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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
IELTS BNC: 3101 COCA: 3394


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  1. a part of the body that has a particular purpose, such as the heart or the brain; part of a plant with a particular purpose(人體或動植物的)器官
    • the internal organs内髒
    • the sense organs (= the eyes, ears, nose, etc.)感覺器官
    • the sexual/reproductive organs生殖器官
    • an organ transplant/donor器官移植/捐贈者
    • the vital organs (= the brain, heart, lungs, etc.) 重要髒器
    • organ donation/transplantation器官捐贈/移植
    • He died of multiple organ failure. 他死於多器官衰竭。
    Collocations IllnessesIllnesses疾病Becoming ill生病
    • catch a cold/​an infectious disease/​the flu/(British English) flu/​pneumonia/​a virus/(informal) a bug染上感冒/傳染病/流感/肺炎/病毒/小毛病
    • get (British English) ill/(North American English) sick/​a disease/​AIDS/​breast cancer/​a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu/​a migraine患病/艾滋病/乳腺癌/感冒/流感/偏頭痛
    • come down with a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu得了感冒/流感
    • contract a deadly disease/​a serious illness/​HIV/​AIDS感染致命疾病/嚴重疾病/艾滋病病毒/艾滋病
    • be infected with a virus/​a parasite/​HIV受病毒/寄生蟲/艾滋病病毒感染
    • develop cancer/​diabetes/​a rash/​an ulcer/​symptoms of hepatitis患上癌症/糖尿病/皮疹/潰瘍;出現肝炎症狀
    • have a heart attack/​a stroke心髒病/中風發作
    • provoke/​trigger/​produce an allergic reaction引起/産生過敏反應
    • block/​burst/​rupture a blood vessel使血管阻塞/破裂
    • damage/​sever a nerve/​an artery/​a tendon損傷/切斷神經/動脈/肌腱
    Being ill病了
    • feel (British English) ill/​nauseous/​queasy
    • be running (British English) a temperature/(North American English) a fever發燒
    • have a head cold/​diabetes/​heart disease/​lung cancer/​a headache/(British English) a high temperature/(North American English) a fever患傷風感冒/糖尿病/心髒病/肺癌;頭痛;發燒
    • suffer from asthma/​malnutrition/​frequent headaches/​bouts of depression/​a mental disorder患哮喘/營養不良症/經常性頭痛/多發性抑鬱症/精神錯亂
    • be laid up with/ (British English) be in bed with a cold/​the flu/(British English) flu/​a migraine因感冒/流感/偏頭痛而卧床休息
    • nurse a cold/​a headache/​a hangover調治感冒/頭痛/宿醉
    • battle/​fight cancer/​depression/​addiction/​alcoholism與癌症/抑鬱症作鬥爭;戒瘾;戒酒
    • examine a patient給病人做檢查
    • diagnose a condition/​disease/​disorder診斷疾病
    • be diagnosed with cancer/​diabetes/​schizophrenia診斷爲癌症/糖尿病/精神分裂症
    • prescribe/​be given/​be on/​take drugs/​medicine/​medication/​pills/​painkillers/​antibiotics開/得到/服用藥/藥片/止痛藥/抗生素
    • treat somebody for cancer/​depression/​shock治療某人的癌症/抑鬱症/休克
    • have/​undergo an examination/​an operation/​surgery/​a kidney transplant/​therapy/​chemotherapy/​treatment for cancer接受檢查/手術/外科手術/腎移植手術/治療/化療/癌症治療
    • have/​be given an injection/(British English) a flu jab/(North American English) a flu shot/​a blood transfusion/​a scan/​an X-ray打針;接種流感疫苗;接受輸血;做掃描檢查;照 X 光
    • cure a disease/​an ailment/​cancer/​a headache/​a patient治療疾病/病痛/癌症/頭痛/病人
    • prevent the spread of disease/​further outbreaks/​damage to the lungs防止疾病擴散/疾病進一步爆發/對肺部造成傷害
    • be vaccinated against the flu/(British English) flu/​the measles/(British English) measles/​polio/​smallpox接種流感/麻疹/小兒麻痹症/天花疫苗
    • enhance/​boost/​confer/​build immunity to a disease增加對疾病的免疫力
    Extra Examples
    • He is waiting for a suitable donor organ.他正等待合適的捐贈器官。
    • The colon is an important organ for the absorption of nutrients.結腸是吸收營養的重要器官。
    • The eyes are an important organ of balance.眼睛是重要的平衡器官。
    • They were trying to preserve blood flow to the brain and the other vital organs.他們試圖保持血液流向大腦和其他重要器官。
    Topics Bodyb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • internal
    • bodily
    • important
    verb + organ
    • donate
    • transplant
    • harvest
    organ + noun
    • donation
    • donor
    • transplant
    See full entry
  2. (especially humorous) a penis陰莖;陽物
    • the male organ雄性性器官
  3. (also pipe organ)
    a large musical instrument with keys like a piano. Sounds are produced by air forced through pipes.管風琴
    • She plays the organ in church.她在教堂負責彈奏管風琴。
    • organ music管風琴曲
    • an organ recital管風琴獨奏會
    compare harmonium see also Hammond organTopics Musicb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • pipe
    • electric
    • Hammond™
    organ + noun
    • pedal
    • pipe
    • stop
    See full entry
  4. a musical instrument similar to a pipe organ, but without pipes風琴
    • an electric organ電子琴
    see also barrel organ, mouth organ
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • pipe
    • electric
    • Hammond™
    organ + noun
    • pedal
    • pipe
    • stop
    See full entry
  5. (formal) an official organization that is part of a larger organization and has a special purpose(官方的)機構,機關
    • the organs of government政府機關
    • the central organs of state國家的中央機關
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • central
    • major
    • administrative
    See full entry
  6. (formal) a newspaper or magazine that gives information about a particular group or organization; a means of communicating the views of a particular group機關報刊;(某團體的)宣傳工具
    • The People's Daily is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party.《人民日報》是中國共産黨的官方報紙。
    • the organs of public opinion (= for example, newspapers, television, radio)輿論機構
    see also house organTopics TV, radio and newsc2
  7. Word Originlate Old English, via Latin from Greek organon ‘tool, instrument, sense organ’, reinforced in Middle English by Old French organe.
IELTS BNC: 3101 COCA: 3394


1part of the body身體ADJECTIVE | VERB + ORGAN | ORGAN + NOUN ADJECTIVEinternal內臟bodily器官important, major, vital重要器官The colon is an important organ for the absorption of nutrients.結腸是吸收營養的重要器官。to preserve blood flow to the vital organs保持血液流入重要器官abdominal, genital腹部/生殖器官digestive, olfactory, reproductive, sense, sensory, sex, sexual, etc.消化器官、嗅覺器官、生殖器官、感覺器官、性器官等human人體器官donor, replacement捐獻的/更換的器官He is waiting for a suitable donor organ.他正等待合適的捐贈器官。VERB + ORGANdonate捐贈器官transplant移植器官harvest採集器官affect, damage侵襲/損毀器官ORGAN + NOUNdonation, donor器官捐贈/捐贈者transplant, transplantation器官移植damage, failure器官損傷/衰竭


2musical instrument樂器ADJECTIVE | ORGAN + NOUN ADJECTIVEpipe管風琴electric, Hammond電風琴;哈蒙德牌電子琴barrel, mouth手搖風琴;口琴church, fairground (BrE) 教堂/露天風琴ORGAN + NOUNpedal, pipe, stop風琴踏板/音管/音栓loft風琴台 topic at music


3official organization官方機構ADJECTIVEcentral, major中央機關;主要機構the central organs of state國家的中央機關administrative, constitutional, judicial, political, security行政/立憲/司法/政治/安全機構
IELTS BNC: 3101 COCA: 3394

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