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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 473 COCA: 525
event noun
event1 (a sequence of events) event2 (a social event) race (sporting events)


a sequence of events 一连串事件a social event 社交活动event ♦︎ affair ♦︎ incident ♦︎ experience ♦︎ phenomenon ♦︎ episode ♦︎ business ♦︎ development ♦︎ occurrence ♦︎ proceedings ♦︎ eventualityThese are all words for sth which happens. 这些词均表示发生的事情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the whole event / affair / incident / experience / phenomenon / episode / business / proceedings(a) strange event / affair / incident / experience / phenomenon / development / occurrence(a) terrible event / affair / incident / experience / business(a) dramatic event / incident / experience / episode / developmentan enjoyable event / affair / experience(an) everyday event / affair / incident / experience / occurrencean isolated event / incident / experience / phenomenon / episode / occurrencea rare / common event / experience / phenomenon / occurrenceto witness an event / an incident / a phenomenon / an episodean event / an incident / an experience / a phenomenon / an episode occursan event / an incident / an experience / a phenomenon / an episode / proceedings takes place / take place event [countable] a thing that happens, especially sth important 发生的事情;(尤指)重要事情,大事The election was the main event of 2005.那次选举是2005年的大事。In the light of later events the decision was proved to be right.从后来发生的事看,这一决定是正确的。The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future.我们现在作出的决定可能会影响未来事情的发展。Everyone was frightened by the strange sequence of events.人人都因接二连三的怪事感到恐惧。 affair [countable, usually singular] an event that people are talking about or describing in a particular way 事件;事情I ended up disillusioned and bitter about the whole affair.我最终对整件事失去信心,伤心极了。The debate was a pretty disappointing affair.这场辩论使人颇感失望。She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair.她希望庆祝活动简简单单的,只限家人参加。 Affairs [plural] are events of public interest or political importance. 复数形式的affairs指公众关注的事件或时政要事world / international / business affairs世界/国际/商业事务He's an expert on foreign affairs.他是外交事务专家。He believed in a strict separation of the affairs of state and those of the church.他坚信要将国家事务与宗教事务严格区分开。The talk ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs (= events of political or social importance that are happening now).谈话涉及从体育赛事到时事等诸多方面。 incident ˈɪnsɪdənt [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) something that happens, especially sth unusual or unpleasant; a serious or violent event, such as a crime, accident or attack 发生的事情(尤指不寻常或不愉快的);严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、事故或袭击等)His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.他的不良行为只是个案。There was a shooting incident near here last night.昨晚这附近发生了枪击事件。The demonstration passed off without incident.这次示威和平地结束了。 experience [countable] an event or activity that affects you in some way (一次)经历,体验It was her first experience of living alone.那是她第一次独自生活。Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience (= unusual for us).在非洲生活与在家里完全不同,那真是一次不同寻常的经历。I had a bad experience with fireworks once.我放烟火有过一次不愉快的遭遇。He seems to have had some sort of religious experience.他好像有过某种宗教体验。 see also experience knowledge noun , experience life noun 3 , experience have verb 3 phenomenon fəˈnɒmɪnən; NAmE fəˈnɑːmɪnən(plural phenomena) [countable] a fact or event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood (尤指未能完全理解的)现象natural / cultural / social phenomena自然/文化/社会现象This kind of crime is a phenomenon of the modern age .这一类犯罪是当代现象。 episode ˈepɪsəʊd; NAmE ˈepɪsoʊd [countable] an event, situation or period of time in sb's life or a story that is important or interesting in some way (人生的)一段经历;(故事的)片段,插曲I'd like to try and forget the whole episode.我倒是想尽量把那段经历全忘掉。It turned out to be one of the funniest episodes in the novel.后来发现那个片段是小说中最滑稽的部分之一。 business (usually used with an adjective 通常与形容词连用) [singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) a matter, event or situation 事情;事件;状况I found the whole business very depressing.我觉得整件事都令人很沮丧。That plane crash was a terrible business.那次飞机坠毁是十分可怕的事。The business of the missing tickets hasn't been sorted out.遗失票这件事还没有解决。 development [countable] a new event or stage that is likely to affect what happens in a continuing situation (新的)发展事态;进展情况;发展阶段the latest developments in the war战争的最新进展情况Are there any further developments in the investigation?调查有进展吗? see also develop break out occurrence əˈkʌrəns; NAmE əˈkɜːrəns [countable] (formal) something that happens or exists 发生的事情;存在的事情Vandalism has become a regular occurrence in recent times.最近这里经常发生故意破坏公物的事。The program counts the number of occurrences of any word or group of words, within the text.这个程序可以统计任何单词或词语在文本中出现的次数。 see also occur happen proceedings prəˈsiːdɪŋz [plural] an event or series of actions 事件;过程;一系列行动The Mayor will open the proceedings at the City Hall tomorrow.明天市长将在市政厅宣布开幕。We watched the proceedings from the balcony.我们从阳台上观看了仪式。 eventuality ɪˌventʃuˈæləti [countable] (formal) something that may possibly happen, especially sth unpleasant (尤指不愉快的)可能发生的事,可能出现的结果We were prepared for every eventuality.我们已作好准备应付任何可能出现的情况。This strategy will allow us to cope with all eventualities which may arise.这种部署使我们能够应付任何可能出现的情况。event2


a sequence of events 一连串事件a social event 社交活动 see also party 2 event ♦︎ celebration ♦︎ occasion ♦︎ function ♦︎ reception ♦︎ reunion ♦︎ festivities ♦︎ get-togetherThese are all words for a public or social situation where people are invited to a place for a particular reason. 这些词均表示公开活动、社交场合。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) special event / celebration / occasion / reception / reunion / festivities(a) family event / celebration / occasion / reunion / festivities / get-togethera social event / occasion / functiona school event / function / reunion(a) wedding celebrations / receptionChristmas celebrations / festivitiesan annual event / celebration / reunion / get-togetheran event / celebrations / a function / a reception / a reunion / festivities is / are heldan event / celebrations / a reception / a reunion / festivities takes place / take place event [countable] a time when lots of people are invited to a particular place in order to spend time together having fun or taking part in an activity 公开活动;社交场合Details of meetings and social events are sent out to all club members.会议和社交活动的具体安排已发给俱乐部全体会员。The hospital is planning a major fund-raising event for June.这家医院正策划在6月份举办一次大型的筹款活动。 celebration [countable, usually plural] a special event that people organize in order to celebrate sth 庆典;庆祝活动They are already preparing for his 80th birthday celebrations in October.他们已经在准备10月份为他举办80岁生日庆典了。The celebrations continued with a cabaret dinner.庆祝活动在有卡巴莱歌舞表演的晚宴上继续。 celebrate


[intransitive, transitive] Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.杰克通过考试了,我们要外出庆祝一下。How do people celebrate New Year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆祝新年? see also celebrate play verb 1
occasion [countable] a special event, ceremony or celebration 特别的事情(或仪式、庆典)Turn every meal into a special occasion.要让每一餐都给人有惊喜的感觉。Their wedding turned out to be quite an occasion.他们的婚礼办得相当隆重。They marked the occasion (= celebrated it) with an open-air concert.他们举办了露天音乐会来庆祝。He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement.他在退休仪式上获赠这块手表。 function [countable] (rather formal) a social event or official ceremony 社交聚会;典礼;宴会The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions.大厅可以举办婚礼和其他公开活动。He and his wife were guests of honour at a function held by the society last weekend.在上周末协会举办的宴会上他和他的妻子是特邀嘉宾。 reception [countable] a formal social occasion to welcome sb or celebrate sth 接待仪式;欢迎会;招待会They held a reception for 100 guests at the golf club.他们在高尔夫球会所举办了一个欢迎会,招待100名嘉宾。The hall is a popular venue for wedding receptions.这个大厅是深受欢迎的婚宴场所。 reunion riːˈjuːniən [countable] a social occasion or party attended by a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time 重逢;团聚;聚会The seventh annual reunion will take place in March.第七届年度联欢会将于3月份举行。a school reunion校友聚会 festivities feˈstɪvətiz [plural] (rather formal) the activities that are organized to celebrate a special event 庆祝活动Bonfires and fireworks will form part of the festivities.庆祝活动包括燃篝火和放烟火。 ˈget-together [countable] (informal) an informal meeting; a party (非正式的)聚会;联欢会I'm going back for the usual family get-together at Thanksgiving.我像往年一样,感恩节回去和家人团聚。 see also get together meet 1

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