verbVerb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they reproduce | |
he / she / it reproduces | |
past simple reproduced | |
past participle reproduced | |
-ing form reproducing |
- [transitive] reproduce something
to make a copy of a picture, piece of text, etc. 複制 It is illegal to reproduce these worksheets without permission from the publisher. 未經出版者許可翻印這些習題是違法的。 The photocopier reproduces colours very well. 這台複印機複制的色彩效果很好。 This material can be reproduced without payment. 這種材料可以免費複制。 All illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the Mercury Gallery. 所有插圖均承蒙水星畫廊許可複制。
Extra ExamplesIt is difficult to reproduce a signature exactly. 複制一模一樣的簽名很難。 Photographs can be easily reproduced with a negative. 照片可以很容易地用底片翻拍出來。 The article may not be reproduced without written permission of the author. 這篇文章未經作者書面同意不得複制。 The colours can be reproduced fairly accurately. 這些顔色可以相當準確地複制出來。 The interview is reproduced by courtesy of ‘Attitude’. 這次訪談承蒙《態度》雜志準許得以再現。 The map is reproduced here from a 19th-century original. 這幅地圖是根據 19 世紀的正本重制的。 The painting is reproduced here by courtesy of the Tate Gallery. 這幅畫承蒙泰特美術館的允許而複制。 The painting is reproduced very accurately. 這幅畫複制得和原作一模一樣。 The photos are beautifully reproduced. 這些照片複制得很好。 These works were popular and widely reproduced. 這些作品很受歡迎並被廣爲複制。 They do not reproduce well in print. 這些東西翻印得不清楚。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- accurately
- exactly
- faithfully
- …
- be able to
- can
- be unable to
- …
- from
- an attempt to reproduce something
- beautifully reproduced
- reproduced (by) courtesy of somebody/something
- …
- [transitive] reproduce something
to produce something very similar to something else in a different medium or context; to make something happen again in the same way 再生産;再制造;使再次發生;再現 The atmosphere of the novel is successfully reproduced in the movie. 小說的氛圍在電影中得到成功再現。 Unfortunately, he was never able to reproduce this level of performance in a competition. 遺憾的是,他在比賽中從未能夠再現這種競技水平。 I was able to reproduce the same results with subsequent tests. 我能夠在随後的測試中重現同樣的結果。
Extra ExamplesThe book's characters are faithfully reproduced in the film. 原著的人物在影片中忠實地再現。 The computer program reproduces the effects of earthquakes on buildings. 該電腦程序模拟地震對建築物的影響。 Writing grew out of an attempt to reproduce speech in a permanent form. 文字是試圖將話語用永久的形式再現的産物。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- accurately
- exactly
- faithfully
- …
- be able to
- can
- be unable to
- …
- from
- an attempt to reproduce something
- beautifully reproduced
- reproduced (by) courtesy of somebody/something
- …
- [intransitive, transitive]
if people, plants, animals, etc. reproduce or reproduce themselves, they produce young 繁殖;生育 Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. 大多數爬行動物在陸地産卵進行繁殖。 - reproduce itself
cells reproducing themselves (= making new ones) 自我繁殖的細胞
Extra ExamplesTopics Biologyc1Many single cell organisms reproduce by splitting in two. 很多單細胞生物體是通過分裂成兩個細胞而繁殖的。 The salmon would begin reproducing naturally. 鲑魚將開始自然繁殖。 a frog species successfully reproducing 成功進行繁殖的一種蛙 These cells reproduce themselves every twenty minutes. 這些細胞每二十分鐘自我繁殖一次。 The offspring have to be able to reproduce in their turn. 子孫也要能夠繼續生育後代。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb- asexually
- sexually
- naturally
- …
- be able to
- be likely to
- can
- …
- by