景开始。
    • The film stars Nicole Kidman as a nightclub singer.这部电影由妮可・基德曼主演,她饰演一名夜总会歌手。
    • The film was finally released after weeks of protest by religious groups.在宗教组织抗议数周后,电影终于发行了。
    • The film was heavily edited for screening on television.为了在电视上播放,那部电影被大量剪辑过。
    • There is a great car chase in the film.影片中有一场精彩的飚车戏。
    • There's an interesting film on at the local cinema.当地电影院正在上演一部有趣的电影。
    • There's a season of classic films on TV.电视上有一季经典电影。
    • one of the earliest colour films最早的彩色电影之一
    • They've just started shooting a film of the novel.他们刚刚开始拍摄由这部小说改编的电影。
    • a film adaptation of a well-known fairy tale根据一个著名童话改编的电影
    • a film version of Jane Austen's famous novel简·奥斯汀著名小说的电影版
    • This film tells the remarkable story of a disabled actor.这部电影讲述了一位残疾演员不平凡的故事。
    • We went to an awful film last night.昨晚我们去看了一部很糟糕的电影。
    • a film about Nelson Mandela一部有关纳尔逊・曼德拉的电影
    • a film based on the novel by Charles Potter根据查尔斯・波特的小说改编的电影
    • a film dealing with old age探讨老年问题的电影
    • a film entitled ‘Bitter Moon’名叫《苦月亮》的电影
    • a film from Spanish director Luis Eduardo Aute西班牙导演路易斯・爱德华多・奥特的电影
    • a film recording the first powered flight记录第一次动力飞行的电影
    • a film with an all-star cast全明星阵容的电影
    • He was killed when a film stunt went wrong.他死于一场电影特技事故。
    • We stayed for the film credits to see who the music was by.我们等到了电影演职人员名单,想看看是谁作的曲。
    • The scramble for the film rights to her next novel has already begun.对她下一部小说的电影版权的争夺已经开始了。
    • They built a massive film set of an airport.他们搭建了一个巨大的机场布景。
    • the ‘Star Wars’ film series《星球大战》系列电影
    • the film classic ‘Fantasia’经典电影《幻想曲》
    Topics Film and theatrea1, TV, radio and newsa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • feature-length
    verb + film
    • see
    • view
    • watch
    film + verb
    • be on
    • show
    • come out
    film + noun
    • director
    • editor
    • maker
    • in a/​the film
    • on film
    • film about
    • the beginning of the film
    • the end of the film
    • be in films
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] (especially British English)
    (North American English usually the movies [plural])
    (British English also the cinema)
    the art or business of making films电影制作艺术;电影业
    • jobs in film and television影视工作
    • She'd like to write for theatre and film.她想为戏剧和电影写作。
    • the film industry电影业
    • a film buff (= somebody who is very interested in and knows a lot about film)影迷
    compare cinema
    Culture HollywoodHollywoodHollywood, more than any other place in the world, represents the excitement and glamour of the film industry. The world's major film companies have studios in Hollywood and many famous film stars live in its fashionable and expensive Beverly Hills district. But Hollywood is also Tinseltown, where money can buy an expensive lifestyle but the pressure to succeed can destroy lives, as in the case of Marilyn Monroe and River Phoenix. Both the British and Americans have mixed feelings about Hollywood: they are attracted by the excitement of the film world and by the lives of the stars, but also see Hollywood as a symbol of trashy, commercial culture.Hollywood is now surrounded by Los Angeles. In 1908, when film companies began moving west from New York, it was a small, unknown community. The companies were attracted to California by its fine weather, which allowed them to film outside for most of the year, but they also wanted to avoid having to pay money to a group of studios led by Thomas Edison which were trying to establish a monopoly (= control of the industry so that only they could make films). By the 1920s, companies such as Universal Pictures and United Artists had set up studios around Hollywood. During this period Mary Pickford, , and John Barrymore became famous in silent films. Mack Sennett, a Canadian, began making comedy films, including those featuring the Keystone Kops, in which Charlie Chaplin and 'Fatty' Arbuckle became stars. D W Griffith directed expensive ' epic' films like The Birth of a Nation, and William S Hart made westerns popular. Hollywood also created its first sex symbol, Theda Bara (1890-1955).The 1920s saw big changes. The first film in Technicolor was produced in 1922. Warner Brothers was formed in 1923 and four years later produced Hollywood's first talkie (= film with spoken words), The Jazz Singer. Huge numbers of Americans were now attracted to the movies. Stars like Pickford and Chaplin reached the height of their fame, and new stars were discovered, such as Rudolph Valentino, Laurel and Hardy and Buster Keaton.The 1930s and 1940s were Hollywood's ' golden age' and films became popular around the world. Hollywood even made successes out of America's worst times: Prohibition led to the gangster films of Edward G Robinson and James Cagney, and the Great Depression to films like The Grapes of Wrath. World War Two featured in successful films like Casablanca. The great Hollywood studios, MGM, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures and Columbia Pictures, controlled the careers of actors. Famous directors of the time included Orson Welles and John Ford and screen stars included Clark Gable, John Wayne, Katharine Hepburn, Errol Flynn, Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren BacallBette Davis, Gregory Peck, and Robert Mitchum.New words were invented to keep up with Hollywood's development: cliffhanger, tear-jerker, spine-chiller and western describe types of film. Villains became baddies or bad guys. As equipment became more complicated more people were needed to manage it. New jobs, still seen on lists of film credits today, included gaffer and best boy, his or her chief assistant.In the 1950s large numbers of people abandoned the movies in order to watch television. The film industry needed something new to attract them back. This led to the development of Cinerama and 3-D, which gave the audience the feeling of being part of the action. These proved too expensive but the wide screen of CinemaScope soon became standard throughout the world. 3-D has become popular again in the 21st century. The stars of the 1950s, including Marilyn Monroe, Rock Hudson, James Dean and Steve McQueen, also kept the film industry alive.In the 1960s many companies began making films in other countries where costs were lower, and people said Hollywood would never again be the centre of the film industry. But the skills, equipment and money were still there, and Hollywood became important again in the 1980s. The old studios were bought by new media companies: 20th Century Fox was bought by Rupert Murdoch, and Columbia Pictures by the Sony Corporation. New energy came from independent directors and producers like Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford and Martin Scorsese. Rising stars included Meryl Streep, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Costner and Tom Hanks.Now, more than ever, Hollywood leads the world's film industry, having produced the most expensive and successful films ever made, such as Jurassic Park (1993), Titanic (1997), Avatar (2009) and Black Panther (2018). Companies like MGM own their own movie theaters in the US and elsewhere. Studios make extra profits from selling films to television companies and from selling downloads directly to consumers through streaming services such as Netflix. The Oscars, presented by Hollywood's Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, are the most valued prizes in the industry.
    Extra Examples
    • You can study theatre, film and dance as well as painting at the school.你可以在学校学习戏剧、电影、舞蹈和绘画。
    • Many of them work in film or photography.他们中的许多人从事电影或摄影工作。
    • She knows everything there is to know about film.她知道关于电影的一切。
    • He wrote several books about film in the 1970s.他在20世纪70年代写了几本关于电影的书。
    • the history of film电影史
    • one of the greatest talents working in Indian film印度电影界最伟大的天才之一
    • He worked for a major film studio.他为一家大型电影制片厂工作。
    • Tyrannical Hollywood film moguls ruled their stars' lives.好莱坞电影巨头操纵着旗下明星的生活。
    • The star has plenty of what film people call ‘bankability’.这位明星有很多人们称之为“银行可接受性”的电影。
    • Working Title is a British film production company.Working Title是一家英国电影制作公司。
    • We're a small film company.我们是一家小电影公司。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • feature-length
    verb + film
    • see
    • view
    • watch
    film + verb
    • be on
    • show
    • come out
    film + noun
    • director
    • editor
    • maker
    • in a/​the film
    • on film
    • film about
    • the beginning of the film
    • the end of the film
    • be in films
    See full entry
  3. [uncountable] moving pictures of real events, shown for example on television新闻片
    • television news film of the riots这场暴乱的电视新闻片
    • on film The accident was caught on film.事故被拍成了电影。
    • It was amazing to be able to capture those moments on film.能够在电影中捕捉到这些时刻真是令人惊讶。
    • They showed a film clip of the interview.他们放映了采访的一个电影片段。
    compare footage
    Extra Examples
    • film taken by security cameras监控摄像机拍到的片段
    • When I watched the film back, I noticed someone in the background. 当我回头看电影时,我注意到背景里有人。
    • They study film of their opponents before the game.他们在比赛前研究对手的影片。
    • CCTV film captured the assault.中央电视台拍摄了这次袭击。
    • Police examined video film from a security camera on the bus. 警察检查了公共汽车上安全摄像头拍摄的视频。
    • He hoped the existence of the security film would lead to a successful prosecution.他希望安全电影的存在将导致一次成功的起诉。
    • You can download film clips from the news archive.你可以从新闻档案下载电影剪辑。
    • There is some old film footage of the meeting.有一些会议的旧电影胶片。
    • Music plays over the film footage.音乐在电影胶片上播放。
    • The news always contains several film reports.新闻里总是有几则影片报道。
    • They captured the incident on film.他们拍下了那一事件。
    • It's one of the most dramatic moments I've ever seen on film.这是我在电影中见过的最戏剧性的时刻之一。
    • Their encounter has been preserved on film.他们的相遇被保存在电影中。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    • short
    • feature-length
    verb + film
    • see
    • view
    • watch
    film + verb
    • be on
    • show
    • come out
    film + noun
    • director
    • editor
    • maker
    • in a/​the film
    • on film
    • film about
    • the beginning of the film
    • the end of the film
    • be in films
    See full entry
  4. in cameras摄影机;摄像机

  5. [uncountable, countable] thin plastic that is sensitive to light, used especially in the past for taking photographs and making films; a roll of this plastic, used in cameras胶片;胶卷;底片
    • a roll of film一卷胶卷
    • a 35mm film35 毫米胶片
    • There was no film in the camera.相机里没有胶卷。
    Extra Examples
    • Fast film is best for action shots.快速感光胶片最适合拍动作摄影。
    • He spliced the two lengths of film together.他把两段胶卷拼接起来。
    • In the darkroom they found that only half the film had been exposed.在暗室里他们发现只有一半胶卷经过了曝光。
    • I used to get my films developed at a local shop.我过去常常在当地一家商店冲洗胶卷。
    • a roll of 35 millimetre film一卷35 毫米胶卷
    • She put a new film in her camera.她在相机里装上新胶卷。
    • Do you use a film camera or a digital camera?你用胶片相机还是数码相机?
    • He returned with several rolls of colour and black-and-white film. 他带着几卷彩色和黑白胶卷回来了。
    • He used 16mm colour film.他用了16毫米的彩色胶卷。
    • The film got accidentally exposed and ruined.这部电影意外曝光,毁了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • black-and-white
    • colour/​color
    • fast
    … of film
    • reel
    • roll
    verb + film
    • load
    • put in
    • remove
    See full entry
  6. thin layer薄层

  7. [countable, usually singular] a thin layer of something, usually on the surface of something else薄薄的一层;薄膜 synonym coat, coating, layer
    • Grease coated everything in a thin film.油脂覆盖在薄膜上。
    • film of something Everything was covered in a film of dust.所有的东西都蒙上了一层灰尘。
    Extra Examples
    • There was a film of soot everywhere.到处都是一层烟灰。
    • The leaves were still covered with a film of dew.树叶上仍然覆盖着一层露水。
    • The film of water left by the tide shimmered in the sun.潮水留下的水膜在阳光下闪闪发光。
    • There was a fine film of sweat on her forehead.她前额汗津津的。
    • The books were covered in a thin film of dust.书籍上都覆盖着薄薄的一层灰。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • fine
    • thin
    • surface
    verb + film
    • be covered in
    • be covered with
    • film of
    See full entry
  8. see also cling film
    Word OriginOld English filmen ‘membrane’, of West Germanic origin.


[intransitive, transitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they film
he / she / it films
past simple filmed
past participle filmed
-ing form filming
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  1. to make a film of a story or a real event; to record somebody/something on film拍摄电影
    • They are filming in Moscow right now.目前他们正在莫斯科拍电影。
    • film something/somebody The show was filmed on location in New York.这次演出是在纽约取景录制的。
    • It took them six weeks to film the documentary.他们花了六周时间拍摄这部纪录片。
    • That day, we filmed the scene in the church.那天,我们在教堂拍下了这一幕。
    • film somebody/something doing something A young boy was filmed by the security camera stealing a pair of jeans. 一个小男孩被安全摄像头拍到偷了一条牛仔裤。
    Extra Examples
    • The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.那个有争议的实验涉及对一群儿童的秘密拍摄。
    • The serial was filmed on location in Italy.这部连续剧是在意大利实景拍摄的。
    • fast-paced, well acted and beautifully filmed in the Blue Ridge Mountains节奏明快,表演出色,配以在蓝岭拍摄的美丽画面
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • secretly
    • on location
    • beautifully filmed
    See full entry
    Word OriginOld English filmen ‘membrane’, of West Germanic origin.
IELTS BNC: 739 COCA: 593


1 (especially BrE) moving pictures電影 see also movie ADJECTIVE | VERB + FILM | FILM + VERB | FILM + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElong電影長片short電影短片feature-length達到正片標準長度的電影entertaining, exciting, good, great, interesting娛樂影片;刺激的電影;不錯的電影;很好的電影;有趣的電影blockbuster, successful轟動一時的/成功的電影awful, bad, boring糟糕的/很差的/乏味的電影epic史詩片violent暴力影片She thought the film far too violent to show to children.她覺得這部影片太暴力了,不適合兒童觀看。R-rated, X-rated * R 級/ X 級電影animated動畫片silent無聲電影black-and-white黑白電影big-budget, low-budget高成本/低成本電影Bollywood, Hollywood寶萊塢/好萊塢拍攝的電影independent, indie獨立製作的電影television, video電視片;錄像片action, adventure, children's, comedy, documentary, gangster, sci-fi動作片;冒險片;兒童片;喜劇片;紀錄片;黑幫片;科幻片feature故事片porn, pornographic色情片horror, slasher, snuff恐怖片;兇殺片;兇殺紀實片classic經典影片cult風靡一時的電影mainstream主流電影foreign, foreign-language外國片;外語片upcoming (especially NAmE) 即將上映的電影VERB + FILMsee, view, watch看電影enjoy, like, love喜歡看電影;喜歡電影;愛電影go to (see), take sb to (see)去看電影;帶某人去看電影direct, make, produce, shoot導演電影;製作影片;拍攝電影She makes children's films.她製作兒童片。The film was shot on location in Kenya.這部電影是在肯尼亞實景拍攝的。be in, do演電影;拍電影Cruise does around four films a year.克魯斯一年拍大約 4 部電影。take拍下片段film taken by security cameras監控攝像機拍到的片段cut, edit剪輯電影The film was heavily edited for screening on television.為了在電視上播放,那部電影被大量剪輯過。distribute, release, screen, show發行電影;上映電影The film was finally released after weeks of protest by religious groups.在宗教組織抗議數週後,電影終於發行了。promote宣傳電影ban, censor禁映/審查影片FILM + VERBbe on, show電影上映There's an interesting film on at the multiplex.那家多廳電影院正在上演一部有趣的電影。come out, open, premiere電影開始上演;電影首映The film came out last week.這部電影上週開始上映。be based on sth電影根據⋯a film based on the novel by Charles Potter根據查爾斯・波特的小說改編的電影be called sth, be entitled sth電影名為⋯a film entitled 'Bitter Moon'名叫《苦月亮》的電影capture sth影片捕捉到⋯The film manages to capture the mood of the times.影片捕捉到了當時的時代氛圍。contain sth, include sth影片含有⋯/包含⋯The film contains explicit scenes of violence.這部電影有明顯的暴力鏡頭。depict sth, portray sth, present sth, represent sth, show sth電影描述/描繪/呈現/體現/表現⋯The film depicts immense courage amid the horrors of war.電影描述了身在戰爭恐怖中人們表現出的巨大勇氣。tell sth電影講述⋯This film tells the remarkable story of a disabled actor.這部電影講述了一位殘疾演員不平凡的故事。feature sb, star sb電影由某人主演The film stars Nicole Kidman as a nightclub singer.這部電影由妮可・基德曼主演,她飾演一名夜總會歌手。record sth電影記錄⋯a film recording the first powered flight記錄第一次動力飛行的電影deal with sth電影討論⋯a film dealing with old age探討老年問題的電影open電影開始The film opens with a bird's-eye shot of London.電影以倫敦的鳥瞰場景開始。end電影結束be a hit, be a success電影風靡一時/獲得成功be nominated for sth電影獲⋯提名FILM + NOUNdirector, editor, maker, people, producer, writer電影導演;電影剪輯師;電影工作者;電影人;電影製片人;電影編劇The script has plenty of what film people call 'bankability'.這個劇本有很多電影人稱之為“可賺錢”的元素。crew, team, unit電影攝製組;電影拍攝隊;影片部world電影界actor, actress, legend, star電影男演員;電影女演員;電影界傳奇人物;電影明星part, role影片角色career, debut, work電影事業/處女作/工作credits拍攝的影片;電影演職人員名單We stayed for the film credits.我們一直看完電影演職人員字幕。His film credits (= the films he has made) as director include 'Mood Music' and 'Lies'.他作為導演拍攝的電影有《心情音樂》和《謊言》。critic, reviewer影評家review電影評論buff, fan, lover影迷;電影愛好者premiere電影首映censor, censorship電影審查/審查制度screenplay, script電影劇本music, score, soundtrack電影音樂;電影配樂narrative電影旁白scene電影場景stunt電影特技He was killed when a film stunt went wrong.他死於一場電影特技事故。poster電影海報studio電影製片廠set電影佈景They built a massive film set of an airport.他們搭建了一個巨大的機場佈景。adaptation, version電影改編版本;電影版本the film version of the best-selling novel這部暢銷小說的電影版classic經典電影the film classic 'Fantasia'經典電影《幻想曲》documentary, drama紀錄片;戲劇片genre電影類型clip, footage, sequence電影片段;一組電影鏡頭;電影連續鏡頭report電影報道The news always contains several film reports.新聞裏總是有幾則影片報道。series系列電影the 'Star Wars' film series《星球大戰》系列電影archives, library電影檔案館/資料館business, company, industry電影行業;電影公司;電影業mogul電影大亨Tyrannical Hollywood film moguls ruled their stars' lives.好萊塢電影巨頭操縱着旗下明星的生活。distributor電影發行商making, production電影製作festival電影節show電影展awards電影獎camera, equipment, projector, recorder電影攝像機;電影拍攝器材;電影放映機;膠片記錄器rights電影版權The scramble for the film rights to her next novel has already begun.對她下一部小說的電影版權的爭奪已經開始了。school, student電影學院;電影學院學生PREPOSITIONin a/the film在電影中There is a great car chase in the film.影片中有一場精彩的飆車戲。on film於影片上They captured the incident on film.他們拍下了那一事件。film about關於⋯的電影a film about Nelson Mandela一部有關納爾遜・曼德拉的電影film from來自⋯的電影a film from Spanish director Luis Eduardo Aute西班牙導演路易斯・愛德華多・奧特的電影film of⋯的電影They've just started shooting a film of the novel.他們剛剛開始拍攝由這部小說改編的電影。film with由⋯參演的電影a film with an all-star cast全明星陣容的電影PHRASESthe beginning of the film, the end of the film電影開頭/結尾be in films (= work in the film industry) 從事電影業the climax of a film電影的高潮the plot of a film電影情節a film with subtitles帶字幕的電影the screening of a film, the showing of a film電影的放映


2used for taking photographs膠捲ADJECTIVE | ... OF FILM | VERB + FILM ADJECTIVEblack-and-white, colour/color黑白/彩色膠片fast快速感光膠捲Fast film is best for action shots.快速感光膠片最適合拍動作攝影。35 mm, etc. * 35 毫米等膠片... OF FILMreel, roll一捲膠片a roll of 35 mm film一捲 35 毫米膠片VERB + FILMload, put in裝上膠捲;上膠捲remove, take out取出膠捲rewind倒膠捲develop, process沖洗膠捲I get my film developed locally.我在當地沖洗了膠捲。expose曝光膠捲In the darkroom they found that only half the film had been exposed.在暗室裏他們發現只有一半膠捲經過了曝光。splice拼接膠捲He spliced the two lengths of film together.他把兩段膠捲拼接起來。


3thin layer of a substance/material薄層ADJECTIVE | VERB + FILM | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEfine, thin薄薄的一層surface表面膜plastic塑料薄膜VERB + FILMbe covered in, be covered with薄薄地覆蓋着一層The books were covered in a thin film of dust.書籍上都覆蓋着薄薄的一層灰。PREPOSITIONfilm of薄薄的一層⋯There was a fine film of sweat on her forehead.她前額汗津津的。


ADVERB | PHRASES ADVERBsecretly秘密拍攝The controversial experiment involved secretly filming a group of children.那個有爭議的實驗涉及對一群兒童的秘密拍攝。on location拍攝外景The serial was filmed on location in Italy.這部連續劇是在意大利實景拍攝的。PHRASESbeautifully filmed畫面拍攝得很美的fast-paced, well acted and beautifully filmed in the Blue Ridge Mountains節奏明快,表演出色,配以在藍嶺拍攝的美麗畫面
IELTS BNC: 739 COCA: 593
film verb
film noun
film1 (see a film) film2 (the film industry)


see a film 看电影study film and photography 学习电影制作和摄影film ♦︎ movie ♦︎ video ♦︎ DVDThese are all words for a series of moving pictures that is shown in a cinema or on television. 这些词均表示电影、影片。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a film / movie / videoon video / DVDa low-budget film / movie / videoa horror / silent film / moviea home movie / videoto make a film / movie / videoto see / watch a film / movie / video / DVDto produce / direct a film / movie / videoa film / movie director / producer / star / audience film [countable] (especially BrE) a series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story 电影;影片Let's go to the cinema-there's a good film on this week.咱们去看电影吧,本周在上映一部好片子。The film was shot on location in France.这部影片的外景是在法国拍的。an international film festival国际电影节 see also film record verb 2 movie [countable] (especially NAmE) a film 电影;影片Have you seen the latest Tarantino movie?你看过塔伦蒂诺最新的电影了吗?a home movie (= a film that you make yourself, especially one of family or holiday activities) 自制生活影片NOTE 辨析 Film or movie? Film is used especially in British English; movie is used especially in American English. Movie can also emphasize that a film is being talked about as a piece of entertainment, rather than as an artistic product. In American English film is used especially to emphasize that a film is not just entertainment, but has artistic value. * film尤用于英式英语中,movie尤用于美式英语中。movie还强调电影是娱乐产品,而非艺术作品。在美式英语中,film尤用以强调电影不只是娱乐,还有艺术价值an art film艺术片a film festival电影节an art movie a movie festival video [uncountable, countable] a type of magnetic tape for recording television pictures and sound; a film or programme that is recorded on videotape 录像带;录像,录影(制品)The movie will be released on video in June.这部电影的录像带将于6月份发行。You can view and share video clips on this website.可以在这个网站观看和分享视频片段。The school made a short promotional video.学校录制了一个宣传短片。 see also video record verb 2 DVD ˌdiː viː ˈdiː [countable] a disk on which large amounts of information, especially films or photographs, can be stored, for use on a DVD-player or computer; a film that is stored on a DVD 数字(多功能)光碟;数字影碟Is it available on DVD yet?这个现在有DVD版了吗?Let's just stay in and watch a DVD.咱们就待在家里看影碟吧。film2


see a film 看电影study film and photography 学习电影制作和摄影film ♦︎ cinema ♦︎ moviesThese are all words for the art or business of making films. 这些词均表示电影艺术、电影业。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配British / French / classic / avant-garde film / cinemato work in film / cinema / moviesthe film / cinema / movie industry film [uncountable] the art or business of making films 电影艺术;电影业She wants to study film and photography.她想学习电影制作和摄影。the minister responsible for film and the theatre主管电影和戏剧的部长 cinema [uncountable, singular] (especially BrE) the art or business of making films 电影艺术;电影业one of the great successes of British cinema英国电影艺术的巨大成就之一 movies [plural] (especially NAmE) the art or business of making films 电影艺术;电影业I've always wanted to work in movies.我一直想从事电影业。NOTE 辨析 Which word?There is very little difference in meaning between these words. Movies is used more frequently in American English. In British English, cinema often emphasizes the business side of making films; film emphasizes the artistic side. 这三个词含义差别很小。movies多用于美式英语。在英式英语中,cinema常强调电影制作商业的一面,film则强调艺术的一面。

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