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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2000 COCA: 1150


1 see also aeroplane , airplane ADJECTIVE | VERB + PLANE | PLANE + VERB | PLANE + NOUN | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVElight, small輕型/小型飛機commercial, passenger商用飛機;客機the first generation of passenger planes, like the Boeing 707第一代客機,如波音 707cargo, transport運輸機a military cargo plane軍用運輸機fighter, spy戰鬥機;偵察機jet噴氣式飛機private私人飛機VERB + PLANEcatch, get, take趕飛機;乘飛機She caught the first plane out.她乘第一班飛機走了。miss誤機board, get on登機;上飛機get off, step off下飛機;走下飛機I fell in love with the city the moment I stepped off the plane.我一下飛機就愛上了這個城市。fly, pilot駕駛飛機land駕機着陸charter包機build建造飛機hijack劫持飛機crash飛機失事shoot down擊落飛機The Soviets shot down our U-2 spy plane.蘇聯人擊落了我們的 U-2 間諜飛機。PLANE + VERBtake off飛機起飛come down, land飛機降落/着陸crash, go down飛機失事/墜落cruise, fly飛機以平穩的速度飛行The plane was cruising at 20 000 feet.飛機在 2 萬英尺的高度巡航。carry sb/sth飛機搭載⋯The plane was carrying 350 people.飛機上載有 350 名乘客。PLANE + NOUNcrash飛機失事ticket機票PREPOSITIONby plane乘飛機We left by plane for Beijing.我們乘飛機前往北京。in a/the plane乘飛機I've never flown in a plane.我從未乘坐過飛機。on a/the plane在飛機上The president was never on the plane at all.總統根本就沒有上過這架飛機。


2flat surface平面ADJECTIVEflat, horizontal, parallel, vertical平面;水平面;平行面;垂直面


3standard/level of thought/activity思想水平;活動階段ADJECTIVE | PHRASES ADJECTIVEhigher更高的水平With practice, an athlete can reach a higher plane of achievement.通過練習,運動員可以取得更好的成績。mental, spiritual心靈層次;精神境界PHRASESbe on a different plane, operate on a different plane在不同的層面上存在/運作Like all talented musicians, he operates on a different plane from most people.像所有的天才音樂家一樣,他與大多數人處在不同的層次上。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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