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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 931 COCA: 775


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  1. [uncountable, countable] an illness affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection病;疾病
    • heart/lung/liver disease心髒病/肺病/肝病
    • In 19th century England, infectious diseases were the principal cause of death.在19世紀的英國,傳染病是死亡的主要原因。
    • chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes肥胖症和糖尿病等慢性病
    • health measures to prevent the spread of disease預防疾病傳播的保健措施
    • Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.吸煙會增加罹患心髒病的風險。
    • It is not known what causes the disease.這種病的起因不明。
    • He suffers from a rare blood disease.他患有一種罕見的血液病。
    • Sailors who ate no fresh food contracted the disease.不吃新鮮食物的水手染上了這種疾病。
    • It's better to prevent disease by ensuring a clean water supply.更好的方法是通過確保供給潔淨水來預防疾病。
    • to treat/cure a disease治療/治愈疾病
    • to spread/transmit a disease傳播疾病
    • Cattle had to be slaughtered after an outbreak of the disease.疾病爆發後,牛不得不被宰殺。
    • patients with coronary heart disease冠心病患者
    • cardiovascular/pulmonary/respiratory disease心血管/肺部/呼吸系統疾病
    Synonyms diseasedisease
    • illness
    • disorder
    • infection
    • condition
    • ailment
    • bug
    These are all words for a medical problem.
    • disease a medical problem affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection:
      • He suffers from a rare blood disease.他患有一種罕見的血液病。
    • illness a medical problem, or a period of suffering from one:
      • She died after a long illness.她久病不愈而亡。
    disease or illness?用 disease 還是 illness?Disease is used to talk about more severe physical medical problems, especially those that affect the organs. Illness is used to talk about both more severe and more minor medical problems, and those that affect mental health: heart/​kidney/​liver illnessmental disease . Disease is not used about a period of illness: She died after a long disease.
    • disorder (rather formal) an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly:指失調、紊亂、不適、疾病:
      • a rare disorder of the liver.一種罕見的肝病
      A disorder is generally not infectious. Disorder is used most frequently with words relating to mental problems, for example psychiatric, personality, mental and eating. When it is used to talk about physical problems, it is most often used with blood, bowel and kidney, and these are commonly serious, severe or rare.
    • infection an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus and that affects one part of the body:
      • a throat infection喉部感染
    • condition a medical problem that you have for a long time because it is not possible to cure it:
      • a heart condition心髒病
    • ailment (rather formal) an illness that is not very serious:指輕病、小恙:
      • childhood ailments兒童期小病
    • bug (informal) an infectious illness that is usually fairly mild:指輕微的傳染病、小病:
      • a nasty flu bug嚴重的流感
    • to have/​suffer from a(n) disease/​illness/​disorder/​infection/​condition/​ailment/​bug
    • to catch/​contract/​get/​pick up a(n) disease/​illness/​infection/​bug
    Collocations IllnessesIllnesses疾病Becoming ill生病
    • catch a cold/​an infectious disease/​the flu/(British English) flu/​pneumonia/​a virus/(informal) a bug染上感冒/傳染病/流感/肺炎/病毒/小毛病
    • get (British English) ill/(North American English) sick/​a disease/​AIDS/​breast cancer/​a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu/​a migraine患病/艾滋病/乳腺癌/感冒/流感/偏頭痛
    • come down with a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu得了感冒/流感
    • contract a deadly disease/​a serious illness/​HIV/​AIDS感染致命疾病/嚴重疾病/艾滋病病毒/艾滋病
    • be infected with a virus/​a parasite/​HIV受病毒/寄生蟲/艾滋病病毒感染
    • develop cancer/​diabetes/​a rash/​an ulcer/​symptoms of hepatitis患上癌症/糖尿病/皮疹/潰瘍;出現肝炎症狀
    • have a heart attack/​a stroke心髒病/中風發作
    • provoke/​trigger/​produce an allergic reaction引起/産生過敏反應
    • block/​burst/​rupture a blood vessel使血管阻塞/破裂
    • damage/​sever a nerve/​an artery/​a tendon損傷/切斷神經/動脈/肌腱
    Being ill病了
    • feel (British English) ill/​nauseous/​queasy
    • be running (British English) a temperature/(North American English) a fever發燒
    • have a head cold/​diabetes/​heart disease/​lung cancer/​a headache/(British English) a high temperature/(North American English) a fever患傷風感冒/糖尿病/心髒病/肺癌;頭痛;發燒
    • suffer from asthma/​malnutrition/​frequent headaches/​bouts of depression/​a mental disorder患哮喘/營養不良症/經常性頭痛/多發性抑鬱症/精神錯亂
    • be laid up with/ (British English) be in bed with a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu/​a migraine因感冒/流感/偏頭痛而卧床休息
    • nurse a cold/​a headache/​a hangover調治感冒/頭痛/宿醉
    • battle/​fight cancer/​depression/​addiction/​alcoholism與癌症/抑鬱症作鬥爭;戒瘾;戒酒
    • examine a patient給病人做檢查
    • diagnose a condition/​disease/​disorder診斷疾病
    • be diagnosed with cancer/​diabetes/​schizophrenia診斷爲癌症/糖尿病/精神分裂症
    • prescribe/​be given/​be on/​take drugs/​medicine/​medication/​pills/​painkillers/​antibiotics開/得到/服用藥/藥片/止痛藥/抗生素
    • treat somebody for cancer/​depression/​shock治療某人的癌症/抑鬱症/休克
    • have/​undergo an examination/​an operation/​surgery/​a kidney transplant/​therapy/​chemotherapy/​treatment for cancer接受檢查/手術/外科手術/腎移植手術/治療/化療/癌症治療
    • have/​be given an injection/(British English) a flu jab/(North American English) a flu shot/​a blood transfusion/​a scan/​an X-ray打針;接種流感疫苗;接受輸血;做掃描檢查;照 X 光
    • cure a disease/​an ailment/​cancer/​a headache/​a patient治療疾病/病痛/癌症/頭痛/病人
    • prevent the spread of disease/​further outbreaks/​damage to the lungs防止疾病擴散/疾病進一步爆發/對肺部造成傷害
    • be vaccinated against the flu/(British English) flu/​the measles/(British English) measles/​polio/​smallpox接種流感/麻疹/小兒麻痹症/天花疫苗
    • enhance/​boost/​confer/​build immunity to a disease增加對疾病的免疫力
    Extra Examples
    • Children are still dying in their millions from preventable diseases.仍有數以百萬計的兒童死於本可預防的疾病。
    • Humans can contract the disease, which is treatable with antibiotics.人類會感染這種可以用抗生素治療的疾病。
    • the problem of controlling pests and disease with organic gardening methods用有機園藝方法控制病蟲害的問題
    • Gene therapy was first pursued in an attempt to cure genetic diseases.基因療法最初是爲了試圖治愈遺傳病。
    • We face the challenge of finding new ways to treat diseases.我們面臨着尋找治療疾病的新方法的挑戰。
    • Quarantine is important for animal disease prevention.檢疫對動物疾病的預防很重要。
    • Drugs can slow down the progression of the disease, but not cure it altogether.藥物可以延緩該病的進展,卻不能完全治愈。
    • He has a serious lung disease.他患有嚴重的肺病。
    • He suffered from coronary heart disease他患有冠心病。
    • She got a rare liver disease when she was only twenty.她年僅 20 歲時患上了一種罕見的肝病。
    • Lupus is an autoimmune disease.狼瘡是一種自身免疫性疾病。
    • Such unhygienic practices spread disease.這種不衛生的做法會傳播疾病。
    • Sufferers from Alzheimer's disease may not be able to cope at home.老年癡呆症患者可能無法在家應對。
    • The disease has been eradicated from the world.這種疾病已在全世界得到根除。
    • The disease has killed 500 people so far this year.迄今爲止這種疾病今年已經奪走了 500 人的生命。
    • The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.這種疾病是由蚊子傳播的。
    • The government must take action to fight this deadly disease.政府必須采取措施與這種致命的疾病作鬥爭。
    • the difficulty of diagnosing and treating these diseases診斷和治療這些疾病的困難
    • They want to stop the disease from spreading.他們想要阻止這種疾病傳播。
    • Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.煙草會降低人體對疾病的抵抗能力。
    • You can't catch the disease just from physical contact.僅僅是身體接觸不會染上這種病。
    • a disease caused by a vitamin deficiency缺乏維生素引起的疾病
    • a disease of the digestive system消化系統的疾病
    • childhood diseases such as mumps and chicken pox像流行性腮腺炎和水痘這樣的兒童疾病
    • fears of a new killer disease對一種新型致命疾病的恐懼
    • fears of an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease對軍團病爆發的恐懼
    • new drugs which help to control the disease有助於控制這種疾病的新藥
    • the number of people with this disease患這種病的人數
    • the overall incidence of disease in the world世界上總的疾病發生率
    • the risk of coronary heart disease患冠心病的風險
    • the ticks that carry the disease傳播疾病的壁虱
    • The problem was finally diagnosed as heart disease.那個毛病最終診斷爲心髒病。
    • This is an extremely infectious disease.這是一種傳染性極強的疾病。
    • protection against sexually transmitted diseases性傳播疾病的預防
    Topics Illnessa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • common
    • obscure
    • rare
    … of disease
    • outbreak
    verb + disease
    • have
    • suffer from
    • catch
    disease + verb
    • spread
    • affect somebody
    • afflict somebody
    • with a/​the disease
    • disease in
    • disease of
    • a cure for a disease
    • the incidence of (a) disease
    • a patient with a disease
    See full entry
  2. [countable] (formal) something that is very wrong with people’s attitudes, way of life or with society弊端;惡疾;痼疾
    • Greed is a disease of modern society.貪婪是現代社會的惡疾。
  3. Word OriginMiddle English (in the sense ‘lack of ease; inconvenience’): from Old French desaise ‘lack of ease’, from des- (expressing reversal) + aise ‘ease’.
IELTS BNC: 931 COCA: 775


ADJECTIVE | ... OF DISEASE | VERB + DISEASE | DISEASE + VERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcommon常見疾病obscure, rare疑難怪症;罕見疾病dangerous, serious危險的/嚴重的疾病mild微恙acute, chronic, severe急性病;慢性病;危重病debilitating, degenerative衰竭性/退行性疾病deadly, fatal, incurable, killer, life-threatening, terminal致命的疾病;不治之症;絕症fears of a new killer disease對一種新型致命疾病的恐懼curable, treatable可治瘉的/能治療的疾病preventable可預防的疾病communicable, contagious, infectious傳染性疾病non-communicable非傳染性疾病congenital, genetic, hereditary, inherited先天性疾病;遺傳性疾病childhood兒童疾病childhood diseases such as mumps and chicken pox像流行性腮腺炎和水痘這樣的兒童疾病tropical熱帶疾病blood-borne, insect-borne, waterborne血源性/蟲媒/水媒疾病HIV and other blood-borne diseases艾滋病及其他血液傳染病occupational職業病bowel, heart, liver, etc.腸道疾病、心臟病、肝病等He suffered from coronary heart disease.他患有冠心病。cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc.心血管疾病、肺病等mental精神病sexually transmitted, social, venereal性傳播疾病;性病patients suffering from venereal diseases性病患者autoimmune, circulatory, respiratory, etc.自身免疫病、循環系統疾病、呼吸系統疾病等bacterial, viral細菌性/病毒性疾病Alzheimer's, Crohn's, Parkinson's, etc.阿爾茨海默病、克羅恩病、帕金森病等foot-and-mouth, hoof-and-mouth, mad cow, etc.口蹄疫、瘋牛病等Dutch elm荷蘭榆樹病... OF DISEASEoutbreak疾病的爆發fears of an outbreak of the disease對該疾病爆發的恐懼VERB + DISEASEhave, suffer from患有疾病He has a serious lung disease.他患有嚴重的肺病。catch, contract, develop, get感染疾病;染上疾病;患病;得病You can't catch the disease just from physical contact.僅僅是身體接觸不會染上這種病。She got a rare liver disease when she was only twenty.她年僅 20 歲時患上了一種罕見的肝病。die from, die of死於疾病Children are still dying in their millions from preventable diseases.仍有數以百萬計的兒童死於本可預防的疾病。cause引發疾病a disease caused by a vitamin deficiency缺乏維生素引起的疾病carry, pass on, spread, transmit傳播疾病;傳染疾病the ticks that carry the disease傳播疾病的壁虱Such unhygienic practices spread disease.這種不衞生的做法會傳播疾病。The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes.這種疾病是由蚊子傳播的。inherit遺傳疾病detect, diagnose發現/診斷疾病treat治療疾病combat, fight與疾病作鬥爭The government must take action to fight this deadly disease.政府必須採取措施與這種致命的疾病作鬥爭。control, manage控制疾病new drugs which help to control the disease有助於控制這種疾病的新藥cure治瘉疾病prevent預防疾病It's better to prevent disease by ensuring a clean water supply.更好的方法是通過確保供給潔淨水來預防疾病。eradicate, stamp out, wipe out根除/鏟除/消滅疾病The disease has been eradicated from the world.這種疾病已在全世界得到根除。DISEASE + VERBspread疾病傳播They want to stop the disease from spreading.他們想要阻止這種疾病傳播。affect sb, afflict sb, occur, strike sb使某人罹患疾病;疾病折磨某人;疾病發生;疾病侵襲某人develop, progress疾病發展kill sb疾病奪走某人的生命The disease has killed 500 people so far this year.迄今為止這種疾病今年已經奪走了 500 人的生命。PREPOSITIONwith a/the disease患病the number of people with this disease患這種病的人數disease in⋯方面的疾病Avian flu can cause severe disease in humans.禽流感可以在人類中引起嚴重的疾病。disease of⋯的疾病a disease of the digestive system消化系統的疾病PHRASESa cure for a disease疾病的治療方法the incidence of (a) disease發病率the overall incidence of disease in the world世界上總的疾病發生率a patient with a disease, sufferer from a disease患者Sufferers from Alzheimer's disease can't cope at home.阿爾茨海默病患者在家中生活無法自理。the progression of a disease疾病的發展Drugs can slow down the progression of the disease, but not cure it altogether.藥物可以延緩該病的進展,卻不能完全治瘉。resistance to disease抗病能力Tobacco lowers the body's resistance to disease.煙草會降低人體對疾病的抵抗能力。the risk of disease患病的風險the risk of coronary heart disease患冠心病的風險the spread of (a) disease疾病的傳播measures to prevent the spread of the disease防止疾病傳播的措施the symptoms of a disease疾病的症狀the treatment for a disease, the treatment of a disease疾病的治療 topic at illness
IELTS BNC: 931 COCA: 775


 See also the entry for illness 另見illness條disease ♦︎ illness ♦︎ disorder ♦︎ infection ♦︎ condition ♦︎ ailment ♦︎ bug ♦︎ complaint ♦︎ virus ♦︎ sicknessThese are all words for a medical problem. 這些詞均表示疾病。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a serious / chronic disease / illness / disorder / infection / condition / ailmenta minor disease / illness / disorder / infection / ailmenta common / rare disease / illness / disorder / infection / condition / ailment / virusan infectious disease / illness / condition / virusa childhood disease / illness / disorder / infection / ailmentto have / suffer from a disease / an illness / a disorder / an infection / a condition / an ailment / a bug / a complaint / a virus / sicknessto cause a disease / an illness / a disorder / an infection / a condition / an ailment / sicknessto catch / contract / get / pick up a disease / an illness / an infection / a bug / a virusto diagnose / treat a disease / an illness / a disorder / an infection / a condition / an ailment / a virusto cure a disease / an illness / a disorder / an infection / a condition / an ailmentto recover from a disease / an illness / a disorder / an infection / a bug / a virus / a sicknessto die from / of a disease / an illness / a disorder / an infection / a condition / a bug / a virusa disease / an illness / an infection / a virus / a sickness spreads disease [countable, uncountable] a medical problem affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection (人類或動植物因感染而引起的)病,疾病He suffers from a rare blood disease.他患有一種罕見的血液病。The problem was finally diagnosed as heart disease.那個毛病最終診斷爲心髒病。Measures have been taken to prevent the spread of disease.已經采取了措施預防疾病的傳播。 illness [countable] a medical problem, or a period of suffering from one 病;疾病;患病期Have you suffered from any serious illnesses in the past six months?在過去的六個月裏你患過什麽嚴重的疾病嗎?He died after a long illness.他久病不愈而亡。 see also ill sick 1 NOTE 辨析 Disease or illness? Disease is used to talk about more severe physical medical problems, especially those that affect the organs. Illness is used to talk about both more severe and more minor medical problems, and those that affect mental health. * disease指較爲嚴重的身體疾病,尤指身體器官的病變;illness既可指較嚴重的疾病,也可指較輕微的疾病以及精神上的疾病heart / kidney / liver disease心髒病;腎病;肝病heart/kidney/liver illness mental illness精神病mental disease Disease is not used about a period of illness. * disease不指患病期He died after a long disease. Illness also means 'the state of being ill'. * illness還可指生病的狀態。 See also the entry for illness 另見illness條 disorder [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly 失調;紊亂;不適This is a rare disorder of the liver.這是一種罕見的肝功能紊亂。Most people with acute mental disorder can be treated at home.大多數患急性精神紊亂的病人可以在家裏接受治療。A disorder is usually not infectious. Disorder is used most frequently with words relating to mental problems. * disorder通常不具傳染性,該詞最常與有關精神疾病的詞連用a / an psychiatric / personality / mental / depressive / eating disorder精神錯亂;人格障礙;精神紊亂;抑鬱症;進食失調When it is used to talk about physical problems, it is used most often with blood, bowel and kidney, and these are commonly serious, severe or rare. * disorder指身體疾病時最常與blood、bowel和kidney連用,而這些身體疾病多與serious、severe或rare搭配。 infection [countable] an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus and that affects one part of the body 傳染病;(身體某部位的)感染He's been off work with a throat infection.他因咽喉感染而歇班。Sneezing is the most common way of spreading an infection.打噴嚏是傳染疾病的最常見途徑。 see also infect pass sth on condition [countable] (rather formal) a medical problem that you have for a long time because it is not possible to cure it (因無法治愈而長期患有的)疾病Does your child have any kind of medical condition that we should know about?你的孩子患有我們應該知曉的長期疾病嗎?He suffers from a serious heart condition.他患有嚴重的心髒病。 ailment [countable] (rather formal) an illness that is not very serious 輕微疾病;微恙Below is a list of common childhood ailments.下面是一份兒童期常見輕微病症的清單。 bug [countable] (informal) an infectious illness that is usually fairly mild 輕微傳染病;小病There's a stomach bug going round (= people are catching it from each other).現在流行一種腸胃傳染病。 complaint [countable] (rather formal) an illness, especially one that is not serious, and often one that affects a particular part of the body (尤指不嚴重,常影響身體某部位的)疾病He suffers from a skin complaint called 'rosacea'.他患有一種叫紅斑痤瘡的皮膚病。 virus ˈvaɪrəs [countable] (informal) a disease caused by a virus (= a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease) 病毒性疾病;病毒病There's a virus going around the office.辦公室裏流行一種病毒性疾病。A more formal way of talking about a virus in this meaning is viral infection. 病毒性疾病更爲正式的表達方式是viral infection(病毒性感染)。 sickness [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (in compounds 構成複合詞) a particular type of illness or disease ⋯病;⋯症Do you need any travel sickness tablets?你需要暈車藥片嗎?Words that form compounds with sickness include altitude, morning, mountain, radiation and travel. 與sickness構成複合詞的詞有altitude、morning、mountain、radiation和travel。
IELTS BNC: 931 COCA: 775

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