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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 4946 COCA: 7353


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  1. considered by society to be acceptable, good or correct体面的;得体的;值得尊敬的
    • a highly respectable neighbourhood非常体面的街区
    • a respectable married man正派的已婚男子
    • Go and make yourself look respectable.去把自己弄得体面点儿。
    opposite disreputable
    Extra Examples
    • She seems respectable enough.她看上去挺体面的。
    • I regard the defendant as eminently respectable.我认为被告非常值得尊敬。
    • I'm a respectable married woman.我是一个正派的已婚女人。
    • It's about time you got yourself a respectable job.你该给自己找份体面的工作了。
    • This is a respectable neighbourhood.这是一个体面的住宅区。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    See full entry
  2. fairly good; that there is no reason to be ashamed of相当好的;不丢面子的 synonym acceptable
    • It was a perfectly respectable result.这是个非常好的结果。
    • Economic growth has averaged at a respectable 2.5 per cent.经济增长率平均为2.5%,相当不错。
    Extra Examples
    • The group gave quite a respectable performance.这个团体表演得相当不错。
    • They achieved the respectable score of 87 points.他们取得了令人尊敬的87分。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • look
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    See full entry
BNC: 4946 COCA: 7353


VERBS | ADVERB VERBSbe, look, seem可敬;看上去得體;好像得體become變得體面ADVERBextremely, fairly, very, etc.極其/相當/非常體面eminently, highly非常有名望;極體面It was an eminently respectable boarding school.這是所非常好的寄宿學校。entirely, perfectly完全值得尊敬almost幾乎得體enough夠體面She seems respectable enough.她看上去挺體面的。apparently, seemingly表面上/看上去得體academically, intellectually學術上值得尊敬;智力高
BNC: 4946 COCA: 7353
respectable adj.
respectable (a respectable woman/neighbourhood/job) decent (a respectable result)


respectable ♦︎ decent ♦︎ reputable ♦︎ honourable ♦︎ law-abidingThese words all describe sb/sth that is considered by society to be good and morally acceptable. 这些词均表示体面的、得体的、正派的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a respectable / a decent / an honourable / a law-abiding man / womanrespectable / decent / honourable / law-abiding peoplea respectable / decent / law-abiding citizen / member of the communityrespectable / decent / law-abiding folka respectable / reputable firm / organizationto do the decent / honourable thingperfectly / very respectable / decent / reputable / honourable respectable considered by society to be socially or morally acceptable 体面的;得体的;值得尊敬的This is a respectable neighbourhood.这是一个体面的住宅区。I'm a respectable married woman.我是一个正派的已婚女人。It's about time you got yourself a respectable job.你该给自己找份体面的工作了。 (rather informal, spoken) Go and make yourself look respectable.去把你自己弄得体面点儿。 OPP disreputable sordid Disreputable is opposite in meaning to respectable, not reputable. * disreputable是respectable的反义词,而非reputable的反义词。 respectability rɪˌspektəˈbɪləti


[uncountable] middle-class notions of respectability中产阶级对体面的看法


Mrs Wilson dressed quietly and respectably in grey or black.威尔逊夫人穿着灰黑色的衣服,朴素而得体。
decent ˈdiːsnt [usually before noun](of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect and deserving the respect of others (人或行为举止)正派的,公平的,合乎礼节的These are ordinary, decent, hard-working people.这都是些勤劳正派的普通人。The chairman must now do the decent thing and resign.主席现在必须辞职,这才是体面之举。 decency


[uncountable] We need to restore values of decency, caring and understanding to our society.我们得让社会回归正派、关爱和包容的价值观。


We always try to treat prisoners decently.我们总是尽可能地善待犯人。
reputable ˈrepjətəbl honest and known to provide a good service 信誉好的;值得信赖的Buy your car from a reputable dealer.要从有信誉的经销商那里买车。Reputable is usually used about companies and people involved in business or trade. * reputable通常修饰从事买卖的公司和商人。 see also reputation reputation honourable (BrE) (NAmE honorable) ˈɒnərəbl; NAmE ˈɑːnərəblshowing high moral standards; behaving in a way that means you keep the respect of other people 品格高尚的;保全脸面的He was an honourable man who could not lie.他是个高尚的人,不会说谎。The only honourable thing to do is to resign.唯一能保全脸面的就是辞职。OPP dishonourable despicable see also honour integrity , honour reputation , honourable worthy honourably (BrE) (NAmE honorably)


He served honourably during his 44 years in office.他在任44年,忠于职守。
NOTE 辨析 Decent or honourable?Sometimes you can use either word. 这两个词有时可通用It's time she did the decent / honourable thing and resigned.她是时候辞职以保名节了。However, being honourable often involves more serious moral choices than being decent. Decent people work hard and treat other people with respect in their ordinary, everyday lives. Honourable people tell the truth, are honest with money and loyal to other people and their country, even when this is very difficult or dangerous or when other people are lying or cheating. You can live decently and die honourably but notlive honourably and die decently 不过,honourable往往比decent要有更大的道德承担。decent指人在日常生活中努力工作,尊重他人。honourable指人在困难或危险的处境下依然讲真话,诚实赚钱,忠于他人和国家,即使众人都在说谎或欺骗时亦能保持如此。可以说live decently和die honourably。但不说live honourably,也不说die decently。
law-abiding lɔː əˈbaɪdɪŋ obeying and respecting the law 遵纪守法的;安分守己的The police have been preventing ordinary law-abiding citizens from going about their own business.警方一直在妨碍普通守法公民过正常生活。Law-abiding is usually used when sb who usually obeys the law is treated as if they have broken it, or in comparison with people who do break the law. * law-abiding常用来表示守法者被当作违法者对待,或与违法者相对。
BNC: 4946 COCA: 7353
Morally good or correct: moral, correct, right...
Satisfactory and good enough: satisfactory, adequate, fine...
Morally good or correct behaviour: virtue, goodness, purity...

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