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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
any luck?
(informal) used to ask somebody if they have been successful with something(询问是否成功)运气怎么样
  • ‘Any luck?’ ‘No, they're all too busy to help.’“运气怎么样?” “不怎么样,他们都没空帮忙。”
Topics Successc2
Express Yourself Wishing somebody luckWishing somebody luck祝人好运If someone is going to do something difficult, you can wish them luck:别人要做困难的事,可用以下表达方式祝其好运:
    • Good luck!祝你好运!
    • The best of luck for the exam!祝考试成功!
    (British English)
    • I hope it goes well! We'll be thinking about you.我希望一切顺利!我们会想念你的。
    • All the best! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.祝一切顺利!我会为你祈求好运。
    • Thanks.谢谢。
    • I'll do my best.我会尽力的。
See also luck

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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