- [only before noun]
discussed and accepted by everyone 同意: 每个人都讨论并接受They all met at the agreed time and place. 他们都在约定的时间和地点见面了。
- [not before noun]
if people are agreed or something is agreed, everyone has the same opinion about something (对…)取得一致意见,一致同意 - agreed (on/about something)
Are we all agreed on this? 我们在这个问题上是不是全体意见一致? - it is agreed(that)…
It was agreed (that) we should hold another meeting. 大家一致同意我们应该再开一次会。 It was provisionally agreed that 12 August was to be the date. 日期暂定为8月12日。 It is generally agreed that more funding is needed for education. 大家都认为教育需要更多的经费。
- agreed (on/about something)