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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 867 COCA: 905


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they visit
he / she / it visits
past simple visited
past participle visited
-ing form visiting
Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [transitive] visit somebody/something to go to see a person or a place for a period of time访问;拜访;看望;参观
    • My parents are coming to visit me next week.我父母下周要来看我。
    • to visit friends/family拜访朋友/家人
    • It looks like a lovely place to visit.它看起来是一个值得参观的可爱地方。
    • to visit a country/city/town参观一个国家/城市/城镇
    • to visit a museum/shrine参观博物馆/神社
    • to visit a hospital/an office参观医院/办公室
    • to visit a home/house参观一所房子
    • She went to visit relatives in Wales.她去威尔士看望亲戚了。
    • The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment.首相目前正在访问日本。
    • You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.你应该每年至少去看两次牙科医生。
    • This is an area rarely visited by Europeans.这是一个欧洲人很少去的地区。
    • I first visited New York in 1991.我第一次去纽约是在1991年。
    • He is planning to visit China later this month.他计划本月晚些时候访问中国。
    • The best time to visit is during the winter dry season.参观的最佳时间是在冬季旱季。
    Extra Examples
    • A million people are expected to visit the museum over the next 12 months.预计在未来的 12 个月中将有 100 万人参观这家博物馆。
    • We've just been to visit my grandparents.我们刚刚去看望了我的祖父母。
    • Be sure to visit us next time you're in London.下次你来伦敦一定要来看我们。
    • I visited her in hospital.我到医院去看望她。
    • Jason invited us to visit his ranch.杰森邀请我们去参观他的农场。
    • Next time you visit the States you'll have to come and see us.下次来美国你一定要来看我们。
    • She's gone to visit her mother in Texas.她去德克萨斯州看望她母亲了。
    • The President will be visiting six European capitals.总统将出访欧洲六国首都。
    • The shops are a major reason for visiting the city.商店是参观这座城市的主要原因。
    • The president recently visited Athens.总统最近访问了雅典。
    • She regularly visits the cemetery to tend the grave of her son.她定期去墓地照料她儿子的坟墓。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • frequently
    • often
    • regularly
    verb + visit
    • come to
    • go to
    • decide to
    • with
    See full entry
  2. [transitive] visit something (computing计算机) to go to a website on the internet访问(互联网上的网站)
    • For more information, visit our website.欲知详情,请访问我们的网站。
    • to visit a site/page访问网站/网页
    Topics Phones, email and the interneta1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • frequently
    • often
    • regularly
    verb + visit
    • come to
    • go to
    • decide to
    • with
    See full entry
  3. [intransitive, transitive] to stay somewhere for a short time(短暂地)作客,逗留
    • We don't live here. We're just visiting.我们不住在这里,只作短期停留。
    • visit something Ships visit the island occasionally.船只偶尔会访问该岛。
    • The lake is also visited by seals in the summer.夏天也有海豹游到这湖里来。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • frequently
    • often
    • regularly
    verb + visit
    • come to
    • go to
    • decide to
    • with
    See full entry
  4. [transitive] visit something to make an official visit to somebody, for example to perform checks or give advice视察;巡视
    • Government inspectors are visiting schools in the area.政府检查员正在视察该地区的学校。
    • Council officers will be visiting premises to inspect safety arrangements.议会官员将视察房舍,检查安全安排。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • frequently
    • often
    • regularly
    verb + visit
    • come to
    • go to
    • decide to
    • with
    See full entry
  5. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French visiter or Latin visitare ‘go to see’, frequentative of visare ‘to view’, from videre ‘to see’.


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  1. an occasion or a period of time when somebody goes to see a place or person and spends time there访问;参观;游览;逗留;看望
    • a two-day/three-day visit为期两天/三天的访问
    • the prime minister's surprise visit to the troops首相对军队的突然访问
    • an official/state visit官方/国事访问
    • visit to somebody/something It's my first visit to New York.这是我第一次去纽约。
    • If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum.你若有空,参观一下当地的博物馆。
    • The family made a visit to England in the summer of 1923.这家人在1923年夏天访问了英国。
    • a visit to the doctor看医生
    • His visits home were limited to Christmas.他回家仅限于圣诞节。
    • visit from somebody We had a visit from the police last night.昨晚警察来我们家了。
    • visit by somebody Arranegments are being made for a visit by a member of the royal family.王室成员的来访正在安排之中。
    • (British English) a home visit (= when your doctor visits you)上门出诊
    • a brief/recent visit短暂的/最近的访问
    • on/during a visit The team reported on deficiencies found during the site visit.该小组报告了在现场视察中发现的不足之处。
    • Regular visits to the dentist are important.定期看牙医很重要。
    • Is this a social visit, or is it business?这是社交性的拜访,还是业务性的?
    • They're on an exchange visit to France.他们到法国进行互访。
    • Following this initial visit, she will return to Montserrat in June.初次访问后,她将于6月返回蒙特塞拉特。
    see also conjugal visit, flying visit, return visit
    Extra Examples
    • Following her letter of complaint, she received a personal visit from the store manager.她发出投诉信后,商店经理亲自登门拜访。
    • He offered her a drink to try to prolong her visit.他给她饮料,希望她多留一会儿。
    • He was forced to cut short a visit to North America.他被迫缩短访问北美的行程。
    • How many doctors are still able to make home visits?有多少医生仍然能够上门出诊?
    • I think it's time we paid him a little visit.我觉得我们该去看看他了。
    • I'd been looking forward to my cousin's visit for ages.我一直盼着表兄来作客。
    • If you're staying in Rome, Ostia is well worth a visit.如果你在罗马逗留,奥斯蒂亚很值得一游。
    • On one of her regular visits home, she told her parents she was engaged.一次定期探家时,她告诉父母自己订婚了。
    • Pay us a visit next time you're in town.你下次进城时一定要来看我们。
    • She enjoyed the frequent visits of her grandchildren.她喜欢孙辈常常来看望自己。
    • The President has been briefed in preparation for his forthcoming visit to Russia.已向总统简要汇报了他即将进行的访俄活动的准备情况。
    • The visit signalled the normalization of relations between the two countries.这次访问显示两国关系已经正常化。
    • We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.有个筹集慈善捐款的人到我们这里来募捐。
    • We received a letter announcing a visit from government inspectors.我们收到政府巡视员要来视察的函件。
    • We used to go on school visits to museums and historical buildings.我们上学时常集体参观博物馆和历史建筑。
    • While on holiday in Italy, the prime minister paid a courtesy visit to his opposite number in Rome.首相在意大利度假期间礼节性地去罗马拜访了意国总理。
    • You should receive a home visit from your midwife within a month.一个月之内助产士将去你家家访。
    • a visit to the dentist去看牙医
    • Allow three hours for your visit.给你三个小时的参观时间。
    • Enjoy your visit!祝你此行玩得痛快!
    • Is this a social visit or are you here on business?这是一次社交访问还是你来这里出差?
    • Is this your first visit to New York?这是你第一次到访纽约吗?
    • She was making one of her frequent visits to London.她正在对伦敦进行一次频繁的访问。
    • The inspectors paid a surprise visit to the factory.检查员对工厂进行了突然访问。
    • The prime minister is on an official visit to Jamaica.首相在牙买加进行正式访问。
    • They received a visit from the party leader.他们接待了该党领导人的来访。
    • We had to cut short our visit and fly home.我们不得不缩短行程,乘飞机回家。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • fleeting
    • flying
    verb + visit
    • conduct
    • go on
    • make
    • during a/​the visit
    • on a/​the visit
    • visit from
    See full entry
  2. (computing计算机) an occasion when somebody looks at a website on the internet(到网站的)访问
    • visit to something Visits to our website have doubled in a year.我们网站的访问人次一年内翻了一番。
    • The site now gets about 600,000 visits a day.该网站现在每天的访问量约为60万次。
    Topics Phones, email and the interneta1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • fleeting
    • flying
    verb + visit
    • conduct
    • go on
    • make
    • during a/​the visit
    • on a/​the visit
    • visit from
    See full entry
  3. visit (with somebody) (North American English, informal) an occasion when two or more people meet to talk in an informal way碰头;会面
    • He thought back to his visit with the doctor.他回想起他当时与医生拉家常的情形。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • brief
    • fleeting
    • flying
    verb + visit
    • conduct
    • go on
    • make
    • during a/​the visit
    • on a/​the visit
    • visit from
    See full entry
  4. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French visiter or Latin visitare ‘go to see’, frequentative of visare ‘to view’, from videre ‘to see’.
BNC: 867 COCA: 905


ADJECTIVE | VERB + VISIT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEbrief, fleeting, flying, quick, short短暫的訪問;閃電式訪問;快速的參觀little短暫的拜訪I think it's time we paid him a little visit.我覺得我們該去看看他了。extended, lengthy, long漫長的訪問;長時間的參觀eight-day, hour-long, weekend, etc.為期 8 天的訪問、歷時 1 個小時的參觀、週末拜訪等regular定期的拜訪routine例行的拜訪frequent, repeated頻繁的拜訪;反複的參觀She enjoyed the frequent visits of her grandchildren.她喜歡孫輩常常來看望自己。infrequent, occasional, periodic, rare不經常的/偶爾的/間或的/少有的拜訪annual, daily, twice-weekly, etc.每年一次、每天一次、一週兩次等的拜訪repeat重訪recent近期的訪問last, previous上次的/先前的訪問forthcoming, impending, upcoming (NAmE) 即將來臨的訪問;即將進行的訪問The President has been briefed in preparation for his forthcoming visit to Russia.已向總統簡要彙報了他即將進行的訪俄活動的準備情況。exchange, reciprocal, return互訪;回訪Exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going.公司與學校之間的互訪使得這一項目得以進行下去。They came here last week, and we'll pay them a return visit in the summer.他們上週來拜訪,而我們將在夏天回訪他們。surprise, unannounced, unexpected突然來訪;事前未通知的拜訪;意料之外的拜訪planned, scheduled計劃好的/預先安排的訪問unwelcome不受歡迎的拜訪casual非正式訪問formal, ministerial, official, presidential, royal, state正式/部長級/官方/總統/王室/國事訪問high-profile高調的訪問family, private, social, unofficial探親;私人拜訪;社交拜訪;私下的訪問foreign, overseas (both especially BrE) 出國訪問personal親自拜訪Following her letter of complaint, she received a personal visit from the store manager.她發出投訴信後,商店經理親自登門拜訪。home (BrE) 家訪You should receive a home visit from your midwife within a month.一個月之內助產士將去你家家訪。hospital, prison到醫院探病;探監dental, doctor's, emergency-room, medical, office (all NAmE) 看牙醫;看病;看急診;就診;去診所看病first, initial初次拜訪follow-up後續的拜訪educational, study教育性質的/學習性質的參觀fact-finding, research調查情況的/研究訪問inspection視察on-site, site實地參觀campus, school對校園的參觀;對學校的參觀;(學生的)校外參觀memorable令人難忘的訪問VERB + VISITconduct (formal) , go on, make, pay sb, take, undertake (formal, especially BrE) 進行訪問;去參觀;拜訪某人
We used to go on school visits to museums and historical buildings.我們上學時常集體參觀博物館和歷史建築。How many doctors are still able to make home visits?有多少醫生仍然能夠上門出診?Pay us a visit next time you're in town.你下次進城時一定要來看我們。get, have, receive有客人;有客人來訪;接待來訪look forward to期待⋯的拜訪I'd been looking forward to my friend's visit for some time.我盼着朋友來作客已經有一陣子了。arrange, organize, plan, schedule安排訪問;組織參觀;籌劃參觀postpone推遲訪問cancel取消訪問cut short縮短訪問時間He was forced to cut short a visit to North America.他被迫縮短訪問北美的行程。announce通知⋯的視察時間We received a letter announcing a visit from government inspectors.我們收到政府巡視員要來視察的函件。be (well) worth(非常)值得參觀If you're staying in Rome, Ostia is well worth a visit.如果你在羅馬逗留,奧斯蒂亞很值得一遊。PREPOSITIONduring a/the visit, on a/the visit在拜訪期間On one of her regular visits home, she told her parents she was engaged.一次定期探家時,她告訴父母自己訂婚了。visit from⋯的來訪We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.有個籌集慈善捐款的人到我們這裏來募捐。visit to去⋯的參觀;對⋯的拜訪a visit to the dentist去看牙醫visit with (NAmE) 與⋯閒談He thought back to his visit with the doctor.他回想起他當時與醫生拉家常的情形。


ADVERB | VERB + VISIT | PREPOSITION ADVERBfrequently, often, regularly頻繁/經常/定期拜訪occasionally, sometimes偶爾拜訪;有時探望rarely很少拜訪personally親自拜訪online網上訪問VERB + VISITcome to, go to來拜訪;去拜訪My parents are coming to visit me next week.我父母下週要來看我。We've just been to visit my grandparents.我們剛剛去看望了我的祖父母。decide to, hope to, intend to, plan to, promise to, want to, wish to決定拜訪;想要看望;打算拜訪;計劃訪問;答應看望;希望拜訪be expected to, be likely to預計將參觀;可能拜訪A million people are expected to visit the museum over the next 12 months.預計在未來的 12 個月中將有 100 萬人參觀這家博物館。invite sb to, urge sb to邀請某人訪問;催促某人去看望PREPOSITIONwith與⋯閒聊Come and visit with me sometime.什麼時候來我這兒嘮嘮。
BNC: 867 COCA: 905
visit verb
visit (visit an old friend) check1 (inspectors visit a school) stay2 (visit the States)


visit ♦︎ tour ♦︎ stay ♦︎ call ♦︎ stopoverThese are all words for an occasion or period of time when sb goes to see a person or place and spends time there. 这些词均表示对某人的拜访、看望,或者对某地的参观、访问或逗留。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配on a visit / tour / callduring sb's visit / tour / stayan overnight stay / stopoverto go on a visit / tourto make a visit / stay / callto pay sb a visit / callto cut short a visit / tour / stayto cancel a visit / tour visit [countable] an occasion or period of time when you go to see a person or place and spend time there 拜访;看望;访问;参观Is this your first visit to New York?这是你第一次到访纽约吗?We had a visit from the police last night.昨晚警察到我们家里来了。Enjoy your visit!祝你此行玩得痛快!If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum.你若有空,就去参观一下当地的博物馆吧。The prime minister is on an official visit to Jamaica.首相在牙买加进行正式访问。 see also visit stay verb 2 , visitor tourist tour [countable] an act of walking around, looking at and learning about a place, especially as a visitor or tourist (尤指以参观者或游客身份进行的)游览,参观,观光In the afternoon we went on a tour of the ruins.下午我们去参观了那个遗址。We were given a guided tour of the palace.我们由导游带领参观游览了那座宫殿。The minister continued with his tour of inspection (= an official visit to examine a place) of the prison.部长继续视察那座监狱。 see also tour tour verb stay [countable] a period of staying somewhere on a visit 停留;逗留I enjoyed my stay in Prague.我在布拉格逗留期间过得很开心。 see also stay stay verb 2 call [countable] a short visit to sb's home 短暂拜访I'm afraid this isn't a social call.恐怕这不是一次社交拜访。The doctor's out on a call at the moment.医生这会儿正在出诊。 Call is used especially about a short visit to sb's home made by a professional person, especially a doctor or nurse. It can also be used about friends visiting each other, but this now sounds rather old-fashioned. * call尤指专业人士,尤其是医生或护士,到某人家里的短暂探访;也可指朋友间的相互拜访,不过这一用法现在听起来有点过时He decided to pay a call on his old friend.他决定去拜访他的老友。 stopover ˈstɒpəʊvə(r); NAmE ˈstɑːpoʊvər [countable] a short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey 中途停留We had a two-day stopover in Fiji on the way to Australia.我们去澳大利亚的途中在斐济停留了两天。 see also stop over stay verb 2 visit


visit ♦︎ go to sth ♦︎ see ♦︎ attend ♦︎ call ♦︎ drop in/round/by ♦︎ pop in/round/over ♦︎ stop by sth ♦︎ look in on sb ♦︎ look sb upThese words all mean to go to see a person or place for a period of time. 这些词均表示拜访、看望某人,或参观、访问某地。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to call / drop in / pop in / look in on sbto visit / see a / the doctor / dentistto go to the doctor's / dentist'sto come / go to visit / see sbto come / go and visit / see sbto call / drop in / pop in / stop by to see sbto often visit / go to sth / see / drop in / pop in / stop by / look into regularly visit / go to sth / see / attend / call / pop into occasionally visit / go to sth / see / attend / call / drop in / look in visit [transitive] (rather formal) to travel to a place to see it or to spend some time with a person 参观;访问;拜访;看望The President will be visiting six European capitals.总统将出访欧洲六国首都。I visited her in hospital.我到医院去看望她。 ˈgo to sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) [no passive] to visit or spend time in a place for a particular purpose (为某目的)去(某处)I have to go to the doctor's for a check-up.我得去找医生做身体检查。Do you go to church (= regularly attend church services)?你平常上教堂吗?I'm not prepared to go to prison for a crime I didn't commit.我可不愿意为自己没有犯的罪进监狱。They sometimes go to the pub after work.他们有时下班后去酒吧。
see (saw, seen) [transitive] to visit sb 拜访;看望;探视When was the last time you saw a dentist?你上次去看牙医是什么时候?Come and see us again soon!早点再来看我们!He said he'd been to see his sister.他说自己去看望姐姐了。In this meaning see is used especially in the expressions come/go and see sb and come/go to see sb. 表达此义时see尤用于短语come/go and see sb和come/go to see sb。 attend [transitive] (formal) to go regularly to a place such as a church, school or hospital 经常去,定期去(教堂、学校、医院等)The children attended the local school.孩子们在当地学校读书。The patients all attend the clinic monthly.病人都是每月去门诊一次。 call [intransitive] (especially BrE, rather formal) to visit sb at home for a short time 短暂拜访We called but they were out.我们去拜访时他们不在家。I called round at the house to check how things were.我去家访了,想看看情况如何。 ˌdrop ˈin ˌdrop ˈby ˌdrop ˈround

phrasal verb

(-pp-) [no passive] (rather informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are not expected 顺便访问;顺便进入Don't forget to drop in on Harry.别忘了顺便去看看哈里。They dropped round for a drink.他们顺便去喝了杯酒。I'll drop by some time next week.下周有空时我会过来坐坐。I sometimes drop into the National Gallery for an hour or so.有时候我顺便到国家美术馆待上约一个钟头。 ˈdrop-in


a drop-in advice centre开放式咨询中心
ˌpopˈ in ˌpop ˈover ˌpop ˈround

phrasal verb

(-pp-) (BrE, informal) to visit a person or place for a short time, especially when you are not expected 顺便访问;顺便进入I was just passing and thought I'd pop in.我正好路过,于是想顺便进去看看。
ˌstop ˈby ˌstop ˈby sth

phrasal verb

(-pp-) [no passive] (rather informal) to visit a place for a short time 顺路造访;过去坐坐He used to stop by every day.过去他每天都顺路过来坐坐。She stopped by the store at about five o'clock.大约5点钟的时候,她顺路进了那家商店。 see also stop stay 1 , stop over stay 2
ˌlook ˈin on sb

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to make a short visit to sb, especially sb who is old or ill 短暂探访(尤指探访老人或病人)Could you look in on Dad some time?你什么时候能顺便去看望一下爸爸吗?
ˌlook sb ˈup

phrasal verb

[no passive] (informal) to visit or make contact with sb, especially when you normally live far away or have not seen them for a long time (尤指在久别之后)拜访,看望,接触I promised to look her up next time I was in England.我答应下次到英国一定去看望她。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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