adjective [usually before noun](comparative fierier, superlative fieriest)
looking like fire; consisting of fire 火一般的;火的 quickly or easily becoming angry 暴躁的;易怒的 She has a fiery temper. 她脾气暴躁。 a fiery young man 动辄发怒的年轻人 He’s a big strong lad with a fiery temper. 他是个身材壮硕、脾气暴躁的小伙子。
showing strong emotions, especially anger synonym passionate充满激情的;(尤指)怒气冲冲的 a fiery look 怒容满面 a fiery and heated meeting 激烈激烈的会议 He delivered the sermon with fiery passion. 他满怀激情地进行了布道。 John Wesley preached his fiery sermons to large crowds. 约翰•卫斯理向大批教众慷慨激昂地布道。
(of food or drink )食物或饮料 causing a part of your body to feel as if it is burning 辣的 a fiery Mexican dish 味辣的墨西哥菜肴 The fiery liquor burnt its way down her throat. 烈酒顺着她的喉咙燃烧。