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(plural varieties)
Word Family
  • vary verb
  • varied adjective
  • variable adjective
  • variation noun
  • various adjective
  • variety noun
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  1. [singular + singular or plural verb] variety (of something) several different sorts of the same thing(同一事物的)不同種類,多種式樣
    • There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.有種類繁多的圖案可供選擇。
    • He resigned for a variety of reasons.他由於種種原因辭職了。
    • This tool can be used in a variety of ways.這一工具有多種用途。
    • The text consists of extracts from a variety of sources.這篇課文由各種來源的摘錄組成。
    • articles and essays on a variety of topics關於各種主題的文章和論文
    • I don't eat meat, only fish, but there's a good variety available here.我不吃肉,只吃魚,但是這裏有很多種。
    • The day-long excursion is one of a variety on offer for tourists.一日遊是爲遊客提供的各種遊覽項目之一。
    • I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer.所供應的菜肴之豐盛讓我歎服。
    A plural verb is needed after a/an (large, wide, etc.) variety of… A variety of reasons were given. You can use a singular or a plural verb before it: There is/are a wide variety of patterns to choose from.
    Extra Examples
    • Menus offer a good variety of seafood.菜單上有豐富多樣的海産供選擇。
    • The market sold a bewildering variety of cheeses.市場上的奶酪種類繁多,令人眼花缭亂。
    • He has written on a great variety of subjects.他寫過各種各樣的題目。
    • a series of discussions on a variety of issues 關於各種問題的一系列討論
    • The songs are in a variety of styles.這些歌曲有多種風格。
    • Costs vary widely and depend on a variety of factors.成本差異很大,取決於多種因素。
    • Visitors are able to enjoy a variety of activities.遊客可以享受各種各樣的活動。
    • State aid can take a variety of forms.國家援助可以采取多種形式。
    • Asbestos was formerly used in a variety of products.石棉以前用於各種産品。
    • a Toronto company that offers a variety of Web-based services一家提供各種網絡服務的多倫多公司
    • These goals can be met using a variety of techniques.這些目標可以通過多種技術來實現。
    • The hotel's 104 rooms come in a variety of sizes.酒店的104間客房有各種尺寸。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • amazing
    • astonishing
    • bewildering
    verb + variety
    • add
    • give
    • offer
    • of… variety
    • variety in
    • variety of
    See full entry
  2. [uncountable] the quality of not being the same or not doing the same thing all the time變化;多樣化;多變性 synonym diversity
    • It's the variety that makes my job so enjoyable.正是因爲變化多才使得我的工作如此有趣。
    • We all need variety in our diet.我們都需要飲食多樣化。
    • We want more variety in our work.我們希望我們的工作多變點兒花樣。
    • a constant craving for variety and adventure對變化和冒險的持續渴望
    • The festival demonstrates the variety of the UK music scene.這個節日展示了英國音樂舞台的多樣性。
    Extra Examples
    • There is wide variety in shape and colour.形狀和色彩豐富多樣。
    • a country of great variety一個多姿多彩的國家
    • the rich variety of the local bird life當地豐富的鳥類品種
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • amazing
    • astonishing
    • bewildering
    verb + variety
    • add
    • give
    • offer
    • of… variety
    • variety in
    • variety of
    See full entry
  3. [countable] a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group(植物、語言等的)變種,變體;異體;品種
    • Apples come in a great many varieties.蘋果的品種繁多。
    • variety of something different varieties of English各類英語
    • This is a very rare variety of orchid.這是一種非常稀有的蘭花。
    • A typical estate in the region will grow at least three grape varieties.該地區的一個典型莊園將種植至少三個葡萄品種。
    • My cooking is of the ‘quick and simple’ variety.我做飯屬於既快捷又簡單的那一類。
    Extra Examples
    • The variety of English that they speak is closer to American than British.他們所講的那種英語更接近於美式英語而非英式英語。
    • high-yielding varieties of rice高産的稻谷品種
    • cultivated varieties such as the damask rose像突厥薔薇這類的栽培品種
    • breeders who develop new varieties開發新品種的培育者
    • Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases.老的玫瑰品種抗病害能力可能較差。
    • There are hundreds of different varieties of apple.蘋果有數百個不同品種。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • distinctive
    • common or garden
    • garden
    verb + variety
    • develop
    • grow
    • plant
    See full entry
  4. (North American English also vaudeville)
    [uncountable] a form of theatre or television entertainment that consists of a series of short performances, such as singing, dancing and funny acts綜藝節目
    • a variety show/theatre綜藝節目/劇場
    Topics Film and theatrec2, TV, radio and newsc2
  5. Word Originlate 15th cent.: from French variété or Latin varietas, from varius ‘changing, diverse’.
variety is the spice of life
  1. (saying) having a range of different experiences makes life more interesting經歷豐富多彩才令生活充滿樂趣


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  1. a US newspaper of the entertainment industry, published each week in New York. It includes reviews of plays, films, etc. and special articles about the entertainment world, and is known for its original and informal style of language. It was first published in 1905. From 1933 to 2013 there was a daily edition based in Los Angeles called Daily Variety. Its website features entertainment news, videos and photos.種類:美國娛樂業報紙,每周在紐約發行。它包括戲劇,電影等的評論以及有關娛樂世界的特殊文章,並且以其原始和非正式的語言風格而聞名。它於1905年首次出版。從1933年到2013年,洛杉矶有一個日報,名爲Daily Daily Variety。它的網站上有娛樂新聞,視頻和照片。


1not being the same; different kinds of sth不相同;不同種類ADJECTIVE | VERB + VARIETY | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEamazing, astonishing, bewildering, broad, considerable, endless, enormous, extraordinary, fascinating, good, great, huge, impressive, incredible, infinite, large, remarkable, rich, surprising, tremendous, vast, wide, wonderful令人驚異的多樣性;令人目不暇接的種類;很多種類;無窮的種類;不同尋常的多樣性;迷人的變化;難以置信的多種多樣;豐富的種類;奇妙的多樣性The market sold a bewildering variety of cheeses.市場上的奶酪種類繁多,令人眼花繚亂。the rich variety of the local bird life當地豐富的鳥類品種sheer極大的多樣性VERB + VARIETYadd, give, offer增添花樣;使多姿多彩;使豐富多樣Dealing with customers adds variety to the job.與顧客打交道使這份工作有了變化。PREPOSITIONof... variety⋯種類a country of great variety一個多姿多彩的國家variety in⋯方面的不同There is wide variety in taste.口味多種多樣。variety of多種⋯The restaurants offer a good variety of seafood.這些餐館供應各式各樣的海鮮菜品。


2particular type of sth某種類型ADJECTIVE | VERB + VARIETY ADJECTIVEdistinctive獨特的種類common or garden, garden, standard普通類型;標準類型rare, unusual稀有/罕見品種different不同的品種There are hundreds of different varieties of apple.蘋果有數百個不同品種。new, old新品種;老品種Old varieties of rose can be less resistant to diseases.老的玫瑰品種抗病害能力可能較差。cultivated, indigenous培育的/本地的品種cultivated varieties such as the damask rose像突厥薔薇這類的栽培品種disease-resistant, resistant抗病/抗性品種high-yielding高產品種high-yielding varieties of rice高產的稻穀品種hybrid雜交品種grape, rice, wheat, etc.葡萄、稻穀、小麥等品種VERB + VARIETYdevelop開發⋯品種breeders who develop new varieties開發新品種的培育者grow, plant種植⋯品種
variety noun
kind (a rare variety of orchid) range1 (a variety of patterns to choose from)
Collections, stores and sets of things: agglomeration, arsenal, assemblage...
Difference and differences: difference, contrast, distinction...
General types of plant: alpine, annual, bean...
Categories and types: type, category, kind...
General words for type of person: outlier, individual, character...
Types of entertainment: air show, bullfight, burlesque...

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