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(Mr. Ng 不推薦使用 Google 翻譯!)

put on

phrasal verb
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put somebody on
  1. to give somebody the phone so that they can talk to the person at the other end让某人听电话
    • Hi, Dad—can you put Nicky on?你好,爸爸。你让尼基接电话好吗?
  2. (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) (North American English, informal) to try to make somebody believe something that is not true, usually as a joke哄骗,欺骗(通常作为玩笑) synonym have somebody on
    • Oh, come on, you know I was only putting you on.哦,得了吧,你知道我只是在骗你。
put something on
  1. to dress yourself in something穿上;戴上
    • Hurry up! Put your coat on!快点!把外衣穿上!
    opposite take something offTopics Clothes and Fashiona2
  2. to apply something to your skin, face, etc.抹;搽;擦;涂
    • She's just putting on her make-up.她正在化妆呢。
  3. to switch on a piece of equipment开动;发动;使运行
    • I'll put the kettle on for tea.我来烧壶水好沏茶。
    • She put on the brakes suddenly.她突然踩了刹车。
  4. to start to play recorded music or a video播放(磁带、CD、DVD 等)
    • Do you mind if I put some music on?我放点音乐你不介意吧?
    • The DJ put on a techno dance number.DJ放了一个电子舞曲。
  5. to start cooking food, especially on top of a cooker专门提供
    • I just need to put the potatoes on.我只需要把土豆放上去。
  6. to become heavier, especially by the amount mentioned增加(若干)体重;发胖 synonym gain
    • She looks like she's put on weight.她似乎发胖了。
    • He must have put on several kilos.他体重一定增加了好几公斤。
  7. (British English) to provide something specially专门提供
    • The city is putting on extra buses during the summer.今年夏天,这城市将额外增开公共汽车。
  8. to produce or present a play, a show, etc.举办;上演;展出
    • The local drama club is putting on ‘Macbeth’.当地的剧社正在演出《麦克白》。
    Topics Film and theatrec1
  9. to pretend to have a particular feeling, quality, way of speaking, etc.装作;假装
    • He put on an American accent.他假操着一口美国腔。
    • I don't think she was hurt. She was just putting it on.我想她没有受伤。她只是在装样子。
put something on something
  1. to add an amount of money or a tax to the cost of something在(价格等)上加某金额(或税额)
    • The government has put ten pence on the price of twenty cigarettes.政府在每二十支香烟的价格上加征了十便士的税款。
  2. to bet money on something把钱押在;下赌注
    • I've never put money on a horse.我从未赌过马。
    • I put £5 on him to win.我在他身上押 5 英镑赌他赢。


/ˈpʊt ɒn/
/ˈpʊt ɑːn/
[usually singular] (North American English)
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  1. something that is done to trick or cheat people假象;骗局

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