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traffic jam

/ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/
/ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/
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  1. a long line of vehicles on a road that cannot move or that can only move very slowly堵车;交通阻塞
    • We were stuck in a traffic jam.我们遇上了交通阻塞。
    Collocations DrivingDriving驾驶Having a car拥有一辆汽车
    • have/​own/(British English) run a car有一辆汽车
    • ride a motorcycle/​motorbike骑摩托车
    • drive/​prefer/​use an automatic/​a manual/(North American English, informal) a stick shift开/喜欢/用自动挡/手动挡汽车
    • have/​get your car serviced/​fixed/​repaired给汽车做一次保养/维修一下/修理一下
    • buy/​sell a used car/(especially British English) a second-hand car买/卖二手车
    • take/​pass/​fail a (British English) driving test/(both North American English) driver’s test/​road test参加/通过/未通过驾照考试/道路考试
    • get/​obtain/​have/​lose/​carry a/​your (British English) driving licence/(North American English) driver’s license得到/拥有/丢失/携带驾照
    • put on/​fasten/(North American English) buckle/​wear/​undo your seat belt/​safety belt系上/解开安全带
    • put/​turn/​leave the key in the ignition把钥匙插进点火开关;转动钥匙点火;把钥匙留在点火开关
    • start the car/​engine发动汽车/引擎
    • (British English) change/(North American English) shift/​put something into gear换挡;挂上挡
    • press/​put your foot on the brake pedal/​clutch/​accelerator踩刹车/离合器/油门
    • release the clutch/(especially British English) the handbrake/(both North American English) the emergency brake/​the parking brake松开离合器/手刹
    • drive/​park/​reverse the car驾车;停车;倒车
    • (British English) indicate left/​right
    • (especially North American English) signal that you are turning left/​right
    • take/​miss (British English) the turning/(especially North American English) the turn拐弯;错过拐弯处
    • apply/​hit/​slam on the brake(s)踩刹车;猛踩刹车
    • beep/​honk/(especially British English) toot/(British English) sound your horn按喇叭
    Problems and accidents问题及事故
    • a car skids/​crashes (into something)/collides (with something)车打滑/撞上(某物)/(与某物)相撞
    • swerve to avoid an oncoming car/​a pedestrian猛地转弯以避开迎面来的车/行人
    • crash/​lose control of the car撞车;车失控
    • have/​be in/​be killed in/​survive a car crash/​a car accident/(North American English) a car wreck/​a hit-and-run出车祸/肇事逃逸事故;在车祸/肇事逃逸事故中丧生;幸免于车祸/肇事逃逸事故
    • be run over/​knocked down by a car/​bus/​truck被汽车/公交车/大卡车轧过/撞倒
    • dent/​hit (British English) the bonnet/(North American English) the hood撞凹/撞上引擎盖
    • break/​crack/​shatter (British English) the windscreen/(North American English) the windshield打碎挡风玻璃
    • blow/(especially British English) burst/​puncture (British English) a tyre/(North American English) a tire爆胎;扎破轮胎
    • get/​have (British English) a flat tyre/​a flat tire/​a puncture胎瘪了;轮胎被扎破了
    • inflate/​change/​fit/​replace/​check a tyre/​tire 给轮胎充气;更换/安装/更换/检查轮胎
    Traffic and driving regulations交通法规
    • be caught in/​get stuck in/​sit in a traffic jam遇上堵车
    • cause congestion/​tailbacks/​traffic jams/​gridlock引起交通堵塞
    • experience/​face lengthy delays经历/面临长时间的延误
    • beat/​avoid the traffic/​the rush hour避开交通高峰时段
    • break/​observe/(North American English) drive the speed limit超速行驶;遵守速度限制;限速行驶
    • be caught on (British English) a speed camera被测速摄像机逮住
    • stop somebody for/​pull somebody over for/(British English, informal) be done for speeding因超速被要求停车/停靠路边/被逮住
    • (both informal) run/(British English) jump a red light/​the lights闯红灯
    • be arrested for/​charged with (British English) drink-driving/(both US English) driving under the influence (DUI)/driving while intoxicated (DWI)因酒后驾车/醉酒驾车被逮捕/起诉
    • be banned/(British English) disqualified from driving被禁止驾车;被取消驾驶资格
    Extra Examples
    • Our coach was caught in a traffic jam and got to Heathrow forty minutes late.我们的旅游车碰上了交通堵塞,赶到希斯罗机场已晚了40 分钟。
    • There is a three-mile traffic jam on the road approaching the town.在通往城镇的路上有三英里的交通堵塞。
    • Why sit in a traffic jam when it's quicker to walk?塞车时为什么要坐着干等?走路更快。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • huge
    • massive
    verb + traffic jam
    • be/​get caught in
    • be/​get stuck in
    • sit in
    See full entry

See also: traffic jam

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