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IELTS BNC: 1056 COCA: 954


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    being heavy

  1. [uncountable, countable] how heavy somebody/something is, which can be measured in, for example, kilograms or pounds重量;分量
    • in weight It is about 76 kilos in weight.这东西重约 76 千克。
    • by weight Bananas are sold by weight.香蕉按重量出售。
    • weight of… In the wild, this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs.这种鱼在自然生存环境中可以长到 5 磅重。
    • She is trying to lose weight (= become less heavy and less fat).她正在设法减肥。
    • He’s put on/gained weight (= become heavier and fatter) since he gave up smoking.他戒烟后体重增加了。
    • No more for me. I have to watch my weight.我不再吃了。我得控制体重。
    • He has now shed the extra weight.他现在已经减掉了多余的体重。
    • Body fat increases rapidly as body weight increases.身体脂肪随着体重的增加而迅速增加。
    • The point is to achieve permanent weight loss.重点是实现永久减肥。
    • Stress can cause weight gain.压力会导致体重增加。
    • Sam has a weight problem (= is too fat).萨姆太胖了。
    Homophones wait | weightwait   weight
    • wait verb
      • You won't have to wait long—the next train is in five minutes.你不必等很久——下一班火车还有五分钟。
    • wait noun
      • It was an anxious wait, but finally she found out that she'd passed.这是一次焦虑的等待,但最终她发现她已经通过了。
    • weight noun
      • He has lost a lot of weight.他瘦了很多。
    • weight verb
      • Weight the tablecloth down so that it doesn't move or blow away.把桌布压下,这样它就不会移动或被风吹走。
    Collocations Diet and exerciseDiet and exercise节食和锻炼Weight体重
    • put on/​gain/​lose weight/​a few kilos/​a few pounds增加/减少体重/几公斤/几磅
    • watch/​control/​struggle with your weight关注/控制体重;努力减肥
    • be/​become seriously overweight/​underweight已经/变得严重超重/体重不足
    • be/​become clinically/​morbidly obese已经是/变成临床/病态肥胖
    • achieve/​facilitate/​promote/​stimulate weight loss达到减轻体重的目的;促进减肥
    • slim down to 70 kilos/(British English) 11 stone/(especially North American English) 160 pounds减肥到 70 公斤/11 英石/160 磅
    • combat/​prevent/​tackle/​treat obesity遏制/防止/解决/治疗肥胖
    • develop/​have/​suffer from/​struggle with/​recover from anorexia/​bulimia/​an eating disorder患上/对抗/治愈厌食症/贪食症/饮食失调症
    • be on/​go on/​follow a crash/​strict diet采用快速减肥食谱;严格节食
    • have/​suffer from a negative/​poor body image有不好的身体形象
    • have/​develop a positive/​healthy body image具有/达到好的/健康的身体形象
    Healthy eating健康的饮食
    • eat a balanced diet/​healthily/​sensibly吃得均衡/健康/合理
    • get/​provide/​receive adequate/​proper nutrition获得/提供/得到充足的/合适的营养
    • contain/​get/​provide essential nutrients/​vitamins/​minerals含有/得到/提供必需的营养素/维生素/矿物质
    • be high/​low in calories/​fat/​fibre/​protein/​vitamin D/​Omega-3 fatty acids
    • contain (no)/use/​be full of/​be free from additives/​chemical preservatives/​artificial sweeteners(不)含/使用/含有大量/不含添加剂/化学防腐剂/人工甜味剂
    • avoid/​cut down on/​cut out alcohol/​caffeine/​fatty foods避免摄取/减少/戒酒/咖啡因/高脂食物
    • stop/​give up/ (especially North American English) quit smoking戒烟
    Exercise 锻炼
    • (British English) take regular exercise经常锻炼
    • do moderate/​strenuous/​vigorous exercise做适度/剧烈运动
    • play football/​hockey/​tennis玩足球/曲棍球/网球
    • go cycling/​jogging/​running骑自行车;慢跑;跑步
    • go to/​visit/ (especially North American English) hit/​work out at the gym去健身房锻炼
    • strengthen/​tone/​train your stomach muscles增强/锻炼腹肌
    • contract/​relax/​stretch/​use/​work your lower-body muscles 收缩/放松/伸展/使用/锻炼下肢的肌肉
    • build (up)/gain muscle增强肌肉
    • improve/​increase your stamina/​energy levels/​physical fitness增强耐力/体能/体质
    • burn/​consume/​expend calories消耗热量
    Staying healthy保持健康
    • be/​get/​keep/​stay healthy/​in shape/(especially British English) fit 身体健康;变得/保持健康
    • lower your cholesterol/​blood pressure降低胆固醇/血压
    • boost/​stimulate/​strengthen your immune system增强免疫力
    • prevent/​reduce the risk of heart disease/​high blood pressure/​diabetes/​osteoporosis预防/减少患心脏病/高血压/糖尿病/骨质疏松的风险
    • reduce/​relieve/​manage/​combat stress 缓解/控制压力
    • enhance/​promote relaxation/​physical and mental well-being有助于身体放松/身心健康
    see also birthweight, overweight, underweight
    Extra Examples
    • I should soon be down to my target weight of 70 kilos.我很快就会降到 70 公斤的目标体重。
    • I won't have any cake—I have to watch my weight.我不吃蛋糕,我要控制体重。
    • People's body weight can fluctuate during the day.人的体重在一天之内可能会有所波动。
    Topics Maths and measurementa2, Health and Fitnessa2, Appearancea2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • low
    • ideal
    • right
    verb + weight
    • watch
    • gain
    • put on
    weight + verb
    • go up
    • increase
    • come off
    weight + noun
    • gain
    • loss
    • control
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] the fact of being heavy
    • weight of somebody/something The pillars have to support the weight of the roof.这些立柱必须支撑起屋顶的重量。
    • I just hoped the branch would take my weight.我真希望树枝经得住我的体重。
    • under the weight He staggered a little under the weight of his backpack.他身上的背包压得他有点步履蹒跚。
    • The table collapsed under their weight. 桌子在他们的重压下倒塌了。
    • Don't put any weight on that ankle for at least a week.至少要一个星期别让那个脚踝承重。
    see also dead weight
    Extra Examples
    • I was worried that the branch wouldn't take my weight.我担心树枝承受不了我的重量。
    • Many buildings collapsed under the weight of rain-soaked ash and mud.许多大楼在雨水浸泡的泥灰重压下倒塌了。
    • She tried to be quiet, but the stairs creaked under her weight.她尽量轻手轻脚,但楼梯仍被压得嘎嘎作响。
    • The arch bears the weight of the bridge above.桥拱支撑着整座桥的重量。
    • The boy was staggering beneath the weight of a pile of boxes.那个男孩当时正背着一摞箱子蹒跚而行。
    • She misjudged the weight of the book.她错误地估计了这本书的重量。
    • He nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot.他很紧张,重心在双脚之间来回换。
    • He threw his weight at the door and it burst open.他用身体撞门,门猛地开了。
    • Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.双腿分开站立,平均分配身体的重量。
    • The doctor told me not to put my weight on this ankle for a month.医生告诉我一个月之内不要让这个脚踝承重。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • considerable
    • enormous
    • great
    verb + weight
    • bear
    • carry
    • support
    • in weight
    • beneath the weight
    • under the weight
    See full entry
  3. heavy object重物

  4. [countable] an object that is heavy重物
    • The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights.医生建议他别拿重物。
    • Heavy weights should be lifted with a straight back.提重物时背要挺直。
    • Consider adding weight training and aerobic exercises to your routine.考虑在日常生活中增加重量训练和有氧运动。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • dead
    • leaden
    verb + weight
    • lift
    See full entry
  5. [countable] an object used to keep something in position or as part of a machine(用于固定某物或用作机器部件的)重体,重物
    • weights on a fishing line钓线上的坠
    see also paperweight
  6. responsibility/worry责任;忧心

  7. [singular] weight (of something) a great responsibility or worry重任;重担;重压;压力 synonym burden
    • The full weight of responsibility falls on her.全部的重任都落在了她的肩上。
    • The news was certainly a weight off my mind (= I did not have to worry about it any more).这个消息真是去掉了我心头的重担。
    • Finally telling the truth was a great weight off my shoulders.最后讲了实话使我如释重负。
    • He was buckling under the weight of his responsibilities.多重责任的重担正逐渐将他压跨。
  8. influence/strength影响;实力

  9. [uncountable] importance, influence or strength重要性;影响力;实力
    • The many letters of support added weight to the campaign.许多声援信增加了这场运动的影响力。
    • The President has now offered to lend his weight to the project.总统现已主动表示支持这个项目。
    • Your opinion carries weight with the boss.你的意见对老板有影响。
    • How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion?你怎么能忽视医生意见的绝对重要性呢?
    • The weight of evidence against her is overwhelming.对她不利的证据确凿,无法抵赖。
    Extra Examples
    • They attach too much weight to academic achievement.他们过于强调学术成果。
    • The new evidence added considerable weight to the prosecution's case.新的证据有力地支持了控方的论据。
    • Sir Leon lent his weight to the Tory campaign yesterday.昨天利昂爵士为托利党的竞选活动助了一臂之力。
    • America's economic weight美国的经济实力
    • Environmental considerations were given due weight in making the decision.在决策过程中,环境问题得到了应有的重视。
    • Her opinion seemed to carry little weight in the company.她的意见在公司里似乎不受重视。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • due
    • full
    • sufficient
    verb + weight
    • attach
    • give
    • place
    • put your weight behind something
    • throw your weight behind something
    • weight of numbers
    See full entry
  10. for measuring/lifting测量;举重

  11. [countable, uncountable] a unit or system of units by which weight is measured重量单位;衡制
    • tables of weights and measures度量衡表
    • imperial/metric weight英制/公制重量
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • low
    • ideal
    • right
    verb + weight
    • watch
    • gain
    • put on
    weight + verb
    • go up
    • increase
    • come off
    weight + noun
    • gain
    • loss
    • control
    See full entry
  12. [countable] a piece of metal that is known to weigh a particular amount and is used to measure the weight of something, or lifted by people to improve their strength and as a sport砝码;秤砣;秤锤;杠铃片;哑铃
    • a set of weights一组砝码
    • a light/heavy weight重量轻/重
    • She lifts weights as part of her training.举杠铃是她锻炼的一部分。
    • He does a lot of weight training.他进行大量的举重训练。
    Topics Maths and measurementa2, Health and Fitnessa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • large
    • light
    verb + weight
    • lift
    weight + noun
    • lifting
    • training
    • room
    • weights and measures
    See full entry
  13. Word OriginOld English (ge)wiht, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wicht and German Gewicht. The form of the word has been influenced by weigh.
carry weight (with somebody)
  1. to have influence with somebody重要性;影响力;实力
    • My views don't carry much weight with the boss.我的意见对老板起不了多少作用。
groan under the weight of something
  1. (formal) used to say that there is too much of something在某物的折磨(或重压)下呻吟;被某物压得喘不过气来(或无法忍受)
    • The table groaned under the weight of the biggest buffet they had ever seen.桌子在他们所见过的最大自助餐的重压下嘎吱作响。
pull your weight
  1. to work as hard as everyone else in a job, an activity, etc.尽本分;尽职责
punch above your weight
  1. to be or try to be more successful than others in doing something that normally requires more skill, experience, money, etc. than you have超常发挥取胜;以小搏大
    • This player seems to be able to constantly punch above his weight.这名选手似乎总有本事击败实力比他强的对手。
    • He punched above his weight as the party’s foreign affairs spokesman.作为该党的外交事务发言人,他出格了。
    Topics Successc2
take the weight off your feet
  1. (informal) to sit down and rest, especially when you are tired(尤指疲乏时)坐下歇歇脚,坐下喘口气
    • Come and sit down and take the weight off your feet for a while.来坐下歇一会儿吧。
throw your weight about/around
  1. (informal) to use your position of authority or power in an aggressive way in order to achieve what you want仗势欺人;盛气凌人
    • She was a good manager, who didn’t find it necessary to throw her weight around.她是个好经理,没必要到处耀武扬威。
    Topics Successc2
throw/put your weight behind something
  1. to use all your influence and power to support something鼎力支持;全力相助
    • The government has thrown its weight behind the anti-pollution campaign.政府大力支持反污染运动。
weight of numbers
  1. the combined power, strength or influence of a group人多势众;团队力量(或影响)
    • They won the argument by sheer weight of numbers.他们纯粹靠人多势众在争论中获胜。
worth your/its weight in gold
  1. very useful or valuable非常有用;很有价值
    • A good mechanic is worth his weight in gold.优秀的技工是不可多得的。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they weight
he / she / it weights
past simple weighted
past participle weighted
-ing form weighting
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    attach heavy object附上重物

  1. weight something (down) (with something) to attach a weight to something in order to keep it in the right position or make it heavier在…上加重量;使负重;(用重物)固定
    • The fishing nets are weighted with lead.这些渔网是靠铅坠下沉的。
    • The body had been weighted down with stones.尸体被石头压住了。
    Homophones wait | weightwait   weight
    • wait verb
      • You won't have to wait long—the next train is in five minutes.你不必等很久——下一班火车还有五分钟。
    • wait noun
      • It was an anxious wait, but finally she found out that she'd passed.这是一次焦虑的等待,但最终她发现她已经通过了。
    • weight noun
      • He has lost a lot of weight.他瘦了很多。
    • weight verb
      • Weight the tablecloth down so that it doesn't move or blow away.把桌布压下,这样它就不会移动或被风吹走。
  2. give importance重视

  3. [usually passive] to give different values to things to show how important you think each of them is compared with the others使加权
    • be weighted The results of the survey were weighted to allow for variations in the sample.这次调查的结果进行了加权处理,以包容样本中的偏差。
    • Each of these factors should be weighted according to their relative importance.应根据这些因素的相对重要性对它们进行加权处理。
    • a weighted vote (= one that is worth more than a single vote)加权选票
    • (North American English) a weighted grade (= given at school for a course that is more advanced or harder and so has a higher value)加权分数
  4. Word OriginOld English (ge)wiht, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wicht and German Gewicht. The form of the word has been influenced by weigh.
IELTS BNC: 1056 COCA: 954


1amount sth weighs重量ADJECTIVE | VERB + WEIGHT | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEconsiderable, enormous, great, heavy, immense相當大的重量;極大的重量light微小的重量extra超重gross, net毛重;淨重total總重量average, mean平均重量sheer (figurative) 單單重量The sheer weight of visitors is destroying this tourist attraction.單是遊客之多就會毀掉這個旅遊勝地。VERB + WEIGHTbear, carry, support承受重量;載重;支撑重量The arch bears the weight of the bridge above.橋拱支撑着整座橋的重量。distribute分散重量PREPOSITIONin weight重⋯It is about 76 pounds in weight.這個東西大約有 76 磅重。beneath the weight, under the weight在重壓下The boy was staggering beneath the weight of a pile of boxes.那個男孩當時正背着一摞箱子蹣跚而行。Many buildings collapsed under the weight of the ash.許多建築物在泥灰的重壓下都倒塌了。She tried to be quiet, but the stairs creaked under her weight.她盡量輕手輕腳,但樓梯仍被壓得嘎嘎作響。He was buckling under the weight of his responsibilities. (figurative) 多重責任的重擔正逐漸將他壓跨。


2weight of sb's body體重ADJECTIVE | VERB + WEIGHT | WEIGHT + VERB | WEIGHT + NOUN ADJECTIVElow體重偏低ideal, right理想的/合適的體重healthy健康體重excess超重target目標體重I should soon be down to my target weight of 70 kilos.我很快就會降到 70 公斤的目標體重。body體重birth出生體重babies with a low birth weight出生時體重偏低的嬰兒VERB + WEIGHTwatch控制體重I won't have any cake-I have to watch my weight.我不吃蛋糕,我要控制體重。gain, put on增加體重;長胖get down, get off, lose, reduce, shed減輕體重He's lost a lot of weight.他體重減輕了很多。keep down抑制體重增加maintain保持體重bear, carry, hold, stand, support, take承載體重;支撑體重;承受住體重I was worried that the branch wouldn't take my weight.我擔心樹枝承受不了我的重量。put, rest置重量於The doctor told me not to put my weight on this ankle for a month.醫生告訴我一個月之內不要讓這個腳踝承重。shift, transfer移動/轉移重心He nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot.他很緊張,重心在雙腳之間來回換。distribute分配重量Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.雙腿分開站立,平均分配身體的重量。throw用身體撞He threw his weight at the door and it burst open.他用身體撞門,門猛地開了。WEIGHT + VERBgo up, increase體重上升/增加come off, drop, fall, go down, plummet (especially BrE) 體重下降;體重減輕;體重下跌;體重驟降fluctuate體重波動People's body weight can fluctuate during the day.人的體重在一天之內可能會有所波動。WEIGHT + NOUNgain, loss體重的增加/減輕control體重控制problem體重問題


3piece of metal金屬ADJECTIVE | VERB + WEIGHT | WEIGHT + NOUN | PHRASES ADJECTIVEheavy, large重砝碼/啞鈴;大砝碼/啞鈴light輕砝碼/啞鈴free自由重量級VERB + WEIGHTlift舉啞鈴She did circuit training and lifted weights to build her fitness.她通過循環訓練和舉啞鈴來健身。WEIGHT + NOUNlifting, training舉重;負重訓練room舉重房PHRASESweights and measures度量單位


4heavy object重物ADJECTIVE | VERB + WEIGHT ADJECTIVEheavy重物dead難以搬動的重物With difficulty she managed to pull his dead weight onto the bed.她費了好大的勁兒才把他沉重的身體拖到牀上。leaden (figurative) 沉重的負擔A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.她向他揮手道別時,心情十分沉重。VERB + WEIGHTlift提重物Heavy weights should be lifted with a straight back.提重物時背要挺直。


5importance/influence of sth分量ADJECTIVE | VERB + WEIGHT | PHRASES ADJECTIVEdue, full, sufficient應有的/完全的/足夠的重視Environmental considerations were given due weight in making the decision.作決定時,環境因素得到了應有的重視。insufficient (especially BrE) 重視不夠considerable相當重視little微乎其微的重視added格外的重視sheer純粹的重要性How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion?你怎麼能把醫生的意見不當一回事呢?economic, emotional, intellectual, political經濟實力;情感的影響力;知識界的分量;政治影響力America's economic weight美國的經濟實力VERB + WEIGHTattach, give, place認為重要;重視They attach too much weight to academic achievement.他們過於強調學術成果。carry有分量Her opinion seemed to carry little weight in the company.她的意見在公司裏似乎不受重視。add, lend增添分量The new evidence added considerable weight to the prosecution's case.新的證據有力地支持了控方的論據。Sir Leon lent his weight to the Tory campaign yesterday.昨天利昂爵士為托利黨的競選活動助了一臂之力。PHRASESput your weight behind sth, throw your weight behind sth鼎力支持⋯weight of numbers數量優勢The rebels were defeated by sheer weight of numbers.這次能夠打敗反叛者完全是因為人多勢眾。

See also: Weights and measures

IELTS BNC: 1056 COCA: 954
weight noun
weight (a weight of 5 lbs) power (an opinion carries weight with sb)
weight verb


weight ♦︎ pressure ♦︎ strain ♦︎ stress ♦︎ load ♦︎ mass ♦︎ densityThese are all words for how heavy sth is or how much it presses on sth else. 这些词均表示重量、压力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配under the weight / pressure / strain / stress / load(a) heavy weight / pressure / strain / load(a / an) considerable / enormous / great / immense weight / pressure / strain / stresshigh / low pressure / stress / densityto put weight / pressure / strain / stress on sthto bear the weight / strain / stress / loadto take the weight / strain / stress weight [uncountable, countable] how heavy sb/sth is; the fact of being heavy; an object that is heavy 重量;重;重物It is about 76 kilos in weight.这东西重约76公斤。Bananas are sold by weight.香蕉按重量出售。I just hoped the branch would take my weight.我只是希望树枝经得住我的体重。Don't put any weight on that ankle (= don't stand on it) for at least a week.至少一个星期内别让那只脚踝受力。The doctor said he should not lift heavy weights.医生说他不应提重物。 Weight is also used to talk about people becoming heavier/fatter or lighter/thinner. * weight还可用来表示人变重、变胖或变轻、变瘦She is trying to lose weight (= become less heavy and less fat).她正设法减肥。He's put on / gained weight (= become heavier and fatter) since he gave up smoking.他戒烟后体重增加了。Sam has a weight problem (= is too fat).萨姆太胖了。No more for me. I need to watch my weight.我不再吃了,我得控制体重。 weigh


[transitive] How much do you weigh (= how heavy are you)?你有多重?She weighs 60 kilos.她体重60公斤。These cases weigh a ton (= are very heavy).这些箱子重得很。He weighed himself on the bathroom scales.他在浴室磅秤上称体重。
pressure [uncountable, countable] the force or weight with which sth presses against sth else; the force produced by a particular amount of gas or liquid in an enclosed space 压力;压强The nurse applied pressure to his arm to stop the bleeding.护士压住他的胳膊止血。The door swung open beneath the gentle pressure of Jill's hand.吉尔用手轻轻一推,门就开了。air / water pressure气压;水压Check the tyre pressure (= the amount of air in a tyre) regularly.要定期检查轮胎气压。She suffers from high blood pressure.她有高血压。 press


[transitive, intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) She pressed her lips together.她紧抿着双唇。He pressed up closer against the wall.他往墙上贴得更紧了。
strain [uncountable, countable] (often disapproving) the pressure that is put on sth when a physical force stretches, pushes or pulls it, especially when this pressure is too great (尤指过强的)拉力,压力,张力The rope broke under the strain.绳子拉断了。You should try not to place too much strain on muscles and joints.你应尽量不要让肌肉和关节太受力。 strain


[intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) The dogs were straining at the leash.几条狗用力拽着皮带。
stress [uncountable, countable] pressure put on sth that can damage it or make it lose its shape 压力;应力;承受力When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body.一旦受伤,你就会让身体其他部位受力。a stress fracture of the foot (= one caused by such pressure) 足部应力骨折Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.工程师计算出桥的每根支柱所承受的压力。NOTE 辨析 Pressure, strain or stress? Pressure can be heavy, firm, gentle or light. Strain and stress usually suggest that there is too much pressure. Strain is used especially when things are pulled or stretched. Pressure and stress are used more when things are pressed. Stress is often used to talk about pressure on parts of the body, or in buildings and other structures. * pressure可以用heavy、firm、gentle或light形容。strain和stress通常指压力过大。strain尤指拉力或张力。pressure和stress较多指压力。stress常指身体部位、建筑物或其他结构的承受力。 load [countable, usually singular] the amount of weight that is pressing down on sth 承载量;负荷Be careful not to demolish a load-bearing wall.小心别损坏承重墙。Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area.新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。 mass [uncountable] (physics 物理) the quantity of material that sth contains 质量calculating the mass of a planet计算一颗行星的质量In non-technical language weight is used for this meaning. 在非专业用语中,用weight表示此义。 density [countable, uncountable] (physics 物理) how heavy a solid, liquid or gas is in relation to its size or volume (固体、液体或气体的)密度similar stars of the same mass and density质量和密度相同的类似恒星Vitamin D deficiency causes a loss of bone density.缺乏维生素D会导致骨密度下降。Density is measured by dividing the mass of sth by its volume. * density等于质量除以体积。

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