a country consisting of the island of Grenada and a group of smaller islands in the Caribbean. It has been an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth since 1974. In 1983, after the Prime Minister had been killed, Grenada was attacked and taken over by US armed forces, who set up a new government. Many people around the world protested against the US action. 格林纳达:一个由格林纳达岛和加勒比海中较小的岛屿组成的国家。自1974年以来,它一直是一个独立国家,也是英联邦的成员。1983年,总理被杀后,格林纳达遭到美军的袭击和接管,美军成立了新政府。世界各地许多人抗议美国的行动。