the fact of people or organizations competing against each other 竞争性: 人与人之间或组织与组织之间的竞争。professions involving a higher degree of competitiveness such as marketing and business administration 市场营销和工商管理等竞争力较高的职业 - competitiveness between A and B
the ongoing competitiveness between the two companies 两家公司之间持续的竞争
the fact of being as good as or better than others 竞争力: 与他人一样好或更好the competitiveness of British industry 英国工业的竞争力 - competitiveness with something/somebody
Many local private banks lack competitiveness with foreign banks. 许多本地私人银行缺乏与外资银行的竞争力。
the fact of trying very hard to be better than others 努力超越别人的事实 I love his work ethic and his competitiveness. 我喜欢他的职业道德和竞争力。