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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they release
he / she / it releases
past simple released
past participle released
-ing form releasing
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    set somebody free

  1. to let somebody come out of a place where they have been kept or stuck and unable to leave or move释放;放出;放走
    • release somebody to release a prisoner释放囚犯
    • The hostages were released unharmed.人质被释放,未受到伤害。
    • He was released without charge after questioning by police.他经警方审问后被免予起诉并释放了。
    • You will be released on bail and a date for your hearing will be set.你将被保释,听证会的日期将会确定。
    • release somebody from something to release somebody from prison/jail/hospital从监狱/监狱/医院释放某人
    • Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。
    • He was later released from police custody.他后来被警方释放。
    • (figurative) Death released him from his suffering.死亡使他从痛苦中解脱了。
    Extra Examples
    • He was released on his own recognizance and could face up to four years in jail.他在具结保证书后被释放,但他有可能面临最高达 4 年的刑期。
    • She was released from prison last week.她于上周获释出狱。
    • It's been three years since he was released from prison.他出狱已经三年了。
    • Several people charged with minor crimes were released without trial.几个被指控犯有轻罪的人未经审判就被释放了。
    • She was released immediately when the soldiers realized their mistake.当士兵们意识到他们的错误时,她立即被释放了。
    • She was released on bail by the New York police.她保释后让纽约警察当局释放了。
    • The government is insisting that the men are released unconditionally.政府坚持要求无条件释放这些人。
    • The kidnappers have agreed to release the hostages by 12 noon.绑架者已同意中午12时释放人质。
    • They were interrogated before being released.他们在被释放前受到了审问。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • quickly
    • immediately
    • eventually
    • from
    • newly released
    • recently released
    • release somebody on bail
    See full entry
  2. stop holding something松开

  3. to stop holding something or stop it from being held so that it can move, fly, fall, etc. freely放开;松开;使自由移动(或飞翔、降落等) synonym let go, let loose
    • release something He refused to release her arm.他不肯放开她的胳膊。
    • Intense heat is released in the reaction.反应过程中产生高热。
    • 10 000 balloons were released at the ceremony.典礼上放飞了一万个气球。
    • The chemical reaction releases energy in the form of light.化学反应以光的形式释放能量。
    • release something into something the need to limit the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere限制排放到大气中的温室气体数量的需要
    • The birds were cleaned and fed and released again into the wild.那些鸟儿经清洗并喂食后给放回到野外。
    Extra Examples
    • How much radiation was released into the air?多少辐射进入到了空气中?
    • The compound slowly releases iron into the bloodstream.这种化合物慢慢将铁释放到血流中。
    • The dam suddenly released millions of gallons of water.大坝突然放出数百万加仑的水。
    • The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。
    • the gases that are released from aerosols喷雾器喷出的气体
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • accidentally
    • slowly
    • quickly
    • from
    • into
    See full entry
  4. feelings情感

  5. release something to express feelings such as anger or worry in order to get rid of them发泄;宣泄
    • She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。
    • She laughed, the tension inside her suddenly released.她笑了起来,绷紧的神经立刻松弛了下来。
  6. part of machine机器部件

  7. release something to remove something from a fixed position, allowing something else to move or function松开;拉开
    • to release the clutch/handbrake/switch松开离合器/手闸/开关
    • Now release the clutch and move away from the kerb.现在松开离合器,驶离路边。
  8. make available使可获得

  9. to make information available to the public公开;发行;发布
    • release something to release a statement/report/document/poll/study发表声明/报告/文件/民意测验/研究
    • to release figures/results/information/data公布数字/结果/信息/数据
    • Police have released no further details about the accident.关于这次事故,警方没有透露更多的细节。
    • release something to somebody The suspect's name has not been released to the public.嫌疑人的名字尚未向公众公布。
    • The newly released files reveal the extent of his involvement in the scandal.新公布的文件揭示了他卷入丑闻的程度。
    Extra Examples
    • Details of the attack have not yet been released to the public.有关这次袭击的详情还没有向公众发布。
    • Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment is still rising.本周要发布的官方数字表明,长期失业者人数还在增加。
    • Police have refused to release the name of the dead man.警方拒绝公布死者姓名。
    • The committee is expected to release its findings this summer.委员会有望在今年夏天公布其调查结果。
    • The organization has released a report drawing attention to the appalling conditions.该组织发布了一份报告,提请人们注意令人震惊的状况。
    • The actual poll was not released to the media. 实际投票结果没有向媒体公布。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • officially
    • commercially
    • publicly
    verb + release
    • refuse to
    • be expected to
    • plan to
    • in
    • on
    • to
    • newly released
    • recently released
    • originally released
    See full entry
  10. release something to make a film, recording or other product available to the public向公众发行电影、唱片或其他产品
    • He's planning to release a solo album.他正在计划出版一张独唱专辑。
    • to release a film/video发行电影/录像
    • They've released a new version of the original film.他们发行了原版电影的新版本。
    • There have been a lot of new products released onto the market.已经有很多新产品投放市场。
    • The series has just recently been released on DVD.该系列最近刚刚发行了DVD。
    Extra Examples
    • They have finally released their debut album.他们终于发行了首张专辑。
    • The album was originally released in 1974.这张专辑最初发行于 1974 年。
    • The book has not yet been released in paperback.该书还没有出平装版。
    • The film was never released theatrically in the US.这部电影从来没有在美国的影剧院上映过。
    • The new version is expected to be released shortly.新版本有望不久发布。
    • newly released recordings新发行的唱片
    • When was the film first released?这部影片什么时候首映?
    Topics Film and theatreb2, Musicb2
  11. release something to make something available that had previously been limited开放;放开;解禁
    • The new building programme will go ahead as soon as the government releases the funds.政府一拨付资金,新的建筑项目就动工。
  12. free somebody from duty免除职责

  13. to free somebody from a duty, responsibility, contract, etc.免除,解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等);解雇
    • release somebody The club is releasing some of its older players.俱乐部正在解聘一些老队员。
    • release somebody from something The new law released employers from their obligation to recognize unions.新的法律免除了雇主承认工会的义务。
  14. make less tight使不紧张

  15. release something to make something less tight使不紧张;使松弛;放松
    • You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles.你需要放松肩部肌肉。
    • to release a catch/a screw/a nut/the clutch/the brakes松开锁扣/螺丝/螺母/离合器/刹车
  16. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French reles (noun), relesser (verb), from Latin relaxare ‘stretch out again, slacken’, from re- (expressing intensive force) + laxus ‘lax, loose’.


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    setting somebody/something free释放

  1. [uncountable, singular] the act of setting a person or an animal free; the state of being set free释放;获释
    • release of somebody/something The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages.政府一直在努力争取使人质获释。
    • The judges ordered the release of prisoners who were political opponents of the government.法官下令释放那些反对政府的政治犯。
    • The public demanded her release.公众要求释放她。
    • release from something Following his release from prison, he moved to London.出狱后,他搬到了伦敦。
    • release of somebody from something The release of female prisoners from government jails was part of the deal.从政府监狱释放女性囚犯是协议的一部分。
    • He was granted early release (= from prison).他得以提前获释。
    • She can expect an early release from prison.她有望早一点出狱。
    • on/upon somebody's release from something Upon his release from jail he found work in a restaurant kitchen.出狱后,他在一家餐馆的厨房找到了工作。
    • on/upon somebody's release Upon her release, she fled Germany, living first in Geneva, then Paris. 获释后,她逃离了德国,先是住在日内瓦,然后是巴黎。
    see also day release, work release
    Extra Examples
    • He negotiated the release of American prisoners of war.他通过谈判解决释放美国战俘的问题。
    • On completing his prison sentence Smith will serve three years of supervised release.服刑期满后,史密斯将接受 3 年的监外看管。
    • There have been calls for his immediate and unconditional release.人们要求立即无条件释放他。
    • his release from hospital他的出院
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • immediate
    • imminent
    • early
    verb + release
    • demand
    • grant somebody
    • secure
    release + noun
    • date
    • release from
    • release somebody on bail
    • release somebody on parole
    See full entry
  2. making something available使可得到

  3. [uncountable, singular] the act of making a film, recording or other product available to the public公开;发行;发布
    • The new software is planned for release in April.新软件计划四月份发行。
    • It is very difficult for a Brazilian film to get an American release.巴西电影很难在美国上映。
    • The film never received a theatrical release (= was not shown in cinemas).这部电影从未在影院上映。
    • The movie goes on general release (= will be widely shown in cinemas) next week.这部电影将于下周公开上映。
    • I hadn't seen the movie since its original release.这部电影最初上映后,我就没看过了。
    • the release of a film/report电影/报告的发行
    • upon (something's) release Upon its release, the film received considerable acclaim.这部电影一上映就获得了广泛的好评。
    • It's still seven weeks till the film's official release.离电影正式上映还有七周。
    • A release date has not been announced yet.发布日期尚未宣布。
    Extra Examples
    • With its release on DVD, fans now have a chance to re-evaluate their initial impressions.随着它在DVD上的发行,粉丝们现在有机会重新评估他们的最初印象。
    • The film will go on general release in November.这部电影将在 11 月份公映。
    • The controversy threatens to delay the movie's release.这场争论有可能导致该电影推迟发行。
    • The film never got a theatrical release but went straight to DVD.这部电影从未在影院上映,而是直接被制成了影碟。
    • The judge authorized the release of the information.法官授权发布消息。
    • The senator demanded the immediate release of the full report.参议员要求立即发布完整的报告。
    • Under the current release schedule, the series will be available on DVD early next year.按照目前的发行时间表,该连续剧的数字影碟将于明年年初面世。
    • a publicity tour for the upcoming release of her autobiography为她即将发行的自传进行的巡回宣传
    • I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next volume.我正在热切盼望下一卷的发行。
    • He has announced the release of his new album.他宣布发行自己的新专辑。
    Topics Musicb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • new
    • recent
    verb + release
    • authorize
    • demand
    • announce
    release + verb
    • be out
    • come out
    release + noun
    • date
    • schedule
    • release on
    • in general release
    • on general release
    See full entry
  4. [countable] a thing that is made available to the public, especially a new film or music recording新发行的东西;(尤指)新激光唱片,新电影
    • recent/new releases最近/新发布的版本
    • the latest releases最新的发行物(唱片、影片等)
    • There are several interesting album releases due out on Friday.有几张有趣的专辑将于周五发行。
    • This is a debut release that'll simply take your breath away.这是一个初次发布,会让你大吃一惊。
    Topics Film and theatreb2, Musicb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • new
    • recent
    verb + release
    • authorize
    • demand
    • announce
    release + verb
    • be out
    • come out
    release + noun
    • date
    • schedule
    • release on
    • in general release
    • on general release
    See full entry
  5. [uncountable, singular] the act of making information available to the public公开;公布;发布
    • the release of the report报告的发布
    • The company issued a news release after the board meeting.公司在董事会后发布了一份新闻稿。
  6. of gas/chemical气体;化学品

  7. [uncountable, countable] the act of letting a gas, chemical, etc. move or flow freely排放;泄漏;渗漏
    • Release of these hormones gives the body a temporary increase in strength and energy.这些激素的释放使身体的力量和能量暂时增加。
    • disasters resulting from accidental releases of toxic substances有毒物质意外释放造成的灾难
    • The aim is to control the risks of exposure to chemicals by preventing release at source.目的是通过从源头上防止释放来控制接触化学品的风险。
    • release of something into something the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere二氧化碳向大气层的排放
    • to monitor radiation releases监测辐射的释放
    see also time-release
  8. from unpleasant feeling不愉快的感觉

  9. [uncountable, singular] the feeling that you are free from pain, worry or some other unpleasant feeling解脱;轻松感
    • a sense of release after the exam考试后的解脱感
    • I think her death was a merciful release.我认为她的死是一种幸运的解脱。
    • It’s just a release of tension.只是一种紧张的释放。
    Extra Examples
    • She saw death as a welcome release from pain.她把死亡看作一种摆脱痛苦的好方式。
    • Sometimes we just need some release from the pressure.有时我们只是需要缓解一下压力。
    • Laughter is an important release valve for feelings of frustration.笑是缓解挫折感的重要工具。
    • Crying gave some emotional release.哭泣缓解了一些痛苦的情绪。
    • All societies have social mechanisms for the release of tension.每一个社会都有释放压力的机制。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • welcome
    • emotional
    • sexual
    verb + release
    • give (somebody)
    • need
    release + noun
    • valve
    • release from
    • a feeling of release
    • a sense of release
    • a release of tension
    See full entry
  10. see also press release, shutter release
    Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French reles (noun), relesser (verb), from Latin relaxare ‘stretch out again, slacken’, from re- (expressing intensive force) + laxus ‘lax, loose’.


1freeing sb from prison, etc.獲釋出獄ADJECTIVE | VERB + RELEASE | RELEASE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEimmediate立即釋放There have been calls for his immediate and unconditional release.人們要求立即無條件釋放他。imminent即將釋放early提早釋放unconditional無條件釋放supervised (NAmE) 監外看管On completing his prison sentence Smith will serve three years of supervised release.服刑期滿後,史密斯將接受 3 年的監外看管。VERB + RELEASEdemand要求釋放The outraged public demanded her release.憤怒的公眾要求釋放她。grant sb准予釋放某人He was granted early release.他得以提前獲釋。secure使獲得釋放A public outcry secured her release from detention.公眾的強烈抗議使她不再被拘押。negotiate通過談判以求釋放He negotiated the release of American prisoners of war.他通過談判解決釋放美國戰俘的問題。RELEASE + NOUNdate釋放日期PREPOSITIONrelease from從⋯釋放出來his release from hospital他的出院PHRASESrelease sb on bail, release sb on parole保釋/假釋某人


2freeing sb from an emotion, a pain, etc.解脫情感;免除痛苦ADJECTIVE | VERB + RELEASE | RELEASE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEwelcome受歡迎的解脫She saw death as a welcome release from pain.她把死亡看作一種擺脫痛苦的好方式。emotional, sexual情感上的解脫;性解脫VERB + RELEASEgive (sb)給予(某人)解脫Crying gave some emotional release.哭泣緩解了一些痛苦的情緒。need需要解脫Sometimes we just need some release from the pressure.有時我們只是需要緩解一下壓力。RELEASE + NOUNvalve (figurative) 緩解閥Laughter is an important release valve for feelings of frustration.笑是緩解挫折感的重要工具。PREPOSITIONrelease from從⋯中的解脫PHRASESa feeling of release, a sense of release解脫感a release of tension釋放壓力All societies have social mechanisms for the release of tension.每一個社會都有釋放壓力的機制。


3book, film/movie, music, piece of news, etc.書籍;電影;音樂;新聞ADJECTIVE | VERB + RELEASE | RELEASE + VERB | RELEASE + NOUN | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVElatest, new, recent最新發行的書籍/電影/唱片;新近發佈的新聞forthcoming, future, upcoming (especially NAmE) 即將發行的書籍/電影/唱片;將要發行的書籍/電影/唱片a publicity tour for the upcoming release of her autobiography為她即將發行的自傳進行的巡迴宣傳previous, subsequent以前的/隨後的發行物commercial商業出版物official官方的發行物cinema, theatrical (NAmE) 電影發行;影劇院上映The film never got a theatrical release but went straight to video.這部電影從來沒有上映過,而是直接製作成了錄像帶。news, press發佈的新聞album, book, film, movie, record發行的專輯/圖書/電影/影片/唱片CD, DVD, video發行的光盤/數字影碟/錄像VERB + RELEASEauthorize授權發行The judge authorized the release of the information.法官授權發佈消息。demand要求發佈The senator demanded the immediate release of the full report.參議員要求立即發佈完整的報告。announce宣佈發行He has announced the release of his new album.他宣佈發行自己的新專輯。anticipate, await期待/等待發行I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next volume.我正在熱切盼望下一卷的發行。block, delay, prevent阻止發行;延遲發行The controversy threatens to delay the movie's release.這場爭論有可能導致該電影推遲發行。RELEASE + VERBbe out, come out發行物面世The new CD releases will be out on Friday.新發行的激光唱片將於星期五面世。RELEASE + NOUNdate, schedule發行日期/時間表Under the current release schedule, the series will be available on DVD early next year.按照目前的發行時間表,該連續劇的數字影碟將於明年年初面世。PREPOSITIONrelease on在⋯上的發行I've been eagerly awaiting this film's release on DVD.我一直在急切地等待發行該電影的數字影碟。PHRASESin general release, on general release (BrE) 公開放映The movie is already in / on general release.這部電影已經在電影院公映。The film will go on general release in November.這部電影將在 11 月份公映。


1allow sb to be free使自由ADVERB | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBquickly迅速釋放immediately立即釋放eventually, finally最終/終於釋放conditionally, unconditionally有條件/無條件釋放PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯釋放She was released from prison last week.她於上週獲釋出獄。PHRASESnewly released, recently released剛剛獲釋的release sb on bail, release sb on parole, release sb on licence, law法律) , release sb on probation, release sb on their own recognizance (NAmE, law法律) 保釋某人;假釋某人;特許釋放某人;緩刑釋放某人;具結釋放某人He was released on his own recognizance and could face up to four years in jail.他在具結保證書後被釋放,但他有可能面臨最高達 4 年的刑期。release sb unharmed未加傷害而釋放某人The hostages were released unharmed.人質被釋放,未受到傷害。


2let sth go or escape使逸出ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBaccidentally意外泄漏The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.這家工廠意外泄漏大量有毒廢物到海中。slowly慢慢逸出The compound slowly releases iron into the bloodstream.這種化合物慢慢將鐵釋放到血流中。quickly, suddenly迅速逸出;突然釋放The dam suddenly released millions of gallons of water.大壩突然放出數百萬加侖的水。She laughed, the tension inside her suddenly released.她笑了起來,繃緊的神經立刻鬆弛了下來。PREPOSITIONfrom從⋯釋出the gases that are released from spray cans噴霧器噴出的氣體into排放入⋯How much radiation was released into the air?多少輻射進入到了空氣中?


3make sth available使可獲得ADVERB | VERB + RELEASE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADVERBofficially官方發佈Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment is still rising.本週要發佈的官方數字表明,長期失業者人數還在增加。commercially, publicly商業性/公開發佈theatrically (especially NAmE) 在影劇院上映The film was never released theatrically in the US.這部電影從來沒有在美國的影劇院上映過。recently最近發佈shortly, soon不久發佈The new version is expected to be released shortly.新版本有望不久發佈。VERB + RELEASErefuse to拒絕公佈Police have refused to release the name of the dead man.警方拒絕公佈死者姓名。be expected to有望發佈The committee is expected to release its findings this summer.委員會有望在今年夏天公佈其調查結果。plan to計劃發佈He's planning to release a solo album.他正在計劃出版一張獨唱專輯。PREPOSITIONin, on以⋯形式發佈The book has not yet been released in paperback.該書還沒有出平裝版。The album has not been released on CD.該專輯還沒有出光盤版。to發佈給⋯Details of the attack have not yet been released to the public.有關這次襲擊的詳情還沒有向公眾發佈。PHRASESnewly released, recently released新近發行的newly released recordings新發行的唱片originally released, previously released初次/早先發行的The album was originally released in 1974.這張專輯最初發行於 1974 年。
release verb
release (release prisoners) free1 (release the driver from the wreckage) publish1 (release details of sth) publish2 (release a film/CD) relax2 (release the tension)


release ♦︎ let sb go ♦︎ free ♦︎ liberate ♦︎ set sb/sth free ♦︎ ransom ♦︎ emancipate ♦︎ let sb/sth looseThese words all mean to let sb/sth leave a place where they have been kept or trapped. 这些词均表示释放、放出、放走。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to release / free / liberate / set free / emancipate sb from sthto release / let go / free / liberate / set free / ransom a prisoner / hostageto finally release sb / let sb go / free sb / liberate sbto release / free sb on bailto release / free an animal / a bird into the wild release [transitive] to let sb/sth leave prison or a place where they have been kept (从监狱或某处)释放,放出,放走The kidnappers have agreed to release the hostages by 12 noon.绑架者已同意中午12时释放人质。He was released without charge (= not charged with committing a crime) after questioning by police.他经警方审问后被免予起诉并释放了。She was released on bail (= after paying a sum of money to make sure she would return) by the New York police.她保释后让纽约警察当局释放了。The birds were cleaned and fed and released again into the wild.那些鸟儿经清洗并喂食后给放回到野外。 see also release free verb 1 release


[uncountable, singular] The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages.政府一直在努力争取,确保人质获释。She can expect an early release from prison.她有望早一点出狱。
ˌlet sb ˈgo


(letting, let, let) (rather informal) to allow sb to be free after keeping them somewhere by force for a short time (用武力短时间将某人关在某处后)放,释放He was beaten up quite badly before they let him go.他们狠狠打了他一顿,放他走了。Let me go! You're hurting me!让我走!你弄疼我了!Let sb go is not usually used to talk about releasing ordinary criminals from prison, but it is used about hostages who have been taken prisoner illegally. * let sb go一般不指从监狱释放普通罪犯,而指释放被非法囚禁的人质。 see also let go free verb 1
free [transitive] to let sb leave prison or a place where they have been kept by force; to let sb stop being a slave (= a person who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for them) (从监狱或某处)释放;使自由(不再为奴)Over 2 000 political prisoners were freed as a gesture of good will.作为善意的姿态,2 000多名政治犯被释放了。The starting point for emancipation was the freeing of children of slaves born after a certain date.某一具体日期后出生的奴隶子女不再为奴,这是解放奴隶的第一步。 see also free free adj. 1 , free free verb 1 liberate ˈlɪbəreɪt [transitive] (rather formal) to free a country or person from the control of sb else 解放The city was liberated by the advancing army.军队向前挺进,解放了那座城市。 liberation


[uncountable, singular] He took part in the liberation of the occupied countries.他参加了对被占领国家的解放。
ˌset sb/sth ˈfree


(setting, set, set)to let sb leave prison or a place where they have been kept by force; to let an animal or bird go free after it has been tied up or kept in a cage (从监狱或某处)释放;放生(动物或鸟)Police were forced to set him free because of a lack of evidence.因为缺乏证据,警方被迫将他释放。Dozens of laboratory animals were set free by animal rights activists.大批用作实验的动物被动物权益保护者放生了。NOTE 辨析 Release, free or set free? Free emphasizes the decision to let sb go; release emphasizes the physical act of letting sb go. A court or the government might free the prisoners; the police or prison service would release them. Set free also emphasizes the physical act of letting sb/sth go, especially in cases where this is done by force, not authority. * free强调释放的决定,release强调释放的实际行动。法院或政府决定释放囚犯用free,警察或监狱释放囚犯用release。set free也强调释放的实际行动,尤其是通过武力达成,而不是由当局批准的释放Rioters stormed the prison and set all the prisoners free.暴徒冲进监狱,放走了所有犯人。
ransom ˈrænsəm [transitive] to pay money to sb so that they will release the person that they are keeping as a prisoner 为⋯交付赎金The hostages were ransomed and returned home unharmed.交付赎金后,人质安然无恙地回到家中。 ransom


[countable, uncountable] The kidnappers demanded a ransom of £50 000 from his family.绑架者向他的家人索要赎金5万英镑。They are refusing to pay ransom for her release.他们拒绝支付赎金解救她。
emancipate ɪˈmænsɪpeɪt [transitive, often passive] to free sb, especially from legal, political or social restrictions 解放;使不受(法律、政治或社会的)束缚Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States.美国奴隶直到1863年才获得自由。 emancipation


[uncountable] the struggle for the emancipation of women解放妇女的斗争
let sb/sth ˈloose


(letting, let, let)to let sb/sth go free, especially sb/sth that might be dangerous or cause problems 让⋯自由;释放;放走(尤指可能会产生危险或导致问题的人或事物)Who let the dogs loose?谁把狗放出来了?How did such a violent criminal get to be let loose in the community?这样的暴力罪犯怎能放回社会? see also loose free adj. 1

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