very; very much 很;非常;極其 She is deeply religious. 她非常虔誠。 His art was deeply personal. 他的藝術極具個性。 This is a deeply disturbing film. 這是一部令人深感不安的電影。 a deeply unpopular decision 非常不受歡迎的決定 I deeply regret my error. 我對我的錯誤深感遺憾。 Farmers care deeply for their land. 農民非常關心他們的土地。 We are deeply grateful for your support. 我們深深地感謝你的支持。 Memories of the war are deeply rooted in people's minds. 人們對戰爭的記憶根深蒂固。 deeply held beliefs/convictions/views 堅定不移的信仰/信念/觀點
used with some verbs to show that something is done in a very complete way (與某些動詞連用)深刻地,強烈地,深沉地 to breathe/inhale deeply (= filling your lungs with air) 深呼吸/吸氣 Leila sighed deeply and said, ‘I know’. 萊拉深深歎了口氣,說:“我知道”。 We need to think deeply about these questions. 我們需要深入思考這些問題。
Extra ExamplesSomebody needs to delve deeply into this topic. 有人需要深入研究這個話題。 Zachary handed her the mug and she drank deeply. 紮卡裏遞給她杯子,她深深地喝了下去。 Take a full breath in, then exhale deeply. 深呼吸,然後深呼吸。
to a depth that is quite a long way from the surface of something 至深處 to drill deeply into the wood (鑽頭)往木頭深處鑽
Which Word? deep / deeplydeep / deeply
- The adverbs deep and deeply can both mean ‘a long way down or into something’. Deep can only mean this and is more common than deeply in this sense. It is usually followed by a word like into or below:
副詞 deep 和 deeply 均含由上到下或從外到裏距離大的意思。deep 只含此義,而且用於此義時較 deeply 常用,其後通常接 into 或 below: We decided to go deeper into the jungle. 我們決定繼續深入叢林。
- Deeply usually means ‘very much’:
deeply 常含非常之義: deeply in love 深愛 deeply shocked. 大爲震驚
表示人的本性、心地可用 deep down(但不能用 deeply): She can seem stern, but deep down she’s a very kind person. 她看上去可能嚴厲,其實心地非常善良。 - She can seem stern, but deeply she’s a very kind person.