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  1. a completely round flat shape圆;圆形
    • the centre/circumference/radius/diameter of a circle圆的中心/周长/半径/直径
    • concentric circles同心圆
    • a design of overlapping circles圆环重叠的设计
    • circle of something Cut out two circles of paper.剪出两个圆形纸片。
    • Spread 1 tablespoon of the meat mixture on each circle of dough.在每圈面团上涂上1汤匙肉混合物。
    • the circle of light thrown by the torch火炬投下的光环
    see also semicircleTopics Colours and Shapesa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • complete
    • full
    • concentric
    verb + circle
    • draw
    • trace
    • describe
    • in a/​the circle
    • circle of
    • the area of a circle
    • the circumference of a circle
    • the diameter of a circle
    See full entry
  2. the line that forms the edge of a circle圆周;圆圈
    • Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。
    • He traced a circle in the dust with his finger.他用手指在尘土中画了一个圈。
    • in a circle She walked the horse round in a circle.她牵着马遛圈子。
    • circle around somebody/something He had dark circles around his eyes from lack of sleep.由于睡眠不足,他的眼睛周围有黑眼圈。
    • The sharks were swimming in circles around her.鲨鱼围着她转圈游泳。
    see also Antarctic Circle, Arctic Circle, striking circle, turning circle
    Extra Examples
    • He turned the car in a tight circle.他将车来了个急转。
    • How long does it take for the dial to rotate through a full circle?刻度盘转一整圈需要多长时间?
    • If you follow the road signs you will simply find yourself going round in a circle.如果按照路标走,你会发现自己不过是在转圈。
    • If you follow the signs you find yourself going around in a circle.如果按照路标走,你会发现自己不过是在转圈。
    • The planets move in circles around the sun.行星绕着太阳旋转。
    • The water rippled in widening circles around the fountain.喷泉周围的水形成涟漪逐圈扩散出去。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • complete
    • full
    • concentric
    verb + circle
    • draw
    • trace
    • describe
    • in a/​the circle
    • circle of
    • the area of a circle
    • the circumference of a circle
    • the diameter of a circle
    See full entry
  3. a thing or a group of people or things that is like a circle in shape圆形物;环状物;圈;环
    • circle of somebody/something a circle of trees/chairs一圈树/椅子
    • in a circle The children stood in a circle.孩子们站成一圈。
    • circle around somebody/something The crowd formed a circle around the two boys.人群围着两个男孩围成一圈。
    • The M25 motorway isn't quite a complete circle.M25高速公路不是一个完整的圆圈。
    • Arrange the candles to create a circle.排列蜡烛,形成一个圆圈。
    see also crop circle, stone circle
    Extra Examples
    • The children ran around the circle of chairs until the music stopped.孩子们绕着围成一圈的椅子跑,直到音乐停止。
    • The stones form a complete circle.石头构成一个完整的圆圈。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • complete
    • full
    • concentric
    verb + circle
    • draw
    • trace
    • describe
    • in a/​the circle
    • circle of
    • the area of a circle
    • the circumference of a circle
    • the diameter of a circle
    See full entry
  4. (also balcony)
    an upper floor of a theatre or cinema where the seats are arranged in curved rows(剧院或电影院的)弧形楼座
    • We had seats in the circle.我们坐的是楼座座位。
    see also dress circle, upper circleTopics Film and theatrec2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • dress
    • upper
    See full entry
  5. a group of people who are connected because they have the same interests, jobs, etc.(相同兴趣、职业等的人形成的)圈子,阶层,界
    • Talk of religion was forbidden in the family circle.在这个家庭范围内是禁止谈论宗教的。
    • She's well known in theatrical circles.她在戏剧界赫赫有名。
    • a large circle of friends一大群朋友
    see also charmed circle, inner circle, vicious circle, virtuous circle
    Extra Examples
    • While she is lauded in London intellectual circles, she is less well-known to the general public.虽然她在伦敦知识界受到称赞,但她在公众中的知名度较低。
    • She did not meet people outside her own small social circle.她不认识自己小社交圈以外的人。
    • Her ideas have caused controversy in scientific circles in recent years.近年来,她的观点在科学界引起了争论。
    • friends in government circles政府圈里的朋友
    • They treat anyone outside their immediate circle with suspicion.他们对自己圈子以外的任何人都抱有怀疑。
    • You need to widen your circle of friends.你需要扩大你的朋友圈儿。
    • She moves in the highest social circles.她活跃于最上流社交圈。
    • She has a wide circle of acquaintances.她交游甚广。
    • My brother and I move in completely different circles.我和我哥的朋友圈子完全不同。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • wide
    • narrow
    • small
    verb + circle
    • have
    • move in
    • join
    • in a/​the circle
    • a circle of acquaintances
    • a circle of admirers
    • a circle of friends
    See full entry
  6. Word OriginOld English, from Old French cercle, from Latin circulus ‘small ring’, diminutive of circus ‘ring’.
come, turn, etc. full circle
  1. to return to the situation in which you started, after a series of events or experiences(事情或经历)兜了一圈回到原处
go round in circles
  1. to work hard at something or discuss something without making any progress在原地绕圈子;总是回到同一个问题
run round in circles
  1. (informal) to be busy doing something without achieving anything important or making progress徒劳无功;瞎忙;空忙
square the circle
  1. to do something that is considered to be impossible圆周;圆圈
    • Marketing companies are trying to square the circle of profitability and growth with strong ethical values and sustainability.营销公司正试图用强烈的道德价值观和可持续性来平衡盈利和增长的循环。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they circle
he / she / it circles
past simple circled
past participle circled
-ing form circling
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  1. [transitive] to draw a circle around something围绕…画圈;圈出;圈起
    • circle something Luke circled a date on the kitchen calendar.卢克在厨房日历上圈出了一个日期。
    • Respondents were asked to circle the appropriate answers.受访者被要求圈出适当的答案。
    • circle something in something Spelling mistakes are circled in red ink.拼写错误都用红笔圈了出来。
    • She circled her birthday in red on the calendar.她用红笔在日历上把自己的生日圈了起来。
    • Investigators circled bullet holes with chalk.调查人员用粉笔在弹孔上画圈。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryphrases
    • circle something in black, red, etc.
    See full entry
  2. [intransitive, transitive] to move in a circle, especially in the air(尤指在空中)盘旋,环行,转圈
    • The helicopter was circling slowly, very low.直升机在缓缓盘旋,飞得非常低。
    • circle above/over something Police helicopters circled above the park.警方直升机在公园上空盘旋。
    • circle around something He flew lower and circled around the lake.他飞得更低,在湖边盘旋。
    • circle around above/over something Seagulls circled around above his head.海鸥在他的头顶上盘旋。
    • circle overhead A buzzard was circling overhead.一只鵟在头顶盘旋。
    • circle somebody/something The plane circled the airport to burn up excess fuel.飞机在机场上空盘旋以耗掉多余的燃料。
    • The bell rang and the two boxers began circling each other.铃声响起,两位拳击手开始围着对方转圈。
    Extra Examples
    • Several airliners were circling above the airport.几架客机在机场上空盘旋。
    • The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.兀鹫已经在绕着动物的尸体盘旋了。
    • A small aircraft was circling overhead.一架小飞机在头顶上盘旋。
    • Seagulls circled around the boat.海鸥围绕着那条船盘旋。
    • The circling birds in the sky above looked like vultures.天空中盘旋的鸟儿看起来像秃鹰。
    • The plane had to circle the airport for another 30 minutes before landing.飞机不得不在降落前绕机场又转了30分钟。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • slowly
    • overhead
    • above
    • around
    • round
    See full entry
  3. Word OriginOld English, from Old French cercle, from Latin circulus ‘small ring’, diminutive of circus ‘ring’.
circle the wagons
  1. (North American English) to join together with people who have the same ideas and beliefs as you, and avoid contact with those who do not, who may threaten or attack you(联合理念相同者)结成统一战线
    • When your way of life is threatened, you have to circle the wagons and defend yourself.当你的生活方式受到威胁时,你必须与他人结盟保护自己。
    • They immediately circled the wagons around the senator to protect him.他们立即把马车围在参议员周围保护他。


1shape形狀ADJECTIVE | VERB + CIRCLE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEcomplete, full完整的圓圈The stones form a complete circle.石頭構成一個完整的圓圈。How long does it take for the dial to rotate through a full circle?刻度盤轉一整圈需要多長時間?concentric同心圓widening不斷擴大的圓圈The water rippled in widening circles around the fountain.噴泉周圍的水形成漣漪逐圈擴散出去。overlapping重叠的圓圈a design of overlapping circles圓環重叠的設計tight急轉He turned the car in a tight circle.他將車來了個急轉。half半圓Antarctic, Arctic, polar南極圈;北極圈;極圈VERB + CIRCLEdraw, trace畫圈describe (technical術語) , go around in, go round in (especially BrE) 畫圓;轉圈
If you follow the signs you find yourself going around in a circle.如果按照路標走,你會發現自己不過是在轉圈。form, make形成/構成圓圈cut out裁出圓形PREPOSITIONin a/the circle成一個圈The children stood in a circle.孩子們站成一個圈。The planets move in circles around the sun.行星繞着太陽旋轉。circle of⋯的圈PHRASESthe area of a circle, the circumference of a circle, the diameter of a circle, the radius of a circle圓的面積/周長/直徑/半徑the centre/center of a circle, the middle of a circle圓心;圓形中央


2group of people人群ADJECTIVE | VERB + CIRCLE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEwide廣泛的圈子She has a wide circle of acquaintances.她交遊甚廣。narrow, small狹窄的圈子;小圈子charmed, close, closed, elite, intimate, magic, select有影響力的一小群人;親密的圈子;小圈子;精英圈;密友圈;有魔力的圈子;精選的圈子He invited only a select circle of friends to the wedding.他只邀請了特別選擇的朋友來參加婚禮。exalted, high顯貴的/上層社會的圈子immediate直接關係人的圈子They treat anyone outside their immediate circle with suspicion.他們對自己圈子以外的任何人都抱有懷疑。inner核心圈子He's joined the inner circles of the court early in his career.他在職業生涯的初期就加入了法院的核心圈子。academic, aristocratic, artistic, business, court, diplomatic, government, intellectual, literary, official, political, royal, scientific, social, theatrical circles學術界;貴族圈;藝術界;商界;司法界;外交界;政府圈;知識界;文學界;官場;政界;皇族圈子;科學界;社交圈;戲劇界She moves in the highest social circles.她活躍於最上流社交圈。family家庭圈子VERB + CIRCLEhave有⋯的圈子move in在⋯圈內活動My brother and I move in completely different circles (= we have very different friends).我弟弟和我交際的圈子完全不同。join加入⋯圈子expand, widen擴大圈子You need to widen your circle of friends.你需要擴大你的朋友圈兒。PREPOSITIONin a/the circle在⋯圈子裏Talk of religion was forbidden in the family circle.在家庭範圍內禁止談論宗教。friends in government circles政府圈裏的朋友PHRASESa circle of acquaintances, a circle of admirers, a circle of friends熟人圈兒;仰慕者圈兒;朋友圈兒


3 (BrE) rows of seats in a theatre/theater劇院的一排排座位ADJECTIVEdress, upper樓廳前座;樓廳後座My seat is in the front row of the dress circle.我的座位在樓廳前座的前排。


1move in a circle轉圈ADVERB | PREPOSITION ADVERBslowly慢慢盤旋The helicopter was circling slowly, very low.直升機在緩緩盤旋,飛得非常低。overhead在頭頂盤旋A buzzard was circling overhead.一隻鵟在頭頂盤旋。PREPOSITIONabove在⋯上方盤旋Several planes were circling above the airport.幾架飛機在機場上空盤旋。around, round (especially BrE) 環繞⋯盤旋The vultures were already circling around the dead animal.兀鷲已經在繞着動物的屍體盤旋了。


2draw a circle around sth圈出PHRASEScircle sth in black, red, etc.用黑色、紅色等把⋯圈出來She circled her birthday in red on the calendar.她用紅筆在日曆上把自己的生日圈了起來。
circle noun
circle (draw a circle) group2 (a circle of friends)
circle verb


circle ♦︎ ring ♦︎ disc ♦︎ hoopThese are all words for a round flat shape or object. 这些词均表示圆形或环状物体。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a circle / ringthrough a circle / ring / hoopconcentric circles / rings circle [countable] a completely round flat shape; the line that encloses a round shape; a thing or a group of people or things shaped like a circle 圆;圆形;圆形物;环状物;圈;环Cut out two circles of paper.剪出两个圆形纸片。Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。She walked the horse round in a circle.她让马兜圈子。The children ran around the circle of chairs until the music stopped.孩子们绕着围成一圈的椅子跑,直到音乐停止。 ring [countable] a flat circular object with a large hole in the middle; a circular mark or shape 环状物;圆形标记;圆形a key ring钥匙环Onion rings should be thin and crispy.洋葱圈应当又薄又脆。She had dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep.她因为睡眠不足,眼圈都黑了。 disc ( disk, especially in NAmE) [countable] a thin flat circular object or shape 圆盘;圆片;圆形He wears an identity disc around his neck.他脖子上挂着圆形身份牌。In a total eclipse, the moon completely covers the disc of the sun.出现日全食时,月亮将日轮完全遮住。 hoop huːp [countable] a large ring made of plastic, wood or metal; a small arch made of metal or plastic, put into the ground 箍;环;圈;(两端埋在地里的)小铁弓,小塑料弓The barrel was bound with three iron hoops.那个桶用三个铁环箍住了。She was wearing a pair of hoop earrings (= in the shape of a hoop).她戴着一副圈形耳环。Grow lettuce under plastic stretched over wire hoops.在铁弓撑起的塑料棚里种植生菜。
Rounded and circular shapes: ball, balloon, band...
Groups of people with shared interests or aims: association, commission, organization...
To move in circles or twists: spin, revolve, whirl...
To delay action, wait or hesitate: delay, wait, hesitate...

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