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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 701 COCA: 543


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they eat
he / she / it eats
past simple ate
/et/, /eɪt/
past participle eaten
-ing form eating
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [intransitive, transitive] to put food in your mouth, bite it and swallow it
    • I was too nervous to eat.我紧张得饭都吃不下。
    • to eat well/healthily健康饮食
    • She doesn't eat properly (= doesn't eat food that is good for her).她吃得不好。
    • eat something I don't eat meat.我不吃肉。
    • to eat breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早餐/午餐/晚餐
    • Would you like something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?
    • I couldn't eat another thing (= I have had enough food).我再也吃不下了。
    Collocations Diet and exerciseDiet and exercise节食和锻炼Weight体重
    • put on/​gain/​lose weight/​a few kilos/​a few pounds增加/减少体重/几公斤/几磅
    • watch/​control/​struggle with your weight关注/控制体重;努力减肥
    • be/​become seriously overweight/​underweight已经/变得严重超重/体重不足
    • be/​become clinically/​morbidly obese已经是/变成临床/病态肥胖
    • achieve/​facilitate/​promote/​stimulate weight loss达到减轻体重的目的;促进减肥
    • slim down to 70 kilos/(British English) 11 stone/(especially North American English) 160 pounds减肥到 70 公斤/11 英石/160 磅
    • combat/​prevent/​tackle/​treat obesity遏制/防止/解决/治疗肥胖
    • develop/​have/​suffer from/​struggle with/​recover from anorexia/​bulimia/​an eating disorder患上/对抗/治愈厌食症/贪食症/饮食失调症
    • be on/​go on/​follow a crash/​strict diet采用快速减肥食谱;严格节食
    • have/​suffer from a negative/​poor body image有不好的身体形象
    • have/​develop a positive/​healthy body image具有/达到好的/健康的身体形象
    Healthy eating健康的饮食
    • eat a balanced diet/​healthily/​sensibly吃得均衡/健康/合理
    • get/​provide/​receive adequate/​proper nutrition获得/提供/得到充足的/合适的营养
    • contain/​get/​provide essential nutrients/​vitamins/​minerals含有/得到/提供必需的营养素/维生素/矿物质
    • be high/​low in calories/​fat/​fibre/​protein/​vitamin D/​Omega-3 fatty acids
    • contain (no)/use/​be full of/​be free from additives/​chemical preservatives/​artificial sweeteners(不)含/使用/含有大量/不含添加剂/化学防腐剂/人工甜味剂
    • avoid/​cut down on/​cut out alcohol/​caffeine/​fatty foods避免摄取/减少/戒酒/咖啡因/高脂食物
    • stop/​give up/ (especially North American English) quit smoking戒烟
    Exercise 锻炼
    • (British English) take regular exercise经常锻炼
    • do moderate/​strenuous/​vigorous exercise做适度/剧烈运动
    • play football/​hockey/​tennis玩足球/曲棍球/网球
    • go cycling/​jogging/​running骑自行车;慢跑;跑步
    • go to/​visit/ (especially North American English) hit/​work out at the gym去健身房锻炼
    • strengthen/​tone/​train your stomach muscles增强/锻炼腹肌
    • contract/​relax/​stretch/​use/​work your lower-body muscles 收缩/放松/伸展/使用/锻炼下肢的肌肉
    • build (up)/gain muscle增强肌肉
    • improve/​increase your stamina/​energy levels/​physical fitness增强耐力/体能/体质
    • burn/​consume/​expend calories消耗热量
    Staying healthy保持健康
    • be/​get/​keep/​stay healthy/​in shape/(especially British English) fit 身体健康;变得/保持健康
    • lower your cholesterol/​blood pressure降低胆固醇/血压
    • boost/​stimulate/​strengthen your immune system增强免疫力
    • prevent/​reduce the risk of heart disease/​high blood pressure/​diabetes/​osteoporosis预防/减少患心脏病/高血压/糖尿病/骨质疏松的风险
    • reduce/​relieve/​manage/​combat stress 缓解/控制压力
    • enhance/​promote relaxation/​physical and mental well-being有助于身体放松/身心健康
    Extra Examples
    • Barton did not feel very hungry and ate sparingly.巴顿不觉得很饿,吃得不多。
    • Do you have anything to eat?你有什么吃的东西吗?
    • Keep a record of everything you eat and drink.记录你吃的和喝的所有东西。
    • Do you want to grab a bite to eat?你想吃点儿东西吗?
    • Everyone happily ate the huge meal.大家都很开心地吃了一顿大餐。
    • Go and get yourself something to eat and drink.你自己去找点儿吃的和喝的吧。
    • He had not eaten properly for days.多天来他都没有正常地吃东西。
    • He'd barely eaten any breakfast.他几乎没怎么吃早餐。
    • He's not eating enough.他没吃够。
    • I'm trying to eat more healthily.我设法吃得更健康些。
    • Try and eat something. It will do you good.试着吃点儿东西,这对你有好处。
    • We ate very well most of the time.大多数的时间我们吃得很好。
    • I ate junk food and stopped working out.我吃了垃圾食品,停止了锻炼。
    • Try to eat a balanced diet.尽量均衡饮食。
    Topics Cooking and eatinga1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • well
    • a lot
    • enough
    verb + eat
    • find something to
    • get (yourself) something to
    • grab something to
    • a bite to eat
    • eat and drink
    • eat like a horse
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive] to have a meal吃饭;用餐
    • Where shall we eat tonight?我们今晚在哪儿吃饭?
    • We ate at a pizzeria.我们在一家比萨饼店吃饭。
    • I never eat in the school cafeteria.我从不在学校食堂吃饭。
    Extra Examples
    • We eventually sat down to eat at 8.30 p.m.直到晚上 8 点半,我们才得以坐下吃饭。
    • We went out to eat for a Chinese New Year celebration.我们去下馆子庆祝春节。
    • Let's go eat.咱们去吃饭吧。
    Topics Cooking and eatinga1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • well
    • a lot
    • enough
    verb + eat
    • find something to
    • get (yourself) something to
    • grab something to
    • a bite to eat
    • eat and drink
    • eat like a horse
    See full entry
  3. Word OriginOld English etan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch eten and German essen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin edere and Greek edein.
(a case of) dog eat dog
  1. a situation in business, politics, etc. where there is a lot of competition and people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀
    • I'm afraid in this line of work it's a case of dog eat dog.恐怕在这种行业中竞争是残酷无情的。
    • We're operating in a dog-eat-dog world.我们是在一个残酷竞争的世界里经营。
    Topics Successc2
eat somebody alive (informal)
  1. to criticize or punish somebody severely because you are extremely angry with them(对某人极为气愤而)尖锐批评,严厉惩罚,横加指责
    • He’ll eat you alive if he ever finds out.如果他发现了,他会把你生吞活剥的。
  2. to defeat somebody completely in an argument, a competition, etc.(辩论、比赛等中)大败某人,完全战胜某人
    • The defence lawyers are going to eat you alive tomorrow.辩护律师明天一定会彻底打败你们。
  3. [usually passive] (of insects, etc.昆虫等) to bite somebody many times(多次)叮,蜇
    • I was being eaten alive by mosquitoes.蚊子要把我活活吃了。
eat dirt
  1. (informal) to accept bad treatment and being made to feel small or stupid吃得很多
    • Her mother ate dirt in poorly-paid jobs just so the family could stay in the country.她母亲靠低薪工作为生,这样一家人就可以留在乡下。
eat, drink and be merry
  1. (saying) said to encourage somebody to enjoy life now, while they can, and not to think of the future行乐要及时
eat your heart out!
  1. (informal) used to compare two things and say that one of them is better(比较两事物)比…还好
    • Look at him dance! Eat your heart out, Fred Astaire (= he dances even better than Fred Astaire).看看他跳的舞!比弗雷德 · 阿斯泰尔跳得还好。
eat your heart out (for somebody/something)
  1. (especially British English) to feel very unhappy, especially because you want somebody/something you cannot have(尤因愿望无法达成而)极度不快
    • I’m not going to mope at home, eating my heart out for some man.我不会在家里闷闷不乐,为某个人而伤心欲绝。
eat humble pie
(North American English also eat crow)
  1. to say and show that you are sorry for a mistake that you made认错;道歉;赔罪
eat like a horse
  1. (informal) to eat a lot吃得很多
    • She may be thin, but she eats like a horse.她或许是瘦了点,但吃得却很多。
eat out of your/somebody’s hand
  1. to trust somebody and be willing to do what they say甘愿听命于某人;顺从某人
    • She'll have them eating out of her hand in no time.她很快就会让他们俯首帖耳的。
eat somebody out of house and home
  1. (informal, often humorous) to eat a lot of somebody else’s food把某人吃穷
    • How much longer is he staying? He’s eating us out of house and home.他还要呆多久?他把我们吃得落花流水。
eat your words
  1. to admit that what you said was wrong收回前言;承认说错
    • When he told her she would fail, she swore she would make him eat his words.他说她会失败时,她发誓要让他收回他的话。
have your cake and eat it (British English)
(also have your cake and eat it too North American English, British English)
  1. to have the advantages of something without its disadvantages; to have both things that are available得其利而无其弊;两者兼得
I could eat a horse
  1. (informal) used to say that you are very hungry我饿极了
I’ll eat my hat
  1. (informal) used to say that you think something is very unlikely to happen(认为某事不可能发生)我才不信,那才怪,绝不可能
    • If she's here on time, I'll eat my hat!她要是准时到这儿那才怪咧!
like the cat that got/ate/swallowed the canary (US English)
(British English like a cat that’s got the cream)
  1. very pleased with yourself扬扬得意;踌躇满志 synonym smug
    • She looked like a cat that’s swallowed the canary. She was almost purring with pleasure.她看起来像一只吞下金丝雀的猫。她高兴得几乎发出咕噜声。
what’s eating him, etc?
  1. (informal) used to ask what somebody is annoyed or worried about(某人)为何苦恼(或担忧)
BNC: 701 COCA: 543


ADVERB | VERB + EAT | PHRASES ADVERBwell吃得好We ate very well most of the time (= had lots of nice food).大多數時間我們吃得很好。a lot, enough, too much吃很多;吃飽;吃得太多He's not eating enough.他沒吃夠。healthfully, healthily, properly, sensibly吃得健康;合理進食I'm trying to eat more healthily.我設法吃得更健康些。She doesn't eat sensibly (= doesn't eat food that is good for her).她飲食不合理。poorly吃得很不好hungrily, ravenously狼吞虎咽heartily盡情地吃sparingly吃得很少Barton did not feel very hungry and ate sparingly.巴頓不覺得很餓,吃得不多。barely, hardly幾乎沒吃什麼He'd barely eaten any breakfast.他幾乎沒怎麼吃早餐。quickly, slowly吃得快;吃得慢in silence, quietly, silently靜靜地吃happily高興地吃Everyone happily ate the huge meal.大家都很開心地吃了一頓大餐。alone, together獨自一個人吃;一起吃VERB + EATfind sth to, get (yourself) sth to, grab sth to, have sth to給(自己)找點⋯吃;找到⋯吃;有⋯可吃Do you have anything to eat?你有什麼吃的東西嗎?have enough to有足夠的食物try and, try to試着吃點兒Try and eat something. It will do you good.試着吃點兒東西,這對你有好處。PHRASESa bite to eat (= some food) 少許食物Do you want to grab a bite to eat?你想吃點兒東西嗎?eat and drink吃喝Go and get yourself something to eat and drink.去自己找點吃的喝的吧。eat like a horse (= eat a lot) 吃得很多She's very thin but she eats like a horse!她很瘦,但吃得很多!eat sb out of house and home吃窮某人He's eating us out of house and home (= eating a lot of our food).他把我們吃窮了。go eat (especially NAmE) 去吃飯Let's go eat.咱們去吃飯吧。good enough to eat (figurative) 令人垂涎You look good enough to eat!你看起來秀色可餐!go out to eat出去吃飯We went out to eat for a Chinese New Year celebration.我們去下館子慶祝春節。a place to eat (= a cafe or restaurant) 小餐館;飯館Are you looking for a place to eat?你在找吃飯的地方嗎?sit down to eat坐下吃飯We eventually sat down to eat at 8.30 p.m.直到晚上 8 點半,我們才得以坐下吃飯。
BNC: 701 COCA: 543
eat verb
eat (eat your dinner) dine (eat at a restaurant) something to eat snack noun


 See also the entry for dine 另见dine条eat ♦︎ have ♦︎ swallow ♦︎ consume ♦︎ finish ♦︎ ingest ♦︎ devour ♦︎ taste ♦︎ wolf ♦︎ stuff ♦︎ tuck in/tuck into sthThese words all mean to put food or drink into your stomach through your mouth. 这些词均表示吃或喝。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to eat / finish sth upto eat / swallow / consume / devour / wolf down / stuff yourself with / tuck into your foodto eat / have / finish / devour / tuck into a mealto eat / have / finish / wolf / tuck into your lunch / dinnerto eat / have / consume / taste some meat / fruit eat (ate, eaten) [intransitive, transitive] to put food into your mouth, chew it, and make it go down your throat into your stomach I was too nervous to eat.我紧张得饭都吃不下。She doesn't eat sensibly (= doesn't eat food that is good for her).她不注意饮食。Eat up!(= Eat all your food.) 把东西吃完!I don't eat meat.我不吃肉。Would you like something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?I couldn't eat another thing (= I have had enough food).我再也吃不下了。 see also eat dine have (had, had) [transitive] to eat or drink sth 吃;喝Have you had breakfast yet?你吃过早饭了吗?I just had a sandwich for lunch.我午饭就吃了个三明治。I'll have the salmon (= in a restaurant).我要一份鲑鱼。 swallow [transitive, intransitive] to make sth, especially food, drink or medicine, go down your throat into your stomach 吞下;咽下Always chew food well before swallowing it.什么食物都要先嚼碎了再吞咽。The pills should be swallowed whole (= in one piece).这些药丸要整粒吞服。I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.当时我嗓子疼,咽东西就难受。 consume kənˈsjuːm; NAmE kənˈsuːm [transitive] (formal) to eat or drink sth 吃;喝Red meat should be consumed in moderation.吃红肉要适量。Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.他死前喝了大量的酒。 see also consume use verb 2 consumption kənˈsʌmpʃn


[uncountable] The meat was declared unfit for human consumption.这种肉被宣布不适于人食用。She was advised to reduce her alcohol consumption.她被劝告减少饮酒。
finish [transitive] to eat, drink or use what remains of sth 吃完,喝光,用尽(所剩之物)He finished off his drink with one large gulp.他一大口喝完了饮料。We might as well finish up the cake-there isn't much left.我们不如把蛋糕也都吃了吧-剩下不多了。We'll go out after you've finished your dinner.你吃完晚饭我们就出去。 ingest ɪnˈdʒest [transitive] (technical 术语) to take sth into your body, usually by swallowing 摄入;食入;咽下Food is the major source of ingested bacteria.饮食是摄入细菌的主要渠道。 devour dɪˈvaʊə(r) [transitive] (formal) to eat all of sth quickly, especially because you are very hungry (尤指因饥饿)狼吞虎咽地吃光He devoured half of his burger in one bite.他一口吞下半个汉堡包。 taste [transitive] to eat or drink sth, especially sth which you do not usually eat or drink 吃,喝(尤指不常吃到的东西)I've never tasted anything like it.我从来没有吃过像这样的东西。I haven't tasted meat since I started the journey.自从踏上这次旅程我就没吃过肉。 wolf wʊlf [transitive] (rather informal) to eat food very quickly, especially by putting a lot of it in your mouth at once 大口地快吃;狼吞虎咽He wolfed down his breakfast and left the house in a hurry.他狼吞虎咽地吃完早饭就匆匆忙忙离开了家。 stuff [transitive] (informal) to eat a lot of food or too much food; to give sb a lot or too much to eat 吃撑;吃足;使吃得过饱He sat at the table stuffing himself.他坐在桌前大吃大喝。We stuffed our faces at the party.我们在聚会上都吃撑了。Don't stuff the kids with chocolate before their dinner.正餐前不要给孩子一个劲儿地吃巧克力。 ˌtuck ˈin ˌtuck ˈinto sth

phrasal verb

(BrE, especially spoken) to eat a lot of food, especially when it is done quickly and with enthusiasm 痛快地吃;狼吞虎咽地吃Come on everyone, tuck in!来呀,大家痛痛快快地吃吧!He was tucking into a huge plateful of pasta.他在狼吞虎咽地吃一大盘意大利面。
BNC: 701 COCA: 543
General words meaning to eat: eat, swallow, have...
To eat in a particular way: bite, bolt, cannibalize...

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