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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)
BNC: 2527 COCA: 22274


1 (BrE) (NAmE favorite) sb/sth that you like more than others最喜愛的人或物ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAVOURITE/FAVORITE | PREPOSITION ADJECTIVEabsolute, big, firm, great, hands-down, huge, particular, special至愛;最愛;一直不變受到寵愛的人/物;非常受寵愛的人/物;不容置疑的最愛;尤其受到寵愛的人/物;受到特殊寵愛的人/物This painting is a particular favourite of mine.這幅畫我特別喜愛。The movie is one of my absolute favourites.這是我最喜愛的影片之一。all-time, established, long-time, old, perennial, traditional始終的/確立了地位的/長期的/往昔的/永遠的/傳統的至愛This movie is my all-time favourite.這部電影一直是我的最愛。You will find all your old favourites in this book of poems.在這本詩集中你會發現所有你以前最喜歡的詩。new新的最愛They perform their greatest hit and a new favourite.他們表演了最成功的節目和他們新近最喜歡的一個節目。family, personal, popular家庭的/個人的/大眾的最愛cult一時間最喜歡的⋯The movie has become a cult favourite.這部影片現在紅極一時,大受追捧。sentimental最喜愛的傷感歌曲He began recording sentimental favourites.他開始錄製最喜愛的幾首傷感歌曲。fan (especially NAmE) 最受歌迷喜愛的歌曲a theme song that remains a fan favourite依然最受歌迷喜愛的主題曲audience, crowd觀眾/人群的最愛The band started with a crowd favourite.該樂隊以一首廣受喜愛的樂曲開始其演奏。holiday (especially NAmE) 假期中的最愛It may become a holiday favourite on video.它可能會成為假期中大家最愛看的一部錄像。childhood孩提時的最愛They were singing their childhood favourite, 'Waterloo'.他們正唱着孩提時最喜愛的歌曲《滑鐵盧》。VERB + FAVOURITE/FAVORITEbecome成為最愛'Show Me Love' became a festival favourite.《給我愛》成為節日期間最受歡迎的一首歌。remain依然是最愛choose, pick選擇/挑選最愛If I had to choose a favourite, it would be Monet's 'Water Lilies'.如果非要我選一幅最喜歡的畫作,我會選莫奈的《睡蓮》。PREPOSITIONfavourite among⋯中最受歡迎He is a favourite among his teammates.他很受隊友的歡迎。favourite for最適宜⋯The forest was a favourite for family walks.這處樹林是人們最喜愛的同家人一起散步的地方。favourite of⋯的最愛This song is an old favourite of mine.這首歌是我最喜歡的一首老歌。favourite with⋯最喜歡的The song is a firm favourite with their fans.這首歌着實贏得了歌迷的喜愛。


2 (BrE) (NAmE favorite) competitor expected to win有希望獲勝的競爭者ADJECTIVE | VERB + FAVOURITE/FAVORITE | PREPOSITION | PHRASES ADJECTIVEbig, clear, clear-cut, firm, heavy, hot, odds-on, overwhelming, red-hot, solid, strong大有希望的 / 明擺着會獲勝的 / 毫無懸念會獲勝的 / 定會獲勝的 / 極其可能會獲勝的 / 炙手可熱的 / 贏面較大的 / 有壓倒性獲勝可能的 / 熱門的 / 實力雄厚的 / 強有力的競爭者She is odds-on favourite to win an award.她大有希望獲獎。second二號種子選手joint (BrE) 同時有獲勝希望的競爭者slight獲勝機會很少的競爭者early開始時有希望獲勝的競爭者China was the early favourite to win the bidding.開始時,中國是最有希望贏得本次投標的國家。even-money機會均等的競爭者The horse is an even-money favourite.這匹馬輸贏都有可能。2-1, etc.賠率為 2 比 1 等Tiger Woods is 3-2 favourite to win the Challenge.老虎伍茲贏得本次挑戰賽的賠率為 3 比 2。3-point, 6-point, 12-point, etc. (all NAmE) 有望以 3 分、6 分、12 分等優勢獲勝的競爭者The Colts are 5.5-point favourites at San Francisco this week.本週小馬隊有望在舊金山以 5.5 分的優勢獲勝。home, hometown, local本國的/家鄉的/當地的奪標熱門race, title (BrE) 最有希望贏得比賽的選手;奪冠熱門選手pre-season季前賽中最有希望獲勝的競爭者prohibitive (NAmE) 使其他競爭者望而卻步的最有希望獲勝的競爭者Gunn and Moran are prohibitive favourites.岡恩和莫蘭是最有希望獲勝的選手,令其他競爭者望而卻步。VERB + FAVOURITE/FAVORITElook, look like, start (as)有獲勝傾向;看上去最有希望獲勝;一開始就有機會獲勝On paper, Stanford looks like the favourite.從理論上看,斯坦福最有希望獲勝。The Brazilians still look firm favourites to take the title.巴西隊看上去仍是奪冠的最熱門球隊。emerge as以熱門奪冠人選出現PREPOSITIONfavourite for有望在⋯中獲勝的競爭者Jopanini is second favourite for Saturday's race.喬帕尼尼是週六比賽中第二位最有希望獲勝的選手。PHRASESfavourite to win有望獲勝者The Spanish are the favourites to win.西班牙隊有望獲勝。

👨🏻‍🏫 Mr. Ng 牛津詞典 📚 – oxford.mister5️⃣.net
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