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(plural injuries)
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  1. [countable, uncountable] harm done to a person’s or an animal’s body, for example in an accident(对躯体的)伤害,损伤
    • Two people sustained minor injuries.两人受了轻伤。
    • One of the girls suffered serious injuries.其中一个女孩受了重伤。
    • He was lucky to escape injury.他很幸运没有受伤。
    • The passengers escaped with only minor injuries.乘客只受了点轻伤就逃脱了。
    • As a result of the accident, several passengers sustained serious head injuries.几名乘客因这起事故头部受了重伤。
    • injury to somebody/something One youth was treated for injuries to his arm.一名青年因手臂受伤接受了治疗。
    • He died from multiple injuries caused by the accident.他死于事故造成的多处受伤。
    • There were no injuries in the crash (= no people injured).撞车事故中无人受伤。
    • No damage or injuries were reported.没有损坏或受伤的报告。
    • These new guidelines will help save lives and prevent injury.这些新指南将有助于拯救生命和防止伤害。
    • Taking a few simple precautions will reduce your risk of injury.采取一些简单的预防措施会降低你受伤的风险。
    • This could result in serious injury or even death.这可能导致严重伤害甚至死亡。
    • because of injury Two players are out of the team because of injury.两名队员因伤退出了比赛。
    • (British English, informal) Don't do that. You'll do yourself an injury (= hurt yourself).别那样做。你会把自己弄伤的。
    Collocations InjuriesInjuries身体损伤Being injured受伤
    • have a fall/​an injury跌了一跤;受伤
    • receive/​suffer/​sustain a serious injury/​a hairline fracture/(especially British English) whiplash/​a gunshot wound受重伤/轻微骨裂/鞭伤/枪伤
    • hurt/​injure your ankle/​back/​leg伤到脚踝/背/大腿
    • damage the brain/​an ankle ligament/​your liver/​the optic nerve/​the skin损伤大脑/脚踝韧带/肝脏/视神经/皮肤
    • pull/​strain/​tear a hamstring/​ligament/​muscle/​tendon拉伤腘绳肌腱/韧带/肌肉/肌腱
    • sprain/​twist your ankle/​wrist扭伤脚踝/手腕
    • break a bone/​your collarbone/​your leg/​three ribs骨折;锁骨/大腿/三根肋骨骨折
    • fracture/​crack your skull头盖骨破裂
    • break/​chip/​knock out/​lose a tooth碰断了一颗牙;使牙齿崩缺了一块;磕掉/掉了一颗牙
    • burst/​perforate your eardrum使耳膜破裂;鼓膜穿孔
    • dislocate your finger/​hip/​jaw/​shoulder使手指/臀部/下巴/肩膀脱臼
    • bruise/​cut/​graze your arm/​knee/​shoulder擦伤/割破/擦破手臂/膝盖/肩膀
    • burn/​scald yourself/​your tongue烧伤/烫伤自己/舌头
    • bang/​bump/​hit/ (informal) bash your elbow/​head/​knee (on/​against something)(在某物上)撞到肘部/头/膝盖
    Treating injuries治疗伤病
    • treat somebody for burns/​a head injury/​a stab wound给某人治疗烧伤/头部伤/刺伤
    • examine/​clean/​dress/​bandage/​treat a bullet wound检查/清洗/包扎/用绷带包扎/治疗枪伤
    • repair a damaged/​torn ligament/​tendon/​cartilage修复损伤的/拉伤的韧带/肌腱/软骨
    • amputate/​cut off an arm/​a finger/​a foot/​a leg/​a limb截去一只胳膊/一根手指/一只脚/一条腿;截肢
    • put on/ (formal) apply/​take off (especially North American English) a Band-Aid™/(British English) a plaster/​a bandage贴上/使用/撕掉创可贴;缠上/使用/解掉绷带
    • need/​require/​put in/ (especially British English) have (out)/ (North American English) get (out) stitches需要缝针;缝针;拆线
    • put on/​rub on/ (formal) apply cream/​ointment/​lotion涂抹护肤霜/药膏/护肤液
    • have/​receive/​undergo (British English) physiotherapy/(North American English) physical therapy接受物理疗法
    see also personal injury, RSI, whiplash
    Extra Examples
    • Both defenders have been sidelined by injury.两名防守队员均因伤被迫下场。
    • Finger injuries should be dealt with immediately.手指受伤必须马上处理。
    • Fortunately, the passengers escaped serious injury.所幸没有乘客受重伤。
    • He aggravated a neck injury while playing for Derby County.他在代表德比郡比赛时加重了颈部伤情。
    • He has pulled out of the match through injury.他因伤退出了比赛。
    • He is still being treated for injuries to his legs.他还在接受腿伤治疗。
    • He missed most of the season with a spate of injuries.由于接二连三的受伤,整个赛季的多数比赛他都没能上场。
    • He pulled out with an injury at the last moment.他在最后关头受伤退出了比赛。
    • He underwent tests to assess his injuries.他接受了检测以评估伤情。
    • He was accused of feigning injury.他被指责佯装受伤。
    • He was an injury replacement for another player.他是另一名队员的伤病替补。
    • He went off (= off the playing field) with an injury in the second half.下半场他因伤下场。
    • Her athletics career has been dogged by injury.她的运动生涯受到伤病的困扰。
    • India had wicketkeeper More back after injury.印度板球队的守门员莫尔伤瘉后重又归队。
    • McNair continues to play through injury.麦克奈尔不顾伤痛继续比赛。
    • Please help me before our dogs inflict serious injury on each other!请帮帮我吧,别让我们的狗互相撕咬受伤!
    • Researchers have determined that heading a football can cause permanent injury.研究人员已经可以证实头球动作有可能导致永久性伤害。
    • She has failed to shake off her stomach injury.她胃部的损伤老是好不了。
    • She has replaced him in the team while he nurses a shoulder injury.在他调养肩伤期间,她代替了他在团队中的位置。
    • She is out (= out of the competition/​team) for six weeks with a hamstring injury.她因为肌腱受伤停赛 6 个星期。
    • She picked up an injury during the quarter-final.她在四分之一决赛中受了伤。
    • She should be back from injury.她伤愈后应该回来了。
    • She slumped to the floor with injuries to her back and neck.她重重地跌在地板上,背部和颈部受了伤。
    • She's unable to play because of injury.她因伤无法比赛。
    • Stretching exercises can help avoid injury.伸展运动有利于避免受伤。
    • The car turned right over, causing severe injury to the driver.轿车当场翻倒,致使驾驶员受重伤。
    • The doctor said he would risk serious injury if he were to fall again.医生说如果他再次跌倒的话很可能会受重伤。
    • The inquest heard that he died from multiple injuries.死因调查认定他死于多发伤。
    • The knee injury forced him to give up playing at the age of 23.膝部受伤迫使他 23 岁就放弃了这项运动。
    • The team has a lot of injury problems.该队许多队员伤病在身。
    • There is a real risk of injury in sports such as climbing.攀登之类的运动的确有受伤的危险。
    • These injuries ended her hopes of becoming a doctor.这些损伤终结了她成为一名医生的希望。
    • This type of injury could happen to any player at any time.任何队员都随时可能会受这样的伤。
    • You'll do yourself an injury riding that old bike.骑那辆旧自行车会伤到你自己的。
    • a claim for personal injury人身伤害索赔
    • a guide to lifting without injury提举重物时避免受伤的指南
    • a player on the injury list伤病名单上的一名队员
    • a step-by-step guide to lifting without injury提重物时避免受伤的步骤指南
    • an injury which robbed him of his speed使他丧失速度的伤痛
    • injuries from the fire烧伤
    • injuries resulting from exposure to harmful substances由于接触有害物质而造成的伤害
    • personal injuries arising from negligence由于疏忽大意导致的人身伤害
    • A back injury forced him to give up rugby.背部受伤迫使他放弃了橄榄球。
    • Failure to follow the safety instructions may result in injury.不遵守安全说明可能会导致伤害。
    Topics Illnessa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • appalling
    • bad
    • catastrophic
    … of injuries
    • run
    • series
    • spate
    verb + injury
    • do yourself
    • incur
    • pick up
    injury + verb
    • happen (to somebody)
    • occur
    • result from something
    injury + noun
    • problems
    • site
    • time
    • because of injury
    • through injury
    • with injury
    • a claim for injury
    • a risk of injury
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] (law法律) damage to a person’s feelings(对感情的)伤害,挫伤
    • Damages may be awarded for emotional injury.可能会判处精神伤害赔偿。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • appalling
    • bad
    • catastrophic
    … of injuries
    • run
    • series
    • spate
    verb + injury
    • do yourself
    • incur
    • pick up
    injury + verb
    • happen (to somebody)
    • occur
    • result from something
    injury + noun
    • problems
    • site
    • time
    • because of injury
    • through injury
    • with injury
    • a claim for injury
    • a risk of injury
    See full entry
  3. Word Originlate Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French injurie, from Latin injuria ‘a wrong’, from in- (expressing negation) + jus, jur- ‘right’.
add insult to injury
  1. to make a bad relationship with somebody worse by offending them even more伤害之余又侮辱;(冒犯别人)令关系恶化
    • Then, to add insult to injury, they told me I couldn't get on the flight.更糟糕的是,他们随后又告诉我说我不能登机。
    • It adds insult to injury that banks are allowed to increase their charges without our knowledge or consent.银行可以在我们不知情或者未同意的情况下提高收费,这可真是雪上加霜。
    • Only 300 people came to the match and to add insult to injury, the floodlights went out during the second half.只有区区300 人来看比赛,更糟糕的是,下半场连泛光灯都不亮了。


ADJECTIVE | ... OF INJURIES | VERB + INJURY | INJURY + VERB | INJURY + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEappalling, bad, catastrophic, devastating, horrendous, major, nasty, serious, severe, terrible驚人的傷害;重傷;災難性的傷害;毀滅性的傷害;嚴重的損傷;可怕的創傷;重大傷害crippling致殘的傷害fatal致命傷multiple多發傷extensive大面積創傷minor, slight, superficial微創;輕傷;皮肉傷traumatic外傷acute急性損傷old舊創lingering, nagging, niggling, recurring難瘉合的傷口;反複發作的創傷long-term長期傷害permanent永久性創傷Researchers have determined that heading a football can cause permanent injury.研究人員已經可以證實頭球動作有可能導致永久性傷害。career-ending, career-threatening, season-ending (especially NAmE, all sport體育) 終結職業生涯的/威脅職業生涯的/終結賽季的受傷accidental意外傷害internal內傷visible外傷facial, head, knee, leg, spinal, etc.面部、頭部、膝部、腿部、脊柱等的受傷burn, whiplash燒傷;頸部扭傷sports, sports-related運動損傷industrial, work-related工傷overuse, repetitive strain (abbreviated to RSI) 過勞損傷;重複性勞損bodily, emotional, personal (all law法律) 身體傷害;感情創傷;人身傷害... OF INJURIESrun, series, spate一連串的/一系列的/接二連三的傷害He missed most of the season with a spate of injuries.由於接二連三的受傷,整個賽季的多數比賽他都沒能上場。VERB + INJURYdo yourself, informal) , incur (formal) , pick up, receive, suffer, sustain弄傷自己;招致傷害;受傷
You'll do yourself an injury riding that old bike.騎那輛舊自行車會傷到你自己的。She picked up an injury during the quarter-final.她在四分之一決賽中受了傷。risk面臨受傷的危險The doctor said he would risk serious injury if he were to fall again.醫生說如果他再次跌倒的話很可能會受重傷。cause (sb/sth), induce (formal) , inflict導致(⋯)受傷;引起傷害;造成傷害
The car turned right over, causing severe injury to the driver.轎車當場翻倒,致使駕駛員受重傷。Please help me before our dogs inflict serious injury on each other!請幫幫我吧,別讓我們的狗互相撕咬受傷!carry, experience, have, nurse, suffer from帶傷;受傷害;有傷;養傷;遭受傷痛She has replaced him in the team while he nurses a shoulder injury.在他調養肩傷期間,她代替了他在團隊中的位置。be prone to容易受傷fake, feign假裝受傷He was accused of feigning injury.他被指責佯裝受傷。aggravate, exacerbate加劇傷情He aggravated a neck injury while playing for Derby County.他在代表德比郡比賽時加重了頸部傷情。die from, die of死於創傷The inquest heard that he died from multiple injuries.死因調查認定他死於多發傷。avoid, escape, prevent避免受傷;逃過傷害;防止傷害Stretching exercises can help avoid injury.伸展運動有利於避免受傷。Fortunately, the passengers escaped serious injury.所幸沒有乘客受重傷。minimize, reduce使傷害最小化;減輕傷害battle (especially NAmE) 與傷痛作鬥爭overcome, shake off克服傷痛;擺脫傷害She has failed to shake off her stomach injury.她胃部的損傷老是好不了。recover from, survive傷後恢復;受傷後幸存be treated for, deal with, treat因受傷接受治療;處理傷情;治療創傷Finger injuries should be dealt with immediately.手指受傷必須馬上處理。He is still being treated for injuries to his legs.他還在接受腿傷治療。rehabilitate對傷情進行康復治療heal治瘉傷病come, go, etc. off with (BrE) 因傷下場He went off (= off the playing field) with an injury in the second half.下半場他因傷下場。be out with因受傷離開She is out (= out of the competition / team) for six weeks with a hamstring injury.她因為肌腱受傷停賽 6 個星期。be back after, be back from, come back from, return after, return from傷瘉歸隊;傷瘉後歸來She should be back from injury.她傷瘉後應該回來了。assess評估傷情He underwent tests to assess his injuries.他接受了檢測以評估傷情。report報告傷情INJURY + VERBhappen (to sb), occur傷害發生(在某人身上)This type of injury could happen to any player at any time.任何隊員都隨時可能會受這樣的傷。result from sth傷害由⋯造成injuries resulting from exposure to harmful substances由於接觸有害物質而造成的傷害arise from sth, arise out of sth (both law法律) 傷害源自⋯personal injuries arising from negligence由於疏忽大意導致的人身傷害cause sth傷害導致⋯heal傷病痊瘉affect sb/sth傷情影響⋯bother sb, dog sb/sth, hamper sb/sth, plague sb/sth, trouble sb傷痛困擾某人;傷痛妨礙⋯;傷痛折磨⋯Her athletics career has been dogged by injury.她的運動生涯受到傷病的困擾。rob sb of sth傷痛剝奪某人⋯an injury which robbed him of his speed使他喪失速度的傷痛decimate sb/sth傷害毀壞⋯end sth, prevent sth傷害終結⋯/阻止⋯These injuries ended her hopes of becoming a doctor.這些損傷終結了她成為一名醫生的希望。slow sb down傷痛使某人慢下來limit sb to sth傷情限制某人⋯sideline sb傷痛迫使某人退場Both defenders have been sidelined by injury.兩名防守隊員均因傷被迫下場。force sb to do sth傷痛迫使某人做⋯The knee injury forced him to give up playing at the age of 23.膝部受傷迫使他 23 歲就放棄了這項運動。INJURY + NOUNproblems傷痛問題The team has a lot of injury problems.該隊許多隊員傷病在身。site (especially NAmE) 創傷處Apply the gel to the injury site.將藥膏敷在患處。time (BrE) 傷停補時They scored two goals in injury time.他們在傷停補時階段進了兩個球。replacement受傷隊員的替補He was an injury replacement for another player.他是另一名隊員的傷病替補。list受傷人員名單a player on the injury list傷病名單上的一名隊員risk受傷的危險prevention傷害預防history損傷史rate損傷率report傷情報告case, claim, lawsuit, suit (NAmE) 傷害案件;傷害索賠;傷害訴訟PREPOSITIONbecause of injury因傷She's unable to play because of injury.她因傷無法比賽。through injury不顧傷痛McNair continues to play through injury (= despite having an injury).麥克奈爾不顧傷痛繼續比賽。with injury受傷She slumped to the floor with injuries to her back and neck.她重重地跌在地板上,背部和頸部受了傷。He pulled out with an injury at the last moment.他在最後關頭受傷退出了比賽。without injury不受傷a guide to lifting without injury提舉重物時避免受傷的指南injury from因⋯受傷injuries from the fire燒傷injury to對⋯的傷害PHRASESa claim for injury (law法律) 傷害索賠a claim for personal injury人身傷害索賠a risk of injury受傷的危險There is a real risk of injury in sports such as climbing.攀登之類的運動的確有受傷的危險。


injury ♦︎ wound ♦︎ cut ♦︎ bruise ♦︎ scratch ♦︎ gash ♦︎ grazeThese are all words for harm to sb's body, usually when the skin is broken. 这些词均表示对身体的伤害、损伤,通常伴有皮肤破损。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an injury / a wound / cuts / a bruise / a gash to a part of the body(a) severe injuries / wound / bruisea deep wound / cut / scratch / gashminor injuries / wounds / cuts / bruisesto suffer an injury / a wound / cuts / bruises / scratches / a gashto sustain an injury / a wound / cuts / bruisesto clean a wound / cuta wound / cut / bruise healscuts and bruises / scratches / grazes injury [countable, uncountable] harm done to a person's or animal's body, for example in an accident (对躯体的)伤害,损伤As a result of the accident, several passengers sustained serious head injuries.几名乘客因这起事故头部受了重伤。She escaped with only minor injuries.她幸免于难,只受了几处轻伤。Two players are out of the team because of injury.两名队员因伤离队。The other words in this group generally refer to skin, but an injury can affect bones, muscles, or other parts of the body. 本组词中injury可指骨骼、肌肉或身体其他部位的伤,其他词一般指皮肤上的伤。 wound [countable] an injury to part of the body, especially one in which a hole is made in the skin using a weapon (身体上的)伤,伤口;(武器造成的)伤She survived, despite receiving severe stab wounds.她尽管被严重刺伤,还是活了下来。He proudly showed us his war wounds.他骄傲地向我们展示了他的战伤。 Wound often collocates with the name of the weapon that caused it. * wound常与造成伤害的武器的名字搭配a bullet / gunshot / knife / shrapnel wound枪伤;刀伤;弹片伤 cut [countable] a place where a sharp object has made a hole in sb's skin. 伤口;划口He came home covered in cuts and bruises.他遍体鳞伤地回到家。Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.鲜血从他手臂上深深的伤口中涌出。 see also cut cut verb 4 bruise bruːz [countable] a blue, brown or purple mark on the skin after sb has fallen or been hit 青肿;瘀伤;碰伤He had a huge bruise over his eye.他眼睛上有一大块瘀伤。 (BrE) His legs were covered in bruises.他腿上布满了瘀伤。 (especially NAmE) covered with bruises浑身青肿She was treated for minor cuts and bruises.她因轻微划伤和瘀伤而接受治疗。 scratch [countable] a thin cut which produces very little or no blood (出血很少或不出血的)小伤口,划口Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles.她双手布满了黑莓荆棘划的口子。 see also scratch scratch verb 1 gash [countable] a long, deep cut in the skin 深长的切口He had a nasty gash across his chest.他的胸部有一道又深又长的伤口。 see also gash cut verb 4 graze [countable] a small injury where the skin has been slightly broken by rubbing against sth (表皮)擦伤Paul had a graze on his knee from where he had fallen over on the concrete.保罗摔倒在水泥地上,擦伤了膝盖。 see also graze scratch verb 1
Injuries and wounds: injury, loss, wound...
Damage to someone's reputation: injury, discredit, smear...
Miscellaneous legal terms: abatable, accession, accrual...

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