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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 415 COCA: 408


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they build
he / she / it builds
past simple built
past participle built
-ing form building
Idioms Phrasal Verbs
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  1. [transitive, intransitive] to make something, especially a building, by putting parts together建築;建造
    • build (something) They have permission to build 200 new homes.他們獲準建造200棟新房子。
    • to build a plant/facility/structure建造工廠/設施/建築
    • We build computer systems for large companies.我們爲大公司建造計算機系統。
    • Robins build nests almost anywhere.知更鳥幾乎可随處築巢。
    • They don't have the money to build roads.他們沒有錢修路。
    • They're going to build on the site of the old power station.他們要在老發電站那裏蓋房子。
    • be built from/of/out of something The houses are built out of local stone.這些房子是用當地的石頭建造的。
    • be built in something apartment blocks built in brick and concrete用磚和混凝土建造的公寓大樓
    • build something for somebody They had a house built for them.他們讓人給他們建了一棟房子。
    • build somebody something David built us a shed in the back yard.戴維幫我們在後院搭了個棚子。
    Synonyms buildbuild
    • construct
    • assemble
    • erect
    • put something up
    These words all mean to make something, especially by putting different parts together.
    • build to make something, especially a building, by putting parts together:
      • a house built of stone用石頭建造的房子
      • They’re going to build on the site of the old power station.他們要在老發電站那裏蓋房子。
    • construct [often passive] (rather formal) to build something such as a road, building or machine
    • assemble (rather formal) to fit together all the separate parts of something such as a piece of furniture or a machine:指裝配、組裝(家具、機器等):
      • The cupboard is easy to assemble.這個櫥櫃容易組裝。
    • erect (formal) to build something; to put something in position and make it stand upright:指建立、建造、安裝、豎立、搭起:
      • Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back.警察只得設立路障來阻截人群。
    • put something up to build something or place something somewhere:
      • They’re putting up new hotels in order to boost tourism in the area.他們正在蓋新旅館以促進該地區的旅遊業。
    • to build/​construct/​erect/​put up a house/​wall
    • to build/​construct/​erect/​put up some shelves
    • to build/​construct/​erect/​put up a barrier/​fence/​shelter
    • to build/​construct/​assemble a(n) engine/​machine
    • to build/​construct a road/​railway/​tunnel
    • to erect/​put up a tent/​statue/​monument
    Topics Buildingsa1
  2. [transitive] build something to create or develop something創建;開發
    • They are trying to build long-term relationships.他們試圖建立長期關系。
    • It is important to build a network of like-minded colleagues.建立一個志同道合的同事網絡很重要。
    • to build a community/society建立一個社區/社會
    • We want to build a better life.我們想創造更美好的生活。
    • We focused on building the business one customer at a time. 我們專注於一次一個客戶地建立業務。
    Extra Examples
    • She has built a reputation as a hard-working judge.她已經建立了努力工作的法官的聲譽。
    • She's built a new career for herself.她爲自己開辟了一條新的謀生之路。
    • This information will help us build a picture of his attacker.這條信息將有助於描畫出襲擊他的人的相貌。
  3. [intransitive] (of a feeling感覺) to become gradually stronger逐漸增強
    • The tension and excitement built gradually all day.整個一天中,緊張與興奮的氣氛越來越濃。
  4. Word OriginOld English byldan, from bold, botl ‘dwelling’, of Germanic origin; related to bower.
(build) castles in the air
  1. (to have) plans or dreams that are not likely to happen or come true(建)空中樓閣;幻想;空想
    • As a child he would wander round the boatyards, building castles in the air about owning a boat one day.當他還是個孩子的時候,他會在造船廠附近遊蕩,爲有一天擁有一艘船而建造空中樓閣。
Rome wasn’t built in a day
  1. (saying) used to say that a complicated task will take a long time and should not be rushed羅馬不是一天建成的;複雜的工作不會一蹴而就


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  1. [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the shape and size of the human body體形;體格;身材
    • He was described as a man of average build.他被描述爲一個中等身材的人。
    • to be of medium/strong build中等/強壯身材
    Extra Examples
    • She is slight of build and very agile.她身形瘦小,行動非常敏捷。
    • a small woman with a slim build小巧玲珑的女子
    • He's heavier in build than his brother.他比他哥哥體格壯實。
  2. [singular] the process of building or constructing something建築;建造
    • We are just completing the build of our new house.我們剛剛完成新房子的建造。
    • A defined build process ensures that your project's software is built and tested identically each time.已定義的構建過程確保您的項目軟件每次都是以相同的方式構建和測試的。
    see also new build
  3. [countable] a version of a piece of software that is created, especially one of a series of versions created before the final version is released所創建軟件的一個版本,尤其是在發布最終版本之前創建的一系列版本中的一個
    • You can sign up to help them test the alpha build of the game.你可以報名幫助他們測試遊戲的阿爾法版本。
  4. [singular] the form or style in which something is constructed, especially a vehicle構造:構造事物的形式或樣式,尤其是車輛
    • a car with superb build quality質量上乘的汽車
    • The car has an impressive range of luxury features and superb build quality.這款車擁有令人印象深刻的一系列豪華功能和卓越的構造質量。
  5. [singular] the way in which something, especially a story or film, develops towards the most exciting or important point創建;開發
    • the slow build of the plot情節的緩慢發展
  6. Word OriginOld English byldan, from bold, botl ‘dwelling’, of Germanic origin; related to bower.
BNC: 415 COCA: 408


ADJECTIVE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEaverage, medium中等體形lean, slender, slight, slim, small, thin精瘦的/苗條的/瘦小的/修長的/矮小的/瘦削的體形heavy, muscular, powerful, stocky, strong敦實的/健壯的/強健的/粗壯的/強壯的體格athletic健壯的體格PREPOSITIONin build在體格方面He's heavier in build than his brother.他比哥哥塊頭大。of build⋯的體形She is slight of build and very agile.她身形瘦小,行動非常敏捷。with a build體形⋯a small woman with a slim build小巧玲瓏的女子
BNC: 415 COCA: 408
build noun
build verb
build (a house built of stone) make1 (build a new career)


build ♦︎ construct ♦︎ assemble ♦︎ erect ♦︎ set sth up ♦︎ put sth upThese words all mean to make sth, especially by putting different parts together. 這些詞均表示制造、建造,尤指組建。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to build / construct sth from / out of / of sthto build / construct / assemble a machine / engineto build / construct / erect / set up / put up a barrierto build / construct / erect / put up a house / shelter / wall / fenceto build / construct / erect / put up some shelvesto build / construct / erect a bridgeto build / construct a road / railway / railroad / tunnel / nestto erect / put up a tent / statue / monument build (built, built) [transitive, intransitive] to make sth, especially a building, by putting parts together 建築;建造(尤指房屋)Robins build nests almost anywhere.知更鳥幾乎随處築巢。a house built of stone用石頭建造的房子apartment blocks built in brick and concrete用磚和混凝土建造的公寓大樓They had a house built for them.他們讓人給他們建了一棟房子。David built us a shed in the backyard.戴維幫我們在後院搭了個棚子。They're going to build on the site of the old power station.他們要在舊發電站那裏蓋房子。 OPP demolish demolish see also builder maker , building production construct [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to build sth such as a road, building or machine 修建,建造(公路、房屋、機器等)When was the bridge constructed?那座橋是何時修建的?They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches.他們用落下的枯樹枝搭了個窩棚。 OPP demolish demolish see also construction production , construction structure assemble əˈsembl [transitive] (rather formal) to fit together all the separate parts of sth such as a piece of furniture or a machine 裝配,組裝(家具、機器等)The shelves are easy to assemble.這些擱架易於組裝。The company assembles vehicles for Renault and Toyota.該公司爲雷諾和豐田組裝汽車。 see also assembly production erect ɪˈrekt [transitive] (formal) to build sth; to put sth in position and make it stand upright 建立;建造;豎立;搭起The church was erected in 1582.此教堂建於1582年。Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back.警方只得設立路障來阻擋人群。 ˌset sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(setting, set, set)to build sth or place sth somewhere 搭建;建立;設立;設置The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.警方在城外的路上設置了路障。We decided to set up camp for the night.我們決定搭帳篷過夜。
ˌput sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put)to build sth or place sth somewhere 搭建;建立;設立;設置They're putting up new hotels to boost tourism in the area.他們正在蓋新旅館以推動該地區的旅遊業。Do you know how to put this tent up?你知道如何把這頂帳篷搭起來嗎?NOTE 辨析 Set sth up or put sth up? Set sth up is not used for permanent buildings. * set up不用於永久性建築They're setting up new hotels. You set up camp but put up a tent. For other temporary structures you can use either word. 搭帳篷用set up camp或put up a tent。搭建其他臨時建築用set up或put up均可to set up / put up a fence / barrier / shelter架籬笆;設屏障;搭棚子

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