very unpleasant or evil 令人厭惡的;可鄙的;卑鄙的 Extra ExamplesPolice have condemned the theft from an elderly widow as despicable. 警方譴責了偷竊那個年老寡婦財物的卑劣行徑。 To fail was considered despicable. 失敗曾經遭人鄙視。 What I find particularly despicable is their neglect of old people. 我認爲他們冷落老年人的行爲尤其卑鄙。 That was a despicable act. 那是一種卑鄙行爲。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- seem
- find something
- …
- absolutely
- truly
- utterly
- …
Word Originmid 16th cent.: from late Latin despicabilis, from despicari ‘look down on’.