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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
time verb
time noun
time1 (It's time for lunch.) time2 (a long time ago) period (times are hard) rhythm (in time to the music) on time early adj. have a good/great time play verb1 take your time, buy time take your time verb most of the time usually adv. at times, from time to time sometimes adv.


It's time for lunch. 午餐时间到了。a long time ago 很久以前time ♦︎ moment ♦︎ point ♦︎ occasion ♦︎ hour ♦︎ date ♦︎ instantThese are all words for a particular point in time, especially a time when sth happens or when a stage of development is reached. 这些词均表示时候、时刻、瞬间。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a time / a moment / the point / sb's hour of sthat the time / the moment / that point / that instanton that occasion / datefrom / until that time / moment / point / datefor the time / moment / occasionat / on (any) given / one time / moment / point / occasion / instantthe very / precise time / moment / hour / instanta / an memorable / emotional time / moment / occasionto choose / pick a / your time / momentthe time / moment / hour comes / arrives time [uncountable, countable] a particular point in time, especially a time when sth happens or when sth should happen (某事发生或应该发生的)时间,时候What time do you finish work?你什么时候下班?It's time for lunch.午餐时间到了。I think it's time to go to bed.我想该睡觉了。It's time the kids were in bed.孩子们该上床睡觉了。By the time you get there the meeting will be over.等你到那儿的时候,会议都该结束了。You'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens).到时候你就会有不同的感受了。The train arrived right on time (= at exactly the correct time).火车正点到达。A computer screen shows arrival and departure times.电脑屏幕显示到达和离开的时间。I want to fix a time for a meeting next month.我想确定下月开会的时间。Have I called at a bad time?是不是我电话打得不是时候?Every time I hear that song I feel happy.每次听到那首歌我都感到很愉快。Next time you're here let's have lunch together.下次你来这儿时,我们一起吃午饭吧。He failed the test three times.他考了三次都没通过。He's determined to pass this time.这一回他决心要考及格。When was the last time you saw her?你上次是什么时候见到她的? (NAmE) I remember one time (= once) we had to abandon our car in the snow.我记得有一次我们迫于无奈把汽车丢弃在雪地里。 moment [singular] an exact point in time (确切的)时刻,时候We're busy at the moment (= now).我们这会儿很忙。At that very moment, the phone rang.就在那时,电话铃响了。I agreed in a moment of weakness.我一时心软就答应了。From that moment on, she never felt really well again.从那时起,她就再没真正好受过。A moment [countable] can also be a time when you have a particular feeling, or that is good or bad for doing a particular thing. 可数名词形式的moment亦可指怀有某种感受的一段时光或做某事的时机That was one of the happiest moments of my life.那是我一生中最快乐的一段时光。Have I caught you at a bad moment?我是不是来得不是时候? point [countable] a particular time or stage of development 时刻;关头;瞬间;阶段The climber was at the point of death when they found him.那个登山者被人发现的时候已奄奄一息了。We were on the point of giving up.我们当时几乎要放弃了。Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives.许多人在人生的某个阶段都会有精神疾患。We had reached the point when there was no money left.我们曾落到身无分文的地步。At this point in time (= Now) we just have to wait.到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。 Point forms part of a lot of compounds that mean a particular time or stage in an event or process. * point可构成许多复合词,指事件或过程中的某一时刻或阶段the high point / low point of the trip这次行程中最精彩/最无趣的时刻to reach boiling / freezing / melting / saturation point达到沸点/冰点/熔点/饱和点This could be the sticking point in the negotiations.这可能是谈判的难点所在。  See also the entry for turning point 另见turning point条 occasion [countable] a particular time when sth happens 某次;⋯的时候They have been seen together on two separate occasions.他们有两次被人看见在一起。He used the occasion to announce further tax cuts.他利用这个机会宣布再次减税。He has even been known to go shopping himself on occasion (= only a few times).甚至有几次,有人看见他自个儿去逛街。 see also occasion opportunity hour [singular] a particular point in time; the time when sth important happens 某个时间;重要时刻You can't turn him away at this hour of the night.天这么晚了,你不能把他赶走。She thought her last hour had come.她以为她生命的最后时刻到了。Don't desert me in my hour of need.不要在我困难的时候离开我。 date [singular, uncountable] a point in time in the past or future that is not a particular day (过去或将来的)时候;年代;时期The details can be added at a later date.细节可过些时候再补充进去。The coins are all of late Roman date.这些硬币都属于罗马时代后期。 instant [singular] an exact point in time (确切的)时刻,时候At that (very) instant, the door opened.就在那时,门开了。I recognized her the instant (that)(= as soon as) I saw her.我一眼就认出她了。Come here this instant (= immediately)!马上过来!time2


It's time for lunch. 午餐时间到了。a long time ago 很久以前time ♦︎ period ♦︎ season ♦︎ while ♦︎ term ♦︎ run ♦︎ spell ♦︎ interval ♦︎ stint ♦︎ span ♦︎ patchThese are all words for a length of time during which sth lasts, happens or is done. 这些词均表示一段时间、时期。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a time / a period / a season / a term / a run / a spell / an interval / a stint / a span / a patch of stha time / period / season / term / spell / stint as sthfor a time / a period / a season / a while / a term / a spell / an interval / a stint / a spanduring a time / a period / a season / a term / a run / a spell / an interval / a stint / a span / a ... patchafter a time / a period / a season / a while / a term / a run / a spell / an interval / a stint / a ... patcha long time / period / season / while / term / run / spell / interval / stint / spana short time / period / season / while / term / spell / interval / stint / spana brief time / period / season / while / spell / interval / stint / spana bad time / period / season / run / spell / patcha difficult / lean time / period / season / spell / patcha successful time / period / season / term / run / stintto have a ... time / period / season / run / spell / patchto enjoy a time / period / season / run / spellto go through a ... time / period / season / spell / patchto do a term / spell / stint time [countable] a period of time, either long or short, during which you do sth or sth happens (或长或短的)一段时间I lived in Egypt for a time.我在埃及住了一阵子。His injuries will take a long time to heal.他的伤需要很长一段时间才能好。Her parents died a long time ago.她的父母很久以前就去世了。At one time (= at a period of time in the past) Emily was my best friend.埃米莉一度是我最好的朋友。Mr Curtis was the manager in my time (= when I was working there).我在那里工作时,柯蒂斯先生是经理。The early morning is the best time of day.清晨是一天最好的时光。There were times-sometimes whole weeks-when I thought it wasn't worth trying to complete the project.有时候-有时是整个星期-我都觉得努力完成这个项目是不值得的。 see also time period period [countable] a length of time during which sth lasts, happens or is done (某事持续、发生或完成的)一段时间,时期There was a long period of uncertainty before we knew the final decision.我们知道最终决定前,有很长时间事态并不明朗。The factory will be closed down over a period of two years.这家工厂将在两年内关闭。This compares with a 4% increase for the same period last year.这和去年同期4%的升幅相若。The project will run for a six-month trial period.这个项目将试运行六个月。 see also period period NOTE 辨析 Time or period? Time places more emphasis on the feeling of time passing and things happening during the period; period places more emphasis on the amount of time that passed or has passed, and the things that did happen or have happened. * time更强调时间流逝的感觉和在期间发生的事情;period更强调这段时间有多长,以及期间确实发生过的事I lived in Egypt for a period. The factory will be closed down over a time of two years. When you are talking about things that happen regularly, you can use either word, but period is slightly more formal. 当谈论的事情是定期、有规律地发生时,这两个词可以通用,但period稍正式些There are extra buses at peak times / periods.繁忙时段公交车会增开班次。 season [countable] a period during a year when a particular activity happens or is done, or when a particular style of clothes, hair, etc. is popular and fashionable (一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季;(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期the cricket / hunting / shooting season板球赛季;狩猎季节the breeding / mating / growing / planting season繁殖/交配/生长/栽种季节She scored her first goal of the season on Saturday.她在星期六的比赛中打进了她在本赛季的第一个球。The hotels are always full during the peak season (= the period when most people are on holiday).在旺季,这些旅馆总是客满。 (BrE) the holiday season度假旺季 (NAmE) the tourist season旅游旺季 (BrE) Best wishes for the festive season (= Christmas).祝圣诞节节期愉快。 (NAmE) the holiday season (= the time of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year) 节假日期间(包括感恩节、修殿节、圣诞节和新年)It's much cheaper to buy a season ticket (= a single ticket that lasts a whole season).购买季票要便宜得多。This season's look is soft and romantic.这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。 Season also means a period of time during which a play is shown in one place, or a series of plays, films or television programmes. * season还指一部戏剧在某地的演出期,或一系列戏剧、电影或电视节目的集中上映、荟萃The play opens for a second season in London next week.下周这部剧将在伦敦开始第二轮演出。a season of films by Alfred Hitchcock阿尔弗雷德•希区柯克电影作品展 while [singular] a period of time 一段时间They chatted for a while.他们聊了一会儿。I'll be back in a little while (= a short time).我一会儿就回来。I haven't seen him for quite a while (= a fairly long time).我有一阵子没见到他了。While is used especially to talk about the fairly long or fairly short time that sb spends doing sth or waiting for sth to happen, or how long sth takes. * while尤指要么很长,要么很短的时间,如花在做某事或等候的时间,或指做某事要花的时间。 term [countable] a period during which sth lasts; a fixed or limited period of time 期;期限;任期during the president's first term of / in office在总统的首届任期内He faces a maximum prison / jail term of 25 years.他面临25年的最高刑期。The term of agreement can be for either two or three years.该协议的期限可为两年或三年。 run [countable] a period during which sth good or bad lasts or is repeated; a series of performances of a play or film 一段(幸运或倒霉的)时光;连续上演(或放映)a run of good / bad luck一连串好运/厄运Liverpool lost to Leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games.利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续18场不败的纪录。The show is enjoying a record-breaking run at the Shaftesbury Theatre.这场表演在沙夫茨伯里剧院连续上演,打破了纪录。 spell [countable] a short period during which sth lasts, especially weather; a short period that you spend working somewhere or doing sth (持续的)一段时间(尤指天气);(在某处工作或干某事的)短期时间We had a spell of warm weather in April.4月份我们度过了一段温暖的日子。a cold / hot / wet / bright spell一段寒冷/炎热/多雨/晴朗的日子She went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells.她去找医生看病,说自己一阵阵地眩晕。I spent a brief spell on the Washington Post.我曾在《华盛顿邮报》工作过一小段时间。 interval [countable, usually plural] a short period during which sth different happens from what is happening the rest of the time (其他事情)穿插出现的间隙She's delirious most of the time, but has lucid intervals.她大部分时间神志昏乱,但有时清醒。She ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval.除了短暂间歇之外,她统治了十年。 stint [countable] a period that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity 从事某项工作(或活动)的时间She did a stint abroad early in her career.她刚参加工作时在国外干过一段时间。He hated his two-year stint in the Navy.他憎恨在海军服役的那两年。 span [countable] the length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue 持续时间I worked with him several times over a span of six years.六年之中我和他共事过几次。This textbook covers the entire span of Arab history.这本教科书涵盖了整个阿拉伯的历史。The project must be completed within a specific time span.这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。Small children have a short attention span.幼儿注意力持续时间短。 patch [countable] (especially BrE, informal) a period of the type mentioned, usually a difficult or unhappy one 一段(艰难)岁月;一段(痛苦)日子The team has been through a rough patch recently.团队近来经历了一段艰难时期。

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