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IELTS BNC: 680 COCA: 596


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  1. a tall plant that can live a long time. Trees have a thick central wooden trunk from which branches grow, usually with leaves on them树;树木;乔木
    • an oak/olive/apple tree橡树/橄榄树/苹果树
    • to plant a tree植树
    • to chop/cut down/fell a tree砍树/砍倒树/砍倒树
    • They took a seat on a fallen tree trunk in the middle of a small clearing.他们在一小片空地中间一棵倒下的树干上坐下。
    • They followed a path through the trees.他们沿着林间小路走着。
    • Tall pine trees line the roadways.道路两旁是高大的松树。
    • a fruit tree果树
    • I quickly climbed a nearby tree and hid in the branches.我迅速爬上附近的一棵树,藏在树枝里。
    • The branches of trees sway in the wind.树枝在风中摇摆。
    Collocations The living worldThe living world生物界Animals动物
    • animals mate/​breed/​reproduce/​feed (on something)动物交配/繁育/繁殖/以…为食
    • fish/​amphibians swim/​spawn (= lay eggs)鱼/两栖动物游动/产卵
    • birds fly/​migrate/​nest/​sing鸟飞翔/迁徙/筑巢/啼叫
    • insects crawl/​fly/​bite/​sting昆虫爬/飞/咬/叮
    • insects/​bees/​locusts swarm昆虫/蜜蜂/蝗虫成群地飞来飞去
    • bees collect/​gather nectar/​pollen蜜蜂采蜜/花粉
    • spiders spin/​weave a web蜘蛛结网/织网
    • snakes/​lizards shed their skins蛇/蜥蜴蜕皮
    • bears/​hedgehogs/​frogs hibernate熊/刺猬/青蛙冬眠
    • insect larvae grow/​develop/​pupate昆虫的幼虫生长/发育/化蛹
    • an egg/​a chick/​a larva hatches卵孵化;小鸡出壳;幼虫孵出
    • attract/​find/​choose a mate吸引/找到/选择配偶
    • produce/​release eggs/​sperm产卵;排卵;产生/释放精子
    • lay/​fertilize/​incubate/​hatch eggs产卵;使卵受精;孵卵
    • inhabit a forest/​a reef/​the coast栖居于森林/礁石/海岸
    • mark/​enter/​defend (a) territory标出/进入/保卫领地
    • stalk/​hunt/​capture/​catch/​kill prey悄悄接近/猎杀/捕获/杀死猎物
    Plants and fungi植物和真菌
    • trees/​plants grow/​bloom/​blossom/​flower树木/植物生长/开花
    • a seed germinates/​sprouts种子发芽
    • leaves/​buds/​roots/​shoots appear/​develop/​form叶子/花蕾/根茎/幼苗长出来/长大/成形
    • flower buds swell/​open花蕾含苞欲放/绽放
    • a fungus grows/​spreads/​colonizes something菌类生长/扩散/长满…
    • pollinate/​fertilize a flower/​plant给花/植物授粉
    • produce/​release/​spread/​disperse pollen/​seeds/​spores长出/传播花粉/种子/孢子
    • produce/​bear fruit结果
    • develop/​grow/​form roots/​shoots/​leaves长出根茎/嫩芽/叶子
    • provide/​supply/​absorb/​extract/​release nutrients提供/吸收/提取/释放营养物
    • perform/​increase/​reduce photosynthesis进行/增加/减少光合作用
    Bacteria and viruses细菌和病毒
    • bacteria/​microbes/​viruses grow/​spread/​multiply细菌/微生物/病毒生长/扩散/繁殖
    • bacteria/​microbes live/​thrive in/​on something细菌/微生物在…中存活/大量生长
    • bacteria/​microbes/​viruses evolve/​colonize something/​cause disease细菌/微生物/病毒进化/长满…/引发疾病
    • bacteria break something down/​convert something (into something)细菌(将某物)分解/转化(成某物)
    • a virus enters/​invades something/​the body病毒进入/侵入某物/身体
    • a virus mutates/​evolves/​replicates (itself)病毒变异/演化/(自我)复制
    • be infected with/​contaminated with/​exposed to a new strain of a virus/​drug-resistant bacteria感染上/接触到一种新病毒/抗药性细菌
    • contain/​carry/​harbour bacteria/​a virus带有细菌/病毒
    • kill/​destroy/​eliminate harmful/​deadly bacteria杀灭有害的/致命的细菌
    compare bush, shrub see also bay tree, bread tree, Christmas tree, clothes tree, family tree, gum tree, maidenhair tree, phone tree, plane tree, sausage tree, shade tree, shoe tree, tea tree
    Extra Examples
    • A fallen tree was blocking the road.一棵倒下的树挡住了路。
    • Palm trees line the broad avenue.宽阔的道路两旁种着棕榈树。
    • Protesters formed a human blockade to stop loggers felling trees.抗议者组成人墙阻止伐木者伐木。
    • The cat got stuck up a tree.猫被困在树上了。
    • The floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.洪水过后,留下了一地污泥和连根拔起的树。
    • The forest can be dated by studying tree rings.通过观察树的年轮可以推测森林形成的年代。
    • The tree belt around the fields acts as a windbreak.田地周围的林带起着挡风墙的作用。
    • Tree cover would prevent further soil erosion.林木植被能防止进一步的水土流失。
    • Monkeys were swinging wildly from tree to tree.猴子在树与树之间疯狂摇摆。
    Topics Plants and treesa1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • deciduous
    • evergreen
    • coniferous
    … of trees
    • clump
    • copse
    • grove
    verb + tree
    • grow
    • plant
    • climb
    tree + verb
    • grow
    • stand
    • line something
    tree + noun
    • bark
    • branch
    • leaves
    • in a/​the tree
    • on a/​the tree
    • under a tree
    See full entry
    Word OriginOld English trēow, trēo: from a Germanic variant of an Indo-European root shared by Greek doru ‘wood, spear’, drus ‘oak’.
the apple doesn’t fall/never falls far from the tree
  1. (saying, especially North American English) a child usually behaves in a similar way to his or her parent(s)有什么样的父母就有什么样的儿女;上行下效
at the top of the tree
  1. in the highest position or rank in a profession or career(在行业、事业中)高居首位,处于顶峰
be barking up the wrong tree
  1. (informal) to have the wrong idea about how to get or achieve something把方法搞错(或想偏);走错路线
    • You're barking up the wrong tree if you're expecting us to lend you any money.你要是指望我们借钱给你,你是走错庙门了。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
be out of your tree
  1. (informal) to be behaving in a crazy or stupid way, perhaps because of drugs or alcohol(因药物或酒精等)发疯,发傻Topics Personal qualitiesc2
it/money doesn’t grow on trees
  1. (saying) used to tell somebody not to use something or spend money carelessly because you do not have a lot of it树上长不出钱来,那东西(或钱)来之不易(告诫人不要随便乱用)
not see the wood for the trees (British English)
(North American English not see the forest for the trees)
  1. to not see or understand the main point about something, because you are paying too much attention to small details见树不见林
IELTS BNC: 680 COCA: 596


ADJECTIVE | ... OF TREES | VERB + TREE | TREE + VERB | TREE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEdeciduous, evergreen落葉樹;常綠樹coniferous針葉樹native土生樹exotic, tropical外來樹;熱帶樹ornamental裝飾性的樹forest, woodland (especially BrE) 林木big, giant, great, high, huge, large, massive, mighty, tall大樹;高大的樹;巨樹low, small, stunted矮樹;小樹;生長不良的樹mature長成的樹old, young老樹;幼樹bare, leafless光禿禿的樹shady成蔭的樹We sat beneath a shady tree.我們坐在一棵成蔭的樹下。shade遮陽樹It was a small town of dust lanes and wide shade trees.這個小鎮道路上滿是塵土,遮陽樹稀稀拉拉。hollow中空樹gnarled多瘤節的樹a gnarled old apple tree多瘤節的老蘋果樹fallen倒下的樹A fallen tree was blocking the road.一棵倒下的樹擋住了路。dead死樹fruit果樹apple, cherry, maple, peach, pear, etc.蘋果樹、櫻桃樹、槭樹、桃樹、梨樹等beech, oak, palm, pine, willow, etc.山毛櫸樹、櫟樹、棕櫚樹、松樹、柳樹等Christmas聖誕樹... OF TREESclump, copse, grove一叢樹;一處矮林;一個小樹林avenue, belt, line一排林蔭樹;一片林帶;一排樹VERB + TREEgrow, plant種樹;植樹climb爬樹chop down, cut down, fell砍倒樹;伐木Protesters formed a human blockade to stop loggers felling trees.抗議者組成人牆阻止伐木者伐木。uproot將樹連根拔起The floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.洪水過後,留下了一地污泥和連根拔起的樹。prune修剪樹be shaded by有樹蔭遮陽TREE + VERBgrow樹生長stand樹挺立An enormous oak tree stands at the entrance to the school.學校門口長着一棵碩大的櫟樹。line sth, surround sth樹沿⋯排成行;樹環繞⋯Palm trees line the broad avenue.寬闊的道路兩旁種着棕櫚樹。sway樹搖擺Trees swayed gently in the breeze.樹在微風中輕輕搖曳。be blown down, blow down, fall樹被吹倒bear sth, produce sth樹上結出⋯/長出⋯The tree produces tiny white blossoms.這棵樹開白色的小花。provide sth樹提供⋯TREE + NOUNbark, branch, leaves, limb, root, stump, trunk樹皮;樹枝;樹葉;樹的主枝;樹根;樹樁;樹幹tops (usually treetops) 樹梢canopy樹冠dappled shafts of light which struggled through the tree canopy穿過樹冠的斑駁光影cover林木植被Tree cover would prevent further soil erosion.林木植被能防止進一步的水土流失。felling, planting伐樹;植樹trimmer樹木修剪器species樹的種類line (usually treeline) 林木線Above the treeline, take a grassy path leading steeply to the summit.過了林木線之後沿着一條長滿青草的陡峭小道直達峰頂。belt樹帶The tree belt around the fields acts as a windbreak.田地周圍的林帶起着擋風牆的作用。growth樹的生長rings樹的年輪The forest can be dated by studying tree rings.通過觀察樹的年輪可以推測森林形成的年代。damage對樹的損傷tree damage caused by acid rain酸雨對樹的傷害nursery苗圃He bought tools and seeds with the aim of setting up a tree nursery.他買了工具和種子想要建一個苗圃。surgeon樹木修補專家hugger (usually tree-hugger) (= sb who is anxious to protect the environment) (disapproving, humorous) “抱樹人”;激進的環保主義者PREPOSITIONin a/the tree在樹上a bird in a tree樹上的鳥on a/the tree樹上的fruit on a tree樹上的果實under a tree在樹下We sat under a tree, in the shade.我們坐在樹下的陰涼處。up a/the tree在樹上The cat got stuck up a tree.貓被困在樹上了。
IELTS BNC: 680 COCA: 596
IELTS BNC: 680 COCA: 596

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