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BNC: 458 COCA: 358


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they walk
he / she / it walks
past simple walked
past participle walked
-ing form walking
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground, but without running走;行走;步行
    • The baby is just learning to walk.这孩子刚学走路。
    • He may not be able to walk again.他可能再也走不动了。
    • ‘How did you get here?’ ‘I walked.’“你怎么到这儿来的?” “我走路来的。”
    • walk + adv./prep. He walked slowly away from her.他慢慢地从她身旁走开。
    • The door opened and Jo walked in.门开了,乔走了进来。
    • She missed the bus and had to walk home.她没赶上公共汽车,只好步行回家。
    • He turned and walked away.他转身走开了。
    • He started to walk away from me, but quickly returned.他开始离开我,但很快就回来了。
    • People walking past were staring at him.走过的人都盯着他。
    • You don't mind walking back, do you?你不介意往回走,是吗?
    • It looks like a nice place to walk around.这看起来是个四处走走的好地方。
    • He walks over to the window and looks out.他走到窗前,向外望去。
    • I just happened to be walking by.我只是碰巧路过。
    • We walked along in silence for a while.我们默默地走了一会儿。
    • I ignored him and walked on.我不理他,继续往前走。
    • I always walk to school.我总是步行去学校。
    • Taking a deep breath, she walked into the room.她深吸一口气,走进房间。
    • He immediately got up and walked out of the room.他立即起身走出房间。
    • I walked in the door and looked around.我走进门,环顾四周。
    • He walked out the door, got in his car, and drove off.他走出门,上了车,然后开车走了。
    • He greeted her as she walked through the door.她进门时,他向她打招呼。
    • I was walking down the street when I suddenly felt ill.我正走在街上,突然感到不舒服。
    • The school is within easy walking distance of the train station.学校离火车站不远,不费劲就走到了。
    • walk something They walked the dark streets of Los Angeles.他们走在洛杉矶黑暗的街道上。
    • Children here walk several miles to school.这里的孩子去上学要步行好几英里。
    • She walked the short distance to her flat.她走了一小段路到她的公寓。
    Vocabulary Building Ways of walkingWays of walking走路的方式
    • creep蹑手蹑脚地走;缓慢(或悄悄)地走:
      • He could hear someone creeping around downstairs.他听得见有人在楼下蹑手蹑脚走来走去的声音。
    • limp一瘸一拐地走;跛行:
      • One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle.一个球员拖着扭伤的脚踝一瘸一拐地走下场。
    • pace徘徊:
      • I found him in the corridor nervously pacing up and down.我看到他在走廊里焦虑不安地走来走去。
    • pad放轻脚步走:
      • She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers.她一个早上都穿着拖鞋在房子里轻轻地走来走去。
    • plod沉重缓慢地走;步履艰难地走:
      • They wearily plodded home through the rain.他们冒着雨疲惫而吃力地走回家。
    • shuffle拖着脚走:
      • The queue gradually shuffled forward.排队等候的人慢慢向前挪动。
    • stagger摇摇晃晃地行走;蹒跚:
      • They staggered out of the pub, completely drunk.他们烂醉如泥,踉踉跄跄地走出了酒馆。
    • stomp噔噔地走或跳舞:
      • She stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.她噔噔地走出了屋子,随手砰的一声把门关上。
    • stroll漫步;闲逛;溜达:
      • Families were strolling around the park.游人一家一家地在公园四处漫步。
    • tiptoe踮着脚走路:
      • They tiptoed upstairs so they wouldn’t wake the baby.他们踮着脚上楼,以免吵醒婴儿。
    • trudge缓慢而吃力地走;步履艰难地走:
      • We trudged up the hill.我们步履艰难地一步一步往山上爬。
    Extra Examples
    • Due to his illness, he can no longer walk unaided.由于生病,他不能再独立行走了。
    • He walked home from school.他从学校走回了家。
    • I got up and walked calmly out into the early evening.傍晚时分我起身平静地走了出去。
    • Jake was walking some way ahead.杰克正在前面不远处走着。
    • She had no sandals and walked barefoot.她没穿凉鞋,光着脚走。
    • She walked cautiously up the drive towards the door.她小心翼翼地沿着车道向门口走去。
    • The couple walked hand in hand along the beach.这对夫妇手拉手沿海滩漫步。
    • When she walked onstage, the audience started screaming.当她走上台时观众开始尖叫起来。
    • humans' ability to walk upright人类直立行走的能力
    • A couple were walking hand in hand along the path.一对夫妇手拉手沿着小路走着。
    • He walked straight past me when I called.我打电话时,他径直从我身边走过。
    • How long does it take them to walk to school?他们步行去学校需要多长时间?
    • I had to walk all the way home.我只好一路走回家。
    • The hotel is within easy walking distance of the beach.酒店离海滩很近,步行即可到达。
    • They walked barefoot through the cool grass.他们赤脚走过凉爽的草地。
    • Try walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator.试着走上楼梯,而不是乘电梯。
    • Women have to walk several miles each day to get water.妇女们每天得步行几英里去取水。
    Topics Health and Fitnessa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • briskly
    • fast
    • quickly
    • along
    • down
    • into
    • go walking
    See full entry
  2. (also go walking)
    (both especially British English) [intransitive, transitive] to spend time walking for pleasure徒步旅行;散步
    • I like an active holiday, so I walk.我喜欢活跃的假期,所以我走路。
    • She's started to go walking.她开始走路了。
    • walk+ adv./prep. We're going walking in the mountains this summer.今年夏天我们打算到山里去徒步旅行。
    • I walked across Scotland with a friend.我和一个朋友徒步穿越了苏格兰。
    • walk something They love walking the moors.他们喜欢到沼泽地散步。
    Extra Examples
    • For our holiday we went walking in the Lake District.假期我们去湖区徒步旅行。
    • Have you ever walked the Pennine Way?你徒步走过彭尼内步道吗?
    • We went walking by the waterfront.我们沿着湖滨散步。
  3. [transitive] walk somebody + adv./prep. to go somewhere with somebody on foot, especially in order to make sure they get there safely陪伴…走;护送…走
    • He always walked her home.他经常护送她走回家。
    • I walked him to the corner of the street.我陪他走到街角。
  4. [transitive] walk something (+ adv./prep.) to take an animal for a walk; to make an animal walk somewhere牵着(动物)走;遛;赶着…走
    • They walk their dogs every day.他们每天遛狗。
    • She walked the horse around the ring.她牵着马绕着圈走。
    Synonyms taketake
    • lead
    • escort
    • drive
    • show
    • walk
    • guide
    • usher
    • direct
    These words all mean to go with somebody from one place to another.
    • take to go with somebody from one place to another, for example in order to show them something or to show them the way to a place:
      • It’s too far to walk—I’ll take you by car.步行路太远,我开车送你去。
    • lead to go with or go in front of somebody in order to show them the way or to make them go in the right direction:
      • Firefighters led the survivors to safety.消防队员把幸存者带到了安全的地方。
    • escort to go with somebody in order to protect or guard them or to show them the way:
      • The president arrived, escorted by twelve bodyguards.总统在十二名保镖的护送下到达。
    • drive to take somebody somewhere in a car, taxi, etc:
      • My mother drove us to the airport.我母亲开车把我们送到了机场。
    • show to take somebody to a particular place, in the right direction, or along the correct route:
      • The attendant showed us to our seats.服务员把我们带到我们的座位。
    • walk to go somewhere with somebody on foot, especially in order to make sure that they get there safely; to take an animal, especially a dog, for a walk or make an animal walk somewhere:
      • He always walked her home.他经常护送她走回家。
      • Have you walked the dog yet today?你今天遛狗了吗?
    • guide to show somebody the way to a place, often by going with them; to show somebody a place that you know well:
      • She guided us through the busy streets.她带领我们穿过了繁忙的街道。
      • We were guided around the museums.我们被领着参观了博物馆。
    • usher (rather formal) to politely take or show somebody where they should go, especially within a building:指礼貌地引往、引导、引领,尤指在建筑物内:
      • She ushered her guests to their seats.她把客人引领到座位上。
    • direct (rather formal) to tell or show somebody how to get somewhere or where to go:指给某人指路、为某人领路:
      • A young woman directed them to the station.一名年轻女子给他们指了去车站的路。
    • to take/​lead/​escort/​drive/​show/​walk/​guide/​usher/​direct somebody to/​out of/​into something
    • to take/​lead/​escort/​drive/​show/​walk/​guide somebody around/​round
    • to take/​lead/​escort/​drive/​walk somebody home
    • to take/​lead/​escort/​guide somebody to safety
    • to lead/​show the way
    Extra Examples
    • He walked the pony up and down the yard.他牵着马在院子里来回走着。
    • She walks the dog every day at about two o'clock.她每天两点左右遛狗。
    Topics Animalsa2
  5. [intransitive] (informal) to disappear; to be taken away不翼而飞;被盗走
    • Lock up any valuables. Things tend to walk here (= be stolen).把贵重物品锁起来。这里的东西常会不翼而飞。
  6. [intransitive] (literary) (of a ghost鬼魂) to appear出现;出没;显灵
  7. [intransitive] (in cricket板球) when a batsman walks, he/she leaves the field without waiting for the umpire to say that he/she is out走路:当击球手走路时,他/她离开田野而无需等待裁判员说他/她不在
    • He knew he was out, so he walked.他知道他出去了,所以他走了。
  8. [intransitive, transitive] (in baseball 棒球) to reach first base without having to do anything because the pitcher failed to throw the ball correctly four times and you didn't try to hit it; to enable a batter to walk轻易获得;轻易取胜
    • He walked 60 times in 57 games.他在57场比赛中走了60次。
    • walk somebody Despite walking one batter, Jackson showed solid control of the pitch.尽管走了一个击球手,杰克逊显示出对球场的稳固控制。
    Topics Sports: ball and racket sportsc2
  9. Word OriginOld English wealcan ‘roll, toss’, also ‘wander’, of Germanic origin. The sense ‘move about’, and specifically ‘go about on foot’, arose in Middle English.
be skating/walking on thin ice
  1. to be taking a risk履薄冰;冒风险
float/walk on air
  1. to feel very happy欢天喜地;得意扬扬
    • Most couples feel they are walking on air on their wedding day.大多数夫妇觉得他们在结婚那天是在空中漫步。
    Topics Feelingsc2
go/walk down the aisle
  1. (informal) to get married结婚Topics Life stagesc2
run before you can walk
  1. to do things that are difficult, without learning the basic skills first不会走就跑;没掌握基本功就做难事
tread/walk a tightrope
  1. to be in a difficult situation in which you do not have much freedom of action and need to be extremely careful about what you do身处困境;如履薄冰
    • The government is walking a difficult tightrope in wanting to reduce interest rates without pushing up inflation.政府想在不推高通胀的情况下降低利率,这是在走一条艰难的钢丝。
walk the beat
  1. (of police officers警察) to walk around the area that they are responsible for在辖区值勤巡逻
    • We have two officers walking the beat after midnight.午夜以后我们派有两名警察巡逻。
walk/tread a fine/thin line (between A and B)
  1. to be in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰;走钢丝
    • He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.他想滑稽而不粗鲁,难以把握分寸。
    • She often seems to tread a thin line between success and failure.她似乎经常在成功和失败之间徘徊。
    Extra Examples
    • His comedy treads the line between shocking and sickening.他的喜剧在令人震惊和恶心之间徘徊。
    • We have to walk a fine line to make sure we don't promote one brand more than another.我们必须谨慎行事,以确保我们不会推广一个品牌超过另一个品牌。
    • His buildings walk the thin line between visionary and completely mad.他的建筑在幻想和完全疯狂之间徘徊。
walk free
  1. to be allowed to leave court, etc., without receiving any punishment获无罪释放
    • She was acquitted and walked free from court.她被判无罪,并被无罪释放。
    Topics Crime and punishmentc2
walk it (informal)
  1. to go somewhere on foot instead of in a vehicle徒步前往
    • It’s not very far. We can easily walk it.不是很远。我们可以轻而易举地走过它。
  2. (British English) to easily achieve something that you want轻易获得;轻易取胜
    • It's not a difficult exam. You'll walk it!这次考试不难。你会轻松通过的!
    Topics Successc2
walk somebody off their feet
  1. (informal) to make somebody walk so far or so fast that they are very tired使走得筋疲力尽
    • I hope I haven’t walked you off your feet.我希望我没有让你失望。
walk off the job
  1. (North American English) to stop working in order to go on strike(离开岗位)罢工
walk the plank
  1. (in the past) to walk along a board placed over the side of a ship and fall into the sea, as a punishment走跳板(旧时强迫受害人在置于船舷外的跳板上行走而致落水)
walk the streets
  1. to walk around the streets of a town or city(在城镇里)穿街走巷;在大街上闲逛
    • Is it safe to walk the streets alone at night?夜间独自一人在大街上行走安全吗?
walk tall
  1. to feel proud and confident昂首阔步;趾高气扬Topics Feelingsc2, Personal qualitiesc2
walk the walk
  1. (informal, approving) to act in a way that shows people you are really good at what you do, and not just good at talking about it言行一致
    • You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?你说得头头是道,可是你做得到吗?


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  1. [countable] a journey on foot, usually for pleasure or exercise行走;步行;徒步旅行;散步
    • Let's go for a walk.咱们去散散步吧。
    • I like to have a walk in the evenings.我喜欢晚上散步。
    • I decided to take a walk to clear my head我决定出去走走,清醒一下头脑
    • She's taken the dog for a walk.她带着狗去散步了。
    • He set out on the long walk home.他动身走很长的路回家了。
    • a ten-minute walk步行十分钟的路程
    • The office is ten minutes' walk from here.从这里去办公室要步行十分钟。
    • He's out for a walk with a friend.他和一个朋友出去散步了。
    • on a walk He met her on one of his Sunday afternoon walks.他在星期天的一次午后散步中遇到了她。
    • a short/long walk 短途/长途步行
    • It's only a short walk to the beach.步行到海滩没多远。
    • a walk along the shore沿着海岸散步
    • a walk around town在镇上散步
    • a walk through the woods穿过树林的散步
    • I think the walk from the station did me some good.我觉得从车站走出来对我有好处。
    • a walk in the country乡间散步
    see also perp walk
    Extra Examples
    • I had a little walk around to calm my nerves.我在周围走了走让自己平静下来。
    • It's a five-minute walk from the hotel to the restaurant.从酒店到餐厅要步行 5 分钟。
    • It's a good (= fairly long) walk to the beach.到海边要走相当长一段路。
    • It's a good walk to the town centre, so I usually cycle.到市中心要走相当长一段路,所以我通常骑自行车去。
    • She takes her dog for a walk every evening.她每天晚上带着狗去散步。
    • She used to enjoy solitary walks along the cliffs.她过去喜欢独自沿着悬崖漫步。
    • The doctor advised a brisk walk every day.医生建议每天快步走一会儿。
    • They broke their walk at a pub by the river.他们散步时在河边的小酒馆稍停了一下。
    • We live just a few minutes' walk from the station.从车站走到我们住的地方只需几分钟。
    • We took a brief walk around the old quarter.我们在旧城区走了一小会儿。
    • We went for a long walk after breakfast.早餐后我们出去散了很长时间的步。
    • We went on a ten-mile walk along the coast.我们沿着海岸走了 10 英里的路。
    • We'll go for a walk before lunch.我们要在午餐前去散步。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • little
    • short
    verb + walk
    • do
    • go for
    • go on
    walk + verb
    • take somebody/​something
    • on a/​the walk
    • within (a) walk
    • walk from
    • a walk around
    See full entry
  2. [countable] a path or route for walking, usually for pleasure; an organized event when people walk for pleasure散步的小路;步行的路径;(为游玩而组织的)徒步旅行
    • I'm going on a sponsored walk to raise money for cancer research.我要去参加一个慈善步行活动,为癌症研究筹集资金。
    • a guided walk around the farm由向导引路绕农场走一圈
    • We wanted to do a walk for charity.我们想为慈善事业散步。
    • There are some interesting walks in the area.这一带有几条有趣的小径。
    • a circular walk环形步行路径
    Extra Examples
    • He's done several long-distance walks for charity.他参加过几次慈善长途步行。
    • She's doing a 200-mile charity walk to raise money for cancer research.她正为募集癌症研究资金进行 200 英里的慈善步行。
    • She's doing a 200-mile sponsored walk in aid of cancer research.她正要为癌症研究进行200 英里的赞助步行。
    • The book contains circular walks you can do in half a day.这本书提供了一些你用半天时间可以走完的环行路线。
    • The walk takes two hours.走路需要两个小时。
    • The walk takes you past a lot of interesting buildings.走这条路你会经过很多有意思的建筑物。
    • We went on a guided walk of the city in the afternoon.下午我们由向导领着在市内走了走。
    • There are some interesting walks around here.这一带有些不错的步道。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • little
    • short
    verb + walk
    • do
    • go for
    • go on
    walk + verb
    • take somebody/​something
    • on a/​the walk
    • within (a) walk
    • walk from
    • a walk around
    See full entry
  3. [singular] a way or style of walking; the act or speed of walking rather than running步态;步行速度
    • I recognized him by his walk.我根据他走路的样子认出了他。
    • The horse slowed to a walk.那匹马慢下来缓步而行。
    Extra Examples
    • He moved with a slow, hesitant walk.他缓慢而犹豫地走着。
    • You could tell from her walk that she was angry.从她走路的样子可以看出她很生气。
    • He did a funny walk and made the children laugh.他故意作出滑稽的步态,逗得孩子们大笑。
    • The horses set off at a walk.马儿缓步出发了。
    • She did a silly walk to amuse her friends.她走着滑稽的步子逗朋友们开心。
    • He has a mincing walk, fast with short steps.他装腔作势地迈着小碎步疾行。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • funny
    • silly
    • jaunty
    verb + walk
    • do
    • have
    See full entry
  4. [countable] (North American English) a sidewalk or path人行道;小路
  5. [countable] a sports event in which people compete to walk a long distance as fast as possible without running出现;出没;显灵
    • the 20k walk20k竞走
  6. Word OriginOld English wealcan ‘roll, toss’, also ‘wander’, of Germanic origin. The sense ‘move about’, and specifically ‘go about on foot’, arose in Middle English.
a trip/walk down memory lane
  1. time that you spend thinking about and remembering the past or going to a place again in order to remind yourself of past experiences回忆往事;重游故地
    • Visiting my old school was a real trip down memory lane.参观我以前的学校是一次真正的回忆之旅。
a walk/trip down memory lane
  1. time that you spend thinking about and remembering the past or going to a place again in order to remind yourself of past experiences回忆往事;重游故地
    • Visiting my old school was a real walk down memory lane.参观我以前的学校真是一种回忆。
a walk in the park
  1. (informal) a thing that is very easy to do or deal with易事;轻而易举的事
    • The role isn't exactly a walk in the park.这个角色绝非闲庭散步。
    • The next game will be a walk in the park.下一场比赛将是在公园散步。
a walk of life
  1. a person’s job or position in society行业;职业;地位;阶层 synonym background
    • She has friends from all walks of life.她在社会各界中都有朋友。
BNC: 458 COCA: 358


1trip on foot步行ADJECTIVE | VERB + WALK | WALK + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbrief, little, short短途漫步;走一會兒路We took a brief walk around the old quarter.我們在舊城區走了一小會兒。good, long, long-distance, marathon (BrE) 較長距離的步行;長途步行;馬拉松競走It's a good (= fairly long) walk to the beach.到海邊要走相當長一段路。We went for a long walk after breakfast.早餐後我們出去散了很長時間的步。He's done several long-distance walks for charity.他參加過幾次慈善長途步行。three-minute, five minutes', etc. * 3 分鐘、5 分鐘等的步行路程It's a five-minute walk from the hotel to the restaurant.從酒店到餐廳要步行 5 分鐘。We live just a few minutes' walk from the station.從車站走到我們住的地方只需幾分鐘。brisk輕快的走路The doctor advised a brisk walk every day.醫生建議每天快步走一會兒。easy, gentle, leisurely從容的散步;優雅的走路;悠閒的步行strenuous步履維艱lovely, pleasant愜意的散步two-mile, etc. * 2 英里等的步行daily每日散步after-dinner, afternoon, evening, etc.飯後、午後、晚上等散步solitary獨自散步She used to enjoy solitary walks along the cliffs.她過去喜歡獨自沿着懸崖漫步。romantic浪漫的散步guided (especially BrE) 有嚮導的步行We went on a guided walk of the city in the afternoon.下午我們由嚮導領着在市內走了走。charity, sponsored慈善步行;為募捐而組織的步行She's doing a 200-mile charity walk to raise money for cancer research.她正為募集癌症研究資金進行 200 英里的慈善步行。circular (BrE) 環程步行coastal, country, forest, hill, lakeside, riverside, woodland (all especially BrE) 海濱漫步;鄉村漫步;森林散步;山中漫步;湖邊散步;河邊散步;林間漫步nature在大自然中散步space, tightrope太空行走;走鋼絲the anniversary of the first space walk首次太空行走週年紀念VERB + WALKdo, go for, go on, have, take步行;散步;漫步The book contains walks you can do in half a day.這本書提供了一些半天時間可以走完的路線。We'll go for a walk before lunch.我們要在午餐前去散步。We went on a ten-mile walk along the coast.我們沿着海岸走了 10 英里的路。take sb/sth for帶⋯散步She takes her dog for a walk every evening.她每天晚上帶着狗去散步。continue, resume繼續散步;停下後接着走WALK + VERBtake sb/sth步行使人⋯;走路需時⋯The walk takes two hours.走路需要兩個小時。The walk takes you past a lot of interesting buildings.走這條路你會經過很多有意思的建築物。PREPOSITIONon a/the walk在散步時He met her on one of his Sunday afternoon walks.他在星期天的一次午後散步中遇到了她。within (a) walk在步行範圍內All amenities are within an easy walk of the hotel.所有便利設施都在賓館附近步行可到的範圍內。walk from, walk to從⋯走路;步行到⋯PHRASESa walk around (especially BrE) 在周圍走走I had a little walk around to calm my nerves.我在周圍走了走讓自己平靜下來。


2style of walking步態ADJECTIVE | VERB + WALK ADJECTIVEfunny, silly滑稽的/傻乎乎的步態jaunty (especially BrE) 輕鬆活潑的步伐ungainly笨拙的步伐fast快步sedate, slow, stately穩重的/緩慢的/莊重的步伐VERB + WALKdo, have行走;具有步態She did a silly walk to amuse her friends.她走着滑稽的步子逗朋友們開心。He has an ungainly walk, fast with short steps.他邁着小碎步走路,步態笨拙。


ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBbriskly, fast, quickly, swiftly輕快地走;快速地走;飛快地走slowly慢慢地走calmly, quietly沉着地走;悄悄地走I got up and walked calmly out into the early evening.傍晚時分我起身平靜地走了出去。cautiously小心翼翼地走barefoot光着腳走She had no sandals and walked barefoot.她沒穿涼鞋,光着腳走。upright直立行走humans' ability to walk upright人類直立行走的能力arm in arm, hand in hand臂挽臂地走;手拉手地走The couple walked hand in hand along the beach.這對夫婦手拉手沿海灘漫步。with a limp跛行unaided獨立行走Due to his illness, he can no longer walk unaided.由於生病,他不能再獨立行走了。with a cane, with a stick (especially BrE) 拄拐杖行走home走回家He walked home from school.他從學校走回了家。downstairs, upstairs走下樓;走上樓offstage, onstage走下台;走上台When she walked onstage, the audience started screaming.當她走上台時觀眾開始尖叫起來。ahead, around, away, back, backwards/backward, forward, in, off, on, out, together走在前面;四處走;走開;走回去;後退;往前走;走進去;繼續走;走出去;一起走Jake was walking some way ahead.傑克正在前面不遠處走着。PREPOSITIONalong, down, into, out of, to, towards/toward, up, etc.沿⋯走、往下走、走進⋯、從⋯走出來、往⋯走、走向⋯、沿着⋯向上走等She walked up the drive towards / toward the door.她沿着私人車道向門口走去。PHRASESgo walking (especially BrE) 徒步旅行We went walking by the waterfront.我們沿着湖濱散步。
BNC: 458 COCA: 358
walk verb
walk1 (walk into the room) walk2 (go walking in the mountains) take2 (walk sb home)


walk ♦︎ gait ♦︎ step ♦︎ stride ♦︎ treadThese are all words for the way sb walks. 这些词均表示步态。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配with a / an ... walk / gait / stride / treada light / heavy step / treadto have a / an ... walk / gait walk [singular] a way or style of walking; the act or speed of walking rather than running 步态;步行;步行速度I recognized her by her walk.我根据她走路的样子认出了她。He did a funny walk and made the children laugh.他故意作出滑稽的步态,逗得孩子们大笑。The horse slowed to a walk.那匹马慢下来缓步而行。 gait geɪt [singular] (written) the way that sb normally walks, especially when this is slightly unusual (尤指有些异常的)步态He walked with a rolling gait (= moving forward and from side to side).他走起路来摇摇摆摆。 step [singular] the way that sb walks, often when this shows how they are feeling (常指显示心情的)步伐,步态I recognized her quick light step.我认出了她那轻快的脚步。I quickened my step.我加快了脚步。There was a new spring in his step (= he was walking in a cheerful and lively way).他脚步轻盈,充满活力。 see also step step noun stride [singular] a way of walking or running with long steps, especially in a determined way (尤指坚定的)大阔步,步伐He entered the clearing with his familiar, purposeful stride.他迈着那熟悉而坚定的步伐走进这片空地。Rooney scored from 20 metres without breaking (his) stride (= making it irregular).鲁尼不慌不忙从20米外射门得分。 see also stride step noun NOTE 辨析 Step or stride? Step is used more to describe the speed with which sb walks; stride is used more to describe the length of the steps sb takes. You quicken your step, but lengthen your stride. * step较多用于描述走路的速度,stride较多用于描述步伐的大小。quicken your step表示加快脚步,lengthen your stride表示加大步伐。 see also step , stride step tread tred [singular] (written) the way that sb walks, especially the sound that they make 步态;(尤指)脚步声I could hear his heavy tread on the stairs.我听到楼梯上他那沉重的脚步声。She moved with the light tread of a dancer.她走路时步子轻盈得像个舞者。walk1


He walked into the room. 他走进房间。go walking in the mountains 去山里徒步旅行walk ♦︎ step ♦︎ stride ♦︎ stroll ♦︎ pace ♦︎ march ♦︎ tread ♦︎ prowlThese words all mean to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground. 这些词均表示行走、步行。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to walk / step / stride / stroll / march to / towards sb / sthto walk / step / stroll / pace / march / prowl around / round (sth)to walk / stroll / pace / march / prowl up and downto walk / pace / prowl to and fro / back and forthto step / tread in / on sthto walk / step / stride / march brisklyto walk / step / stride quicklyto walk / step / tread carefully / gingerly / lightlyto pace / prowl nervously / restlesslyto walk / pace / prowl the streets / corridors walk [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground, but without running 行走;步行'How did you get here?' 'I walked.'“你怎么到这儿来的?”“我走路来的。”The baby is just learning to walk.这孩子刚学走路。The door opened and Jo walked in.门开了,乔走了进来。I had to walk all the way home.我只好一路走回家。Women have to walk several miles each day to get water.妇女们每天得步行几英里去取水。 step (-pp-) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to lift your foot and move it in a particular direction or into a particular place; to move or walk a short distance 迈步;踏;行走Step forward when your name is called out.叫到你名字时向前迈一步。I accidentally stepped on her toe.我不小心踩到了她的脚。We had to step carefully to avoid the broken glass.我们不得不谨慎移动脚步以免踩上碎玻璃。She stepped aside to let them pass.她站到一旁让他们过去。Could you step inside for a moment?你能进来一会儿吗? see also step step noun stride (past tense strode) [intransitive] (not used in the perfect tenses; usually used with an adverb or preposition 不用于完成时;通常与副词或介词连用) to walk with long steps in a particular direction, especially quickly or in a determined way. (尤指快速或坚定地)大步走,阔步行走He strode off in search of a taxi.他大步走开去找出租车。She strode angrily into his office.她气愤地大步闯进他的办公室。 see also stride step noun stroll strəʊl; NAmE stroʊl [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way, often for pleasure 散步;闲逛People were strolling around in the grounds.人们在花园里漫步。 see also amble , saunter wander pace [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to walk up and down in an area a lot of times, taking regular steps, especially because you are feeling nervous or angry (尤指因紧张或愤怒)来回踱步,走来走去She paced up and down outside the interview room.她在面试室外面踱来踱去。He was pacing the room like a caged animal.他像关在笼子里的动物一样在房间里走来走去。 see also pace step noun march [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of a group of people, especially soldiers) to walk with stiff regular steps at the same speed (人群,尤指士兵)齐步走,行进Guards were marching up and down outside the building.卫兵在大楼外来回队列行进。They marched 20 miles to reach the capital.他们行军20英里来到了首都。Troops marched on the town.部队向城里开进。March can also be used about an individual person, meaning 'to walk somewhere quickly in a determined way'. * march还可指单个人坚定地快步行进。 see also march march tread tred (trod, trodden or trod, trod) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (BrE) to put your foot down while you are stepping or walking 踩;踏;践踏Ouch! You trod on my toe!哎哟!你踩着我脚了!Careful you don't tread in that puddle.小心别踩到水坑里。NOTE 辨析 Step, stride, pace or tread?Each of these words has a different set of adverbs that tend to be used with it. You can step briskly, quickly, carefully, lightly or gingerly. You can stride briskly, quickly, angrily, confidently or purposefully. You can pace nervously, restlessly or slowly. You can tread carefully, gingerly, softly, lightly, heavily or warily. However, in American English use step instead of tread, unless the meaning is figurative. 这些词各自都有不同的副词常与之搭配使用。与step搭配的副词有briskly、quickly、carefully、lightly和gingerly。与stride搭配的副词有briskly、quickly、angrily、confidently和purposefully。与pace搭配的副词有nervously、restlessly和slowly。与tread搭配的副词有carefully、gingerly、softly、lightly、heavily和warily。但是在美式英语中,除非使用比喻义,否则用step,不用tread (figurative) We must tread carefully (= be careful about how we do this) -we don't want to offend anyone.我们必须谨慎行事-我们可不想冒犯任何人。 prowl praʊl [transitive, intransitive] (written) (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to walk around an area, especially because you are bored or anxious and cannot relax (尤指因无聊或焦虑)徘徊,走来走去He prowled the empty rooms of the house at night.夜里,他在家中那些空荡荡的房间里踱来踱去。Her husband was prowling restlessly around the room.她丈夫焦躁不安地在房间里走来走去。walk2


He walked into the room. 他走进房间。go walking in the mountains 去山里徒步旅行walk ♦︎ hike ♦︎ trekThese words all mean to spend time walking for pleasure. 这些词均表示徒步旅行、散步。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to go walking / hiking / trekking walk ( go walking) [intransitive, transitive] (especially BrE) to spend time walking for pleasure 徒步旅行;散步We're going walking in the mountains this summer.今年夏天我们打算去山里徒步旅行。I walked across Scotland with a friend.我和一个朋友徒步穿越了苏格兰。Have you ever walked the Pennine Way?你徒步走过彭尼内步道吗? walk


[countable] Let's go for a walk.我们去散散步吧。She's taken the dog for a walk.她带着狗去散步了。It's only a short walk to the beach.步行到海滩没多远。There are some interesting walks (= routes for walking) around here.这一带有些不错的步道。He set out on the long walk home.他踏上了漫长的回家路程。


[uncountable] Activities on offer include walking and bird watching.可以参加的活动包括徒步旅行和观鸟。This is superb walking country.这里是极佳的徒步旅行区域。
hike ( go hiking) [intransitive] to go for a long walk in the country; to spend time walking in the country for pleasure 远足;徒步旅行If the weather's fine, we'll go hiking this weekend.如果天气好,这周末我们就去远足。You'll need some strong boots for hiking over rough country.在崎岖不平的地区徒步旅行,你需要结实的靴子。In American English hike can also be used with an object. 在美式英语中,hike还可以带宾语 [transitive] (NAmE) I always wanted to hike the Rockies.我一直想去落基山脉远足。 hike


[countable] They went on a ten-mile hike through the forest.他们徒步走了10英里,穿过了森林。
trek ( go trekking) (-kk-) [intransitive, transitive] to spend time walking for pleasure, especially in mountains and over long distances (尤指在山中)远足,徒步旅行Last autumn we went trekking in Nepal.去年秋天我们去尼泊尔徒步旅行。They trekked the 45 miles across the glacier.他们徒步45英里穿越了冰川。 trek


[countable] They reached the camp after an arduous two-day trek across the mountains.在山里艰苦跋涉了两天之后,他们来到了营地。
BNC: 458 COCA: 358

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