making you feel shocked or full of horror synonym nauseating (2), repulsive让人厌恶的;令人作呕的;令人震惊的 She was the victim of a sickening attack. 她是一次令人发指的袭击事件的受害者。 the sickening stench of burnt flesh 肉燃烧所发出的令人作呕的恶臭 The thought of losing my mom was sickening. 一想到失去妈妈,我就觉得恶心。 He described what had happened in sickening detail. 他极其详细地描述了所发生的事情。 The public was not made aware of the sickening details of the crime. 公众没有意识到这一罪行令人作呕的细节。
- [usually before noun]
making you afraid that somebody has been badly hurt or that something has been broken 给人以不祥感觉的;让人觉得不妙的 Her head hit the ground with a sickening thud. 她的头撞在地上,那声闷响让人揪心。 The truck hit a gully and gave a sickening lurch. 卡车撞上了一条沟,令人作呕地倾斜了一下。
- (informal)
making you feel jealous or annoyed because you wish you had something that somebody else has 令人忌妒的;让人烦恼的