adjective (British English)(North American English subprime)
(connected with the practice of lending money to somebody who is likely to have difficulty paying it back 次级的,次贷的(指贷款给信用差、可能无力还款的人) a sub-prime loan/mortgage 次级贷款/按揭 subprime lenders/borrowers 次级放款人/借款人 The collapse of the US subprime mortgage market has been blamed for the credit crunch. 美国次级抵押贷款市场的崩溃被认为是信贷紧缩的原因。 Bad credit home loans have higher interest rates. This is to be expected as sub-prime lenders carry a higher degree of risk. 不良信用房屋贷款利率更高。这是意料之中的,因为次级贷款机构承担着更高的风险。